Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jul 1923, p. 1

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60 f9. lot 6n West lidrégi'Baker Ave.. with good garage and hen house only 3700.00. “50 Foot Lot. on Rosoview Avenue will fqquxstlou for small house laid. _V V,_ . __â€"â€"â€"-_â€"u .\'A utllul| uuuau lulu. Dosimblo Lot on Richmond Stu-act North Side 50 ft. I‘Jy a good dopgh. u-..-_ h, .v av-“ a-..“ Houso. Barn; {nu-es, good fruit trees, corner Mill Road Bathurst. Frame House on Richmond fronting on three streets. sacre. garden. trees, small fruit. in good glgapq; inn; . . 7 Brick clsd house. stable and 3 acres, and, orchard. small fruit. on Lucas Street. All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good 'Workmanship Prompt Service 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. Boot and Shoe Repairer 0!: north side Roseview, elegant mick clad home all modprn improve- ments.‘hiu-d wood floors, finished attic. nttractive grounds. Two choice bargains on Centre St. East. House and Lot nl: Maple also a small farm in same locality. Acreage with large house. gnnd spring creek at Elgin Mills. Residence aadress Victoria. Square Office hours 81010u.m. l to :2 and 6 to 8 p.11). Office and n-sidoncoâ€"Cenhe and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phnne N0. 2‘. COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC JOHN R. CAMPBELL l‘hnrch, is n Richmm Mm. N. Ba Frum the Music. v Riu ' If the ownnx- nf Engine No. 2577, M( 3220, does nut pay I] pairs 1: m1 storngu by lhe snid cnr \viH account owing. Fall by phone or othenwise promptly J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. (3.11 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE V0 L X! V I VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hornhil]. GEO. KIDD pupils LICENSED AUC’I‘IONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Pun-unaue and influence l-esppctfully solicited Paper hanger and Painter Oxford Street Phone 44 P 32. The Real Estate Man SAM. SHEPHERD . A. Nicholls $1.50 per annum, in advance ‘or infm-nmtion' M Rs. MY Thornhili. Mai-nod D. HILL 8; CO. HAS FOR SALE NOTICE G. IJX’ON will ir W m. C. Ruttan. ~| pa red Hill on )I‘Ol P. V’VILSON Amt-1d Mndtl N0. 27. 'lht- ncuumll. 1 hy Augmt I“ ‘Ino, Mex-es, gobd well. Lllil ills. cottag P.0. address Gormley, RR rmservntm‘y of 1 numlu-r (.f Vocal nnd hone ia oir Loader Methodist eive pupil: 5’s. Studio, Particulars I. Phone 22 the 110 ugh larg 12-tf and H)‘ HM SAMPLES FREE PAINTING. DECORATING Phone 306. King. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Officesâ€"Suite 5]] McKinnon Bldg.. Cor. Jordon and Melinda Sts.. Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will be at The Liberal Office. Richmond Hill. every Tuesday aim-noon. Special attention g every description. I stuck sales specialty and sold on cmumissi tended to an shortest ducted by the most up BARRISTIR. Somon‘en. NOTARY E'l‘ 'l‘omnt at 85 Ric Richm E’upils passed for Oonsexivatory i aminalions. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. FOR COUNTY OF Ford Dealers, Richmond Hill MISS BEATRIGE HOWELL TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten . We have opened an UP- TO-DATE PAINT SHOP, and are now ready to take your car in for painting. Highest grade materials used. Experienced painter. Prices right. A trial solicited. Write for catalogue. and you will soon 8H6 why you should patronize our school. Open all year. Enter any time. Arrange now to enter this famous schoolâ€"fumou for strictly high grade work and for promptly help- ing students to secure employment. Yonge and Charles Sts.. Toronto Fall Term Opens JAug. 27 QELLIOTTA A ,- . HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. Macnaughton & Campbell Wall Hangings - of - Artistic Charm :mnage solicited J- I‘I. I’l- We ha ve Phone LICENSED FALL TERM OPEN None Better in Canada W. J. ELLIOTT Principal. WILLIAM COOK 415 RICHMOND ~HILL. ONT 1nd H 30E Mg NOTICE Baliiol hone E lpnon. Farms and farm specialty. Farms bought cmmmssmn. Allsalesut- )F YORK AND omvxmo! Ition given to sales 01‘ IMITED AUCTION EE asL notice. and con-. fupproved methods. mcmt of Toronto Bloc “ In Essentials, Unity; aldock entice 11B School Between 30 and 40 members 1: and very much enjoyed a walk the lovely gmunds and gurde their well-kept, hedges und choi ere. After refreshments were 88 the host and hostess a hearty thanks was tendered on ma Mnjm- Blainey and Mr. H. Dav l McNMr responded. saying it i pleasure to have the members 1 The Department of Education announces the results of the Lowe: School Examinatinm held at Rich- mond Hill High School. There were 89 candidates; the following 74 pained in fill the quhjectl written: ‘ r)ne vi the most daring and cold- blnndpd rubberies took place in the heart of Toronto, Jordan and Melinda Sweets. Tuesday morning between 9 and 10 o’clock. A gang of imndite, aruin with revolvers and shot guns held up hank messengers on their way to tha clearing house. and rnhbed them of $83,000. Three men lie in the Hospital an severely wounded that their lives hung in the balance. The messenger of the Bank of Nova Scotl: lost about $71,000, and the Sterling Bunk about 812,000. The manager of the Sterling Bank In Richmond Hill inform. us that the banks are fully protected from any possible loss by a blanket policy of insurance. The perpetrator: of the n palling disaster got away with thoir noty in a highâ€" power Studebaker car. Bettie Adamson, Keith Ball. Lottie Ball. Margaret. Bultersby. Scbutfield Battershy. Frances Batty, Paullno Billet-mun, Willie Bowen. Frank Brum- well, Harding Burnaby, Mary Buvton, Bernice Cleary. Muriel Comlsky, Olarloe Creek, Ella Dannie, Frances Drury. Mae Flavelle. Anthony Franck Laura Gee. Bruce Hall. Elmore Hard- ing. John Hart. Donald Hassard. Kathleen Hassard. Alberta. Hewison, Mary Hndgins. John Hoover. Basil Hughos, Tom Hughes, Rupert Jackson. Stanley Kelfar, Ellis Kllnck. Homer Leggc, Gerald Lyon, I'x‘sul McCluqkey, Brfié Jean Richmond Hill, occurred on April 13. 1923. left an estate valued at $15,672. Moneys secured by mortgage constitute the gleuter part of the property, totalling $13,573. A house andlob at, Richmond Hill is valued at $800. Book dpbts and nntva amounted tn $999. There are also $300 in furniture and lmusehuld goods and $49 in the bunk. To Mary Dummitt. widow of the deceased, is bequeathed a life interest in the vntix‘e estate. On her death. Amos and ank Dummitt, of Alberta, her sons. are to receive $500 and $200 reschtively.. The residue is to be equally divided between the four daughters, Caroline. Frances and Rispnth, of Minden township. and Rose Collins, Holland Landing. Hospitality is a wonderful thing. If younnve one. two, or three vacant rooms in your house will you please notify Mr. Armand Snvngeut his office in the poshnmoe building. or leave word at the post-office for him. There will he- a great; number of home-come” who will need a place tn sleep, and the Hotel and the Inn will be unable to place them all. It is up to our citizens to look after our visitors and make them feel at: home. Rooms will not. include meals. Do it nowâ€"notify Mr. Savage. The Richmond Hill Horticultural So- ciety by special invitation held their July mueting at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McNuir, 2nd Con- cvssion of Vaughan, Tuesday evening. Begween 30 and 40 members attended Aug usc nuLo out on Tuesdav morning I give the Old Boys and Girls a mom ride around the Town and vicinity kindly make it known to the score nary, Mr. L. Teetzel, before Tuesday Jqseph Durymitt, whose (bath in ‘erson TC( Nich McDona'Id. Visit the McNair Farm who is Ltwer School Exams J . Dummitl’s Will HELP ! HELP ! Daring Hold-Up )I’. Be Hospitable in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in has been made that any 3 prepared to take his I Tuesdav morning to Boys and Girls a motor 1d. iMargaT'et Marguerite u THURSDAY. JULY 26, 1923 MCI 'is. Mr. was a present' a flow nnnzl with I have the honor to be, yours sincerely The many campers at Lake Wilcox. are enjoying the fin. weather, but better accommodation is dellmhle at this pleasure resort. Wishing you ovary success in your undertaking and truuting I may have the pie-sure of meeting you on one of the dates mentioned. The new stone being erected by Blain Bros.. directly snuth of Thompson: Howl is wall on the WAY. and will be ready for occupancy In the curly faill.’ Mr. John Umnham. onion specialist, has erected a splendid new barn on his prgynileu. SATURDAY, JULY wâ€"Auction sale of work horses, wagnns. sleighs. harness, McLaughlin car etc” at the Morgan farm, south of Thmnhill. the If the spirit displayed in the circular ls characteristic of that. pervading the various committees lesponaible for the Reunion I feel that any sugges- tion from me would be superfluous. at tho same time I am aware that con- siderable expense is always entliled In the preparation of such an event and I may perhapn he of some slight assist- ance there. If thelcfore it is not too presumplive on my part. might I ask your arcoptanoe of the enclosed cheque for $25.00 made payable to yourtremurer to apply in any way your ‘committea may Ihiuk belt. .wy . Mia. Bulton and son are visiting with Mr. and MN. R. Rankin. Ontario Club, Toronto, July 21. 1923 Mr. L. B. Toetzel. ~ say. R. H. U. B. & G. Alsn. My Dear Sir : Many thanks for your recent circu- lar ammuncinga Reunion of the the above Association, tngether with an Honorary Memhenhip Ticket in tho Slllllt’. » \VhileI realize that I will have pas- sed from my memory of all but pexhnps a. cm-por-nl’s guard in Rich- mond Hill. yet I still have a warm spot in my heart for the old town and will be grergtlv nlmsed to again meat. thou whom I knew when I was Y‘i‘lng- Mrl. Charles Kirby of Toronto. spout a wcok with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ellich of Temperancey’ille. failed in one or "flirt; ill-injects may have their marks by sending a stamped nnd selfâ€"addressed envelope to Jame»: Stewart B.A., Box 202, Richmond Hill. The certificates of those who have passed and the muxks of those who have failed are in the hands of the principal. Those wlm‘are returning to schnol in September are requested to wait until the opening of schnulfor their certificates. OKhPrs may have thqir o'ertificatvs and those who have Irc Ma. ,w. Silva-55ml, 0 nppofim a candidate’s nnnm und vex-Lictu lwneull) llw name ut’ u subject means Hm. the cunfiidate has pnssed in that. snbjnd. Honour standing is not announcml by the n'a partment, this ye Pl es Sims on Sme 1r Jaled Johns Lea! hen-dult Murphy Murphy ‘ SCH! t Aueb'on Sale Registet an A Loyal Helper OAK RIDGES Andrew SniL'i-erv‘lz'7,’wrij‘laâ€"nité'yj “14A. L‘A lie all things, Charity,“ the F. H. SIARLE Lester Smith. zckley. win, Stevie};- mderlmrgb. Zilphn. l‘f’h, Alul In] Wat-0n. )0 11: \\'hit i nd i ‘V(‘ l’( e1 \Viloy. mles the Ryan :1} “any lis Large Stocks of Pine and Huu’niock. Shingles, Lutb. Cedar Posts. Etc. for your quick convenience. Also dealer-I in Fibre Board. Randy Roofing, Asphalt Shingles, FPlla. Etc. We npelate our own Planing Mill, Siding. Flooring. Moulding Frames. and Sush. Doors, Etc. Perfectly nmnufactured. We Solicit your Orders. Leave Orders at Sloan's Drug Store, Richmond Hill. All mail orders will receive prompt, fittention. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. '1‘. COUSINS, A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at; the above places W. HEWISON HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Attention WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers’and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company, Lt’d. have on hand for sale. Cement, dunin tile. 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12. 15, 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sandor Gravel sold by the load or in car lots. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Rich mend Arthur A. Mm. Denton, Macdonald é: Denton 24 KING ST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE Contractors and Home Builders Commissioner, Cnnveyancor. ] Insurance and Real Estate 'l'euc oer n anontn 1 and St. turdavs JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO mum L A. NIGHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL . EARLE THORNHILL. ONT I‘ELE] Cu hle [Single copies, 3 cts Iarrislers. Solictors.- MANNING ARCADE W Unnser Marga WES PHU Hill “END? :dnnnld r\nk Denton Laum Denton. B mn T, TORONTO,UAN.\DA .‘E MAIN 311‘ dress: “Dedo AL R EPAIRS NIST NEWTON Playing \tm'y uf ne Collx K '1 uiries an )TING II'I‘HIN( Manager at, the Music Etc

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