Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jul 1923, p. 4

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JONES LUMBER C0 The Rolfe Shoe Repair Store 4 Arnold Street open all day, and every day, except Wednesdays and Sundays. If you are “down 4t heel,” there are only two causes responsible, one is carelessness, the other, the principles of economy wrongly applied. If you were honest with yourself you would sayâ€"â€"“Well, you do look a sight, I never thought my heels were so badly worn." No self respecting person is down at heel. Supposing it were possible for you to stand behind yourself and watch I yourself going down Lhe street wiLh that shuffling gait so peculiar to per- I sons who have allowed their boots to ‘ lean over at a very acute angle, you wouldn’o consider yourself very graceful would you, and there are others perhaps, who would hold the shme opinion. Down at heel eh. Well, who's fault is that? _ You are not; a down anal outer, so whv br: dewu at; heel ‘3 You do not; want to be considered a down and outer, so why be down aches]? Licensed Auctioneer for lhr‘ County of Yul-k. Sallesatrtendud to un shortest notice and at reasonable rates. BUILDERS SUPPLIES NAUGHTON & JENKINS. 8.3 Richmond Strget, West, Solicitors for the said Adminlsu'atrix. - 3-46 the Administmtxix (if the l‘lxl'llu vt‘ tlll‘ said Deceased. thuir Christian Imiin and surmum-s. nddiussvs mnl descriptions. full pin-ticulnw in writing Hf their claims, sLJLvmenL uf their at:- muunt‘s. and the Immune uf the security. if any, hold by tlwm. ‘ AND TAKE NIH‘IUE tlmt :iftvx- such lust-[iiiâ€"‘ntimu-d dutv, the Sulici lots will pmceed to distribute the assets of the said Deceased. mnong lllr panties entitled lht’lPLU, having regard only to the claims of “hich they shall llll-‘ll lm_ve notice. and that the Solici- Nll's for the Adminisu-uLI-ix will not be liable fur the said assets or any part thereof to any person nr persnns of whose claim nutice shnll not have been received by them us the time nf such distributiun. Dated nt'l‘orontn, this l7lh day of July, 1923. 59nd by pust Naughtnn & Street, West. The Second Instalment ofTaxes for 1923 is due AUGUST lst. Discount of Five per centum is allowed only whén payment is made on or before AUGUST 15th Rough am‘ NOTICE is hereby give-n pursuant tr Section 515 of the '1‘: usLeL-s' Act, ILE-H).I I914, Chapter121,nnd Amending Acts. that all Ureditorn and ublwrs having chums m: demands against the Estate uf Lenum-d \Villinuu Curli4, whu dim] ()n’m' about the 11le day of Juno, 1923. at the Villngo of Richmond um. in the County of York, are required on m- hefme [he 20th~day of August, 1021-}. lo gejud by pust pl-epuil ('1' dvlivm- lu THE Rolfe Shoe Repair late of the Village of Riulnuoni in the County of Yoxk. Furme A remedy awaits you 116 Public Notice [N THE MATTER 0f the 1‘) Leonard William Curtis Hard wood Flooring- Re TAXES A. J. Hume, Notice to Creditors J. T. ‘SAIGEOlN Patron lge solicited PHONE 27 ‘JI :1 Dressed Lumber Maple Village Treasurer. prepui l Jenkins. Tumntu mtlix of (Ir dulivm- 1U 85 Richmond Sulicilors for the E>tate vf vir Christian pursuant to I. Act, I{.S.0., L “ding Acts. 191's having C the Estate 0 :, who died lune. 1923. I: Estnu famous Strait of Cunsu by train over the ferry, and early on Wednvsday morning reached Sidney, C ape Breton Island. nppruximutely 1,150 miles broken up inio the following stages: Tux-(mm Lo Munlrcul, 310 mi'es: Monheal, to Fwd-Timon N. B. 559 miles: Fredexic- ton to St. Juhn 66 milr-s, St Juh'n m Digl:y by Canadian Pacific steamer “Empress” across the buy of Fundy and [mm Dighy to [13111.0( UVH‘ the Dunninion Allamtic Railway 151 Illilk‘a. The train was accompanied by .1 numher of U.m:uli.u1 Pacific (filial. whose business it was to 1mm alts-r lh- comfort of IllP party. They inclluled \V. B. Hnu'unl, Aaslktunt (lenm-nl Passenger Agx-nL at Montrenl. J. Harry Smith, Canadian Pre>s Itrprcsentutive 0f the Cumpuny and T. L. Kellie of Sydney Haihnr is one of the fines in the world. It is two miles wide a. its mouth. extends inland for n dis lance uf fuur miles and has an are-u 0 over 25 square miles. Within its con fines all [he navies of the wurld mul.‘ he utrcummnduted with nuclm'agp a! one and the smne lime. And is with out rocks and shoals. us berths can be iimdu on a train. and every Guilt-[98y from the managers, Stmuu'ds. dmsu in the Pmters. was shown to the passengvrs from beginning to end. After two very plpusant days spent in Halifax and vicinity, the Press party left for the Sianys. We had iefL our special train fur- nished by the Canadian Pacific Rail- way at St. John. but on teaching the station in Hilliqu (in Tuesday night found an exact counterpmt hf the first train pruvidrd by the Canadian Nution H1 Railway in which tn centinue our journey. At, Muigruvp. neui‘iy 187 miles from Iluiifnx. \vc Ci-Ossed the TLe total distanme travelled hytbe party _un the Vway to Halifax Was As Halifax was the destination of the press putty it might be welltuspenk here of Ihe train service fumished by the Canadian Pacific Railway. The special train which lelt anonto was (me of the longest that has ever pulled ontuf that Station. It included twelve coaches of which eight Were slundzud sleepets (if the most, modern type. Twu dmers_ with special crews of chefs and waiters were attached and at the rear was a compartment obst-ivatinn coach from which the trawllcrs were able to view the splendid scenery through which the Canadian Pacific Railway runs. These \vil h baggage cars made up the train. The engine was .‘t modem type highâ€"power locmuutive which cun- ttihuted greatly to the success of the trip by duing even better than the time schedule arranged. 'nrnuln, The me lass. [he vehicles passing m er in every hour m the day, with an electric Railway carrying thousands or puszcngers every day, should be at least as wide as the government sLundnrd â€" 86 feet. But. there are other so- 'ulled Govern- ment roads in back townships where the 'trafl'e is light, and where 1'10 electric cars can be seen. In such places it does seem extravagant. to remove fences, trees and probath buildings in order to change the width of the road from 60 {.0 86 fr. NEWSPAPER MEN’S TRIP THROUGH The Maritime Provinces and Quebec Cily Evidently Ll‘e Minister does not intend to interfere with contracts al- ready let fur this season, as the following reported interview will show: The work for the reason,“ “is practically all under contract. It will be the duty of the Department to have all work completed as expe- ditiously as possible with the minimum of inconvenience to the travelling public, as well as those resident on the highways.” like Yr) vehicles the day carrying evex‘v (I: Annuai Convention at Halifax, NS. CHANGE IN ROAD SYSTEM Judged by articles in City papers recently Hon. George S. Henry, Minister of Highways and Public Works, contemplates changes in the widening of roadstin the Province. The making of good roads should receive reasonable encouragement, but we believe the late Drury Government was extravagantvin certain sceetions. It cannot be denied that a road (Continued from last week) Ilst 115 on the train were first- hm-ths wele as cumfmtnhle can be made on a train. and rtesy from the ummlgel, unding feat ict me its in ind in ay w uanmx Was 150 miles broken up denied that a ct, with thousnn m er in every ho nres S‘C fl 0f ‘nn_ >uld A Gray-Dow car owned by a re- tude soldinr of' Tornnto, was de- §lroyed by fire here on Sunday even- mg.‘ The hnys’ 1h? Mplhodi Misa Mona C(lllsinS' aniiw :59 Winnifred’ McDonald, spent. last week visitirlz in §vhnmhcrg. Mr. A. McLean is building A new house on the lot he recently purchased from Mr. A. Duffy. _ Mr. Spence Bone has sold his house to Mr. M. Sawdun of Evlgelvy. Rev. S. R. und Mrs. Robinson and Miss RuLb Robinson, nre visiling in Cnlednn. Rev. Mr. Robinson is having a. vacation on nut-aunt at pour health. At one lime Maple was considered a very quivt village but this has all been changed “wing Ln the inurvzawd auto traffic, and by the crowd of young people. who nightly keep up u nuise till a late hour. Miss Stella Heise. of Vich-in Squaw, left on Friday for Bay Bent-h, where she is engaged in hunse- work. summer home whivl? was $0 loved by the man who gave to the wurld one of the gremlvsl utilities nf modern limes. \Ve left the beat at. Inna and once "gain lejoined our train. And so we were on our way again. nrrix- ing bright nnd rally ml Thursday mmning in the hmy little city of New Glasgow, which we found gain dac- Ul‘ttml with flug‘. 'l‘he hnys' and the girls’ classes of «- Mplhodist Suhhath School held a cnic Ht Bond's Lake on Friday last. Miss Annie Allen and Miss Dorothy ‘Ipert of Toronto, sppnb the Week-end ith Mrs. J. McMurm:hy. Miss Margaret. Johns-ton who has l'VPd twenty-five yams with the-'1‘. “Brusd’Or.” which was gay with bunt- ing. and started on the next stage of our trip, which took us over these beautiful "lakes (2f gold" throughout the afternoon and evening It was :- delightful experience and the scenery by the way leaves :1 lusting impression on the mind. It was neatly eight o'clock at night, In the glmuning of an ideal summer evening. when our bunt passed the holiday resort, of Buddeck and our attention was cullgd to the monument away up on the summit of a lonely nmunmin which marks the last resting plice of I’mf. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the tele- phone. It is called “Beinn Breauh,” which We are told is Gnelic for “Beautiful Mountain." and at a lower point on the heights stands the summer home whivh was $0 loved by ‘ ' After the luhchronvtendercd us in Syflney we-_ bonded the 1ine_spe_um:r at .1 cheap flaw. 0111- [cm- nf the steel plnnt was fullmwd by u luncheon in which mnnv of the leading citizens of Sydnvy juinml the party. The Daughters of the Emphe mud? splendid urrungemems fur Lhiw. The hull was tastefully decor»th and a fine m-chestm played (lining the luncheon. This was fullom'd hy speeches by hosts and visitors. and u. p!ea_sant hour Spent [‘(Igelllf‘l'. men of the patty: steel cuff-links. ( the towu and the w‘ superintendents. Being Asked uhm the wmkmen’s hc wnq no sulfeling, month were cnml'x fuvl, principally (:0 at u cheup yaw. ()l fur the pnrpnse. There are also imge pluan for the ploductimt of coke and benzol. The latter was statted shortly utter the nuthreuk of the recent, war for the purpose of producing material for the manufacture nf high explosiws. an enterprise in which Thomas Edison was associated. VICTORIA SQUARE OH Dm-t. car “owned by a re- (Tu be cuntime) “'ILLO'WDALE the recipient Itch. Miss J( MAPLE received [neseh's nf Our guide thonqh (mks was one of the JL lhv Condition of T‘( mu-s he said (here 1“ the hn‘mes at $8 a god u'tuhlv, zuul Llnir REP; ke, was furnished .â€" nun .h 4 Hen :ted 1t I 'U Kim'râ€"â€" '1'w [ 11mm cottage planted with vege-t; May Avenue. NK‘HOL Stullf‘h‘ H 1. ALL nrond lIill 7‘ 0R. SALEâ€"A platform ands r scale weighs up to 210 Ibq {(1051 condition. ’l‘ma ROLFKC b {EPAIIL Richmond Hill. 1‘0 RENTâ€"â€" W 70R §A er \\'Ir lecords. )all after 6 p. m out Ave” Rich “lit, {61- snk ichmond H: 0R WVEauxt Ads- ADY'S BICYCLEâ€"Fm- salv. ix OR SALEâ€"Vil ANTED ‘XNTED ahout Addre condition. W EY. Richmond iHL imvity. l .S. Gounley SALT ll( . INNE Hill p. m. j.-\.\HCS Richmond Hill â€" \Vzw -An unfurnime ugus't lfith'. in Ii 5. Miss UEVIN. FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED FORD. - ONTARIO Made - in - Canada Canada. The entire Ford, with the exception of very few parts (2.83 per cent.) is utor ricn Allies ills G. Baidock, Dealer, Richmom (.‘IICl‘l ALI) m Ichim new. nn m l’hun M him-n 'mmw. SCO( I-I ENRY Pal I m Hill {18‘ ‘UR SALEâ€"~01)" qulwc lu-ightu‘ duy conk su vv, practically new. vilh stove pip“. Um) lieu] huhy LIOHOI'. FHOUI). Rvsevimv Aw. 50-tf OR (J Hill Uume mm: con)me Steel '41 as now. MRS. one 849 Maple. 3-5 Ul‘ DH M lllH 42 \r-nient I’au'it'ic iciuty hmum If I’L 1H1 m vxtm

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