Bard-tors Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 85 Richmond St, West. Omces Toronto‘ Naughtuu Block. Aurora. Solicrtor for: Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King. \Vhitchurch and Markham. ArtiSt, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. iitudio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30 tf Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Walter S. Jenkins T205. Phone in. 5048 f i Rainbow Specialty 1 Shoppe ELOC UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Real Estate Dept. Exclusive 46 KING ST. W., TORONTO - Phone Mai This exceptionally ï¬ne property adjoins the southern boundary of Richmond Hill; The tax rate is lower, and prices for lots are lower than in Rich- mond Hill. Very Easy Terms of Payment spread over a period of ï¬ve years at 6% p.c. interest. Salesmen on the Property Every Week Day. CHARTERED TRUST & EXECUTOR C0. ACRE LOTS $400 AND UP Building Lots $4 per Ft. and Up 0N YONGE S'I'. JUSTSOUTII OIvV RICHMOND HILL NAUGHTON & JENKINS Lots for Sale in this Beautiful New Residential and Garden Subdivision WWOWMOO Robinson Block RICHMOND HILL Fall Opening August the 17th NEW STYLES. . . . NEW MATERIALS J. Harry Nan hton Res. Elgin Ml Is Res. Phone 44.4 Present Stock at Reduced Prices |7ï¬e Mutual £ife ï¬ssurance [ Company of Canada Building Lots, $4.00 to $10.00 per ft, $1.00 per ft. cash; balance, your own terms. \Vorkman's Cottages. $300 to $500 cash and easy monthly payments. These cottages will be built of brick or frame as desired on thinlynfoot lots im- mediately oantflf the Fair Grounds. For full particulars Wuite or see W. J. LAWRENCE. ROSEVIEW GARDENS 1974 Yonge St. Phones Hudson 1515â€"1470. Phone 282. THE POLICY HOLDERS OWN COMPANY Got your life Insurance at cost. RICHMOND HILL Exclusive Agents C. H. BYAM. Agent, ain 6215 Maple. Ont. As ream-d: the dividend policy um Board luggenta that future disul- I utiona should be on 1he more con-en. alive basis of 12%. In piles of the prewut 147, und that any additional distribulim should take the Iorm of bonmes 1mm time to time. In banking circles this action on tho pu‘l nf the bank. which places it. in an Absoluteiy sound position, is n uch commended and unnaidered thlr i' “Ill do much to inspire confldellli‘n out Canadian Banking System. Thu: second H'nd'linnl game hrnught together Kinghnrn and Richmund Hill. and excitement, was intense each nnd evmy moment of plxv. The Richmond Hill Lenin proved superim- nt the hat. and won out by a some of 20 to 13. The Kinghorn team dPéPIVP credit for their rallying spirit at all times; they ï¬ght all the way, und nevar lose courage when trailing their oppnnents. The Score by innings follow : KINGHORN â€"2- 1-0-3-5â€"13. RICHMOND HILL â€"-4-13-l-2-xâ€"20. The nwmhmw of the Richmond Hi1 team are as follows : El hel Atkinson. Daisy Hurt. Gladys Grant. Velnn Henricks. F‘rmw-is Bultv. Marguerite Ireland. Vic Hunt, Jnneb French, Olive Paris, Ruby Furrpster, Elsie Middleton. Dornthv Atkinmm, nnrl Jenn Phinnpy. 'l‘hpy will l'vcoive ladies umbrellas with their names en- graved on the handlci. ‘ In order to effectively meat the' sizuatkm. the Directors recommend drawing on lhs large Reserve. of the Bank for 3-: amount uf $1,250,000 and suggést further the creation nf a. con- tingens fund of $1,000,000. The Bank will then hav» a Reserve 0152760000, A contingent fund rf $1,000,000 and a | Paid-up Capital of . I PROGRAMMES The Bond of Directors of The Standard Bank at Canada, in nnotice going forward to shareholders, an- nuunco a. plan for n readjustment of the assets of the Bank. The advis- abllity of omrying out. the plan has been suggested by the continuation of the huliuPss and agricultural de- meesiun which has w aeveroly n!- faclod the operations Ind standing of noun of the customer: of the Bank. The ladies soft hail tmn nnmvnt furnished plenty of excitement fur nll| present. Kinghmn nut Hope out of] the “inning in the ï¬rst ganm, aftâ€: :1 sursrpssfnl l'aiiy. Mrs. Lin-shy was‘ the bright pallicular star of the game at but. She was up four times and Stu-I cured three: home Hills and a walk to ï¬rstl‘msv. The midget shm't-stup of, the Hope tpam mad.» 8 denide hit 1 with the crowd, both in the field and at, but ; her name is Jones. In rcferi- ing to the ahnve players the writer in I no way wishes to detract from the { splendid courage and fighting spirit of th: Kinghorn players, one and all. _ , Richmond Hill’s ’l‘hn lam-“she match M-Lween 1h» Mnitlands and Dovercm'ta. and cam- tuined by {wooflhe 01d hvys â€"â€" \V, Powell and (‘r. Kurlzâ€"was not too Exciting. J. Mchnnglw was n-fermz, LPFDM' jung hf play. and F. MC- VViHimw and F. Soules wvw umpires. The mudnls “Ire won by the Mail- Iands. ' . 50th Anniversary at The Liberal Readjustment of Accounts Standard Bank of Canada DIRECTORS ANNOUNCE PLAN OF DRAÂ¥V1NG 0N LARGE RESERVE TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGES.â€" DIVIDEND POLICY. fur a†Lhrl't‘ duys â€" Sunday. Monday, and Tuesdny. The sen'ur lmsehnll tnnrnnmvnb on Monday was below stnndnrd up tn the time of the ï¬lm] gauu- in the owning, but it fully made up for the lnxily nf snap and vim in tho prminus games. It, was a I‘PH] game between the Oak- m-unts and SL. Andaew's of Turnntn, the lilttl'l‘ winning out by a score of 7-6 “fun un'exm-llent rally. The fl-utball tournament brought {Heather three teams -â€" Richnumd Hill, Thornhill; and \Vexford. The {m "191' wan the silk shirts, and Thorn- hill the cuff-links. Also Post Cards The 60th Anniversnry ()Plehrution and Grand Ros-Union of Old Boys and Girls is now a thing of the past. The Weather man was exlrenwly kind Ln us in the way he handled [he weather All three teams wele photographed. Sporting Notes re Memorial. TOI'RNAMENT GAMES Souvenir Office. The real summerweather is with us, and we have the goods you want. SUMMER UNDERWEAR, SOX, SHIRTS, COATLESS SUSPENDERS, STRAVV - - HATS; also MEN’S OXFORDS, LADIES’ WHITE SHOES, and TENNIS SHOES, all THE LORNE BLOCK FURNISHING STORE The Rolfe Shoe Repair Store Amok! Street Rolfe Shoe Repair OPEN .\I.I. D.\ Y ANT) EVERY DAY I<IX( RI’T “WEDNESDAYS AND SUNDAYS A full line of Woois and Fancy Goods. A Nice Line of Cotton, Nainsook, and Pure Linen Tea 'I‘owell'ing. WE INVITE COMPARI- SON IN PRICE AND QUALITY. Hot Weather Requirementsâ€"Knit,th Underwear in all New Styles. Voiles and Ginghams by the yard; also Ready-to-Wcar Dresses for Ladies and Children. DRY GOODS - MILLINERY - LADIES’ WEAR Corsetsâ€"Warner's and Cromptoe’s a La Grace for Stout Figures and Growing Girls; also Corselettes and Brassieres. QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 Trench Block =â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- WOOD aLIFE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLlES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario Wflommmm A. Rum General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill COAL: T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited See our Real Summer Ties, 50c. to $1.50 Straw Hats, irom $2.25 to $3 75 All kinds 0! repairs to boots and shoes. ‘ FOR DOMINION TIRES The Phone 33 Thornhill, Ontario PROPRIETOR MRS. NORMAN BATTY Norman J. Glass. GLASS AND GL AZING FLEURY PRODUCTS Plymouth 600 ft 650 ft Binder Twine Nnhhy Tread 30 x 35 â€"â€" 315.50 K: & s. - 30 x 3; â€" 313.00 and SlZCS And I hergby cal] updn all vote" to take immadlgao proceedings to have any_ errors or omissions cnz'xected according to law. Dated at Uniom‘ille} July, 30, 1923. Nu'nmc is lwreby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Vuters' Lists Act and that] have posted up at my ofï¬ce at L’nionville, on the 30th day ofJuly. 1923. the list of all persons en- titled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parliament and atMum icipal Elections, and that such list re- mainsfheu for inspection- ._ Voters’Lists, I923 CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS‘ LIST MARKHAM TOWNSHIP G. A. M. IMViSON, ' Clerk of Markham Township $14.00 $14.60 County of York Municipality of Phone 53