, Attention 1 0926 Mi MEMORIAL POST CARDS THE LIBERAL OFFICE First. class Farm of 1m) acres on seunnd of Markham near Richmond Hill. Buick House, large Bunk Bam, and other buildings. P1 ice right. 50 Foot Lnt nu Hoseview Avenue. Wih foundation for sum“ house laid. Good 10!, on mull) side Richmond Two first. c1n5s residences on north side Roseview, all modern improve- ments. ‘ Elegun: home on south side Arnold Street. all modern imprmeulents. Other propexties on Lucas, Centre 08:! and Richmond Streets. House and lot at Maple; also small farm in same locality. Good house and acreage :Lt Elgin Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kindsof Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Work mansth Prompt Service 2Doors Soï¬th of Bakery 7 _9n Yonge St. Phone Day, 13-3. Night 75‘ Rolfe Shoe Repair 'Ihe Rolfe Shoe Repair Store Large Smckq nf Pim- nnd Hamlin-k, Shingles, Luth, Cedar l’osls. Etc. I'm- yam-quick:‘onvenience. Also dvfllvt‘s in Fihie Board. Rmdy Roofing. Asphalt Shingles, Fvlls. Etc. \Ve upemle our own Planing Mill, Siding. Flooring. Moulding Franws. and Sash, Doors, Etc. Perfectly manufactured. We Solicit ycur enquiries and Orders. Now accepting pupils Full Term. Studio at. the home of Miss Heisv. H., A. Nicholls VOIH‘ nge SL, RlCHMOND HILL Contractors and Home Builders Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond Hill Street Richmond Hill; VOL. XLVI. GEO. KIDD PELHAM CHAFFEY . Innes &‘Sons The Real Estate Man r acres on Mill R 1 Markham. TENOR TEACHER OF SINGING A. RULFE A Ll HAS FOR SALE LL DAY AND EVERY DAY “WEDNESDAYS .XXD SUNDAYS .50 per annum, in advance Arnold All kinds of repairs to boots and shoes. The Insurance Effect Managed. Street 'RUI’RIETOR ;e at Elgi be redlettor days in the Methodist Church here. The well-known ability and popularity of Rev. Salem Bland in the morning at; 11 o’clock, and Rev. Wesley Dean 21:7 o’clock should fill the auditorium and gallery on both occasions.. The new pipe organ will be heard for Lhe first time, and special music by the choir will be a drawing feature. Then again on the following Monday evening there will undoubtedly be a. treat for lovers of good music when Dr. Willan of the Toronto (busen‘atory of Music will preside at the new organ. Supper will he served from 0:08 p. m. to be followed by the recital. Richmond Hill’s Participation in Day Pageant I wish to thank the florists of Rich- mund Hill for their assistance and co- upernlion in making Floral Festival Dly the uutsnnnding success it was on SalurdJy. Supt. l<t an the Cumuâ€" dizm Nutionul ExhihiLion. Not only in umLel-irtl Ln cmunleLe thu ï¬nnf hut proud [but sn sented them w h i unanimously decided to hold the annual competition for the Eckardt trophy on the Richmond Hill greens on \Vednusdziy. September 12. beginnâ€" ing at 9a. m. Clnhs from Markham. Stuuffville.Union\ille, Almim. Rich- mond Hill and Aurora participated. The local greens were in excellenL con- dition, and a great day’s sport was the result. Afler very keen compe- tition Richmond Hill won the hand- snme Silver ()upnnd ï¬rst prize, the runners-up being: Unimiville who won secundprizm Mr. Eckm-dt :llm pre- SWIM-L111 t\V()~piecc lea Service for 1."!- dv Singlqas. and [his was Win) by Miss Myltle McCagmu The Consolation prize. went in Markham. ll) as central figure. _‘..‘.. many 0f the ho'xitling ciï¬hg‘throug‘lfout York. County h_er-¢_Saturday, it was The girls me keeping Richmond Hill Village, and King and Vaughan town- ships on the map these days. Last Thursday the Evening Telegram con- tained a photograveur of Richmond Hill soft ball team, with R. Johnston, manager. and K. Blancha‘ coach, winners in 1119 iecont tournament in Richmond Hill. On the fullmving day the same paper had the Kinghm-n team, runners-up at. the same (huma- ment, with president (7. T. Hollings- head and manager W. Rolling. Also the Hope gills team, third in the same tourney, with manager Len Clement On “’~lne<dny. SPpi'. 19, the Richâ€" nmml Hill Lawn Bowling Club will hold a omx dny tournnmrnton their green. Rinks are (prvctvd fmm sur- runnrlirgz town':, and thoy will play for a handsome silver trophy which has been dormth hy Hnn. G. S. Hem-v for the rink winning first prize which will become the property of the club winning it the greatest nnmhe. of times in ten years. In additiun tu tlw special priml three sols of four valuable priZPS will he presented to the three winning rinks. Th At: a The girls :11 9 kg ext Sunday and Monday should iul to complete thv fluu of their their valuable h was given without stint. ents of Richmond Hill shu d that, so handsome a flmn Pd them in the pageant, made pnssibl- by the u of the local President. RICHMOND HILL. ONT Eckardt Traphy Sept, 12 meeting of tiger executives One Day To_urnament Plowing Competition 0rgan_ Recital Girls Baseball “In Essentials, Unity; in Hit or the Junior t Association of ng Umnpvtition ‘lCh competitor’s cash pines and n he distributed. one dnnatod by of Toronto, for Further infur- n :lpplicaiinu (0 Agriculture at any (If the am- L the Camuâ€" . Not only in It‘ float, but llmble time. Lstint. The H] shuuld feel a float repre- geunt, which the untiring Mar jinn Floral Jr Gmhan Beets. ‘ Vogetn Runner. Squash Bun r. lpctinn. Miss Burr. Zinnia Mrs Martin. Mrs Campbell. mulls, 2 of each, Miis PhiDps. ‘ Sweet Corn. (5 ea M15 Marlin, Mrs Cman Corn, (Sears. whim. Mls R matnes, 6 red, Mrs Campbv Graham. Onions. 12 fun" se Gmham.’ Carrots. (Stable. Mrs Beets. 6 table, Mrs Rainer. 1 Vegetable Mal-raw, Mr Cnmpl: Rumor. Peppers. 6. Mrs Ca mnre varieties. 8 stems nf each, Mrs Riley. Mrs Graham. Sweet Peas, 15 stems of l variety, Mrs Beggp. Roses, 6 blooms. Mrs Hauler. Dnhlias, collec- Iinn, Mrs Rmner, Mrs Phipps. Geran- iums. 6 single, Miss Blown. Geran- inms, (5 double, Mrs. Raine-r, Petunias, 12 with fuliage, Miss Brown. Stocks, 2 or more vmiplius. 12 spikes. Mrs Cook. Sunflowers. 4 fancy. Miss Burr. Vrzrbonas. collection, with foliage. Miss Manir, Mrs Legge. Balsnms, 4 spikes, Mrs \V Mnrtson. Snapdmguns, (3 spikes. 3 varieties. Miss Burr. Mrs Graham. Snlvia, Gspikos, Mus ALkin- sun, Mrs For-(nor. Goldpn Ginw, not, more than 5:), Miss Richardsnn. Mrs McCuguP. Nusturtiums, collectinh. with foliagï¬, Mrs Cnnk, Mrs Lushnr. Hollenium. 3 stalks. Mrs Kermxil]. Mrs Mal-Lin. Phlnx. Annual. Miss Burr. Phlox, Perennial. Mrs Hunw. Cosmos, jaw with variety, Mrs Graham, Mrs McCang. Murignids, cnlioclinn. Mrs Kerswiil. Mrs Phipps Gaillnrdin, col- ‘l‘hanks are due to Mr. Baldwin the judge from provincial department and from Mr. Wilshire a friend of the presi~ dent who so satisfactorily acted as judges. to Mr. Wilshire also for several suggestions given to exhibitors in a short address in the evening, to Mr. McNair and Mr. R. lindean for judging juvenile gardens; to the ladies who served tea; to the committees of ar- rangement and tn all the members who at no small expense of energy brought their exhibits cheerfully. thus making the affair :1 real success. The soEietS} i§ pleased that so many friends expressed their pleasure in the exhibition. The afternoon tea with ice-cream served by kindness of several ladies contributed largely to the social enjoy- ment. Asters, pink. loose, Mrs Phipps. As- Lers, hluP, mauve m- purplP. louse, Mrs Phipps. Mls_‘()onk. Sweet Pens, 3 01- In the juvenile department there were not as many exhibits as last year and the year before. this probably due to lateness of season. but the buys and girls held their own. There were six entries of collections of vegetables, as well as the individual entries. The yellow tomatovs that last year occupied so large a space were missed, being not ripe in many gardens. Amongst the flowers thvre were many competitors for specials of annuals and mixed z‘ln- nias and marigolds. The Society is again disappointed that more of the boys and girls did not work their gar- dens that they might have entered them for judging. In the vegetable and fruit depart- ments exhibits were not SH numerous. but the di<play from Blythwood Gar- dens. bV Mr. Davis. arranged in the centre, helped to ï¬ll this lack, as also did the collection of vegetablvs shown by_Mrs. McNair. ‘ gether. The cut roses exhibited by Mrs. Atkinson. and the box of dahiias exhibited by Mrs. Rainer. won uni- veisal admiration, and the asters. zin- nias, cosmos, etc, were all wonthy of their place an the table allotted to them. The Annual Flower show of the Hor- ticultural Society is an autumn event in Richmond Hill that commands atten tion, and the tenth annual, held last Saturday, has not been surpassed by a former. The new Arena gave scope for splendid arrangement so that all ex- hibits were ï¬laced to advantage. On a long tohle in the centre were the table decorations, each given its own space. The competition was keen and close, drawing from the judge the remark that he would be pleased to have any one of the bouquets stand on his odvn table. The gladioli were given another table in the centre. Mrs. McNair’s three large jars of beautiful spikes came ï¬rst, supported by others from Mrs. W. H. Legge, and Mrs. Kerswill. In the dis- play of annuals‘and perennials and bou~ quets of cut flowers. arranged on the gross table, there were huge and beau- tiful bunches must artistically put to- gether. V'l‘he cut roses exhibited bv Flower and Vegetable Show ll] ADULT PRIZE LIST Tenth Annual ual Flower show of the Hor- Society is an autumn event in Hill that commands atten the tenth annual, held last has not been surpassed by a The new Arena gave scope DEATHS Au .. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 13, 1923 Non-Essentials, Liberty; in harle .\Ix Zinnia. 6 blooms, uphell. FOUI‘AU; Mi<s Burr, Mrs {am 91 uhlmr I In yellow Swep Is, M1: aner Squash In Mi: Mr M rs MI 8 Davisâ€"Collection of vegetables 3rd. vegetable garden lst. flower garden 4th. 2nd. Ruth Davisâ€"Bouquet of native wild flowers 2nd, coilectinn nf vege- tables 5th, flower gnu-den 3rd, mg?- tab]? garden 3rd. Mel-hie Helmkayâ€" Colleetion of annuals 3rd, flower gar- den 5th. Mildred Simsâ€"Asters 3rd. Dol'ntay Duncadâ€"Swiss Chard 2nd. Lewis Simsâ€"Cabbage lst. potatoes 2nd. beets 4th. carrots 5th, bird-house lst. Lenme Glussâ€"Asters 5th. Bobbie Indivldunl Instruction. Night School Mondays and Thursdays bage 2nd. red' tomatoes 2nd, collection of vegetables lst, yellow plum toma- toes ISL. L-avmne \Vrightâ€"Pigenns lst. beans 2nd. James Lnngstal’fâ€" Beets Ist, corn 2nd. yellow plum to- matoes 2nd. collection uf vegptables 4th, carrots Tth. Isobel McLeanâ€" Bouquet of Zinnias and Murigolds 2nd, carrots 3rd. Albert Mnrtsunâ€"Nustnr- tiums 2nd. cabbage_3rd, CHITOU’, (iLh, potatoes 5th, beets "St-ht vogemhle garden 2nd. Billv SuvagkCujmts 25t. beets 3rd, Swiss chard 3rd, puta- toos 4th. Astvx's 4th. Grnhn'm Ellisâ€" Ncldn Davisâ€"3011qu of native wild flowers lst. collection of vegmalfles 6th, flower garden lst, vvgetnble garden 4th. Phyllis Rohertsâ€"Uorn 3rd. hnu- quet of Zinnius and Mm-igolds 4th. Sylvia Batten-shy â€" Nastmlinm lst. {unions from seed 2nd, Acters 2nd. cub- Mr w A W;ight,L1\1}-s'i{e%§{§iiii w "’ Vase 0f Asters. variety and colon- (donated by Mrs W H ngge)â€"Mrs Leflvy- Collection of Potted Fnliage Plants (donated by Mrs J A McCugue)â€"Mrs Graham. Best, \Vindow Box (donated by Mr T F McMahon)â€"Mr Heningtnn, Mrs W A \Vright. TAM» Dpcm'ntinn. Rnsos (donated by Miss Mnyl~)â€" Mrs Km-swill. Vase nf Rod Ash-rs. “ Hemt of France,†(donated by Mrs Hemy I)m'is)â€"Mrs Legge, Mrs Phipp°. Collection of Perennials (dunntvd hy Endvan Nurseries)â€"Mrs Kexswill, Miss McNai1-. Collection of Vegetables (donated by Mr Jas McLean)â€"Mrs MCNuil‘. Yellow Globe Dnnveg‘vs {duly}th by 11.. r A r" - I (({Oll Mrs \ NHIY‘. .\| [MSPL Mr Jno Leggu. Colle( ML RH Rumor A“ I‘ 0.1! NEW MARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE [HS FALL TERM OPEN hum. lw ADULT SPECXAI ‘ollvction of Cut F PRGFERTEES ur Mr. Pug: Hrs Gmh I" Decm: Hrs Graham. Mrs M( I" Decmntirm. other ml by T H Trench) Mrs Phipns. ENROLL ANY TIME r. Cucumbers, 3 “'hiH-i unphell, Mrs PhipDS. 0.1! 1. Mr Campbell, Mrs MCL ' Bwllh‘. 12 puds. VPHUW. Mrs Legrch it", Mr McNa :Nnir. Penn-s, Apples, (3 (i lion of Glaflinli ( m ()()(')k)-â€":\II‘S M JUVENILE PRIZE LIST VPlum Plums. H) Bank of Turonto Block SKI ing j’lrnpbt all things, Charity.†Ill Rusps (dunalt‘d by Mrs Alkinsun, Mrs lmvm 211d h FRY/.1; Howell. len Sw ctiun of wge rnmatnns 31d Mm igolds lst hard hr. car allu me'd *h nite am mg ‘mhm “'hilrv Spine oynton. OUS donated by «'Nnir, Mrs rs McL‘ngue. yelluw. Mrs H. 12 pads. ‘HI'S‘. 6 Ball- 1, 6 Clapp's “'8. 6 AHij, vsâ€, Mr M('- Sweet, Mr ï¬rth Miss (hurl l â€" Miss LIST brick 8-11 Mrs A full line 01 John 34"’Mar- tin’s Poultry Feed's‘TI/“Just as he feeds it.†Ser’élch Feed, Chick Feed, Growing and Laying Mash. " Also Purnia, Scratch and Chowder. Bran, Shorts, Glutin, also Corn Meal on hand. Order your supply of coal now, as prices have advanced ,at the mines;-_,and the great delivery. danger of a strike. Ofï¬ce hnurs 8 to 10 mm. 1 to 2 and 6 tn 8 p. m. DENTIST Ofï¬ce Trench Block, two do Standmd Bank Ofï¬ce and l‘PSit Church Streets Ric] N0. 21. Arthur A. Mucdnnald F.'a.nk Demon Laura Danton. B \Vill resume teaching on Tu Septemberlhe 4th, and will b: to meet, any desiling to study playing with hpr on or br-fm date. Miss Dom-r who has I pupil of Mr. 1. Eur-lo] Newtor (:nntimm hm studies with Mn. Gal-man. of the Toronto Conser of Music. Denton, Macdonala 6: Benton G. HILL, Oak RidgesP 2! KING ST‘ SAMPLES FREE PAINTING, DECORATING Phone 306, King. Keen demand h the time. Du n Linn. Get, the In Our record for pmitions is une DR. LI-LLIAN (d ismsos of ‘ NORTH YONGE ST.. RICIIMONI.‘ DR. ROLPH L. LANGS'I‘AFF Ofï¬ce houls S : 10mm. and 6‘ ELLIOTT " ' /0 L1“- \“Nz ’3? @flWï¬ï¬V _r Our coal is screened before ti. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF: (diseases of women and children ()fficv hnurs] :3 p. m. Phone 100. \V. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCiPAL Wall Hangingg - 0f - Artistic Charm THE HIGH PUBLIG NflTlflE I. D. Ramer Hours 9 Miss Verdella Doner DRS. LANGSTAF Barristers. Solictors. &c MANNING ARCADE. I‘ELEPHnNE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dedo VVx-ite for Catalogue [Single copies, 3 cts . L. R. BELL Int] Ch '. WEST, TORONTO, CANADA 1ommence now . P. VVIL S ON Jn. to 5.30 p.m cpl“)er 32 IN tries Sis danceâ€"Centre and 1111mm] Hill Phone elled' &D r lll [HE It RICHMOND HILL lwnys [my students i in Uunnd; No. 11 SU 001's not-Lb of (In TIH‘ will he MI. B. H. OIIServntm'y 9-12 h: [h 100E Tuesdav y piumn 1e that, been u. l1! I†p.m “'11!