Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Sep 1923, p. 5

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_._- v- .u. an.»- --v “v Joseph ‘V. Barnes. a prominent orchardist and rancher of Wooden Valley and well-known throughout Napa 00., breathed his last at a hospital in this city, Wednesday evening, August 15. Mr. Barnes had been critically ill for about four months, most of the time being confined to his bed. He_w&s “’e clip the following death notice from the Daily Register of Napa. 0.1.]. Deceased was a brother of Mrs. John Woods of this place: Dr. Willum of the Conservatory of Music. I‘m-onto, an organist second to none in Canada, will preside at the new instrument. The programme will also contain vocul and instrumental numbers by well~known Tm onto an tists. Supper served from 6 toSo’clnck. Recital to commence at 8.15. Tickets to supper and recital 50 cents: children 35 cents. Admission to either supper or recital 35 cents; children 25 cents- A rem-glmizatinn meeting of NIH Excelsior Bible Class will he held in the Presbyterian school room max! Sunday 3: 10a. In. All members are urged to he present use officers are L0 be elected and plans diszuswd for the full and winter. This class is out nftm increased membership and boys of fifteen and over who are not at pre- sent attached tn :lny Sunday Schnol are assured of n. cordial welcmne. Leo. Stuttsfiecretary. Jzuues Stewart, Teacher. Kodak Saturday afuernoom at the ball park. The Kodak Girls Soft Ball Team from Toronto are coming out to meet. the speedy local team of git-ls. The game will he called at 3 o‘clock sharp. Bring your silver collection. but. don’t. miss this game. Arrangi- ments have also been made for the up' pearence here of snme of Toronto" fasted; girls teams. \Vatch this cnlun n for further announcements of future. Saturday games. Th6 W. M. S. of Victoria Square Methodist Church will give an Ice Cream Social and Entertainment on Tuesday evening, Sept, 13. The pro- gramme will conalst of music and readings and an address by Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, of Uninnville. Come and have a good time with ul. It must not be inferred that some of our citizens who went around with black noseleonduy afternoon had been rooting in the ground. They had only held the sm'ked glass too closely to their face when they were making 1|; {he eclipse of the sun by the moon. ‘ At the last meeting of Markham Township Council a hy-lmv was passed to issue 301:3:11- six per cent. deben- tures under the Local Improvement Act for putting in water mains at sub- divisinn plan No. 2383, in Elmwood Park, formerly the Palmer Farm. Mr. Fred Allison. Richmond Hill announces the engagement of his only daughter. Florence May. to Mr. Mar- shall Mackie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mackie, Richmond Hill, the marriage to take place the latter part of September. The Yonga Street Highway Assouiu- tion will hold a meeting in the Council Chamber. Saturday evening of this week, commencing at 8.15. Members are asked tu come with suggestions for the further improvement. of Yonge Street. The Thm‘nbill Horticultural Society, will hold their next, meeting. Tuesduv evening, Sept. 18. Mr. Baldwin will be present. to speak on bulbs for full planting. MePt at: Victoria. Hall at 8 o'clock. Full attendance requested. Miss Mary Robinson, u. nur 9-in- trnining at) St. Michael’s Hnspitnl, and Miss Laurette Robinson who has been engaged in newspnper circulation in the maritime pmvinces are home. for a couple of weeks holidays. -..-. ...~- lualuulth’ Lansing, Stop Effietropolitan Radial, Wednesday, September Nineteenth, from four to six o’clock. Mrs. 0251‘! E. Hill (nee Frances Hainel) W1“ receive {or the first; time since her marriage. at her residence, '___,E,,,, n. n -- r H At t.h_e Last meeting Mrs. Chas. Readwell and daughter. Vesta, of Burlington, while on a visit to Toronto Exhibition came out to Elgin Mills and spent a. couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hamilton. the services in El: church next Sunday o’clock. The Kodsz Girls will be here Sutrb day afternoon. "Dinty ;\1Lore"is back to his den; Another sign of approaching winter. Joseph W. Barnes Dead Rev. J. W Excelsior Bible Ciass Organ Opening M_clntpsh }vill conduct in _ the Presbyterinvn Lichmond Hill, the ace the lutterpurt ent of his only; V. to Mr. Mar- Mr. and Mrs. md D 1 me maple Hand. Gravel and Brick F' GORDON COOK THOMAS ELANY Company, Lt'd, have on hand for sale. BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARy ET, Cement drain tile. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12, 15. 18 and 20 inch Tm‘nntn Office. 816 Federal Building, (30 inchPs in length) at 85 Richmond Street. West. Also Cement Brick Richmond Hill Omce (uLiberai _ Sand or GL-aveisoid by the load or Office), every Thursdav forenoon. “1 03“ lots- Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal Office), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. W’mndbridqe. Satulfday forenoon. Money to Loan at, Current Rate Come One Come All SILVER COLLECTION At _the Park Saturday, Sept. 15 Kodak Girls OF TORONTO BASEBALL SALESâ€"At Elgin I M September 7th, to John Bales a son (01 .;.-\.u‘ lulu. .L Fergusdn owarctflruit and Mrs “loads of Richmond Hill, 0 Canada. Mr. Barnes book an interest in com- munity Work and was always active in political affairs. Deceased is survived by a widow and three sons: \Vniter O. Barnes of Se- attle; Norman R. Barnes of San Fran- cisco; and Arnold A. Baines ofWooden Valley. 'l‘bele are also two hrmhum- nme; Nnrman R. Barnes of San Fran- cisco; and Arnold A. Bannes ofWooden Valley. 'I‘bele are also two brothers: James E. and William Barnes of Detroit; and two sisters: Mrs. Thumas He was an éhf‘evrprlsmgfind progresâ€" sive farmer and he developed the property in Wooden Valley eansively IL now embraces valuable orchard uuu vipgyarfl lands, u»... .. uuwudx. ’ Deceased was a native of Detroit, Mich. He came tn California. 37 years ago and for a number of ymu-s un- aged in the contracting business in him Francisco. Thence he went, with his family to Cordpiiu. where he lived for 8 years. Later he purchased the Edingtoq ranch of 135 acres in Woud~ en Valley, and it was in \Voudeu Va)- ley that he resided continuoust up to the time of his fatal illness. first prostraled by rlwun later affected his heart. was due to a heart artnrk WILLIAM COOK 3 p. m. Sharp L. INNES & SONS, Dealers, RICHMOND; HILL Richmond Hill Girls '"Jl 7th. to Mr. and MN. 3. son (Glavton Bruce.) [gin' Mills on It‘riflay BIRTHS VS. -- ggg The fire roof Wei/board 23 at'sm. which His demise Thumag 1‘3. Eliza Ontario, Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. T. COUSINS, The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Qompanyg Lp’d, havg on hand for sale. lO--CENTS--10 at The Liberal Office. :2 } TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THHS Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick PROGRAMMES Call by phone J DEER. CAMPBELL gdones Lumber Co. ' Phone 27. ’ Arnold & Yonge St. _ 11-13 A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places RICHMOND HILL. THORNHIL]. ANII UNIONVILLE WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers VETERINARY 3113656111: hornhil]. a greatly reduced cost. We handle all the best; grades and are pleased to give estimates as to cost for flooring itself, or for, the floor all ready laid and scraped. DO/YOU KNOW that some lines of HARDWOOD FLOORING are DOWN IN PRICE as much as £20.00 per thousand, and that the present is the golden opporâ€" tunity for which you have been waiting to get that; new floor, at a greatly reducad cost. w" Paper hanger and P‘ Oxford Street Phone 44 r 32, SAM. SHEPHERD Souvenir otherwise promptly ‘ainter Manager 12-tf Richmo Special attention given to sales 01 every de crlption. Farms and farm stock salps specialty. Farms bought and 3 )Id 0n commission. Allsnles ab tended tn nn shurtest fiobice. and con- ducted by the most approved methods. Pat onag- sn‘icited. . Wuomm ‘ m 06”- LICENSED AUCTIOI‘ FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND In order *0 make ronm {0r mv Wall Sta-“1’ 0‘ Peadv“ to-‘.\'ear Suit during the M . If your OVE time to have Mr. Campbell will 'we Office, Richmond Hill, ate-moon. Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. Offices-Suite 5|] McKinnnn Bldg. Cor. Jordon and Melinda Sta. Tomnto Telephnne Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK . A. CAMPBELL OMMISSIONF TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHT'Y-THREE Richmond Hill Branch. T. R7 Hem-14' Mapnaughton & Campbell REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A Toronto ' maker - II. Pren (ice 415 Balliol St, Toronto. Phone Belmont 1347 Real Mo *5- “ “ .- 1;. ‘A .1311“ ,v\1. b“ W in a math F‘umEnahn I: - uhlmnnin’. - .. . .. h. Thornhill. CLEA ER, CON VEYANCER mama 'TO obtain maximum yields you need to sow Test- ed Seed Grain. To purchase good seed you may require financial assistance Extending accommodation for such purposes is an important phase of Standard Service. II 'we at Th9 Libel-:1 Hill, every Tuesday STANDAfiD BANK AAAAAA TIONEER j. Lunau. Agent, Richmond Hill D ONTARIO to sales 01 mommy 91!: 08 'anm/t our local Manager TH E ET( 01* CAfim .um‘y-TEREE MILLIONS J. R. Herrington, Manager Toronto Farmâ€" Eggl'n?' rail-MUN pimple in Operation. on lumene or gasoliné} A Toronto Engine. Saw‘and‘cfisdd make a fine time: 311d Inky-saying team. ['11 be glad to explain thefi" many desirable faint? g to‘ yoii'i i)! give you interesting ht " tuft" W15; 3%? ,3 52%? [as Effort You should Luke advantage of the present prices of metal by mdoring your Enve-Trough, Roofing, Furnaces, or any other metal product, as every- thing poian to a substantial increase in prices in the nmr fnturp. Cnme in and let us protect you with present pricei. TEETZEL BROS “’9 have on hand for Immediate De- livery (,‘nckalmtt Pious, Wiikinson Plows.1 Sot Chain Drags, VVlleelbar- rows. lSECOfld-Huml Gnmun Svpumtor. LPt ns knmv your wants in Machin- ery now. just. berm-u tho Spring Rush on the Farm you should look over the Ma.- chinvry and got thug? Needed Repairs. 01‘, if “"5 New Machinery, we can get it far you This Tinsmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 W 'fiuch

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