Can Be Had Through Keeping the Blood Rich and Pure. A girl's complexion is something more than a. matter of concern to her vanity. It. is an indication of the state of her health. Pallor in a growing girl means a thinning of the blood. Erupâ€" tions mean impurities in the blood. Mothers should be watchful of their daughters' complexions and see to it Ithat these signs are correctedâ€"not ioovered up. A FINE CGWEPLEXIQN When a girl in her teens becomes: pale and sallow, especially if, at the. same time. she shows an Inclination to tire easily, a listlessness and inat- tention to her work or studies, she needs Dr. William' Pink Pills, a tonic which directly and :.peciï¬cally cor-t rects the condition from which she is suffering. A chemical analysis of the blood 02 such a girl would show it to be deficient in just the elements that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can supply, but the physical signs are plain. The ; girl with a bad complexion. or who‘ suffers from occasional headaches, who is easily tired and breathless af- ter slight exertion, should begin talc} ing Dr. Willisms' Pink Pills at once. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Plviis through any dealer in medicine or by ~mail at 50 cents a. box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockvflle, ‘A'good appetite, sparkling eyes and my cheeks follow the fair use of this medicine. 0 nt Why They Fluked. These are culled from a collection of recent schoolboy bowlers: “A grass widow is the wife of a dead vegetarian .†‘v‘Oceanioa is that continent which oonbadns no land.†“Parallel lines are the same dis tmn-ce all the way and do not meet un less you bend them." “Louis XVI. was gelatin‘ed during the French Revolution." “Palsy is a. kind of new writer’s dance." "Letters in sloping print are by Bterics." Although some kinds of fungus are 'imbued with a deadly poison, no in- sect or bird ever falls a victim to them. Perfect evaporization and exact proportioning of gasoline and air are claimed for a new carburetor. When the Wharton School of Busi~3 mess administration at the University; of Pennsylvania held its graduating‘ exercises this summer many foreign‘ Students received diplomas and none‘ showed move pride in the hard won bit of sheep-skin than a. scion of Orien- tal royalty, Vera Virakorn, who is a cousin of the King of Siam. Keep Mlnard’s Liniment In the house. By very ancient tradition the busi- ness activities of royal persons have been limited to the narrow but not untruitful ï¬elds of Imposing taxes or' receipt‘ing for the contents of the privy purse voted them by their ador-l ing subjects. Common report has it than: Siamese royalty has also kept up a. herd of white elephants to let off its ‘l ,excess energy. Whether Virakorn will stick to the good old days when he gets back to Bangkok, or branch out for himself in same newline, has not been indicated} It may well be that the Siamese mon-' arch has a good many cousins to keep 1 up, and that the young graduates: thorough acquaintance with American methods in commerce, industry and ï¬nance will not prove unacceptable to his exalted uncle. : The Bey of Tunis. who ofï¬cial visit to Par-ls, is V a teller of good stories, The Bey of Tunis, who is now on an ofï¬cial vlslt to Paris. 15 well-known as a. teller of good stories, and ï¬gures himself as the hero, or perhaps the victim, of many a true one. The most Lmusling of those about himself is per- Raiiroad Man Gives 1 Out Surprising "If any in my {aunt stomach trouble or lion. I would rather of Tanlnc than all tr put together." is (1 meat of F. A. Barre the SL. Hamilton yardman for the < road. “My wife's health was restomd by the Tanhc treatment in such short or- der it was astonishing. for she suffer- ed 80 terribly with nervousness. headv aches. sleeplessness and loss of ap- petite that I thought she would break down completely. She went meal a!- ter meal without eating. and was so Royalty Gets a Diploma. Cars by the Dozen Steries Alma! Well-Knew“ Peeple amlly .y were sick with rundown condi‘ have one bottle .9 oxher remedies 1e positive stateâ€" wcufr, S Locomo- 0ut.. well-known and Trunk Ran- something Dr. A. M. Lo‘ believes it DOS‘ municartion wit light signalling ‘There are several known chemlcal means of producing a light screen of sufllclent size which would last long enough to be nmlced by the Martians, if such exlst," he said. “I think a suitable screen could be set out on a high altitude by airplanes, to eliminate as far as possible the effect of air and clouds, which combine to make difï¬- cult any observation of the earth it- self." Dr. Low considers wireless waves less practical. as they travel in curves, making it difï¬cult to gauge the target. He holds it ludicrous to expect to ï¬nd the Martians’ lite similar to our own. “Some years ago we thought that‘ animals and plants were the only things which lived,†he said, “but now we know there is life in everything. I have never seen anything yet which" was not alive. “The Martians might be able to see by heat waves. A small difference in our physical makeup would revolution- ize our world and ideas of living. If we wene born with eyes having only slightly different lenses to normal we would see the air around us full of life and our bath water a mass of hon rible 100kingvcreatures." Dr. Low disagrees with those who assert the Martians are more ad- ‘vanced than earthings. “If they were, they would have found some means [ere this of communicating with us,†he said A (30613 MEBEEINE FOR THE BABY Nothing can equal Baby’s Own Tab- lets as a medicine for little ones. They are a. laxative, mild but thorough in action, and never fail to relieve con~ stipation, colic, colds and simple fevers. Once a mother has used them she will use nothing else. Concerning them Mrs. Saluste Peiletier, St. Damas des Aulaines, Que, writeszâ€"“l always keep a box of‘Baby’s Own Tablets in the house. They are the best medi- cine I know of for little ones and I would not be without them.†The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Winiams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. The worker bee. lives six months, the drone four months, and the female bee four years. haps‘ 0t when he ï¬rst came to Paris and entered a motor-salon, to look over a selection of luxurious cars. At last he picked out the most expensive one. “I will have half a dozen of these,†said the Bey callmly, and continued his shepmeg, making purchases on the same scabs ,now and then. And here is: a. good story told by him. A French policeman stopped a two seater and, hailing th-e chauffeur, asked him for his permit to drive in Paris. The man put his hand in his pocket, but, as he was about to pro- duce the necessary papers, Monsieur I'Agent stopped him. ' “It 15‘ all right," he said, with a smile. “I only wanted to see your per- mit if you hadn’t got it!" Sherlock-H olmes Methods. A joke was played on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by a. French taxicab driver recently. The man had driven the world-famous creator of “Sherlock Holmes" from the station to the hotel, and when he received his far-e he said, “Merci, M. Conan Doyle.†“Why, how do you know my name?" asked Sir Arthur. “Well, sir, I have seen in the papers that you were coming from the South of France to Paris. Your general ap- pearance told me that you were Eng- lish; your hair had been clearly last out by a barber of the South of France. I put these indications to- gether. andâ€"I saw your name on your France. I gather, and luggage ! †than tearfully Week the care of our ï¬ve children and the housework was more than she could do. “After her ï¬rst few doses of Tanlac my wife was like an entirely dlï¬erent person, and hasn't had a sick spell since she quit taking the medicine six months ago. Tanlac has certainly been a blesslng in our house, and we are glad to recommend it." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37 million bottles sold. Would Signal Mars by Flashing Light. wn remedy verywhere Low, an English inventor, possible to get into com- with Mars by means of (11.11:. LUuL 5cuul¢n ay- . me that you were Eng- Lir had been clearly last Iber of the South of put these indications to- I saw your name on your sing Facts k the (are of our ï¬ve the housework was more able Pills are Nature's r constipation. For sale 1- Impatient. Spiderâ€""I wish Miss Muffet would hurry up; I’m tired of sitting on this tuffet all day! MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. It 10st or ctolen you get your money back. Ask a friend to take off his coat. Tie the ends at a string, about nine feet long, together and slip it over his right arm. Ask your friend to place his right hand in one oi the pockets on the right side of his vest. So far the trick is easyâ€"but nowâ€" Ask him to remove the string from his arm without breaking it, untying it or taking his right hand out of his vest pocket. It seems impossible but it can be done. Show your friend how to do it by putting the étring on yourself in the man- ner indicated and proceeding in this manner: The only trouble with “the height of fashion†is having to wear it a long time after the “height†has changed. Ask for Mlnard’s and take no other. With the left hand, reach inside the vest, out through the right arm hole and grasp the string. Pull it through the armhole. Then put the loop over your head and then through the opposite armhole from the inside of the vest. Reach up under your vest and draw the string down around your body. The ï¬nish of the stunt will now be apparent. Draw the string down over your feetâ€"and the trick is done. Women in Egypt are appealing for a law to be passed raising the mar- riage age for gi‘rls to sixteen. (Clip this out and paste it, with other of the series. in a scravbook.) XLVEB FOXESâ€"NOTES FROM MY DIAS! (Bonnet). Nine 1em' experience “mum; loses. 85 cents Dr. 'aadlll. Tram. Non Booth. E HAVE AN ENQULBY HOB A WAS-LUNG- !‘ON Hana Pres: am will an 8 pun o: I columm. long. Wilson mum 03.. W U “and. RL Wu 13mm Classiï¬ed Advertisements EASY TRICKS The Endless String Accept only an “unbroken package" of “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,†which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain will be stn Handy ï¬hubvfâ€"R WASH'NG‘ION HAND PRESS. No. 44 Baye 1-" boxes of 1 your 111 ‘ side 3 eas tabl‘ zfado mark, the "Bayer Cros- Visitorâ€"“Dear me! Fancy your be- ing called Robert Burnsâ€"why, that's a very well-known name.†Nativeâ€"“Nae doot it is; I’ve been blacksmith in the place for nigh on forty years." ’ l Attractive Proposit'ian Also bottles America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Mlnard’s is the best remedy for Cuts, Sprajns, Swellings, Colic, Distemper, Coughs. For man with all round weekly newspaper experience and $509 or $600. Apply Box 24. Willa: Publishing Co. Ltd.. 73 Adolaldn Street West. a nd win packag es TkeTobacco of Quali [:y Va LB. In the Stabie Robert Burns. DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Address by the Author. H. CLAY GLOVEH 00.. Inc. |29 West 24th Shoot New York, U.8.A. an There are 231,649 post ofï¬ces and 50,285 pillar boxes in the United Kingdom. said he could do nothin f0 band's mother adviseg m Vegetable Compound and once. I was able to do 1 more and it was a pleast den. Now I have a ï¬ne I and am able to nurse her ing my work. I cannot mï¬ ding such‘ a. rqedicim TellsWomenHow She Was Restored to Perfect Health by Lydia E. Pink'nam’s Vegetable Compound H Hull" :5, uuzu. W ; vuAA-Avv “kn...â€" too highin of What ‘I:ydia Pinkklx‘am'p -'_--~-,,y , m work. Even th' Ho‘andofmyownch - dren glaylng ma ine fee as If Imu Scream if they did not et away from me. could not eveg speak ri ht to m husband. he deem; said he could do nothin for me. My hue." band's mother advise me to take the Vegetable Compound and I started It at once. I was able to do my work once more and it was a pleasure, not a bur- den. Now I have a ï¬ne bouncing baby and am able to nurse her and enjoy do- ing my work. I cannot hel recom- mending such a medicine, an any one seeing me before I took 1". and seein me now, can see what it does for me. am only too pIeased for you to use In tostimuniul.’ -Mrs. EMILY DAVIS, 7 am only, too Pleased for you to use mg testimonial.’ â€"Mrs. EMILY DAVIS, 7 McGee Street, Winnipeg, Man. L’di] E. Pinkham‘s Private Text- Roo u on “Ailments Peculiar to Women ’ will be sent you free upon request. Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine (70., Cnbourg, Ont. This book contains valuable information. 0 ERSE AVIS EERWUï¬ WREQK Winnipeg,_ Maniâ€"“"1 (Langpt‘ ‘spea‘lf Shampoo With Cuï¬cura And Have Healihy Hair Regular shampoos with Cuticura Soap will keep the scalp clean and healthy. Before ahampooing touch spots of dandrufl' and itching, Hany, with Cuticura Ointment. A clean, healthy scalp means good hair. Soap 25:. Ointment 25 Ind 50:. Tllcum 25:. Sold throughout the Dominion. Canadian Depot: Lymnmdinjled. 34! 5!. P511] St.. W“ Mt‘n_:trenlt ..,..._... W ISS‘UE No. 37‘ V‘egetable Co ï¬, pound has done £13; me. I was a nervou wreck andI just 11% to force'mygglf to o ‘â€"’23.