Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Sep 1923, p. 8

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Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 3O tf Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and_Iâ€"_Iumourous Sketches, To: onto. Naughtun Block. Aurora. Solicxtor for : Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King. \Vhitchurch and Markham. 85 Richmond St, West. Offices \Vulter S. Jenkins 1. Harry Naughton Res. Phnne Res. Elgin Mills lill. 5048 Res. Phone 44.4 I Real Estate Dept. Exclusive Agents 46 KING ST. W , TORONTO - Phone Main 6215 CHARTEREDTRUST & EXECUTOR C0 Salesmen on the Property Every Week Day ELOCUTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Very Easy Terms of Payment spread over a period of five years at 65- p.C. interest. This exceptionally fine property adjoins the southern boundary of Richmond Hill. The tax rate is lower, and prices for lots are lower than in Rich- mond Hill. ' ACRE LOTS $400 AND UP Building Lots $4 per Ft. and Up 0N ION/)E ST. JUST SOUTH OF RICHMOND HILL Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 Lots for Sale in this Beautiful New Residential and Garden Subdivision I: WWGOONMW 9469609000096 0060 9 0909635: NAUGHTON 8: JENKINS Robinson Block RICHMOND HELL ONWOMOOMQQOO 6606 0 660600699 090” OGWOM Rainbw Speciafiay Shagga The Fashions of the Season nowshown Come and 100k over our stock Prices Rig ht Styles Right lifie Wat‘ual £1’fe fissurance I Company of C’anaa’a \Vorkman's Cottages. $300 to $500 cash and easy monthly payments. These cottages will be built of brick or frame as desired m: thll Lyrfuot lots im- mediately Faat (If the Fair Grounds. For full pux ticulurs w: ile or see Building Lots, $4.00 to $10.00 per ft. $1.00 per ft. cash; balance, your own terms. Pi‘ones Hudsun ROSEVIEW GARDENS Phone 232 THE POLICY HOLDER‘S owr COMPANY Get your life Insurance at cost. C. H. BYAM, Agent, hone 232. Maple, Ont RICHMOND HILL W. J. LAWRENCE. “1374 Yonge St 70. AL‘U lLlUb crl it and sr Ins-Ming s-x 50 7‘; on the 50‘; on the that the Sn“ t hle pt‘til: u seswd on It’s :1 jt think fur .1 hrs respmu that pvtilifl :1 deal in I Did they lb I presume) any future vons that; l enntmct t' think I mm were gruun the feeling enough to , even that ' 3 been met w ' on “ten? (lunt think much Eight “’9 Were :1 lumm, an :luntllb't‘ pru (Hi this tttfi' We're not. fOr that, In togt-thm' :mt (1921!. Make average gut old Anglu S as much as Want 10 resi mndm'n 3 p1 H 4 ll! lllxsinr-aq. tn livo and The followin fairs in which of country “my SOUVENIR PROGRAMS THE LIBERAL OFFICE another preposition of the same kind on this tnwn, it can’t. he done. We’re nnL bragging. its [no serious for that. but we are going to stand togx-the-r and glve our village a square dPal. Mer it it place where the average guod citian who loves those- old Anglo Saxon ideals of fair dealing. us much as hates exploitatiun. will Want, lo reside. attractive. sanitary. amdez'n a place. ecnnmniCuI in which (4) live and profitable in which to do business. Oh lbexes n roasun alright and I (lunt think the ratepayers require much Eight nn the subject. “’9 were suld a water-war k. and got :1 lunon, and as for anyone tn uninvOSe another preposition of the same kind on this tnwn, it can’t he done. We're not bragging. its [no serious (rhika fur a moment that, the council- l«-rs responsible fur the acceptance of that petitiam would mzrept, this kind of :1 den] in their uwn private affairs. Did they think the Elwinlrel, (James. lpresume) would refuse t4) act. on any fulure uccusiru : were \hey mrâ€" vous that Leggr- Would not act-em tho contract two weeks later. If sn 1 think I aim safe in saying their feuh were groundless, at any rate I know the feeling of‘ the I'atep:ly(r~; wrll enoutgh Lu assure the council that ereu that catastrophe would lmve been met with fmtitude. ()h lbexes n roasun alright and l (lunt‘ think the ratepayers require They swullmvad it. Hook, line, and sinker. Laterâ€"0n the night of Sept. 3rd. Council met, and the, aforesaid worthy petition was read and the informa- lion was forthcoming that the said legal document was short xwo names, (great oversighL on the part of Mr. Legge. we wont employ him again), therefore not in order. 'Also those counPiHOIS who support- ed it and sponsored it. at. the previous meeting expected the levy was to he 50 j; on the Yunge street frontage and 505/a on the whole town, but discovered LhaL me said jlm, wm Ihy and chari- t, hle petilion dielimnly read. to he an. ses>ed only on Yonge st. frontage. “Be it resulvc'l. that the said peniâ€" tion he and is herwby accepwd, and that the Ulm'k and Enginevr (James, {presume} he nuthmized to take the necessary steps to giva effect to the petition. etc.” From the [apart of Lhe- meeting. Think of itâ€"mvsenledâ€"recvivedm accepted and anxvd on at (me sitting. That’s action fm- you, Hardly Look Lime to lead the- petiliun, certainly did not understand it, did not, even take time to ascertain that the rv uisite number of names wvre attached 0 it : \Vhy all the unrth haste on the part of our council in receiving and accept- ing the pelilinn to pave 3(0ng 5:. Why a” thp l'lhh Petitions have been plesented hefme signed by suffi- cient ratepayers fur needed improve- menls but; never hefme were “my acted on with suuh disgmtch as this petition. They He dormant for months. In Mr. Nm nation of 2: 1151' of their 1hm;a.ndl the grounds, to Mn, for the use (If Ihvir I and fur othm- cnm'u tlmm ; to Mocm-s. 'J‘hos. Allisnn. UL'U'P The thunk and memln tended to the ground ton kstow 'kham l‘it' lditm' Lumau 1]] which 4-. n will he u s Don’L mis l'bnn th Smmi 'Amsnu. ( Blanchard, Mr. Duncan Writes Again 11 11rd ha]! ‘od joke ht Fall Exhibitions Yams truly, \V. A. DUNCAN mm Dancing 0 in Old '1- r Horde-1 mg: luan :11 p all fax 3 girls and k to thir :s nf (he H's of the Mr. Mar ' autos t4 «Isl, but, 'nmn Ste Bduzen ( pl A COR 1M) ' is a partial list of full pennle nf'mis section be interested; ill M lh luurlvuluoâ€"do n'wsivs (“X'ande h; '5. Henry Burnett :U'Pnr'r' Myika KPH- and N. Price for the to and fro!“ the- stu- L by no Inwms leML va-nsun for the do- L that, the count the acceptance acvept this kind In private afi‘uL engincel, (Jam l'vl'use to act. UT‘I fired to the am ROA llll" Y I! ien. 'lhnr man Ind Mrs. Tmmw IOU llll uoâ€"do you the council- ceptnnce of [his kind of pt Notes fl ie 10, 19 he nds dulged mt illul 1" Ai‘fn'll he lhl‘ "1“ ill“ The real summer weather is with us, and we have the goeds you want. SUMMER UNDERWEAR, SOX, SHIRTS, COATLESS SUSPENDERS, STRAVV - - HATS; also MEN’S OXFORDS, LADIES’ WHITE SHOES, and TENNIS SHOES, all THE Lflfli‘éE BLEEK EURMSE‘SM STORE Xm'k‘ noticx We have opened an UP- TO-DATE PAINT SHOP, and are now ready to take your car in for painting. Highest grade materials used. Experienced painter. Prices right. A trial solicited. lC( QUALITY SHOPPE -:- “165853 DRY GOODS - MILLIKERY - LADIES’WEAR QUALITY S HOPPE -:- T. H. HARDWARE & S TPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - 10rnhill, Ontario OOOOOQOWGWOWOWW Trench Block a WOOD LEFE and LIFE ENSURANCE REAL ESTATE A, G. SAVAGE We will soon be entering upon our Fourth Ixiillinery Season, and in anticipating lhejndividual tastes ol' our many custom- ers for Fall and Winter Styles we are carefully watcl‘lixg the markets so as to obtain only the very latest and upâ€"to- date fashions. We already have a few Felt Hats for present; wear. 11-3” Don’t fail to see our Display of W 0013 in all the Latest Shades. “ Princess Pat" Hair Nets, 100. each. General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill COAL T. H. HARDWARE & -«:- - Norman J. Glass. Patrons See our Real Summer Ties, 50c. Straw Hats, irom $2.25 to $2 NOTICE Preserving R equisites Zinc Rings Rubber Rh Medium l Jelly Glas Phone 33 Thornhill, Ontario Kettle Kettle ally G N'l‘ldl 'tuit awax MRS. NORMAN BATTY fur [hr-Cm‘lnlyt d to on short-es 11))9 rates. solicited lasses x'esses Peal-I Enamel, 14 18 POW” u-I and Ml IFS SIZES Hue], 10 SUPPLIES Limited th (3m july, 19‘ in the womu n Notice of Application for Divofié AHH‘I In 'f udnll DAT] ()l’ :harlrs I. aid City f Ednu NO I‘lCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that urgaret Hickvy, of the City of mum). in the County 0f York. and the Province of Ontarifi. nmnie-l mnun, will apply to the Parliament Ganudn, at, the m-xt svssinn Ihnrnf r u Hill of Divorce from her husband. lal‘lF~‘ llemy Hickov. fm-nwllv 3f the qt. 'mh n RICBlflOND HILI lV UTA H Y ll! ill of Divorce fr: Henxy Hickey, ty t‘meonto. nnnlun. in t1] . P'wtnl Ch‘l'k. my and dasm-ti‘ ED :IL tlw (fit) lMy ‘Vf Ymk, lH c. to $1.5 $3 75 doz. lb: mrco from her hus‘ Hickey, fm-mHIy : munto. now rnf Ihv in the Plovin I Clrrk. nn lhu gm [ (laser-lion. and Ym k (‘InVl‘j'l‘llICPl‘ Phone 53 PUBLIC ilv "mum. in 1)] (luv (1' ue mmd the ilv

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