f . Planing Mill and Lumber _ PELHAM CHAFFEY , TENOR ; TEACHER or srxnrxo ; Nirw accepting pupils Fall Teri-n. Studio at the home of Miss. .Ht‘lSt‘. Cirom~LE.\nER AND onoANIsr ‘ PRESHYTERIAX(‘IIURI‘H â€".._ ST. JOHN‘S CHURCH Sunday Sept. 23rd. 1.40 Sunday School. 2.40 Evening Prayer. The Rev. A. N. Barclay, Rector St. Mar- lgaret's Church. Haniillo Special Harvest. 'I‘hanksizivingr Ser- 1 vici- in St John's (7 hurch, Oak Ridges, on Thursday evening, Sept. 20th, at 8 o'clock. .Tho Rev. G. S. Despard, of St. Paul's Toronto, will preach. Attentionl Contractors i and l Home Builders, A Wise Dog l One day last week Mr. driving his inilkwagon irp Benson JAieniic observed that his dog was 'cairying a parcel very carefully in his mouth. He cullad the dog to him and found it was a lady's pursn containing between lhirtven and fourteen dollars. ' Mr. (‘owie at once Cowie, in Large Stocks of Pine and Hemlock advertised the purse Shingles. Lllthv 0931"" POS‘S' Etc' for and soon found the owner; Those who . yOut'gllle (‘OHVPWH'Ce-ldAlSORdegk'rs lose money or articles need not des- m FilireS}D(ia’rd. FRI?“ YEt' “0 lagv pair. \Vith Charlie's dog. ï¬nd the Asphnlt "UR 95. t' 9v C- 9| Village newspaper you are tolerahlv operate our own Pl‘ining Mill, Siding. d Sash. Perfectly manufactured. Solicit your enquiries and sure of finding your own. Was Flooring. Moulding Frames.‘an Doors, Etc. We, Orders. L. In S. S. Convention at King The ninth unrurl convention of the Sunday School Association of the -. Deanery of West York. will be held in [All Saints Church, King. Thursday. September 27. Commencing at; 10.30 a. m. the programme will include Holy nes & Sons Yard _ . Communion. with sermon by Arch- Rlchmond Street peacorï¬ \Vurren; Address of \Velconre ~ _ r . rom ev. Roberts; address by Rev. H RlChmond H1“! 9 ’l‘remayno The use of the black- _ D l- . roar 1n Sunday School. by Miss “Phone Day’ 13 3 N ght 75 Turner. . "Connecting the Sunday SchOol With the forthcoming Mission" E by Rev. 1’. R. Soanes; Address on Girls mid-week activities. by Mrs. E. G. Burgess-Browne. The Rolfe Shoe Repair All kinds of repairs Holland, Prr.. Heise this wee Mr. _ are guests of Miss Elva k. returned home \Vednesduy evening of to bOOtS last week from Pennsylvania. They covered nearly 1,500 miles by and Shoes. and ri-port having a very pleasant a holiday. The roads were in ~vei y gorid condition with very few detour-s, and the sewer y along the way was wonder- motor. ' l fill. the Rolfe Shoe Repair Store ‘ Arnold Street Mr. Innes Declines ores ALL DAY AND EVERY DAY , , .EXCEI’T WEDNESDAYS Ax!) SUNDAYS T0 The Ed'ml‘ “H118 Liberal Dear Sir:â€" I noticed in the ego that. the A. Rom-iii, Psormmoa Liberal a shmt Lime. Council had appointed me Building Inspector for the Village. Now Mr. Editor, although the Council has not officially notified me of the appointment. I wish to state that my time is now fully occupied with my own business. and therefore respect- fully decline to acnept the position of ' ctor. Itinst the Council difï¬culty in securing a as competent as I would be m: you for the courtesy. \VM. INNEri. All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship l Prompt Service 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. GEO. KIDD Boot and Shoe Repairer H. A. Nicholls The Real Estate Man man fully and thanki flu.â€" Yoik County Teachers to Convene in Buffalo ~5â€" Iostead (f meeting in Toronto, :sl usual, teat-hers from the four in- spectorates of York county willtlris full hold their annual convention in Buffalo. They will inspect the schools of Buffalo and will hold their sessions in an auditorium which has been provided by the Buffalo St'htlirl HAS FOR SALE First class Farm of 100 acres on (‘mCialS. This will be. the flrst time second of Markham near Richmond that York teachers have held their Hill. Blick House. large Bunk BM“, convention outsrdc of the county. Al and other buildings. Price right. 1 lt‘i'St 40†SUQDE. Shpyf Wlll leave 50 Foot Lot on Roseview Avenue. Toronto by special train on October 1.“, Will foundation for small house laid. "Dd Will return to Tui'unto on the Good lot on no Street. , Two first class residences on north] side Roseview, all modern improve- ments. ’ Elegant home on south side Arnold Street all modern improvements. Other properties on Lucas, Centre 1th side Richmond Wei-ring of October 19. . . For The Henry Cup Thirty-two rinks took part in the Lawn Bowling Tournament ln-ld hero . . ‘terdriv for the trophy prvsontrd by east and Richmond Streets. 3â€â€ - - - . _ ~ ’ House and lot at .\1rip|e;also small Ho"; cg? bi. Henry'wï¬'m‘†‘I‘Ple -f.'ll‘ni in same lacnlit". present 10m oronto, islorr, C are- , M , v , . mont. Newmarkct. Aiiiora. O~hawa. Mgfs’od house and M18458 ‘lt Elgmle-ampton. Markham, Barrie. Allen- . . ' dale. Allistou and Richmond Hill. The Fom- acres on Mill Road. and o arr-ts , . x H N. h t _ y 7 . ., on 2nd Markham. J weatln :- nus ldtrll. and .L good day s sport was the result. The competition Loans Negotiated, Insurance Etfectcd. was keen, the Green was in first-cl iss Estates Managed. l condition, and some of the best howl Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL f L-‘l'S in the Province took part in ihe mutest. Hon. Geo. S was M P IVIEMORIAL POST CARDS present in th:‘ eveningyand made the THE LIBERAL OFFICE presentations as follows: Fir~st~prno and cup, Toronto Gen- 0 alPost Ofï¬ce, ‘1. Fish. skip. Second prile, Uakwvod Club, Mr. Edmuids, .\l in. Third irize, Queen City Club, R. B. Rice. sk'p. Sewnâ€. mania}, an... RICHMOND HILL. ON'l‘.. TH OAK RIDGES J l l n. will preaclu. ‘ l l l l Local Tournament H A Bowling Tournament. will beheld on the Green this ('I‘hirrsdaynii‘ning to commence at T o’cloi-k. ’lhe ladies and gentlemen of l'rrionville club will provide both pii7os and refreshments. All Richmond Hill and gentlemen~arc requested to be at the green sharp on time. â€"â€"â€"-â€".O.â€"-‘-â€"â€"r.. Thanksgiving Day ,ï¬cps; t Thanksgiving Day this year will fall on Monday, November 12. The law provides that, 'l‘hanlisgiVinz Dav shall be on the Monday of the week in which Armistice lluy falls. Sunday. the 11th of November. balm: Ar mistice Day, the following day will be Thanks- giving Day, both duy3 being celebrated in (no. ..__.__ Donations Received ials, Liberty members ~1adiesl D in all things, Charity.†EMBER 20, 1923 // I \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /////// W l ..,,...,. ._ .r. -' //////////////////// l 1 Thrift is simply making a careful outlay for present needs and sav- ing for UNEXPECTED emer- gencies. //////////////,{///// ///////// / // k // C'Iâ€˜ï¬ lltr’hhh‘fl_, ._,_ ’ i ..‘:i’-_ :- â€"*iV :- ‘_â€" __‘â€_"â€"-,: Donations received with Iii-my lor . Th n ivh l i " g H - : EU 7 E r s y, n tlib n. in-. if ._-. m- gianks {lit The Loyal True Blue and mon sense, can they justify th» ir action 1 range nine. in s endin such a1 e ' 'r ’ Mr. Conner. York Mills. 2 veg: surfer. g arg sum on i “be i marrow, basket tonrrloos, cucu corn. Mr. Stevenson, Elgiu Mills, sack of corn. Mr. Topham. 3 jars of Jelly. Mr. Topper, lettuce. and Flowers. Stevenson, Elgin Mills, bag of mbers, 4oOâ€"â€"â€" MAPLE On Sunday. Rev. T. Ri secretary of the Young cieties, of Toronto, prea Andriw's church. led by a juvenile choir, the adult choir being away taking part in anni- versary services at Laskay. Liisk'l liursday evening Mrs. O'Brien of Vancouver. B. 0., gave an address in St. Andrew’s church picturing the horrors of the drug habit in that western city. The monthly meeting of the \err- en’s Institute was held on \Vrdnesdny of last Week at the homo of Mrs. T. 0. Nixon. An address was given by Mrs. Ailken, of Breton. Mrs. S. R. Robin< son gave a riading, Miss Hilda Urook an instrument .1, and a paper \VJS read by Mrs. J. B. McLean. After the pro gramme tea was served. A miscellaneous shower was held on Saturday evening at Hope in honor of Miss Annie Hoiles. The members of the Sewing Circle and others present- ed lrer with a handsome Cabinet of silver. She also re vivcd iriany othrl' beautiful and useful presents. ISSGl Harris, People’s So-a ched in St. The singing was HM“ Re Yonge Street Paving Riihmord Hill, Sept. 17th, 1923. To the Editor of The Liberal : Dear Sinâ€"As I have just rec‘ently re- turned home after a two months' holi- day. and as I forgot to have The Lib- eral sent me \\ hen 1w. 3 away (which I regret very much. as 1 mi~seil your paper, Sir. more than anything else) I am quite in the dark as to what has been going on in the old town during my absence, and I am writing this letter to see if anyone will be kind enough to en- lighten me. I have read one or 'two of Mr Dun- can's letters. which. to my mind. have been ridiculing our town cnuncil to some extent. but whether they have been ridiculous or inconsistent it is not , for me to say ; but in \‘our report of the village council meeting of Sept. 3rd there is this item: “ The (llerk report- ed that the petition for pavirzg Yonge ‘v ‘ The next meeting of the Council of th Street was not sufficiently signed under the Act in that. regard On motion of' Monkman and Hill the petition was re-. ferred back for further signatures." Now. Sir. in last week's paper Mr. ' SAMPLES FR EE Duncan says that the petition just lacked two names to make it 'egal. l Am I to understand that if there had been two more names on the petition to , re-p-ire Yonge Street and. I presume. 1'.) move the rai'way track into the cen-l trc of the roadway, that our council; Would have at once taken the necessary steps to proceed with the work without taking a vote of the ratepayers who are most vitally concerned in the matter. ‘ l or. in other words, those property own- ers who will hire to pay for the work. i In Mr. Duncan's letter he iissers "that the petition reads that the total cost is to be assessed on Yonge Street front- age." While I. am not objecting to paying my fair and just share of any local improvement. Mr. Editor, I cer- tainlv do object to the council expend- ing $40,011â€, more or less, on half a mile of road when they cannot spend Slflmln or $200.00 on our back streets. which are a disgrace 1:1 any municipality. They say that they have no money to spend on the improvement of our streets: I have been told that more than once. Sir, by some of our council- Ma Buy a Memorial Card-10c. Newmarket. It is not a year since voted in favor of erecti School, and I know for council have done power to get the s pone the bull face of that, the ratepayers i .gh a fact that our everything in their clmol board to post- dirg of it; then, in the to hurry a proposition through the ctuncil. which involves the expenditure or a large sum. without any one of ihe ra‘epam rs knowing the f cts of the matter- To say the least. A car each of Cement and l'I‘lrrashing, Coal, also a car of Salt in bbls. and sacks arriv_- ed. it seems rather iicmsistent. if notl ridicglous. to my dull brain. As Isaid “,6 have also a supply Of in t a beginning of my letter, Mr. ' Editor, I would like to see more letters Bran and Shorts and Glutln on any subject pertaining to the wel- fare of our-village. And I would also suggest that everything that tran- spire at the council meetings be made public. so that no one can say that our council are putting one over on them, to use a vulgar expression. Hoping you may ï¬nd room for my humble opinion in your esteemed paper. I remain. ‘ Yours sinc irely. GEO. COWIE. mm,_“,___ Carmel Coal and Boulels. A SAM. SHEPHERD Paper hanger and Painter Oxford Street Phone 41-! r 32. Feed. Cracked Corn, Corn Meal, Purnia Hen Chow and Chowder. For heating we have Solâ€" vay Coke, Pocahontas Nut, ï¬ llimited supply also of Stove Slabs and Hardwood at the and Egg Anthracite, Elevator. I. D. Ranier Municipality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, Vellore, on MONDAY, OCT . 1, at 10 o’clock J. B. MCLEAN. Clerk. M MISS Verdella Doner \Vill resume teaching September the 4th, to meet playing (late. pupil of 1923 Denton, Macdonald c: Denton Barristers. Solictors. &c. MANNIXG ARCADE. 2! KING ST. WEST. Tonoxro. CANADA . I‘ELEPHONE MAIN 311 on Tuesdav, Cable Address: “Dedo and will be glad any desiring to study piano with her on or before that MiSs Doner who has been a Mr. ]. Ezii'lr-I New tori, will 4 Arthur A. Macdonald Frank Denton Laura. Denton. B. A. continue her studies “illl Mr. B. H. “M, Unrman. of the T. 10 t f‘on: 'v; tor » “Mus... ’ " " J ‘9' gimy DR. J. P. W1LSON Ofï¬ce hours 8 to 10 a.m. ii to 8 p. in, l to 2 and Wall Hangings Oï¬â€˜ice and residenceâ€"Centre and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phone - - No.24. Artistic Charm M DR. L. R. BELL ' DENTIST Ofl‘ice Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank. Hour-59min. to 5.30 p.111. Telephone 11".). PAINTING. DECORATING Phone 306, King. G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. DRS. LANGSTAFF Non'rir Yoxor: S'i‘.. RICHMOND HiLL. DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. ()ï¬ire hours 8:10am. rindti :ï¬phi. DR. LILLIAN (‘, LANHSTAFF. (diseases of women and children.) ("five hours I :3 p. m. Phone 100. FALL TE R31 OPEN i l l l E r ELLIO‘W Yonge and ('harlesSts., Toronto is WELL xxowx AS THE HIGH GRADE SCHOOL Keen doinarid for our Graduates all the tirrw. Do not tool with educa- tion. Get the host. It always pays. Our record for placing sludorits in positions is unexcolled in Canada. NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE ‘ '(', \ (y . ENROLL ANY TIME Wl‘LefO‘ “10â€â€ Commence now. Indivldual Instruction. Night School MODdaS'S aUdThUI‘SdF‘FS W. ’. l:.'.l.ln)'1"1‘ - I’t:i.\‘t.l'.‘.\.L Bank of Tt r :.