Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Sep 1923, p. 3

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fl...â€" .--SY“PMS 0F ielllllllTY How to Tell Whether Your Blood Needs Revitalizing. The symptoms of general debility vary according to the cause, but weak- ness is always present. a tendency to pers-pire and fatigue easily, ringing in the ears, sometimes black spots pass‘ lug before the eyes, weak back, verti- go, wakefulness caused by inability to stop thinking and unrefreshing sleep. The cause of the trouble may be some drain on the system, or it may be men- tal or physical overwork. sometimes in- suflicient nutrition disturbance. ‘ If you have any or all of these sympâ€" . toms try building up the blood with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and as the new blood courses through your veins there should be an increase in your appetite, a better digestion and soon ' a renewal of strength and vigor. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail, post- paid, at 509 a box from the Dr. Wil- liams; Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Qâ€"â€"_ EASY TRICKS No. 45 EasyWhen You Know How Place eight coins or checkers on the table in a row as indicated in the drawing. Now lift one coin up, pass it over two coins and place it on another. If you do it correctly, you will have the coins in the posi- tion shown in the lower illustration in four moves. To do it, pick up D, pass it over E and F and place it on G. Pick up F. pass it over C and E and place , it on B. Pick up A, pass it over F and B and place it on C. The last move is to pick up H, pass it over D and G. which are together and place it on E. Another way is to place E on B, ConG,Iâ€"IonFandDonA. (Clip this out and paste it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) 8â€",â€" The Two Lovers. "How do you know you love me ‘2'” The-.modest maiden said. The lover's eyes were big, round eyes, And high he held his head. "Because you're fair as angels are, Because your eyes are dreams! Because without you all the world But tame and empty seems. Because when I am far from you Life seems but Death, alway. I cannot live without you, dear!" She sent the man away. “How do you know you love me?" ' Again the maiden said. The lover’s eyes were sleepy eyes, And down he cast his head. “Because when e’er I knot my tie, I always think of you. I wonder if you'd like the red, Or would prefer the blue. Because whene'er I shave myself, Your face comes in the glass, And I am sure to cut myself." He won the little lass! â€"Gelett Burgess. .___¢_._._ Keep Mlnard's Llnlment In the house. Oysters are nervous creatures, and it is said that a sudden shock such as a loud thunderclap will kill many hun- dreds of them. Two-pronged forks were introduced 'iiito England in 1608. They were first made in Sheffield. Three-pronged forks came into use in 1750. due to digestive, HEALTH E BY DR. .I. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Dr. Middleton will be glad to answe men through this column. Address him at Sputum: House. 8m Crescent, Toronto. Where and from whom are children to receive education on sex matters? The question is an important one, for .investigalion has proven that ninety ,per cent. of children receive this in- formation at a tender age from thor- oughly improper sources. The child ,should be repeatedly impressed with ‘the fact that the source of informa- tion on such matters should be the father or mother, not friends or com- panions. Sound training in chivalry and idealism, a proper reverent atti-‘l tude towards sex and the great pur-' peses of nature, thorough training for marriag: and its responsibilitiesâ€" these constitute a foundation upon which parents can build the future happiness of their children. Yet in, spite of this, it has been proved that, the great majority of children obtain; 1inherited from healthy parents who DUCATION Health. Ontario r questions on Public Health m the devastating plague of venereal dis- eases which overwhelm so many. Surely the heritage of our children should be the right to be well-bornâ€" the right to a sound body and mi'fid have married in full knowledge oi the fact that they are free from all dis- case. And yet, eighty per. cent. of blindness in the newâ€"born .is due to gonorrhoea; and syphilis is respon- sible for the birth of thousands of disâ€" eased children, four out of five of whom die in infancy. _ _ Both of these diseases thrive on ig- norancc and cowardly silence. Ignor- ance can be dispelled if citizens and parents will only study the Situation. Surely when they understand, parents and indeed all citizens, Will do their part for the sake of the children of the land. No parent can sit back and n say “This is none of my affair. Pre- thell’ Education on sex matters fI‘Omiventive social measures are important. Companionsy “0t Often 0f the l’igl‘lt Careful supervision of and attention tYPe- What does this “film 0f affairslto the needs of normal children Will 198d ‘50? .It leads to a blased and Im- prevent much of the troublec.l Normal p'roperf wewpollgtblfidghihgvmggh(15::-iggiiieghfiiiis ggfed alllwlifzalanpreyieliftgyer; tion 0 sex. â€". poses of nature; it develops cynicism,‘mea§ures. carelessness and sometimes is they The cost of venereal diseases takes starting point for careers of ill healthirank With the tremendous costs ‘of ang cdrimc}: k t d 1. b 1 ,wéirl'zt Early death and Widesprtecztlisdigi e cees sur lmS, Ceal‘lall asaresu,are ma vision, happin’ess aliki: in work and‘everyyday comment among those who play; long and useful lives; these should be the lot of your children. But for many thousands, the pic- ture is and will be, sadly differenti lindness, deafness, insanity, loco- motor ataxia, heart diseaseâ€"these are wastage of public funds that should I plants for quick growth. only a few of the serious results of ‘have studied the question. The fact that we pay unnecessarily for hospi- ltals. insane asylums, Homes for In- curables, jails, institutions for the [blind and reformatories implies a make every taxpayer think. BABY’S OWN TABLETS OF GREAT VALUE Mrs. Hermadis Chagnon, Ste. Theo- dosie, Que, writes:+.â€"“Baby’s Own Tablets have been of great value tol me in keeping my little one well and I would notbe without them.” Thou- sands of other mothers say the same thing. They have learned by actual experience the value of the Tablets in regulating the bowels and stomach; banishing constipation and indiges- tion; breaking up colds and simple fevers; and keeping the baby free from the many simple ailments of childhood. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine Co., Bro-ckville, Ont. Sheâ€""It's hard to realize there are thousands and thousands of people in Europe of the lower classes only half clothed.” . Rector~“Yes! And there are thousâ€" ands and thousands in this country of the upper classes in the same condiâ€" tion." MONEY 'oRDERs. Pay your out-of-town accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. You have heard of the old lady who always had something good to say about everybody, and when someone was slandering the devil, she protested that at least he had something com- mendable, and that was his per- sistciicy. Relieved Rheumatism, Too, Says Contractor Thousands of people everywhere have learned of Tanlac througL the statements of others and have taken the treatment with such splendid re» suits that they in turn deem it only fair to relate them exrezience for the benefit of sun‘eriii: humanity. Such is the case with l. l‘iesnt'meaux, well- ltnown electrical contractor. living at 1066 Be'i” St._ Montreal who says: “i coahui't do other .se IllLlll pub licly endorse Tanlac for l wa< lucky to find out about the medicine the same way myself. For nearly a year I suffered from indige’tion, and also had rheumatism in my legs. About a month ago I was laid up in be-i for two l 4 weeks with this rheumatism and a boil 1 case of grippe. I lost about eight. pounds and felt miserable, ' "Three bottles oi the Tani-at treat, ment. be<Ldes greatly improving my,‘ rheumatism. has lI‘iiltlL‘ my eating and digestion better iliai: they ever were. i have regained my lost weight. and um feeling exireinEIy well. 'l’anlnc is " l i is for saie by all good drug- ,. Accept no sulisiitute. Dyer :lT iu‘llion bottles sold. l are Nature's! For sale! 'l‘niilac Vegeiable l’ii' own remedy for constipation. everywhere. One Neighbor of Another. Old Mistressâ€"“So you are going to my friend over the way, Bridget? Did you tell her that you have been with me only two months ‘2” Bridgetâ€"“Yes, ma’am. and she said if I could stay with you two months that was a good enough reference for her.” 7 'Ask for Mlnard’s and take no other. Some people’s idea of taking life easy seems to be making it hard for? the rest of us. Classified Advertisements ILVER Foxesâ€"norm FROM MY DIARY (Booklet). Nine your experience ranching 25 cents. Dr. B: ado". THIN. Nova Erotic. IGXEI. WASHINGTON HAND PRESS. I; HAVE AN ENQUIRY FOLK A WARMING- TONHmdPi-euthatwiutlnlmo: f columns. Ions. Wilson mum 00.. no. I. Adelaide It. W.. W Hamleu, prelyegot-l. h i » Cbildren'l Regulator, formula on every [312: Guaranteed nan-narcotic. non-alcoholic. MRS. WINSLOW'S SYRUP The lnfants’ and Children's Regulator . Children grow healthy and free from colic. diarrhoea, flatulency. constipation and other trouble if given it at teething time. Safe. pleasant-always brings re- markable and gratifying results. Ar All Dmlgista ‘, " l %le tin FINEST VIRGINIA Fill your pipe with CUT @[EEQEGU‘S [TUNE (Sign? ($een label] The bamboo holds the record among It has been known to grow 2 feet in twenty-four hours. America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Address‘ by the Author. H. CLAY GLOVER 00.. inc. I29 West 24th Street New York. U.S.A. CUTICURA HEAlS [ARGE PlMPlES 0nFace.ltchedandBurned. Caused Loss of Sleep. ._._._._ “ I was troubled awfully with pim- ples on my face. Little white spots formed at first which later broke out in large, red pimples that fostered and scaled over. They ltched and burned causing loss of sleep, and my face was disfigured. “Other remedies were used withâ€" out success. A friend recommended Cuticura Soap and Ointment so I purchased some, and after usln them about a wcckI got relief. continued using them and in a month was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Lilian Warner, Wil- Iiamsburg, Ontario. Daily use of Cuticura Soap, Oint- ment and Talcum helps to prevent skin troubles. Sample EtchPreo b MALI. Address: "Lyman. Linn “Id, 3“ St. Paul t., 97., Montreal." Sold every- where. Snap25c. Ointmentfi andWc. Talcum 25c. Cuticurn Soap shaves without mug. UNLESS you see the name “Bayer” on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only Aspirin. ' which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis . Eamclic Lumbrigo Pain, Pain llrtniy "Bayer" bore: of As: " -< A: . . er -. . . “\‘y’lii . to assist the public agalist I an “unbroken package” of “Bayer Tablets of 12 tabletswAlso bottles of ‘24 and WW ramped w.ih their serum; trade mark. the Dru/Mid; Hi (I Pa ‘2": ‘ him“: I: xiilianons. the To. -. iiiwiiis hay dyer Compauv ~-iS u. “Bay or Cross," ’ White Rhine’s Handicap. African travelers tel- us that the white rhinoceros frequently dies from eating poisonous plants which have no etfect on the black one, probably be- cause the fine scent of the latter tells him it is dangerous. Failure is the only high road to success. 5( .1. Cleanses and Beautifies Write MURIN'E co., CHICAGO for Free Bookon Eye Care Attractive Proposition For man with all round weekly newspaper experience and $400 or 8500. Apply Box 34. Wilma Publilhinc Co. Ltd. 13 Adelaide Itreet West. WA RTS Mlnards, applied fre- quently, dries up and removes Warts. - WOMANSUFFERED ruinous Weak and Nervous. Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Webbwood, OnLâ€"“ I was in 3 very weak and run-down nervous con ition, always tired from the time I got it until I went to bed. Sleep did not re me at all. My sister recommended Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound to me and others told me about it, but it was from in sister's advice that I took it. It di not take ion until I felt stronger, headaches le me and my appetite came back to me. I am a farmer’s wife and have many things to do outside the house such as miliain ,lookin after the poultry, and other Shores. I eartily recommend the Vegetable Compound to all who have the . same trouble I had, for it is a fine medi- cine {4 r women."~l‘.lrs LOI'is P. ELSAB. Sin, Ellllcrest Farm, \Velibwood, Ont. Another Nervous Woman Finds Relief Port Huron, Michigan-"I suffered ; for two 3 cars with pains in my side, and ‘ if Iworked \'(-l‘:v' much I was nervous and just as tired in the mornin as when I wont to bed. I was sleepy a 'the day and didn't feel like doing anything, and i was so livrvouq I Would bite my finger ne‘s. One of rrj; friends told me about I.;.d2a E. l’inkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and it helped me so much that I . soon feltilne. "â€"Mrs.CHARI.l-‘.S BEELER, 50l-l ltli St, Port Huron. Mich. . Women who suffer from an feminine ailment should try Lydia E. inkham's Vegetable Compound. 0 ‘-Â¥_|§SUE No. 38â€"23.

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