JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 HOUSE PAINTER, (hazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. The undersigned has opened a shop AT GORMLEY for the repair of Harness. All parts of Harness will be kept in stock. Leave Oxdm-s at Sloan's Drug Store, Richmond Hill. All mail orders will receive prompt attention. I Residence address Victoria Square Canudiztn Tenor and Chair Leader Solnist. North Parkdale MethodisK Church, is prepared tn receive pupils n Richmnnd Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty's. Arne-1d St. Particulars ran he obtained by culling. Phone 22 Ring 11. 29- ‘vV. HEWISON ?upils passed for Consmvatory Ex- aminations. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. From the Turontu Conservatory‘ Music. will accept a number cf pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Theory. -:- For information Phone 110. MRS. MYLxs. F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY E'Ir Tornntn Oï¬cp. 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. \Vest. Richmond Hill Oï¬ice (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridge. Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at. Current Rate Cor. Arnold 8: Yonge. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO {'eacher of Fletcher Method Musical Klndergarten NOTICE is hereby given tnatjnhn Joseph Henderson, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, Mal:- Nume. will apply tn the Parliament of Canada, at Lhe next session thereof! for a Bill of Divmce from his WifeJonn (McQuiHen) Henderson, of \he said Uity of Toronto. on the ground of adultery and desertion. Ivan-d at the City of Toronto, trmince of Ontario. the 30th day of August. 1923. MAUBETH & )IACBETH, 412 Temple Building. 'l‘uxontn. Sulicimrs for the applicant. 11~'5 Notice of Application for Divorce TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE PLUMBING AND TINSMITHTNG HOT \VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS *Helnimae‘ch and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M. BUILDERS SUPPLIES Patronage Solicited. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Harness Shop A. C. HENDERSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronage and influence respectfully solicited Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Fibreboard Roof ings Gyprock Tar paper Wa‘4 :oard Building paper Elias Elliott THORNHILL. ONT. WILLIAM COOK Wm. C. Ruttan Torontn Conservatory_of Richmond Hill. P.O. address Gormley,RR W Wellman Richmond Hill 9 Dr Williams Aurora. 22 H Spofford Almim 7 J R Herl-ington Richmond Hill 15 Dr Stewart Markham 18 F L Button Stoutfville G \Villls Richmnnd Hill 15 J R Hen-ington Richmond Hill 12 A L Brown Uninnville 13 Dr Free] Stnut'fville 17 R Agzu‘ Ahnim 20 W \Vellumn Dr .‘ Richmond Hill 15 J R Herrington A Richmond Hill 19 U Dr \Villizlms Aurora 25 Rich: J \Vatts. Aurora. (Bye) SECOND ROUND Markham Dr Free] Stouffville SEMI Fm“. F L Button, SLUUffVilIP. (Bye) Dr Stewart. Dr Williams M11kham 18 Aurora 14 H Spofford Ahuiru 14‘ L Button Stout'fville Dr Freel SL1 uffville An interesting feature this year was the ladies single competition which was won by Miss Myrtle McCague uf Richmond Hill. with Mrs.. J. R Harrington of Richmond Hill runner up. The prize. which was also do- nated by Mr. Eckardt. was a silver cxenm and sugar tea let. The results" of the games were follows:â€" \V \Vellulnn H Spnffan Ri hmond Hill 10 Alunim R Ag Almira The twelfth annual Eckardt lawn bowling tournament; was held on [110 Richmond Hill Green, on \Vednesday, Sept. 12m. Fifteen rinks competed, flom Aurora. Almii-a, Stout‘fville. Markham. Uniunville and Richmond Hill. The Rishmond Hill quartet skipped by G. Willis carried off the Eckardt trophy, with G. A. M. Davison of Uulpnville runner up. Ih the consolation séries the winner was Dr. Stewart of Markham. wit F.L. Button 0! Scouffvilla rugmep un. Mr. A. J. H. Eckardt the doner of the trophy was present and presented th_e cup and the various prizes to the wmners. G Moodie Richmond Hill 17 G Maudie Richmond Hill 17 Richmond Hill Unionville J K Agnew A Summcrfelt, Rev. Buttershy R Allen A E Glass â€" W Cnldwe“ G Willis. (skip) 22 G.A.M. Davison (skip) ll CONSOLA'I‘ION FIRST ROUND W \Vellnmn Dr McDonald Richmnnd Hill 15 Markham 7 J R Harrington A L Brown Richmond Hill 19 Uninnville 12 D! Williams Dr Bell Aurora. 25 Richmond Hill 12 G \Villis Richmond Hill 22 “Danford Roche, Newmai‘ket. strongly urged that the Drury ap- pointment Should not be allowed to stand. He showed that during the last Federal election Mr. Bong had not only played the traitor by voting U.F.O., but had also tried to help the enemies of the Tory party in several ways.†Richmond Hill Win Eckardt Cup After a heated discu sion, 3. vote by ballot; was taken on the queszion shall any action be taken at present; Yes 01' No. The vote showed 43 to 35 against any step toward removing Mr. Boag. supposed to be a Tory, Mr. Boag had turned traitor to the party and was therefore deserving of no sympathy from the Conservatives. He asked his hearers what the Farmer party would have done, or the Liberals, if they had had the same case brought Before them." It has not been contended that Mr. Boag is not capable of filling the position capably and satisfactorily. The objection is that he voted for the U. F. 0. candidate at the late election. According to a report of the meet- ing in Tuesday Evening Telegram. "Mr. John McDonald. a staunch Newmarket Conservative in urging that the Farmer appointment be “given the axe," said that, although, [,1 POLITICS IN NORTH YORK Dr. Lockhart, president of the North York Conservative Association, called a meeting of the party workers to (ii-cuss the advisability of going on record as in favor of dismissing Mr. R. L. Boag who was appointed Registrar of Deeds a. short time be- fore the defeat of the Drury Governâ€" ment. A. G. Campbell G. W. Roesor Jas MJIUOH’H‘V Dr Stew ll] Tum) ROUND FIRST ROUND Sm“ FINAL Stnnflville ‘11 J. Groves ' M. Storey W. Perry skip)15 F.L.Buttou (skip) 12 18 FINAL FINAL J R Herringtnn Richmond H11! 27 J ‘Vatts Aurom 11 Dr Stewart Markham 17 G Moodie Richmond Hill 8 H Spnffard ~ Alunim 17 Dr McDmm‘d Markham 12 F L Buttun Stouffville 14 Dr Stewart. Markham 17 Dr Williams Aurorrt 10 Dr Bell Richmond Hill 11 j \Vatti Gr \Villis Richmond Hill 19 Dr Stewalt Markham 7 R Agar Dr \Villiams Aurora 16 R Agar Alum-a. 14 Dr Stewart Mulkbuun 15 F L Buttnn Stouffville M Duvison Unionville AlmiFu . M Davison Unionville Aurora. Mr. ilS R SALEâ€"One Peninsular Range. coal or wood; one Aladdin Lump. \V. K. SMYTH, Oxford St, Elgin Mills. 12 O LETâ€"Property at Elgin Mills, said to he flVe acres with house, burn eta. Present tenantleaving the end of September. Rent twenty Dollars monthly. Apply Mearns und Vlarr. 60 Victoria St.. Toronto 01- W. K. SMYTH, present tenant. Elgin Mills. SATURDAY. OCT. 6â€"Auction sale of horses. wagons, motor truck, imple- ments etc.. at lot. 16, Mm tinu-r Ave. Todmorden. the property of Nicolia Bros. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms cash. Prentice 8: Prentice. Aucts. I UVan » x dsmmqu’o ‘ENGII‘NE 8. pump co. .11 k roan noron coupnnr or CANADA,(LIMITED, FORD, on-rnuo 100% RETURNS Auction 5an Register ‘ONTARIP‘WIND ‘ENGI‘NE 8. PUMP CO. I HMH'ID R01- Weekly Purchase Plan When the weekly payments, together with interest, equals one-third the price of the model you desire we make delivery. The balance can be paid in forty=eight weekly or twelve monthly equal instalments. Ask us about the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. is all you need to pay doyvn for a Car, Truck < J. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill Mwï¬ W. G. BALDOCK LIMITED "Toronto" Silos are made of double tongued and grooved flaws of selected spruce, treated with creosote. Silage juices do not affect treated wood. .You get |5% extra capacity. due to the special "Toronto" Hip Roof construction. I'll be glad to talk about these splendid dividend-payer: at any time. .You Want to get the most‘out of the money and labor you are putting into ï¬elds of com and beef and dairy cattle? Then you can't afford to be without a good siloâ€"like my "Toronto" Silo. It supplies the equivalent of rich June pasturage all through the winter. It quickly pays for itself in more milk and healthier cattle. has authorized a ‘OR SALEâ€"«Lady’s hran vvlnur coat with fur collar. Medium size, in first class condition. Pnice $8. App‘y Liberal Ofï¬ce. OR SALE OR RENTâ€"Sm en room brick house on Church Stu et; bath room, electric light and all con- veniences. Apply W. H. GRAHAM, Ril-hmnnd Hill. lZ-Lf. 1V1 51,000 for lst mmtgagv on im- proth Yonge Sb. property south of Richmond Hill. Apply Liberal Ofï¬ce. 1‘ to xonb King P. O. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. ARM TU RENTâ€"Fm-m of 135 acres OF7 CANADA, Limited EATER â€"HPHLPP fl'll' r [0. Apply J, D.SANDIRS. Rich Und an. 12 ORTUAGE MONEY WANTED- by which Want Ads- (97w Apply JAMES STEWART, 12-14 I F OR SALEâ€"Happy 'l hrught range. with leSC‘I'Vhil‘ and \vmming "Ins". Mmost nvw.“.J.\.\lEs PEARSON, Thornhill. 19 Dâ€" im- \OR SALEâ€"Tapestry b1 ick house. 6 rooms and attic, hardwood floors. sunme kitrhen, buck lalcowy. soft waler in kitchen all conveniences. Immediate possession. GEO. H. GLENN Centre St†East. 11-12 OTICEâ€"E. Simey is prepare-d to 1 do all kinds of trucking and carting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Phone Richmond Hill 98. 42 tf OUSE FOR SALE â€"This is a. six loomed house. llaidwnod floors. furnace. electiic lighte, etc. This prinrty is situated in Richmond Hill. $800 down ; balance like rent if de- sired. This is a hnlgain as owner has left town. \Vill sell for $700 less than the miginai price for a quick Sale. Apply at THE LIBERAL Ui-‘HCE. lOâ€"tf IDER MILLâ€"The Cax'rville Cider Mill will he 0pm] every wee-k day until the 15th of Nmemher. Brirg your-apples. A. WILSON. Prop. 11-18 OR SALEâ€"1 coal hemer $15. Reasnn fur spilling, getllng in a. furnace. W.HE\V]S().\', Centre St. 11.12 ’ 0 LETâ€"FiVe room suitp. Apply T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES, LIMITED, Phone 315, Thummll, Ont‘ 11-12 WA NTEDâ€"Vegetnhles and apples. ‘Vill buy all kiml~x H. DAVIS, Mill St, Richmond Hill. Pl)! no 08 w. KNiTTING NAUHFNFâ€"Fnr we. nearly new. Reasonable price. Apply LIBERAL OFFH'F. 11-13 anjge Street OUSIC 'I‘O RENTâ€"Viv" romnc. elegtric light. Near Yonge St. J. EDWARD FRANCIS. Thnrnhill. 12 OR RENTâ€"2 cottages. ‘2 and 3 rooms for r~nt. nowlv f‘iniehmi. Apply Dxcxmsox, new stop 29. 12-14 0R SALEâ€"Small Svlf fovdm', nemlv now. 8. B. ELSON, ’l‘hnrnhill. 12 OUSE FOR SALEâ€"Enqnue of GEO. S.SIMS, Richmond Hill. IO-tf CR SALEâ€"One anpv 'l‘honght range. Apply LIBERAL OFFICE. 11-13 a nd