Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Sep 1923, p. 5

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'Miss Hoyle. president of the Rich- mond Hill Institute, in welcoming the Aurora guests. spoke of the benefits of closer knowledge of each other and of cooperative effort: in reaching thelr common :ims. She then put the meet. ing in the hand: of the visiting Insti- tute whose programme for the after- noon included a thoughtful paper read by Mrs. Charles. on “How to make tho most. of Life,” a practical exposition by Mm. Dicker on ‘:Economy and mute under the presidency of Mn. Conovel'l were guests of the local club which turned out strongly to welcome them and to listen to the excellent pro- gramme of papers and music offered by the visitors from the sister Institute. “How to make the most of Lifp," "Thrift". and “Help or Hindrance of Habit," were three live topics dis- cussed in a joint meeting of the Women’s Institutes of Richmond Hill and Aurora, which took place at the residence of Mrs. H. Stirling. Wed- nesday afternoon of last week. This was the first. meeting of the 1923 season and was just the beginning of what; promises to be an interesting year. It. was a. largely attended meet- ing. as $0018 trygnty Aurora members Women’s Inst tute Hold Live Meeting As our EI«v:t0r has been undergoing repairs. we are now in a pusiliun to lakll in ull kinds of grain and pay higheat Indrkft prices. I. D. RAMER. One of the transformers hurde out Sutlnday evening almuL nine o'clock, leaving :I. sectlun of the town in dark- ness. Mr. Stirllng. nur electrician. was busy :1 good pan: of Sunday. as- sisted hv :1 number of men Hr'l‘lL up from the Hydro. Mr. Slirlimz's usâ€" sistance was "gain called into quuisi- tinn in the Methodist Church Sunday avening, when u cnnple nf fuse-plugs burnt am. Mr. Stirling is nut a 1mm looking for bouquets, but let us say hH'e he is one of the most capable. use- ful. and obliging men in the town. The championship finalists of the To- ronto Ladies Senior Baseball League (Robertson Brothers, Limited. Girls) will play the Richmond Hill Young Ladies Team at the Park on Saturday aftel noon next at 3.30 sharp. They are coming out strong. Don't fail to see the game. The loonls are playing good ballthese days : they deserve your su; 5 port and encouragement. The Presbytelian Church Choir held their -“Annual Cprn Roast” at the home of Mrs. J. Alkinsnn on the even- ing of Wedncsday, SHpt. 12th, when the choir-members and friends gath- Pred xound a huge bonfire to partake of corn. miners. and entfee. allt'r which all adjourned to the housv, where a pleasant time was spent in music. games, etc. many items of importance to be tam :3 up, it is important; that all ratepayers attend this meeting. See to it; gentle- men that you attend this meeting sharp at 8 p. m. A meeting of Ratepayers is to be held in Lorne Hall, on Tuesday even- ing, Sgpt. 25.. As there arq agreat Mr. G. \Villis and Mr. A. E. Glass have been giving a good account of themselves in the \Vithrow Doubles Bowling Tournament in Toronto this week. In a competition of 64 rinks they have won five out of six games. and are qualified for the semi-finals which take place this (Thursday) oven- Mr. and Mrs. John M. Béwmnn of Richmond Hill. Ontanio. announce the engagement; of their only daughter, Elizabeth (Bess) Anne, to Mr. Gordon Hamilton Sloan, younger son of Mrs. H. E. Hewisnn of Richmond Hill, the wedding to take place in October. Mrs. John Hart. of Richmond H H. Ontario, announces the engugmmnt of her eldest daughter. Mary Elsie, to Harold Grant. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. of Queensville, Out. The nmn-iage to take place the latter pal-L of September. Richvule WillJmld their annual Field Day and Bazaar. Saturday of this Week, commencing at; 2p. m. Thole will be athletic events, midway nt- Lractinns, orchestra etc. Admiasi-n 26 and 15 cents. Stop 28. Mr. James Dixon’s farm has been sold to Mr. Robinson. formerzy of Thornhill, Mr. Wesley Boyntun, real estate agent, cloning the devil. Mr. Dixon has bought a lot in the village. and willâ€"we hopeâ€"build a dwelling in the near future. The last local b mling tuurnament will be played-on the Green next. Monday evening. Every member is asked to be present at 7 n'clnck. First, prize 4. ducks; 2nd 4 chicken 5; also other prizes. requested. I ’ The regular meeting of the \Vomen's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church will be held in the Sunday School room Thursday evening of this week at 7.45. A good attendance is In the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning the minister will speak on “Women’s Work for the Church," and at the evening service on “Some Plain Facts About Sin.'! Harvest Home services wiil he held at St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Maple. Sunday evening, Sept. 23. at 7 o’clock. Rev. P. W. Roberts, minister. A doll’s carriage was taken yvsler- day from the from; veranda of N. J. Glass. Will the party return the same and save further honhle. We like to keep Richmond Hill on the map, but draw the line at bootleg- ging. To Farmers J. A. GREENE, Pros. congregation generally had for a long time hoped and looked forwnrd to a large patronage and H. good time at the Dedicntory services in connection with the opening of the new Pipe Organ. but the great success which attended ‘ their efforts last Sunday and Monday evening must have exceeded the ex- pectations of the nmst Optimistic. In the morning when the sorvice was taken by R'ev. Salem Bland. former pastor of Broadway Tabernacle, Toronto. the auditorium of the church was well filled. as well as a few front seats in the gallery. and in the evening with Rev. Wesley Dean in charge, the auditorium as Well as the gallery was crowded. Neither of the able ministers preached what; might be called a sermon, but their very practical talks to congregation and choir along the lines of good fellowship, union and human betterment were listened to with marked attention, and every word was thoroughly enjoyed. The pastor. Rev. B. 8. Warren. road the‘ dedicatory service in the morning, and Mr. W. A. Wright, secretary of the Trustee Board. presented the new I organ to the church. With the orb ganist, Mr. Melecci at the new instru- ment assisted by his 36 choristers good music was supplied morning and even- ing. Messrs Alfred Gray and Frank “ALL A. m - Babb of Torbhib; fl rgfiaé'l‘eau;afl;;ble At the business meeting preceding the presentation of the programme, a letter was read from the Board of the Children‘s Hospital. pointing outthe great need of that institution for a generous supply of canned fruit for the winter season. Acting on this appeal. it motion was carried to ask 'Nch member of the Institute for a jar of fruit. Other business included the presentation of the printed pro- grammes for the. season's meetings, announcement of a forthcoming lecture by the Rev. \V. A. Cameron. of Bloor Street Baptist Church. Whois to speak about his recent hip to Europe. in a local hall on October 10th. and the appointment of a. special Committee to see to licketnnd other arrangements for this affair which is sure to attract a large audience. After the programme was over a pleasant 5: col hour was spent over the tea cup: when Miss Moer and Mrs. Stirling were assis'ed in ltioking after the gues‘s by Mrs. J. lnnes. Mrs. Pit-Wman, Mrs. (Jomisky and Mrs. I. Ramer. METHODIST CHURCH Pipe Organ Opening in the Home,” and a careful analysis of the "Help or Hindrance nf Huhlt.” read by Miss Hencnck. iecretmy of the Aurora). club. Musical numbers were offered by Miss Josie Barker. a piano solo; by Miss Helm) Brynn on the Hawuin Guitar; and a vocal number by Mrs. Bryan. The trustees. the ladies aid A Permanent Wall" \Vithofirti Pater is absolutely fire-proof. It is vermin-proof, and i insulator of heat and cold. Gyproc is not an ordinary-wall-board. It is absolutely difierent. Ask for our free booklet and samples. ONTARIO GYPSUM 00.. LTD.. PARIS ONT. RICHMOND HILL 0NT.. DEALERS, L. INNES 3; sons A few dollars spent on Gyproc and a few hours’ work (building experience not at all necessary) will transform your attic into attractive livable rooms. You have the space, why not use it? The expense is smallâ€"the eflect beautifulâ€"and the job permanent. Make Your Attic Useful With Gyproc and the 10--CENTS--10 at The Liberal Office. PROGRAMMES Jones Lumber Co. Phone 27. Arnold S: Yonge St. 11.13 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS The firocéeds of the supper and entertainment were: $238.65. “u ulflsulllt'll( pipe organ, lllilflll- {sic-lured and installed by the Uasuvnnt Companyâ€"1minstrument, which would give the best of satisfaction in the hands of the organist. Adelmo Melecci. During the evening Dr. VVillan played several difficult selections by noted musicians, and vocal solos were rendered by Miss Edith Champion. and violin selections by Mr. Geoffrey \Vnddington. Monday evening at the Organ Re- cital, the auditorium and gallery ware again well filled after a. splendid supper had been served in the School Room by the Ladies Aid. After ex- tending a. welcome to the large audiâ€" ence. and thanking all who had helped to 'muke the opening such a grand success. the pastor, Rev. 11.8. \Varren. asked Dr. Willan of the 'l‘urnnto Unn- servatory of music, to take chmgeuf the entertainment. Dr. \Villan con- gratulated the Methodist church on the umgnifient pipe organ, manu- l‘l..lp.u--l fl ‘ ' ‘ " ' ‘ assistance in duets at both services, and in the evening Stanley Haatt. g-rlu medalist, and soprano soloist of St. Matthew’s Anglican Church choir. sang a solo to the (lelightuf all pru- sent. Mr. Melecci also gave a shun-t organ recital at the close of the oven,- ingisel'vice. as to cost for floo‘ring itself, or for the floor all ready laid and scraped. a greatly reduced cost. We handle all the best. grades and are plunged to give estimates DO YOU ‘KNOW that some lines of HARDWOOD FLOORING are DOWN [N PRICE as much as $20.00 per thousand, and that the present is the golden opporâ€" tunity for which you have been waiting to get that new floor, at Souvenir ng Dr. VVillan played selections by noted vocal solos were Edith Champion. and iS an 5' Richmond Hill 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that George Turner Cleverly of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario. cook, will apply to the Palliamult of Canada. 3.“ tho next Session thereof for a Bill of Divorce {yum his wife. Florence Mnnd Cleverly of 319 High Rnad, \Vood- groan, erdun. N. 22. England. on the grmmd of “(lullely .mrl dwsertinn. HATED at (In: City of Toronto. in th- C(vnnty t-f ank. in LhP PI-nvince nf()nta1iu,lhis 28th duv wf Allen, [928. HEYD. HEYD. SHOREY & NEWMAN 5llâ€"Slb' Cunfedemtinn Life Building, Tom: to, Ontario. Solicitors fur the said Gemge Tumor Clea erly. 11â€"15 Call by phone or otherwise promptly Notice of Application for Divorce Cedar posts and telephone poles sale. T. COUSINS. JOHN R. CAMPBELL The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Dmnpanv, Lt'd, haw» on hand for sale. Upment drain tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile l2. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand or‘Gratel sold by the load or in car lots. In order to make room {or my Fall Stock of Ready- to-Wear Suits, I am offering Suits at 20 p.c. Discount during the Month ofAugust. Now is a good time to buy. Ifyour OVERCOAT needs repair now is the cheapest time to have it done before the fall trade starts. Special attention given to sales 0! every description. Farms and farm xtnck sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsales al.- Fended to an shnrtest nnlicv. and con- ducted by the must approved methods. Patronage solicited Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTYâ€"THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch J. R. Herrington, Manager ! VETERINARY SURGEON. Thornhil]. The 415 Balliol St. Toronto. Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER :E. R. FORTNER Suits Reduced II. Prentice 0CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE Investor’s Safeguard SAFETY is the first consideration : of this Bank’s business â€" am position to render a complete inves Our nearest Manager can give yo regarding any securities you may purchasing Let STANDARD SERVICE be your Inues THE Ladies and Gents’ Clothier and Tailor. Manager "\lll Ill CVCXy pnas â€"_ and we are m a 0F CAEHM for first consideration in every plus ,B L“ . . é Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. omensâ€"8mm 511 MrKinnnh Bldg, 001-. Jordon nhd Melinda. 3419., ’l'm'onto. Telvpht‘no Main 3631. A. CA HERON MACNAUGHTON FREDERICK A . A. CAMPBELL | Mr. Camphwll will he at The Libezra Ofi'icv, Richmond Hill. every Tuesday ‘ atel'nonn. You should take advantage of the present prices of metal by ("during yourEave-Tx-ough, Roofing, Furnaces, or any other metal product, as every- thing points tn a substantial inelease in prices in the near fulurp. Cmne in and let us protect you with present. prices. . TEETZEL BROS. my now. u. \- "A complete investment service- ' can give you Information \Ve have on hand for Immediate De- livery L‘nckahutt Pious, \Vilkinson Flows. 1 Set Chain Drags, \Vheelbar- rows, lSecond-Hund Glenn] Separator. just, hf-‘ful't: th' Sm'ing Rush up [he Farm you should look over the Ma.- chinery and got thnsv Needed Repairs. Or, if it’s New Machinely, we can get it. fur ynu 'OMMISSIONEIL, CONVEYANCER. ETC This Is the Time Macnaughton 81 Campbell REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhm. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC ;, lSecond-Hund Gleam Sepnmtcr v t us know your wants in Muchin‘ insmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 W Investment Safeguard contemplate Phone 95 38.”:

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