\ Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornh'ill, Ont 30 tf Artist) Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of 85 Richmond St†West, Ofl‘lé'es { Toronto. Naughtcn Block. Aurora. Snlicttor for: Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King, Whitchurch and Markham. Walter S. Jenkins Res. Phone lill. 5048 ELOCUTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Real Estate Dept. Exclusive Agents 46 KING ST. W., TORONTO - Phone Main 6215 CHARTERED TRUST & EXECUTOR C0. Salesmen on the PrOperty Every Week Day Very Easy Terms of Payment spread over a perlod of ï¬ve years at 63: p.c. interest. This exceptionally ï¬ne property adjoins the southern boundary of Richrriond Hill. The tax rate is lower, and prices for lots are lower than in Rich- mond Hill. ACRE LOTS $400 AND UP Building Lots $4 per Ft. and Up Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 Lots for Sale in this Beautiful New Residential and Garden Subdivision ELMPARK NAUGHTON & JENKINS WWW 90900 Oâ€6< 0N YONGE S'l’. JIfNI' SOFT/l 01" RICHMOND HILL Robinson Block RICHMOND HILL Rainbow Specialty Shoppe The Fashions of the Season now shown J. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 Comé and look over our stock Prices Right Styles Right \Vorkman's Cottages. $300 to $500 cash and easy monthly payments. These cottages will be built of brick or frame as desired on thiltyofoot lots im- mediateiy eaat of the Fair Grounds. For full particulars wxite or see Building Lots, $4.00 to $10.00 per ft. $1.00 per ft. crush; balance, your own terms. P ones Hudson 1515â€"1470. ROSEVIEW GARDENS Phone 232. 7179 Mutual L’ife assurance Company of Canada THE POLICY HOLDERS OWN COMPANY Get your life Insurance at cost. ' C. H. BYAM, Agent, tne 232. Maple. ‘Ont. RICHMOND HILL W. }. LAWRENCE. _ £974 Yonge St ‘ Alas; alas; doth hope deceive us? Shall friendshipâ€"loveâ€"shall all those tirs That bind a moment, and then leave us. I Be found again where nothing dies? l ()le if no otbm‘ boon where given : 1‘0 keep our hearts from wrong and g stain, - Who would not try to Win a heaven \Vlrexe all we love shall live again? Tu those she long hath mnurned for hvle! v Hem be from which 'twal iealh to sever. Eyes this world can ne'er restore. There as wan m, as bright. as ever, Shall meet us and be lost no more. “'hen \VPBII)’ we wander, asking Of earth and heaven, where are lhpy. Beneath whose smile weon'te lny basking. Blast and thinking bliss wmild stay! Hope still lifts her radiant finger, Pointing tn the eternal hnme. ('pnn whose portal yet they linger. Looking back for us to come. FRISHYâ€"In loving: menmry of Emma R Pearson, beloved wife und motmr, wife of Richald S. FHshy, “1th died Saturday. Septeluher23rd. 19132. 'Tis lnve that murmers'in our breast, And makes u: shed the secret twu; Nor day nor night our [warts h-u'e rest. For night and day her vuico w» hear. Is it. nut sweet. tn think hem-af‘er, When the spit-it. leaves the Spin-r“. Love. with deathless wing, shall Wuft SOUVENIR PROGRAMS THE LIBERAL OFFICE ‘ Mr. M. P. Van Dvr an'b was warmly (harnka fm- thn interest he h‘ld taken in fullhex'ilrg [he improve- m nt Mung Yonge Siren-t, heu‘ingin viuw the benefit of theresidunts and l‘utt‘puyc rs. A meeting of the members ot’the Yonge Street HighWny Aswuintiun was held in the Cmncil (Ihzuuher, S'xtm-dav evening. with lhe President, M. P. Van Der Vuurv. 1n the chair. In the absent-e (If the secrvlary the minutes were taken by Mr. I. H. \V’eldnn. ' Rle'eL wns expveésvd hyu nnmher of those px'esent than lllnre il)h-'l‘r>[ is 110' being taken in the impvmemvnt ml] beautifying nf Yang» strez-t, um»- of the grentr-‘I highwuvs ml the conti- nent. Ofï¬m'rs for the curront yvnr “'er Flu-ted as follows: P-v-sitlunt, Mr. Hnlme. Oak Hiddge ; Vix‘e Pl't'sidf'nf, Mr. McImtchy, Richmond Hill; S*c‘)’.-'l‘reus. M. C. Vun DH- V00an O‘k Ridpy s The members of the old B nud uf incwrs were l'P-Plt‘ctf’d. ‘ A SPLENDID GAME l Those who were present at the ynung Indies soft ball game at theâ€"‘palk on ‘ Saturday after-“non last enjoyed one of the seaslm's best games of ball ':Nin†and “Tuck†«Vere present everï¬min- ute. and an extra inning was played to ‘det-ide the winner. The Kodak girls I f Torvntn brought out a well-balanced team ard u "nifty" pitcher in the per- son of Miss Greenwood. But our own Francis was steady and reliable thrunut, as a glance at the 'scme beluw will show. It was a game worth while. and proved that the locals are capable nf giving the best of them "a run for their money." The score by innings was as follows: Kodak Girls â€"l-0-3-1-0-l-0~1â€"-1tl Richmond Hillâ€"l-5-(l241-I 0.0â€" .0 The return game will plob-«bly he played at Kodak Recreation Park. To- ronto. on Saturday afternoon. Sept. 2.â€. Another splvndid team of Toronto Soft Bali Giris will be seen at the Rich- mond Hill Ball next Saturday after- noon at 330 sharp. Robertson Broth- ers. Limited. team of girls. are coming. They .p'ayed in the champiwnship ï¬nal grime 'f the Ladies Senior (Yity Buse- ball League both last year and this year, the writer having seen both (:un- tests, and he can tell the public that they are spiendid exponents of the game. Probably the locals may be stepping out of their class, but that ve- mains to be seen. Don’t miss this hixz game next Saturday afteinoon at 3.30 sharp. Everybody enme- Hop» and Iiidmmnd Hill girls play ed M frieuuv game at (he [Lll'k Ia“ night (\Vvdm-sdny), Kit-hnmnd “551 wmuing 01L hyu suul'euf 2|) la 1!) with ml inning tn spare. :Iftar being (Inwr. [U to I at the 9nd uf 1.11:“. Second inning. Hare have a splendid hum of girls, an! one which will make the he’s-L nl' thmn, in city or country, the‘tu the limit to “in out. 'l‘lnynlso have an uctirvand energetic nnnngs-r. Lvon xrd OSenwm. The mnnngor nf the Richmond Hill Young La'iiL-s Bu“ Team picked up u loam uf young girls on Snturduv last, and look tlmn In Aurora for a game with the girls of that town. They nu-L d feat at LhP hands nf Aurora by n 9 01-9 of 8 3 in u five-inning gamc. game at 5 pm. “ A hearty we1come awaits th» Kodak Girls any timu they return to our \il- lage for a gameâ€"they left a splendid impression as ctean sports with us. her NEXT SATURDAY'S BIG GAME Yonge Street Highway Meeting All Husband, Daughter and Son Sporting Notes “(yard The In l.\' MEMORIAII 1nd Riphmnnd Hi†girls play equ game at, (he [Lll'k 18"! qudm-sdny), Rivhnmnd “551 on hyu sum-emf 2|) la 1!) with Hope nvxL \Vndues- ills play-the return 3 You will do Well (0 see our reth- {nants, suitable for misses coats, )dresses and shirts. ‘ Fall felt hats from $3.50 to $5.00. Underwear for the season, both tW-Q piece“an combination. THE LGRNE BLDEK FURNiSHING STURE The cool weather is now coming. See our sweater coats and pull overs from $2.50 to $5.50. [age :un mm M Hm host 5 Richmond Hill. $3,500 lmys six I'omnpd h mndern CmnonivHCt-s, gun-nee a bargain. All [)l'hpPIHf‘S SUM on sm puissions. why pay hing-s ‘r, fl Lmvnsed A'n'linnel‘r for 1h» Uunnty of York. Snlvsntlondvd to on shortest “.ntirr‘. :m'l "tyre: ‘onnble rules. DRY.COODS - MILLINERY - LADIES’ WEAR $5,7J0 Er y nmv hhllst $3,200 (It! {Ill The “Original†N0. 21. Dandy. No.13, No No. 15 A. (One Hm-se) are Leaders in Ontario. $13,011†buys g mk lmrn. ln-ick lgood. years QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE THE WORK IN THE FIELD T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario WWW Trench Block Apply Wesley Boyn ton We will smn be entering upon our Founh Millinery Season, and in anticipating the individual tastes of our many castom~ ers for Falland Winter Styles we are carefully walching the markeï¬s so as to obtain only the very latest and up-to- date fashions. We already have a few Fell; Hats for present wear. Li’Dcn'l'. fail to see our Display of Wools in all the Latest Shades. “ Princess Pat " Hair Nets, 100. each. General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill PROPERTEES FOR SALE COAL Price no more than that of many inferior Plowsi xpcl-iment with imitations. Buy the Best. COME TO SEE US NEXT TIME YOI' ARE IN TOWN T. H. "HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 Thornhill, Ontario That is the essence M" (h? great reputation won many ago, and since constantly maintained by the Pull'nnagP solicito ny IH‘ THE FAMOUS FLE I‘. SAIGEOLN Maple 100 (‘OQy lht Norman J. Glass. MRS. NORMAN BATTY H)qu 100 rm “1:19 hum uuLbuiltling huusn streets and ‘1 ll |Il (‘Clll Isa, :11] this is ur In WOOD Famous Fleury Plows Solicitors for UN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. Margaret Hickey, of the City of 'l‘nruntu. in lhu Uuunty of Ymk. and in the Province nf Onlm-in. mmrieJ \vomnn, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the wat session Lhr‘reot' l'v-I- u Hill of Divorce frmn her husband. Uharlrs Henry Hickey, furmFrlny he said (‘ity of Tux-unto. nmv nf the ly nf lCtllnnlltun. in the Province uf Alhn-rln, Postal Clerk. am the ground of adultery and [10‘SPI‘liHIL DATED ML tht- lily of Tul'onlh. in 'lw Ummly uf Ymk. this li’tll dny (-f July. 1923. as ~l. 314-516 Colin-(Ir Notice of II. A. NIGHOLLS nnnnisshnwr. Conveyance)“, Etc Inslu'uncv and Real Estate N OTA RY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL Easp for Horses, Comfort for Man, Finest. Quality Work in the Field. chD. HFYD. SH )REY ' r& NEWMAN. ma Application forVDivoirE’e Special and Minn Life Building, :rcnln. aid Nlal'gal'vl Hickey. Phone 53 Don’t