Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Sep 1923, p. 1

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H. s. PACKER, A. T. ciMr.I Riclimond Hill; '01.- store. TbOI‘lllli”; or Lory of of Hm Attention Large Stocks of Pine and HPmlm-k, Shingles, Luth, Cedar Posts. Etc. fur yum-quick convenience. Also dealers in Fibre Board. Ready Roofing, Asphalt Shingles. Fells. Etc. \Ve npemte our own Planing Mill, Siding. Flooring. Moulding Frames, and Sash. Doors, Etc. Perfectly manufactured. We Solicit your enquiries and Orders. fhone Day. 13-3. Night 75. All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship Prompt Service 2 Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. Jones Lumber Co. lO--CEN"[:S-- 10 at The Liberal ' Office. Rolfe Shoe Repair PROGRAMMES Phone 27. Arnold S: Yonge St. K 11-13 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS Boot and Shoe Repairer L. Innes 8: Sons OPEN ALL DAY A EXCEPT \VEDNESDA Tqachg' of Piano and thgm y, memh ' Hm Faculty at [I]? Tnl‘Uuto Cu servatory of Music. _A_pplicn_nt_s__’_z_\pply 3m _Libeml Off‘iv. VOL. XLVI. Home Builders DO YOU KNOW that some lines of HARDWOOD FLOORING are DOWN [N PRICE as much as $20.00 per thousand, and that the present is the golden opporâ€" tunity for which you have been waiting to get that new floor, at and are pleased to give estlmales as to cost for flooring itself, or for the floor allready laid and scraped. a greatly reduced cost. W9 handle all the best. grades Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond Hill Street Richmond Hill; GEO. KIDD Contractors and Rolfe Shoe Repair Store .5o'per annum, in advance.] Souvenir R Arnold Street ()LI"E All kinds of repairs to boots nd shoes. The J. L. McDonald's 'l‘nrnnto Oonselva- Music. 13-16 'ROPRIETOR ND EVERY DAY YS AXD SUNDAYS _ _. “my...” ...u “7. U. T. U. will be lmld at the home of Mrs. A. E. Phipps, next Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 2nd. at 3 o’clock. Every member is requested to attend, and t1)? president asks thus Snpts. uf Depnrlnwnts make :1 special effort to Instead of October 12 nnd 18:15 first. announced, \Vondblidge Fair will be hold an Why and Saturday, Oct. 19- 20. On the second day there will be three racing events, 0102.15, 2.22 and 2.30 classes. A full list of evpnts. including steeplechase. high jumping and flat races. will be competed for by some of the mosL pmminent horse owners in the Province. be present to help plnn'fm- the yézix‘ work. Under the auspices of VVurld Brotherhood Federation. the Right Hon. David Lloyd George will speak in Massey Hall. Tuesday. the 9th of October at 2.30 p. m. This will be an opportunity for men and women to see and hem- that nuted statesman that thiy never expected tn gm. Uuupnns f0 admission may be had at The Lib: 11:] Of icl'. The services in the Methodist, Church, Sunday, Sept. 30th, will be of special interest. In the morning the Sunday School will unite with conglo- gration in Annual S. S. Ral y Service. Mr. A. E. Plewumn will deliver an illustrated address entitled “A Street Car.” At 7 p. m. Rev. Dr. Daniels will preach. Thu members of the Masonic Order will attend Divine Service. All friends are cordially invited. The Home and School Club will hold its first meeting of the season on Tuesday evening,‘ Oct. 2nd. in the Public Schoul at 8 o’clock. Election of officm-s will take place and plans will be discussed, for mak- ing the Home and School Club more usrful in the school life of our children in the coming;l year. Every parent and friend of the children is urged to re- member the date and be on hand, “7hut was pmhably the last Bowl- ing Tournament, took place on Tbe Green, Monday evening. when besides a large number of the home members, players were present from Aurora, Alulira and Unionville. The following were prise wihners: Ist~~1 ducks. Mrs.H. Murphy, Mrs. W A Wright, R Agar. C Webster skip. 2ndâ€"4 chickens. Mrs F Boylv, Mrs N J ‘Glass. F E Sims, L. _Hill, skip. skip. Shhâ€"4 lmxes chocolates, Mrs. Greene. Ak'McC-ague, Mr Smith, \V \Vellnmn, 5 1p. The President. Mr. A. G. Savage, was presented with a pipe, and Mrs. A G. Savage. President. of the Ladies' section was ch? recipient of a bouquet of roses. After happy speeches by the skip: of the winning rinks. the social event was followed by refreshments. Owing to pressure of Work which has acuumulnted Liming his nbsr-nce :lhl‘OHd, Ihe Rev. \V. A. Cameron of River Sllk‘ef Baptist, Church. \vhn was to have spnkvn to the Richmond Hill \Vomens’ Institute rm “Conditions in Elunpe,” has been obliged to pestponc this engagement to H luterdalo. In- :tvnd of this mldrvss for the, evening of Friday Octvher l2lh. It. [is hoped to hold a unetng uf the Institute at the home of Mrs. J. Dunlap, at, which Mrs. A. A. Perrv, formerly Plesidl-nt uf the \Vomens’ Civic Lvngue and Memher of the Social \Velfure Commission [If \Vinnipeg. will give a talk on “Wuman as a Citizen” 3rd~â€"4 h'ags Aux-uni Belle Fioiurrlr-j K Agnew, W D Scott, Dr Bell, J McLean, CHA'I'I‘ERLEYâ€"Iu loving memory of my .mother. Mr. \Vulter Chatterley, who died Sept. 25. 199'. A precious one from us has gone, A \oice we loved is stilled. A place is vacant in our home. \\ hich never can be filled. (uhâ€"4 pails honey, B White. Mrs McLatnhy, Mr Bulhvygll, G_e.o. (£99, skip. 3”. 4| . The Soptemlzgz: [perfpingrnf the Home and School Club Meeiing Lloyd George in Massey He RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER. 27. 1923 METHODIST CHURCH Womens’ Institute News â€"D.;ugbtex-, Mn. N. Baker. Woodbridge Fa? Local Tournament 1N MEMORIAL! W. C. T. U. “ In Essentials, Unity; ,r Quite a number nf citizens attended l [he ratepayers meeting in the Council i Chamber. Tuesday evening. Mr. |Greene, President, was in the chair, ' and the. secretary, Mr. L. 'l‘eetzel, took l the minutes. I The President nsked the Council if i they plll'p09t’d paving Yongo sheet, in a the face (If the large. vntc against'the { pmject at the lust meetina. Reeve J Trench ieplied that lenders had been ‘ receiv d. but would nut, he opened until the next meeting of the Council. i It was expected :1 commitlae from the iHydro would meet the Council here Saturday of this week, re movng the , track to the. Centre of the street. Th9 Richmond Hill High School will lmld their annual field day in the town park on thent’ternonn of Friday, Oct. \Vt- are counting on [he lnyal support of ex-pnpils‘, parenm and frivnds to make this n mnre success- ful fie-Id (lay Lhun ever. Further ntMce and pl'ogl'nmnm I-f Pvmlts in nnxtwvek’s issue of this paper. M; Fm-restgr, E. Houpr‘r. Gordon Armstrong, the 4 year old son of Mr. James Armstrong, who was llll] over by a motor car :1 couple of months ago had another accident on Mondav. Gordon was with his mother in the attic above the olTice of Dr. Bell, in the Standard Bank building when with a crash he came lhrungh the skvlight curlying the sash and glass with him, falling a distance of eight feet on a hardwood floor. Fortunately the hay was very little injured, be- yond a few minor cuts and bluises. Needless to say he was badly frightened, but, not, more so than Dr. Bell, who was working in his dental office below. Mr. Henry Endean and others rec- ommended the Council to prnceed slowley as it vote tn build a new High School was carried, and the village taxes were alieady very high. Befme :idjouming. a resolution WHS carried appointing W. Davies, A. J. Mob-itchy and T. H. Trench acom- mittec to ask the Board of Trndv to call :1 meeting with a. View of ()fvai-ig indncmnents to factm-ics locating hex-r. Last Sunday \Vm'ld contained a. phmngravem' of Mr". A. E. Conmlm, Classical MastPl' at the new $750.0LU Combim-d Collegiate and Vocaliunal School, St. Calharilws. The account refers print-ipr‘lly to Mr. Coulnhs as lhe first Scout Master Cnmmissionrd in Canada. After reviewing his wmk as Scunt Master in St. Cathaiines The W n‘ld says: “Born at Richmond Hill. Out” in !he SPVé’nliPS, yunng ()unmhs earlv in lIfP aspired tn an armlmuic and pmlaâ€" gngic career, and all his efl'ults were directed to the culminmion of Illat (In. sil-e. At the age of 19 ho entered the Provincial University and was gradu- ated in 1892, with honors in classics. Hi3 M. A., be secured tlnee years later and the degree of l}. Pned. in 1897. “He taught for some time at Rich- mond liill and Newunuket High Schools. and in 1909 he succeeded john Hrnderson. M.A.. L.L.D.. in the principnlslxip mi 1110 St. Cnthzuims (‘ollpgiute Institute. On his appoint mth then: the stuff numbered seven. whilP on January 1, 1923. it was 25; the attendance then was 175, while the enrulment is now in excess of 700.” Rev. Gen. Little. associate «(litm- of Presbyterian Publications. preached in St. Andrew’s church on Sunday morning. A valuable team of horses owned by the Maple Sand and Gravel 00.. was killed by a. south hound train one mmninglust Week at the crossing a mile north of the station. Mrs. Jas: Luckhart. of West To- ronto, is visiting at Mr. A. 0. Robin- son’s. ‘ Large signs. with the Words “\Vel- come to Maple Village” on one side and "CallAgain" on the other have been placed on Lil» funr roads leading to and from th4 vilbgw The names 0 the diITc-umt streets have also been posted up. Harvest Home Services were held in St. Stephen's church on Sunday even- ing. The church was suitably decorated. deccmted. A rally of the \Vomeu’s Missionary Society was held at, the Methodist church last \Veduesday afternoon, tea. was served. Mrs. Jos. Lund. of Chicago, was spending a few days with friends in this vicmity. Mr. Coombs Scout Master Fell Through Skiylight Ratepayers Meeting H. S. FieYd Day in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." § Wall Hafngings s - 0 - i Artistic Charm lsnnc Hnglww, agod 55 yoursm guard at, the Jail Full“. dwd at his home in Richmond Hill 'I‘mwrlaymight. Ill‘ sufi‘med from typht-id fever, which he contracted on the farm spveral “‘kas «go when an nuLln-euk of that dismâ€"c- occurred there as a result of u ln-nkvn watornmin. [{I‘IPHVE'SH widow who has been an invalid for a. number of yours: Mr. Hughes had been employ- ed us a gumd since the Jail Farm was opened thiileg-n years ngp. and was previously engaged in a slfllilill‘ wipi- city in the Toronto Jail. Funeral Saturday at 3.30 p. m. “How do you feel?" asked the physician who had been called to at- tend the seamstress. “Oh, sew, sew. -.., u- vv u. , .. , but I senm vworse tnâ€"dav and have stitches in my side.” The dm-tor humde and told her she would mend soon.â€"Cmmdaiuk. If you are in possession of Victory Bonds maturing Nov. lst, 1923, you may exchange your holdings for a Dominion of Canada, twenty-year 5% bond and receive in cash $1.75 per 100.00 and if you prefer to take a five year b nd 3ou will receive in cash $1.00 for each $100.00 bond. Interest coupons on bonds exchanged are to be retained by the owner and cashed on November lst. As tl e new bonds are dated October 15th. lulders who exchange will receive an extra half month‘s interest. DR. ROLPH I‘ Office houxs 8 : 1075.171). and}; S p.m DH:_L1LLIAN C. LANGSTAFF; $13.00) will buy one of the best 100 acres in Man-khan) Township. Brick house. bank burn. stunp stables under, other large barn. other buildings. ’l‘enns easy. Phone‘ 306, King. To cash subscribers the cost of a twenty year $1000 bond is $982.50 and for a five year $1.000 bond $990.00 Bonds are in denomina- tions of $100, 55500, 31.000 and may be fully registered. Houses and lots on Ru-eview, Rich- mond, Arnold and Yonge Sis. To rentâ€"5 room house. furnace. gnod lnt, near Elgin Mills on Yongo Street. Properties at Maple. Elgin Mills, and Newmurket. Loans. Insurance, Natalia] Work. N.) cl‘arge for transfer on any pro- perty sold. Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL SAMPLES FREE PAINTING, DECORATING the most am'ucth- obtainable in Canada We shall be pleased to transact your business.- $525 will secure you an excellent building site on the we:t side of Church St. G. HILL, Oak Ridges P_. O. Victory Bonds AT‘I‘ERsoNâ€"At Richmonfl Hill 22nd. To Mr. and Mrs. E Patterson :1 Snn, sLiUhoru. ORTH YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL (diseases of woxnenraimfii childrefi.) Officv hours 1 :3 p. m; Phone 100. H. A. Nicholls DRS. LANGSTAFF minion of Canada bonds are The Real Estate Man Technical Language Nr. Hugh 5 Death HAS FOR SALE E. GLASS, Richmond Hill attractive investment BIRTHS LANGE Ichmond Hill, Sopfl and Mrs. Hnrwy STAFF 13-14 For heating we have Sol- vay Coke, Pocahontas Nut, Cannel Coal and Boulets. A 1imited supply also of Stove and Egg Anthracite, Slabs and Hardwood at the Ele'vator. Feed. Cracked Corn, Corn Meal, Purnial-Ilan Chow and Chowder. A car each of Cement and Thrashing Coal, also a car of Salt in bbls. and sacks arriv_ ed. Ofiice hours 8 to 10 mm. [to 2 6 to 8 p. m. DENTKST Office Trench BJOCk. two doors north of Standard Bank. Hour-59mm. to 5.30 p.m. Telephone 32 24 KING ST. WEST, ENROLL ANY TIME Indivldual Inshnction. Night Sclu: Mondays and Thursdays] vamarket. Bank of Turnnto Blot \Ve have also a supply of Bran and Shorts and Glutin Denton, Macdonald Lt Denton Ofl‘ica and residenceâ€"Centre and Church Streets Richmond Hill thw No. 24. Arthur A. Mucdtmald Frank Demon r Laura Denton. A. Keen demand for our Graduates all the time. Do not fool with educa- tion. Get the best. It. always pays. Our record for placing students in positions is unexcelled in Canada. NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE THE HIGH GRADE SCHOOL Yonge and Charles Sts.. Toronto DR. L. R. BELL FALL TERM OPEN PUBLIG NOTICE DR. J. P. VVILSON Paper hanger and P‘ SAM. SHEPHERD I. D. Ramer Barristers, Snlicturs. (‘ MANNING ARCADE I‘ELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dedo [Single copies, 3 cts J. ELLIOTT Write for Catalogue Oxfoi‘d Sheet; Phone 4»! r 32, LLIOTT “'ELL KNO‘VN AS 1ommtmce now. TORONTO. CANADA No. 13 RINCIPAL ‘ainter Schuol

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