Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Sep 1923, p. 4

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JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 Cor. Arnold & Yonge. é Residence address Victoria Square Canadiam Tenor and Chair Leader Soloist, North Pm-kdzile Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupil: 11 Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty's. Arnold St. Particulars can be obtained by calling. Phone 22 Ring 11. 29- All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Leave Oxders at. Sloan’s Drug StOILQ, Richmond Hill. Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. ‘N. HEWISON The undersigned has opened 'a shop AT GORMLEY for the repair of Harness. All parts of Harness will be kept in stock. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS BUILDERS SUPPLIES T WENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE {'eacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Pupils passed for Consexvatory Ex- aminatinns. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND, From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Theory. -:- For information Phone 110. MRS. MYLKS. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal Office). every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday aftrernnon: Woodbl‘idqe. Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Current Rate Toronto Office. 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. \Vest. Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Fibreboard Roof ings Gyprock Tar paper Wa‘4,-oard Building paper l'azronage Solicited. F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY E10 A. C. HENDERSON Rough and Dressed Lumber Adelmo Meleca and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M. NOTICE is hereby given matJnhn Joseph Henderson, of the City of Toronto. in the County of York,.l\Iale Nurse. will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next session thereof»! for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Joan (McQuillen) Henderson, of lhe said (My of Toronto. on the ground of adultery and desertion. unu-d at the City of Toronto, I‘rmince of Ontario. \he 30th day of August. 1923. MAUBETH & MAOBETH. 4l2 Temple Building. Toronto. Solicitors for the allelC'Alil. llâ€"f5 HO USE PAINTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronaceand influence respgctfully solicited JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Notize of Application for Divorce Harness Shop THORNHILL, ONT. Elias Elliott WILLIAM COOK Wm. C. Ruttan Richmond Hill. P.O. address Gormley,RR SATURDAY, OCT. Gâ€"Auction sale of hol‘st'S, wagons. mntor truck, imple- ments etc., at Int 16, MOI'Uuwl- Ave, Todmorden. the moperty of Nicolia Bros. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms cash. Prentice & Prentice. Aucts. SATURDAY, Oc-r. 6â€"Auction sale of trash milch cows, springers. young cattle etc.. at Sliney’a Hotel. Schoml‘erg. lhe pmperty nf J. H‘ Bril'inger. Sale at 1 n’clo k. Terms 0' Inmths. J. ML‘EWGD. Auct. 7 grownâ€"ups. Practical work-a-day or school bans. Picturesque hats for best. Accommodation haul. suitable for any occasion are here at the THORNHILL MILLINERY STORE MISS E. G. BARKER “What do you wa‘ut it for?” re- sponded the clerk. "Woollen ur cotton goods.” “Neither.” said the child. It’s fm‘ mu's stomach. The doctor mid she'd have to diet. and she wanls it a pretty colnr." â€"Canadaink. MILLINERY cle‘FEthIj a Eackage of'pinkr d3"; days' trip in a canoe is contributed by A. David Fraser. E. F. \Vurd hasa story of a fishing trip in the Rncki~s while F. V. Williams. and Martin Hunter and others have gi 0d stories in this issue. One of tho treats in store for the sportsman in Bud and Gun in Canada in the 00 char issue is a story by H. C. [)uifus on “Roar Hunting up Bule inlet, 8. C." which is written in a particuhu-ly readable manner. Bonny- castlv Dale has a good article on the “Virginian Deer of Nuvn Scotia," while an interesting account ofaten I never can hide myself from me: I see what others may never see; I know what others may never know; I can nevev fool mvself. and 50, Whatever happens I want to be Self-respecting and conscience-flea. sun. And hate myself for the things he done. I don’t want to keep on a close! shelf A lot of secrets about myself. And fool myself, as I come and g0. Into thinking lint nobody else will know The kind of a man I really am: I don't want to dress Up myself in sham I want to go out with my head erectâ€" I want to deserve all men’s respect; But hex o in khe struggle for fame and pel! I Want to be able to like myself. I don’t want to look It myself and know Thnt I'm blustor and bluflr and empty show The presentation of Autumn Models in Millinery, THURS- DAY, FRIDAY and SATURâ€" DAY, and following days, give prominence to the display of Hats for Children, as well as [ have to live with myself; and so I want to be fit. for myself to knuw. [ want. to be able. as days go hy. Alwavs to look myself straight in the eye. [don’t want to stand, with the setting 1 unknown. Anmit 5 o'clan Saturday afternoon. duling lhrashing operations,_ fire hrnke nut in a large barn belonging to William Smith, farmer. Gormley. and tutnlly destvoyed the building witth a short time. The fire was first uhserved at the mouth of the blower of the thrashng machine. and had secured tno firm a. hold to be extinguished hy the twelve men- who were working in the staining-beneath the. burn. Fortunately, all of Mr. Smith’s stock was out in the fields, except three horses. ‘which were rescued in the nick of time by the men. The cause of the fire is Mr. Smith lost approxi-: mately 1.500 bushels of grain, which represents his whole season's crop, as well as 25 tons of hay. It was found impossible to pull the thrash- ing machine out of the ham owing to the great heat. and it was also r'onsumed. The machine belonged to Fred Hunt. a well-known local tin-usher. The damage to the burn and driving sheds is estimated at $5.000 and the thrashing machine is valued at $1.500. There was a. small in- surance on the buildings and contents, émd none on the thrashing machine. A little girl li|llid!yfls_k95i Lhedxug L. The use Of tobacco among a certain class of women appears to be on the increase. The Toronto dailies of Tuesday in referring to the Women’s Jail Farm annoyances by the lmuggling ln of tobacco, said: “Fully 5) per cent of the women. were snoklng every day, and it had gone so far that the’women quarrelled over the amount of tobacco each one had in m r possession.” Auction Sale Register Select Your Color Rod And Gun GORMLEY Myself ! â€"â€"Selected OR SALEâ€"Three burner Florence. automatic coal oil stove in first- cYass shape. GEO. H. GLENN, Centre St. Eust. 13 1 ‘ H. DAVIS. Mill klchilnvtnrd H11l,,£fhone 108 w. v 13-14 OUSE T0 RENT~Fnur room house, new, large garden, good soil. J. E. FRANCIS, Thornhill. 13 SATURDAY. nc'r. l3â€"Auction sale of! farm stock. implcluenls elu.. lot15, rear 3rd comTecumseh. the propel ly of James Grant. Terms 12 months. Sale at 1 o'clock. J. ’1". Saigoon. Auctioneer. ‘QI'I'NGfiplGS;_Y_9_l_m1g pigs for sale Your Water Supply Automatic-Sure mm Want Ads. ' 52%;: W‘ RICHMOND HILL, ONT. FORD MOTOR CO. OF CANADA. LIMITED. FORD. ONTARIO 4-doorSedan - $985.00 2-door8edan - $685.00 Coupe - - 755.00 Coupe - - 595.00 A Saving 0E W. G. BALDOCK LIMITED 0n the Sedan Prices of New Models OUSE T0 RENTâ€"Six m m brick house with attic. hardwood floors, summm- kitchen. buck balcony. soft water in kitmhen. all conveniences. GEO. H. GLENN, Centre St. East. 13 OR RENT~Six mom h ; Richmond Street, centml A. J. WRIGHT. All prices quoted are F. O. B. Ford. Ontario and do not include government taxes. fm-rmv ()nckshntt -I'iding pll)\;': Apply H. A. 'l‘r‘TT, Stop 40. Thnrnhi”. 3-15 1 Yonge St; 4 doors soutfi of Elgm Mills, Int, 200 x 300. Phone owner, Gerrard 30-10. 13 {10R SA LE â€"-’l‘y :OR SALEâ€"A smnl] (:‘mldip Mc- Cullough safe. JONES LUMBER O_I_4ET~â€"Nerw room bungalow on With winter close at hand this difierential in price should be all the more attractive. You can obtain the advantages of closed car comfort and distinction by availing yourself now of these prices. This frank statement of merchandising and production policies is made to settle all the rumors that have been circulated regarding Ford cars and prices in Canada. The considerable saving in price on present models gives you the opportunity of driving your Ford closed car this winter. We have on hand a limited number of the present Coupe and Two-door Sedans which can be obtained at the following prices: 2-door Sedan ~ - $685.00 Coupe - - - - 595.00 On or about January lst, 1924, the Ford Motor Co. of Canada, Ltd. will be in production on a new Four-door Sedan and a new Coupe iden- tical with those now being produced in the United States. The prices on these new models will be: 4-door Sedan Ioupe m house on plow. 1 double 0n the Coupe AnMy 18H Prices of leem Models 18 M 0R SALE 07F; RENTâ€"SH en mum 'brick house on Chm-cl! smet; lath room, electric light and all con- veniences. Apply W. H. GRAHAM, Richmond Hill. l2â€"Lt‘. to rent. Apply JAMES King P. 0. 12-14 O’l‘ICEâ€"E. Slmey IS prvpnred Ln 1 do all kinds of trucking and carting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Phone Richmond Hill 98. 42 If UUSE FOR SALE â€"â€" This is a aix mnmed house. handivmdflonrs. furnace. elertriu lights, etc. This propprty is situated in Richmond Hill. $800 down ; balance like rent if de- sired. This is a bmgain as owner .has left, town. \Vil] sell for $700 less than the miginal price for a. quick SHIP. Apply at THE LIBERAL OFFICE. IOâ€"tf IDER MILLâ€"The Currville'Cidm‘ . Mill will be up?” every week day until the 15th of Nmemher. Bring yam-apples. A. WILSON, Prnp. ll-lb‘ WIANTEDâ€"Vegs-tuhlvs and apples. Will buy all kinds. H. DAVIS, Mill 312., Richmond Hill. Phwne 108 w. ll-tf I\ nearly new. Reasonableiprice‘. Apply LIBERAL OFFICE. 11-13 moms for rvnt. néévlv finiebpfl. Apply DICKINSON. new stop 29. 12-“ $985.00 755.00 OR SALEâ€"One kitchv-n with resevonr and shelf, hakpr and in good nnnditinn. Thns. HOPPER. Centre St. Richmond Hill. ARM TU RENTâ€"Farm of 135 M ONEY WANTED-an' ihuufiand dollars wanted for first Tel'tgagg 0n impmygi propegtngp Youéé “St. smrlrthribf \liiicEAISIVK-lqfli‘ii Applv LIBERAL UFFH‘E. 18 ORK \VANTED -A middle aged womm desires a plane in a rm 1 family. Usml to all kind; uf hon w work. MRS. M. WoonAm), ( orml y OR SALEâ€"N w bungalow. 03k floors thlcuahnut, fire pimp, furnace, splendid collnrhcentral. 0 me and so- this. Terms. Apply 0.1, \Vme'. 1344 XNITTJNG MAUHINF OUSE FOR SALE OUSE OR RENTâ€"2 cottages. 2 am] 3 GEO. NOW FOR SALEâ€"Enqnup n S.SIMS, Richmhnd Hill lU-lf For 92 In rn Hg!» 41 good A nplv “’es t; 1314 I‘PS 13.1'4 of

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