Eighty flu guutl ant down to I dainty wedding luncheon. after which the happy couple left on an extended[ tour through the Eastern States. the bride trava ling in a sand onbroidorod Canton crepe with large black hr and marvella wrap- The bride's moths: received wonrlng black Canton crepe with carnage bou- quot of Ophelia roses. Mn. Nellon Shank reteived with her, wearing green net clver yellow cropq. The brldo wan attouded by her cousin, Min Haze) Shunt, of Torontn. who wore orchid moire crepe with Inge b ack hat. md ended a bouque‘ ofjmpige Ijous. _ The bride Wearing white brocaded crepe with veil of embroidered net caught up with cox-net of orange bios- soms, and carrying a bouquet of Ophelia roses, entered the drawing room on the arm of hu father to the strains of the wedding march played by Misg Goodman, L. M, of Torgntc; six o’clnck a pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. A. Ketfer, of Edgely. when their only daughLer, Mary Margaret, was united in marriage to \Vm. Henry Hoiles. son of Mr. N. Hoiles. of MapAlo. Dining the signing}! the register, Mrs. Mary Scott. of Tomato, sang “Because.†Special prenchor, ReV. H. S. MaCm, on Sunday 30th, Celebration Holy Communion 8 o’clock. Morning prayer 11 a. m. Special childrens service at 3 p. m. Evensnng 7 p. 111., Special Preacher. The Venerable Amhdvxonn D-widsnn 0t Towntu. Special music at ull service-s. The groom was ably supported by Mr. Douglal Lockhut. of Toronto. The [in to the bride was a platinum bar pin lot with dinmonds. Let everyhodv try and rummnber that on and after the fiast; day of October the oxdinauy postage stamps will not, be accopted for [be war daty nu cheques, rece:pts and bank drafts. The excise stamps are not 501d at P45!) Ofï¬ces but at banks and such other places as may be designed by the de- partment. nf u; mus and ext: 59; these days. A large flunk, howevm; halted on wsex-voir punJ, appmently thinking it, would be safe to linger here and enjov Richmond Hill climate be- fore making their flight for warm-:- winter qumtors. A Village bylaw sv- cure: their immunity from guns or rifles in the hands of the sportsman. Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held at. St. Mary’s Church, Richâ€" mauq Hm Til-ursdzg‘. Sogt. p. m. The ceremony was pér'fgrmed by the R91. P._ S_.‘Baringer, of Sherwood. A service of special interest to young and uld is to be held in the Presby- terian ohm-ch next Sunday at 11 a. in. when the Sunday School joins with the congregation for the observance of Rally Day. Rev. J. W. McIntosh will give an address and other special features are to be included in the service. The Property Commiuee of the To- ronto City Council has uked Major \V. J. Morrison. Superintendent of the Jail Fairm, to resign. charging him with incompetence. l‘he Major te- fusea to resign. says that. he is a vic- tim of conspiracy. and asks fur an in< vestigunion, which in all probability will be granted. The annqu church paradeof Rich- mond. Masonic. Lodge will beheld iu the Méthodis: Church next Sunday evening. Supt. 30. The sermon will be preached by Rev. Dr. Daniels. Members are requelted to meet at the Lodge Room at 6.30 sharp. Masonic Clothing. Mr. and Mn. Matthew Pattr‘n, Elgin Mills Ont , announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter. Hricio Irene. tn Fredelick Claytnn (Ted) Tomlinson. B.A,S.C., 5011- of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick 'l‘omlinson. Langstaff, Ont , the marriage to take place early in October. A number of the ladies of the Presby- Lmiun Church, W. M. 8. met at the home uf Mrs. Jen-y Smith, on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 18th. to pack the hale of clothing, to he se tuthe Mission stations uf the Nâ€! West. The bale was valued a. as follows' J. K; Agnew. Rev. Bqttersby, A. E. Glass. G. G. \Villis. SKIP. The Evening Telegram nf Saturday. gave a. picture of the Eckaudb Cup won at; the recent tournament. with the names of the Richmond Hill winners The girls baseball team went to Hope yesterday afternoon and played a game with a combination of Hope and Klnghorn. The visitors were de- feated. The score was 30-11. A bowling team composed of J. K Agnew, Geo. Gee, N. J. Glassund A E. Glass, skip, won first prize at New market tournament yesterday. The Public School was closed Mon- day afternoon when the funeral of Mrs. A. Richardson, mother of Miss Richardson, of the teaching staff. took place. F Mr. Walsh. of Port Hope, accnm. panied by Mr. James MCLcan, was in this district Tuesday. judging potatoes in the field crop competition. Mr. Wesley Boynton has sold Mr. Lloyd's house on Yonge street to Mrs. Williams. of Toronto. Miss Gertrude Grant has been plying in the Public School [or Richardaon for a few days. Newmarket Fair Thursday, Friday. and Saturday of this week. Unï¬atgrdny evening3 rSept. 22nd. at Wild ducks. aye gn_'_ngr southward Hoiles-Keï¬er sup- Miss We carry a full line of School Supplies and Stationery, including Papeteries, Scribblers, Exercises, Tablets, Ink, Mucilage, White Paste, Pens, Pencils, Envelopes, Standard Novels, and articles gen- erally found in a book store. Liberal†Offic SchooLSupples You will do Well to see our rem- nants, su1tabl§ for mlsses coats, dresses and skirts. The cool Weatheris now coming. See our sweater coats and pull overs from $2.50 to $5.50. l; Fall felt hats from $3.50 to $5.00. Underwear for the season, both two piecqand combination. THE LURNE BLOCK FURNISHING NORâ€"E LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE ~ REAL ESTATE A; G. SAVAGE General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill COAL AND 7 Statlonery L. INNES S: SONS, Dealers, RICHMOND] HILL $3M: Norman J. Glass. ggg The ï¬re ‘ Wbllboard and B etth “walk and ceilings "effects can be obtain- ed through the use of Gyproc Wallboard. c walls and ceilings can bc p ntcd, tinted of ptpered the um: as any plastered wall. It is absolutely ï¬xepmof and a wonderful insulator against hat or cold. Because of its unshrinkable and non-warping qualities, “Gyproc†can be used on the walls and ceilings of the most costly homes. Unlike ordin- ary wallboard, Gyproc stays put regardless of temperature to which it is subjected, form- ing a beautiful, perfectly flat surface without a wrinkle or roll. 0 Write for a sample of Gyproc and Booklet. 1116 Ontario Gypsum 00., Ltd. Park - - Ontario WOOD EAUTI FUL PANEL DATED at the City of Toronto. in th" County of York, in thP Province of Ontario, this 28th day of Allan, 1928. HEYD. HEYD. SHOREY & NEWMAN 614â€"516 Confederation Life Building, Toronto, Ontario. Solir‘itm-s fur the said George Turner m Cleverly. 11-15 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, George Turner Cleverly of the City of Toromo, in the County of Yul-k, in the Province of Ontario. conk, will apply to the Parliament of Canada. ninthn next Session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, Florence Maud Cleverly of 3l9 High Road, Wood- gre-en, London. N. 22. England. on the gpound of adultery and dosertion. Call by phone or otherwise promptly Notice of Application for Divorce sale. JOHN R. CAMPBELL (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the load or in car lnts. Cedar posts and telephone poles for an I- The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Companv, Lt’d, have on hand for sale. Cement, drain tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert, tlile 12. 15_. .18 and 20 inch 415 Ballinl St. Toronto. Phone Belmont, 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales 01 every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialtv. Farms bought and sold on cnmmissinn. Allsales at- tended to on shun-test notice, and con- ducth by the most approved methods. Pairnnage Solicited. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager Richmond Hill In order to make room for my Fall Stock of Readyj to-Wear Suits, I am offering Suits at 20 p.c.‘ Discount during the Month ofAugust. Now is a good time to buy. If your OVERCOAT needs repair now is the cheapest time to have it done before the fall trade starts. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hornhil] . : Stoves and Ranges -: C. N. COOPER Richmond 1 TRENCH’S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building paper, Tar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- [lies Sweat pads, Breast : strap, Hame strap, Heel Chains, Curry combs‘ and Brushes - II. Pren (ice COOPER’S HARDWARE Suits Reduced 2E. R. FORTNER [CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE (If. COUSINS. ANY and varied are the types of men who conduct their banking with The Standard through the post. Busy men w ' o hve far away from any bank ï¬nd that our plan of banking by ma' ll saves them making special STANDAED BANK OF CANADA Ladies and Gents’ Clothier and Tailor. Manager PHONE 93 0P ’EATJEA call)or fun particulan. THE Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. omceS~â€"Sllit9 5]] MPKinnnn Bldg,I Cor. Jordon and Melinda 825.. Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTON FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will he at The Libel-a. Ofï¬ce. Richmnnd Hill. every Tuesday atemoon. “OMMXSSIONER, CUNVEYANCER. ETC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE You should take advantage of the present prices of metal by mdcrihg your Eave-Trough, Rooï¬ng. Furnaces. or any other motal product, as every- thing points to a substantial increase in prices in the near future. Come in and let us protect you with present pricePa TEETZEL BROS. Let-1s know your wants in Machin- ely now. “’e ha ve on hand for Immediate De- livery Cockshutt Plows. \Vilkinson Plows. 1 Set Chain Drags, \Vheelbar- rows. ISecond-Hamd CI ealn Separator. just before the Spring Rush on th Farm you should look over the Ma.- chinery and get, those Needed Repairs. Or, if it’s New Machinery, we can get it for ynu This Is the Time J. EDWARD FRANCIS Macnaughton 8: Campbell NOTARY PUBLIC Tinsmilhs and General Agents PHONE 87 W Thornhiii. Richmond Hi1 Phone 95