given to mail orders. Eight ounce bottle a dollar ï¬fty. prepaid. C. HUGHEL CO. 224 PARLIAMENT ST. TORONTO It is a valuable experience for a singer to appear occasionally before groups of children for, in order to at- tract and hold their attention she mus-t live the song as well as sing it. She must bring her imaginative faculty in- Buaranteed EczemaRemedy We ua'ratltee to give you immediate 8 a song only half learned. They know. Another thing, if a conventional style of tone is adopted the singer will make very little headway into the hearts of her youthful listeners. Children are quick to detect and resent insincerity or aflecta/tion. The singer who has a. notion that she will be able to deceive a child into beliéving that she is something which she is not will ï¬nd that she has slipped a cog in her cal- culations. All things considered, it is a pretty good test of a singer's all round ability to please the general public it she is a success with children. Singing for children is the most natural‘ï¬eld in which a singer can work. and so it at- fords invaluable schooling and pro and women in reality g ticabed and It ls more than likely that monster devil-ï¬sh, the remains of which have at times been washed ashore on beach- es, may have lived for centuries in the cold, black abysses. to play and vivlfy the words with- due accent. pause and inflection. Above :11 things she must be genuine in her desire and eflort to please and enter- Iain. It will not do to come before these alert and discerning young souls with Walruses certainly live to ï¬fty years of age, and possibly longer, while a .6831 has lived in captivity for thirty years. The longest-lived creatures are rep- tiles, and we are aware that the giant Galapagos tortoise has a life extend- ing to two centuries. And since we know that the great sea turtles are very slow growing, yet reach a weight of six hundred pounds, we are justiï¬ed in believing that these creatures, too, It would seem that this whale had been hunted at least half a. century earlier, and since the creature must then have been of fair size, it is p ob- able that at the time of its deat it was about a. hundred years old. old Since it is usually the largest ani- mals that live longest, we can assï¬me that the whale is very long-lived. Of this fact we have also some deï¬nite proof. In 1866 a huge bull sperm whale was killed. In its body was found the head of an old harpoon, marks upon which showed that it beâ€" longed to a Whaler which had been broken up forty years before. Keep Mlnard’s Llnl'ment In the houso. UNREFRESE‘E But when we come to ï¬sh or to crea- tures whose life is spent in the waters, the difï¬culty of ascertaining their ages Is very great. If You Are Tired Out When You Arise in the Morning Read This. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams" Medicine 00.. Brockville, Ont. Sea Monsters’ Centuries of Life. With land animals it is comparative- ly easy to get information as to their length of life. We know deï¬nitely that an elephant will live for more than a centuryyand that a goose can survive to the age of sixty. The woman who ls tired out, who lches all over when she arises in the morning. who feels depressed most 01 the time. needs just the help that Dr. Wllllams’ Pink Pills can give herâ€" new blood and strong nerves. The number of disorders that are caused by thn blood is amazing and most women are careless about the condition of their blood. Quickly the nerves are affected and the patient be- comes irritable, worries over trifles, does not sleep as well as formerly and is not refreshed by rest. There may be stomach trouble and headache. This is a condition that calls for Dr. Wllliams’ Pink Pllls. Give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and the ï¬rst sign of new life will be noticed by your appetite. You will be hungry by meal time. As the blood becomes enriched it feeds and soothes the irritated nerves, sleep becomes sounder and more refreshing, your worries become less, your work light- er. These are some of the things that these tonic pills do. Try them for any trouble caused by thin blood. V live to be at least a hundred A Pretty Good Test. for I88U E No. 39â€"‘23. heum OW the art onvent 113 aft [N6 SHEEP I'OII' a1 guise anedlate .’ Eczema attention at ounce pre men are resente end. For neuralgia. eat (because of its strong content of iron) spinach on every possible occasion. For a flushed or pimply féée, avoid all pastry; eat ll'ttle meat, but much fruit and green vegetables; and drink no alcohol. Finally, to keep good general health, use cold waterâ€"three large glasses daily internally, and a gallon or so ex~ ternally. Actlvlty in Gold Mlqlng. As the prices of commodities fall gold increases in ‘value. At the same time gold mining becomes more proï¬t- able and the output of gold is greater. The present activity of the goldâ€"minâ€" (33, the United Suites an: vaal are producing cousld gold now than a year ago. For threatened baldness wear a light hat; brush your hair frequently, and rub in a little olive oil nightly. MONEY ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Domlnlon Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. the Féj- a weak chest or tendency to colds, breathe deeply always. For "nerves" eat prunes; don't smoke; reduce your consumption of tea; go for a. quiet half-mile walk be- fore breakfast, and use your will- power. For stoutness, drink less; éat much less; and walk six miles per day. For thinness, eat fattening (tarmac- eous) foods; go to bed early and get up late'; indulge, it possible, in an at- ternoon nap, and take a spoonful of olive oil after each meal. For indigestion eat less, and slowly. Masticate and remasticate each mouthful of food. To guard the baby against colds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little one's stomach and bowels working regularly. It is a recognized fact that where the stem ach and bowels are in good order that colds will not exist; that the health of the little one will be good and that he will thrive and be happy. The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. The human body is subject to many ins, and there are times, of course, when expert medical advice should be sought. But the following quick cures are not of the “quack†variety, and would be approved by doctors. ‘ MRS. JULIA W. HENSHAW During the war, Mrs. Julia W. Henshaw, F.R.G.S., of Caulï¬eld, B.C., was awarded the British War Medial, the Victory Medal, and was decorated with the Croix do Guerre with Gold Star, the Ruban dies Blesses de Guerre with Red Star, and the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Charles for her work in connection with the Red Cross. She was also mentioned in despatches four times. Mrs. Henshaw is also well known throughout the Englislrspeakâ€" ing world as the author of “Wildflowers of the North A'merican Mountains,†and other botanical works. She is a lecturer on mountain science and is famous for her hand-painted lantern slides. GUARD THE BABY AGAINST COLDS The are 3 was the perfect numbe thagoreans, who said it re; the beginning, middb an Cure Yourself. 19 mines In Ca: es and the Trar considerably mo the g to the tation I In tur- Rats are fought relentlessly on Lon- don’s Underground Railway; when one is seen special rat-catchers are sent after it. The rats come out for the grease on the rails. Ask for Mlnard‘o a'nd take no other. Repentance is not a matter of pas- sionate weeping but of serious think- ing. Attractive Proposition Tie one end of a thread, about two feet long. to a ring or other small object. Hold the other end of the string between the foreï¬nger and thumb of your rlght hand. A tumbler should be on the table and the ring should be suspended so that lt can swing two and fro mm- in the tumbler. Concentrate your mind upon a numberâ€"any number. The ring, in the tumbler will swing idly tor a few moments. Gradually the swing- ing will seem to have purpose. Then it will swing through a longer arc and ï¬nally it will strike the side of the tumbler. Slowly it will swing back and then strike the tum- bler once more. it you concentrate your mind on the number the ring will strike the number of which you thought. Then it will come to rest. Without using the tumbler, you can. by concentrating your mind upon the direction desired, make the ring swing either ’round and 'round or back and forth, changing direction as you will. (Clip this out and paste it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) America's Pionee' Dog Remedies 10: mn Inn w round ween :ewzpapor uporlonco And “a. or $509. Apply Box 25. Wilson Pnblllhtnx Co. Ltd. 11 Adualda Itree‘ We“. Try It. You will ï¬nd it puzzling EASY TRICKS The IVIind Reade! DOG DISEASES § '3 No. 40 And How to Feed lulled Fm to my Address . CLAY GLOVER 60.. In In We“ 24": Streak 0 New Vark. U.S.A. by the Author. A piece of tissue paper and a comb have long survived as instruments of musicâ€"â€"0r of torture! The latest de‘ velopment in the manufacture of music is that of the pock-et-handerchiet. it is claimed that a pocket-handker- chief or e pillow-case can be convert- ed into an instrument of sweetness by a simple process of immersion. The patentee of this remarkable de- velopment claims that it is possible to impose eleven new tunes on the same piece of material. and that an inex- perienced man can turn out a dozen of the new records in less time than it takes an expert to produce a, gramo- phome record of the ordinary type. A silk handkerchief, on which a well known piece of classical music had been played, was taken from the ma, chine, thrown across the room, jumped on, replaced on the machine, and made to repeat the tune smoothly and dis- tinctly. A portion of linen pillow-case was made to give forth a, striking reproduc- tion of perfectly-blended stringed in- s-truments. The new records are almost inflnn. s-truments. The new records are almost indes- tructible, do not need any special pro- tection in transit, and can be packed into the smallest possible space. have long musicâ€"«3r velopmenrt is' that of Clea: the pores of impurities by daily use of Cuticura Soap and oc- casional touches of Culicura Oint- ment as needed. They are ideal for the toilet as is also Cuticura Talcum for powdering and perfuming. Soap 25:. Ointment 25 Ind 50c. Tllcun; 25c. Sold throughout theDominion. Canadian Depot: Lynnm, Limited, 3“ St. Paul 51.. W.. Manuel]. Cuticur- Sup nh-ves without mug. Make Cuticura Your paily Toilet Soap Tunes on Pocket-Handker- chiefs. DR. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY, ENOSBURG FALLS. VL, U.S.A. Keep Kendall’s always in the barn. A strained muscle, a sprung tendon, a jolt or a knock demands immediate attention. A few hours’ delay will result in a long lamenessâ€"perhaps in the loss of the horse. Kendall’s Spavin Treatment has saved more horseflesh than all the other known remedies. Under the name of Kendall’s Spavin Cure, it is the forty-year-old standby of horsemen, farmers and veterinarians. ,ne, thrown acrcsns the room, jumped replaced on the machine, and made repeat the tune smoothly and dis- UNLESS you see the name “Bayer†on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an “unbroken pm Aspirin,†which contains direct physicians during 22 years am Hand Get a ball]: of Kendall 5 today. Ask, (00, for the Free Book or write for l! to Colds . Toothache Earache naniped with their 3 1ayer Headache Neuralgia Lumbago tabletsâ€"Alsc wads ma package†of “Bayer Tablets of actions and dose worked out by and proved safe by millions for River Desert,Que.â€"‘ ‘ I used to have a severe pain in my side. I would be un- able to walk fast and could not stand for any length of time to do my ironing or washing, but I would have to lie down to et relief from the pain. I had this or about two years, then a friend told me to try Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound as she had had ood results. I certainly got good resu ts from it, too, as the last time I had a sore side was last May and I have not had it since. I am also glad of havm good nursing for my baby, and 1 thin it is your medicine that helped me in this wa .â€â€"â€"Mrs. L. V. BUDGE, River Desert, uebec. If you are suffering from the tortures of a displacement, irregularities, back- ache, headaches, nervousness, or a pain in the side, you should lose no time in trying Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Minards. applied tre- quen-tly, dries up and removes Warts. Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health .L dia E. Pinkham’s Private Text- Boo upon “ Ailments Peculiar to Wo- men â€Will be sent you free 11 re est. Write for it to the Lydia ‘. ham Medicine 00., Cobourm Ontario. This book contains valuable information that every woman should know. 0 We take care of our health, we lay up money, we make our mot tight and; our clothing sufï¬cient, but who pro- vldes Wisely that we shall not he want- ing in the best property of allâ€"â€"- friends 7â€"Emerson. MRSEBHDGE 8 WEEK GBULD g‘ buflness, homo. evenings. ortland Street. NY. mm mxw Nous rnou M! 01*? S (Booklet). Nun ynn' n’mflcflcl nnc «u... 1.5 mm. Dr. 11:14.11. 'l'run). Non mo 4 WARTS It HAVE A): ENQUU‘Y FOR A ‘ ION Hum PM that will um I (alumna. Iona. Wilma W C Wflgéwmw _ *- 9."! Y°E°“.'.'.,,',’.'.'?'“°'F' \ , Bu! you can Promole 1 Clean. flcallhy Condition Use Murine Eye Remedy "Night and Morning." Keep your Eyes Clean, Clear and Healthy. Write for Free Eye Care Book. Marin: En Remedy (20.4! last omeilmuhlcafl ‘1 mm BOOK. OPERATE‘ umxg MAIL 01min Classiï¬ed Advertisements LY SIAM] The Wisdom of Frlendshlp WAIHYNGYOM HAND FEE“ BUSI N88 OPPORTU NITY . Nun nun' «Menu nnrcr a. Dr. nrmsn, Trun). Non Bco IMYNGYOM HAND FEE“ Hmmmmutmap 1 5 Ah um;qu run A Wu.“ 0.! U, 9:. W (X. (.1 Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain f 24 and leaâ€"Dragging Bayer Crou Asp Plat. 306A 011198 Mono