Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. v Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30 tf Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram~ atic anciHumourous Sketches, Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 85 Richmond St, \Vest, Ofï¬ces Toronto. Naughtcn Block, Aurora. Snlicrtow for : Aurora. and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King. \Yhitchurch and Markham. \Vulter S. Jenkins Res. Phnne lill Real Estate Dept. 46 KING ST. W.. Salesmen on the Property Every Week Day CHARTERED TRUST & EXECUTOR C0 ELOC UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Very Easy Terms of Payment spread over a period of ï¬ve years at 6% p.c.‘ interest. This exceptionally ï¬ne property adjoins the southern boundary of Richmond Hill. The tax rate is lower, and prices for lots are lower than in Rich- mond Hill. a ACRE LOTS $400 AND UP Building Lots $4 per Ft. and Up ON YONGE ST. Jl'S'l' SOUTH OF RICHMOND HILL E Rainbow Specialty E Shappe i Lots for Sale in this Beautiful New Residential and Garden Subdivision NAUGHTON & JENKINS 5018 Robinson Block RICHMOND HILL 'MOOWOQWWM NMONâ€QW9Mâ€NMO The Fashions of the Season now shown Dept. Exclusive Agents '. W., TORONTO - Phone Main 6215 J. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mina Ros. Phone 44.4 Come and look over our stock Prices Right Styles Right Building Lots, $4.00 to $10.00 per ft. $1.00 per ft. cash: balance, your own terms. \Vorkman’s Cottnges. $300 to $500 cash and easy monthly payments. These cottages will be built, of brick or frame as desired (m LhilLy-fuot lots im- mediately east. of the Fair Grounds. For full particulars W: iLe or 599 W. J. LAWRENCE. . 1974 Yonge St Phones Hudson 1515â€"1470. ROSEVIEW GARDENS Phone 232 iï¬e Mutual acife ï¬ssurance Company of Canada THE POLICY HOLDERS OWN COMPANY Get your life Insurance at cost. C. H. BYAM, Agent, me 232. Maple. Ont RICHMOND HILL The folaning is n pin-tin] list of fall fairs in which people of this section of country may be interested: Newmul'ket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 27â€"29 “Aston†.. .. .. .. .. “Sept. 28â€"29 Unokstmvn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 2â€"? Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 4â€"6 BOVAIRâ€"At 'l‘emrea-anceville. King, on Tuesday, Sept. 25. 1923, Christina Brown. wife. of James Bovair, age 50 years. RICHARDSONâ€"At her late 1- sidr-nr Richmond Hill, Sept. 22, 192', \Ial) Gibson. Widow of the late Adm: Righardson, in 1381‘ 72nd year. SMITH-HARTâ€" \1‘ Ihe ve idt‘nr‘P of th:- bride's mulhm'. (In \\'rdnesd:ly. So; » temher26,11)23, by the Rev. H. F. ‘Varren. Mmy Elsie Hut. danghtw- of Mrs. John Halt, Rh hnmnd Hi'l, to Harold Grunt Smil h_ nf Anrm'n. HORNE†â€"(‘m MACKIEâ€"ALLISONâ€"-Ab the home of the bride’s father, on Sept. 25th, by va. H. S. \Van‘en. Florence May, only daughter of Mr. Fred Allison, to Malshall Mackie, son‘ot‘ Mr. and l{IGHsâ€"â€"BRO0K;â€"At LhP xmidmco of Mus. Br-mks. the bride’s mother. by Rev. Mr. Powell. Saturday. Sept. 22. 1923, Mi<s L. H. Brnnks «If Funeral Robert H‘ Thursday King City end of the han'l’o. Chailman Greene gave a pleasant iittle address. all, to the good as~r~egaxds the local girls. Mr. Jas. McLean presented each girl with h- r own, and in a smart manner. The afternoon's proceedings were brought to a close by a few words from tKe manager of the local team. Funeral Monday. Sept-'21. at? o. Interment, in Zion Cematery We ford. "mes. The writer does not believe ii making excusesâ€"his friends don't nee! them, and his ene nies w u ‘n': b ieve him if he did make them. At the conclus on of the game the mem- bers of the steady heal team (14 in nl‘mler) “ere presented with lovely si k umbrellas as the lesult of their “inning the hall tournament on the occasion of the Old Boys and Gir!- Rn- iinion. The handle was of a lovely pattern, l'llle and uhite with a “lilte ring. l‘lmli ails initials were en< ginwcl, in a beautiful manner. on the :1 SC( re 01'29 to 9 in seven full innings. In every department of the game the visitors excelled, their pitcher helm: In full cummnnd of the situation at all On Saturday aflernoon last. at the local ball park, the Richmond Hill young ladies team stepped out of their o.vn class tn meet the cup ï¬nalists of the 'l'arnnto Senior Ladies Leagueâ€" R)bert- on Btos., Ltd.. team. The game was a one-sided affair, all in favor of the visitors. they_vqinhing by 'l‘rronto.' t» I\, Richmond Hill. The Garden Province of Prince Edward Island has for its capital Charlottetown, a city of wide. tree Shaded: streets, beautiful parks, splendid public buildings and fine homes. Being situated on the Cana- dian National Railways and at the junction of three rivers and H1115- Sporting Notes hum 1' UH Legislative Fall Exhibitions fmm the residence of Brown, Temperancewllv. It 2 p. m. Intelmentin Cemetery. T OF THEIR CLASS MARRIAGES DEA'IIIS “AHCKII Mr. W. U. Riggs nf .. .Sept. 27â€"29 ..Sept. 28â€"29 . . . . . Oct. 2â€"‘3 . . . . . Oct. 4â€"6 Halls of Prince EHWard Island $3.500 buys eix romm modern conwniencvs. gu a hargnin. All properties $01!] on misgions. why my bigun ‘borough Bay, it has fine facilities by rail and water for the transportation of the products of its industries. There is about the city a most home- like, attractive appearance. In front of the Legislative Buildings, which are grouped with admirable taste in the park-like heart of the city, there $13,000 buys hank ham. lu-it all good. menw $5,700lmy3100 frame house. $3,200 buys m (age nu one If Richmond Hill. DRY GOODS - MILLINERY - LADIES’ WEAR QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 Trench Block The "‘JriL’innl" NO. 21. Dandy. N0. 13. N No. 15 A. (One Horse) are Leaders in Ontario THE WORK IN THE FIELD That is the essmce of the great, reputation \vnn many years ago, and since constantly maintained by the Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario ¢OO¢6M¢9NM0WOO 00000600009699.0960.“ Apply Wesley Boynton We will soon be entering upon our Fouth Millinery Season, and in anticipating the individual tastes of our many custom- ers for Fall and Winter Styles we are carefuliy watching the markets so as to obtain only the very latest. and up-to- date fashions, We already have a few Felt Hats for present wear. 1753’ Don’t; fail to see our Display of Wools in all the Latest Shades. “ Princess Pat " Hair Nets, 100. each. PROPERTIES FOR SALE Price no more than that; many infnim- Plow experiment withimimtiuns. Buy the Best. T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 Thornhill, Ontario COME TO SEE US NEXT TI 3115 YOU ARE IN '1‘0\VN In THE FAMOUS FLEURY nys gnud 100 new fnrm, lu-ick house. outbuildings T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited h H [mu SAIGEON Still] on small com- ; bigunes I" 1cm: f u m bank bum (ht MRS. NORMAN BATTY fl‘l/ tho-Cunntynf d In «In sllnll95l ï¬ve runmed I house, all me, this is nmed cot- alret-ts in is a. large open square, which gives to that portion or the city an old- world atmosphere. Charlottetown was included in the Canadian Weekly Press Association's itinerary over the Canadian National Railways. I The photograph shows the Parligment Buildings with a stretch of the bean-= tint park in front of them. Vaughan Council Famous Fleury Plows WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers’and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept, at, the above places MONDAY, OCT. 1, 1923 he next mooti Municipality hefd in . A. NJ’U HILL NOTARY PUBLIC mmissiruwr, Conveynnoer, Etc Insumm'e and Real Estate RICHMOND HILL East“ for Hm-ses. 00111ny L fur Man, Finvst Quality “forl- in the Field. «Hm “III lO..'c‘nr-k J B. ML'IJ pcciul and 1f Hm Quuncil of th Vaughan will be 'l‘mvn “all. Phone 53 JJJ‘ Clerk