The Indie: of the Presbyterian Church will hold their bazaar on Nov. 24th. Saturday.) The follnwing ladies will receive contributions and accept orders for work : Mrs. Phipps, ounvener for the apron committee; Mrs. H. Endoau. convener for the bags and novelties; Miss Helen Bunth. convenor for the LOWels and pillow cases; Mrs. Harrington. Convener for the candy (home-made): Mrs. Ann- strong, convener for the knitting ; Mrs. J. Monkumn. convener for the home-made cooking; Miss M. Cooper. convener for the handkerchiefs. Miss McLean, President. will receive miscelâ€" laneous orders. This is a splendid upportuuity to secure ï¬rst-class arti- cles from ï¬rst class workers; also Xmas gifties. WEBBâ€"0n Tuesday, Oct. 2nd. to Mr and Mrs. Cecil \Vebb, (nee Luella Eyer) 100, Hillsdule Avenue enst‘ Toronto, a son. Jack Albert. The October meeting uf the “o nen's Instilitute will be held at the home of Mrs. Metealfe un Friday, October 12m. ut8p. :11. Mrs. A. A. Perry, formerly President of the Women‘s Civic League and member of the Social Welfare Commission of Winnipeg, will give a talk on "Wumim as a Citizen." A meeting nf [he Curling Club will he held in the clulm-ouru on Suturduy evening, at eightn’clnck, for the pur- szH uf appuinting delugutes tn the 0. 0.15.. annual meeting. and any Olht-l' business that m «y be brought up at that meeting is requested by the President, W. D. Scott. â€"G. Cowiv, Secretary-Twas“rer. Richmond Hill was well represented in TOIOIILO y‘slerduy, when Mr. Lloyd Georg», Dluue Murgaren George and Miss Megan, were the receipients of a wonderful reception. The one regret Seemed to he that, the little War Pxemier c-mld not have remained in Toronto lungul' than one day. Annual convention of Tm-nn 0 C(n- tml District. \V. M. 8.. will be held in Richnmnd llill MeLbodist Church, Tuesday, Oct. lGrh. TWO sessions. 2.30 and 730 respectively. ngrumme will he of special inleleuc Ln auxilially and circle members. All ladies me cordially invited. Deputy Minis er- of Highwavl, \V. A. McLean, has tendered his resig- nation to Hon. George S. Henry. Minister of Public \Vm-ks and High- ways, and S. L. Squires. former President uf the Ontario Good Roads Assnuiiliun. has been uppo med ip his place. The annual Thank-Offering meeting of the \Vomen’s Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church will be held in the Sunday Schqol Room on Thurs- day afternoon Oct. 18th, at 3 o’clock. Mrs. J. W. McIntosh will give the address. Everbody welcome. v A Rev. J. W. McIntosh will conduct both services in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday, preaching in the morning on 1'\Vbuc Goodness Means.†and at, night on "The Service of Praise." The Sunday School now meets at 2.45 p. m. The premiums given by the Rich- mond Hill Hm-Liculwral Society this year are Hlllenium. Delphinium. or Pyn'epbiuu). Members who are en- titled to one may receive it by calling at the Endeau Nurseries this week or next. Mrs. \V. R. Proctor and Miss Kath- lecu Proctur, of Toronto wexe in the Vi] age calling on old frivuds bl‘fUlO taking their (lepmlure for Hullywand. Cal. whete they purpose spending the “ante! Mark it on yuur calendar â€" October mm. The Presbyterian Ch.uch 0110 r are having their “Fowl Supper and Concert†on that date. Come and bring your friends. \Vill thv party that asked that good. he left, at, The Liberal Ofï¬ce fura Mum- umge Sale at. Richvale kindly call for the parcels, or let us know i! they me not wanted. - A financial :tuLeinenl of Old Boys and Girls Field Day, will be presenled at [he Butt-payers uu-eLing. lo-mm-ruw evening. and published in The Liberal next Week. “King and Vaughan Plowing Match. will he held on the (mm of Mr. Mack \‘Vilkie. lot 6. con. 9. King, half a mile west of NobleLun, Friday. the 2nd of 0.‘embur. Mr. Wesley Boyntoti, renl estate ng at. has snld three valuable prova- Lie on Markham mud. to a Tor-unto man, “'hu intends building soon. Mrs. McIntosh will receive at the Manse on Friday. the 12th inst. from 3.30 to 6 p. m. and afte-rwmds (m the ï¬rst Wednesday of each month. The Thurnhill B will hold its regu next, Tuesday ev n‘ .5 "L 4 Victoria Hall. Miss Maggie Glov Hill visited her 0 Doyle, this week. 26 yours ago. Please noteâ€"The Fowl Supper and Concert on Out. 24th will 0 held in Richmond Hill Presbyter' Church. Yes, we have no bananas. In will have a bazaar at Tleornhil Tuesday, Oct. 30. Guess where 2’ Rev. P. R. Soanes. of Aurora. will preach in St. Mary’s Anglican Chmch on Sunday morning next. Cum: Day in Richmond Hill. Tues: day, October 16 at. 10.15 n. In. BIRTHS bananas. but we at Tlsornhill, on {ichmond u Minnie net, Em ociety {Aenqg I. m We carry a full line of School Supplies and Stationery, including Papeteries, Scribblers, Exercises, Tablets, Ink, Mucilage, White Paste, Pens, Pencils, Envelopes, Standard Novels, and articles gen- erally found in a book store. Liberal Offic In each of its many departments. oatering to all classes and all ages, the Famlly Herald and \Veekly Star, of Montreal. hm continued to improve each year over the last, until now it would seem perfection were reached. Yet, for the coming season that remark- able farm and family joulnnl again promisesâ€"and the promise will surely be fulfilledâ€"still further improvements lg all departments. It, is aprofound SchoolSuppHes AND Stathlnery Our Ratepayers' Association has saved us some thousands of dollars. Do you want to hear some interesting facts? Come to the Ratepayels Meet- ing on Friday evening. No dull mo- menls. Yours truly. \V. A. DUNCAN. Don't sign a paving petition. If you think the price of merchandise in our Itures is high enough and don’t want the merchant to raise his price to recover from his customers his Ihare of the ridiculoul cost, of a road for the Joy-Riderâ€" ;Don’t sign a paving petition. If you calculate that you should have some my about how you are going to spend your cash instead of having it taken from you in taxes you cannot evadeâ€" Ratepayers: If you valuo the home you own en- ough to want to keep itâ€" Don’t sign a paving petition. If you plan to save something in future years from your hard earnings to put away or spend as you perfectly well plague Dear Sinâ€"With your kind permis- sion [would like to reach the ratepay- ers of our village once more through your valued paper on the subject of road paving. Niagara Falls. Oct. 8, 1923 Editor ijeral, Richmond Hill : What Two Dollars Will Buy Don’t Sign 3 Paving Potition Don't sign a paving petition Permanent Wall Withoutr PESth PROGRAMMES 10 --CENTS -- 10 15-l6 Dated at Maple. Ont., this lab day of October. A. D. 1923. fberéï¬y call upon all voters to tak’e immediate proceedings to have any error. or omisaium corrected according to law. NOTICE is hereby given that I have cnmplied with Section 10. of the Voters‘ Lists Act. and that, l have pasted up in my uffice at, Ya le on the First day of Och-k gm )8 list of all perslins entltlï¬â€˜s \ V the said municipality f0" \‘l‘ï¬â€˜ ' L Parlia- ment. and at M'mmgs-» 9‘“ Inns, and that such List}! mains there for in§pecti9n. . CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POST. ING OF VOTERS' LISTS ‘ mystery to publishers the world over how the Family Herald and Weekly Star can continue to publish a 72-page weekly paper containing such a wealth and variety of reading matter for a. subscription price of only $2.00 per year. If this were not enough, We hear, that, added to the amazing value of the paper itself, each subscriber this sea- .0“ who I emits in time will receive free a most beautilul picture in colors of: lovely and heroic \vomnn. whose re- markable life story has been published in booklet form and can be obtained without charge from the Familly Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal. VOTERS' LISTS, 1923 MUNICIPALITY OF VAUGHAN COUNTY OF YORK Souvemr J. B. McLEAN, Clerk of Va nghan Township. DUI‘. Jordon and Melinda SLs., TuKontt Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTON FREDERICK A . A. CAMPBELL DATED at th‘? City of Toronto. inl the County of York. in the Province of Ontario, this 28ch day of Align, 1928. HEYD. HEYD. SHOREY & NEWMAN 514â€"516 Confederation Life Building, Toronto, Ontario. ‘ Mr. Cuniplwll will he at The Librl': Solicitms for the said George Turner Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, eveiy Tuesla Cleverly. 11-15 aternoon. :OWMWMWW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. George Turner Cleverly nf.tbo City nf Toronto, in the Cnunly of Yul-k, in the Province of Ontario. «Oak, will applv to the Parliament of Canada at, the next Session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife. Florence Maud Cleverly of 3|!) High Road, \Vood- gl't‘K-‘ll, London, N. 22. England, on the ground of adultery and desertiun. . Call by phone or otherwise promptly Notice of Application tor Divorce JOHN R. CAMPBELL Special attention given to sales 01 every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsales nt- tehded to on shortest. notice. and con- ducth by the most approved methods. Patronage solicited. 415 Bulliol St, Toronto. Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Richmond Hill ‘OMMISSIONER, CON VE Y ANGER. ETC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC VETERINARY SURGEON. l‘hornhil]. As the cold weather is near at hand, you will be needing heavier clothing. I am prepared to make you gcod Heavy Overcoats, hand-made from $38 00 up. Indigo blue serge‘suits for either ladies or men 42.00 up. These suits are made to your measure right here. Tweed suits made by hand $35.00 up. Ready-made suits, $18.00 up Ready-made overs coats, $20.00. You will be surprised at these low prices, it you call and examine the cloth. A few children’s coats from $6.00 up. CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE TRENCH’S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building paper, Tar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- Llies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel chains, Curry combs and Brushes A : Stoves and Ranges -: c. N. COOPER Richmond Hi1 FALL ANNOUNCEMENT COOPER’S HABDWA R E Dominion of Ceinada New Government Loan E. R. FORTNER Thornhill. STANDARQ BANK No charge whatever for this _._.__ ‘14 1' UV†GOVERNMENT’scs biï¬dé due 1928 yielding 5.23% and 5.14% . Cash applications for new loan receive desired, maturing bonds will be collcc credited to customer's account. Holders of 1923 Victory Bonds may exchange through any of our Branches their holdings matur- ing November lst next-for‘NEW DOMINION {‘n‘IDnK1\lnxvm -A. rencice Ladies and Gents‘ Clothier and Tailor; PHONE 93 or EATIZBA THE Barristers. Solicitors! (c. Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite 5H Mv-Kinnon Bldg, Cor. Jordon and Melinda SLs., TUKOnto. Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUG HTON FREDERICK :‘. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will he at The lecra Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, every Tueslay aternoon. You should Luke ndwntage of the present prices of metal by ("during your Ewe-Trough, Ranting, Furnaces, or any other metal product, as every- thing' points. to a substantial increase in prices in the neurfuturr'. Come in and let us protect ynu with present prices. TEETZEL BROS. Let us know your wants in Machin- exy now. We have on hand for Immediate De- livery Cockslmtt lew, Wilkinson Plows. 1 Set Chain Drags, Wheelbarâ€" mws. 1 Second-Hand Cu mun Separator. Just before the Spring Rush on th Farm you should look over the Ma.- chinery and get thnse Needed Repairs. Or, if it's New Machinery, we can get it. for you This Is the Time) Macnaughton & C pbel Barristers. Solicitors (c. Ann 7‘, Tinsmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 W v loan received, or, if will be collected and service. A one l 943