Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Owen A. Smiley Studio, Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Estudio ‘Homewood Hall,’ T hornhill, Ont 30 tf Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 85 Richmond St, lVest, Oilï¬oea Toronto. Naughton Block, Aurora. Solicxtor for : Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King. VVhitchurch and Markham. Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Walter S. Jenkins Rev. Phone lill. 5048 ELOC UT ION Miss Marguerite Boyle This exceptionally ï¬ne property adjoins the southern boundary of Richmond Hill. The tax rate is lower, and prices for lots are lower than in Rich- mond Hill. ACRE LOTS $400 AND UP Building Lots $4 per Ft. and Up Very Easy Terms of Payment spread over a period of ï¬ve years at 6% p.c.‘ interest. Salesmen on the Property Every Week Day. 0N YONGE ST. JL‘NTSOL'TII 01" RICHMOND IIILL Lots for Sale in this Beautiful New Residential and Garden Subdivision Real Estate Dept. Exclusive Agents 46 KING ST. W., TORONTO - Phone Main 6215 CHARTERED TRUST & EXECUTOR C0. NAUGHTON & JENKINS WWOWWWMOOMOO WOO! _ We Excell in FIT STYLE' PRICE QUALITY Robinson Block RICHMOND HILL BLOUSES CAMlSOLES Rainbow Speciahy Shoppe J. ï¬arry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Ros. Phone 44.4 ‘7ï¬e Mutual L’ife ï¬ssurance f company 70f Canada \Vox-klnan’s Cottages. $300 to $500 cash and easy monthly payments. These cottages will be built of brick or frame as desired 0n thilLy-foot lots im- mediately Feat 01' the Fair Gruunds. For full particulars w: he or see Building Lots, $4.00 to $10.00 per ft. $1.00 per ft. cush; balance, your own terms. Phnnes Hudson 151.3â€" ROSEVIEW GARDENS Phone 232. THE POLICY HOLDERS O\\'N COMPANY Get your life Insurance at cost RICHMOND HILL C. H. BYAM, Agent, W. J. LAWRENCE. 1470. 1974 Yonge St . Maple. Ont Wri villr- I Dru \Villh Ma; Ht-len Md Olline Sn“ Gun dr Chit Carl 1 Tl‘l’ l’eus HM llarlv Huh jal luvs †Calf, Beefâ€"lst Raymond Clarksnn, 6. 2nd Ainold Gaulhnuso. 10. ' Calf, Dailvyâ€"Nnrnmn Parson, 10, i Cameron lionke, 17. l Spring Lambâ€"R ()lnrkson, IS, A Gaidhnusr. 10. Handling Coltâ€"Allan Belteridgv, ('1. Handling Calfâ€"Al'nuld Gardhouae ll). Rumond Clm-kson, 6. Handling Lambâ€"A Gurdhnnse. 10, ‘ R Clarkson 6. Cockerelâ€"\Vilhnr Watt, 31, William KPlliu‘. 0. I Pulletâ€"Dumlhv Dawson, 4, thw- moml Olurksnn. 6. Trioâ€"Hilda. Lumber-t. 2. Brur'e Ella 6. Wheat, Marquisâ€"William Kelli-1m, 6, 1 Grant Barker, 10. Vhent, Shenfâ€"Eulnline Kingdom 10, Rviymnnd Ulm-ksdm i5. 0 its, Bannerâ€"Bernice Bracken. 5. Oat". Shonfâ€"Eululine Kingdom, 10. Rlym nd Clarkson 6. ‘ Ba fey, Sheafâ€"Eulaline Kingdom 10, Rmhnnnd (llnrkson, 6. Field Cornâ€"Aubrey Ella 19, Phyllis Luck hart 7. \Vntt 5. Muffins â€" Margaret Stewart Blan'mr- Thnmst‘n 7. Knitth Scarfâ€"Ira Stimson Lucilla Duwson 4. Crucle \Vnrjnâ€" Iris Stinsnn Mvrtel Anderson 31. Dull Clulhesâ€"Elsie Middleton Helvn Love 10. ‘ Quilt Blockâ€"Myrtle Anderson Elsie Middletun 10. Any other articleâ€"Ruth Snider 18, Dom. Van Pen. 31. Boys Public Speakingâ€"Jeffry Dunn- ing 10. (ill: Public Speakingâ€"Ilene Davey, 10. Phyllis ankhurt 7. 31. H Hand!» 4. \Vriting, The Blm»hiudâ€"Lr~rne Banks, , Dnrnt‘hy M'lnning 5. Writing, Thu Suliwry Reaperâ€"Mel- villv Hirnui 2‘ Rth Snider 18. Drawing â€"â€"_ Marjorie (.wngwmth T, “'illinm Fulfmn 2. Map of O.In.~ILl.|â€"Ver:l. Peters 7, Hn'lHn Love Iâ€. Maul Furmâ€"«Eulalino Kingdom 10, Olline Duhsnn 7. ’ Saw Hnlseâ€" \Villinm Brown 5, Goidnn Banks 5. Chivken Hopperâ€"Ulifl'md Peters 5, Carl La Ruse 5. TuUl Boxâ€"John Noun 5, Douglas 5 Tonmtoesâ€"Forhes Marshall 2, Melâ€" ville Hernnn 2. Apple Cnlleclinnâ€"Gm-don Jefferson. 4. Russell Jackson 13. Squash 01' Pumpkin â€"â€" Ambrose Chapman 5. Zella Mmshnll 2. Insects â€" \‘Valter- Chapman 7. Mnrgaxel Savage 7. Pressed W's-eds â€"- Axnold Gnu-dâ€" house 10, Eulnline Kingdom 10. \Vevd Seeds â€"- Harold Luml 1(1, Theresa Savage 7. Pressed Leaves â€"Jea.n Lule 10, Edith Bracken 5. Acorns Nuts. etc.-â€"-Harold Lund l0. Wlllidlll Kel mu 6. - Plum Diseasesâ€"LPle Savage 7. Writing. Alphuleâ€"Annie Walton Fezilsun i). Hnmmel Handleâ€"Arnnld Church 5, Harley Allan 31. School Luuchâ€"-Murguerite Dunlap 5 jnvm-s Fry 10. Candyâ€"Alfredu Chapman 5. Eulu- line Kingdmn 10. Uuokiesâ€"Alum Canning 5. Lucillzo. Dawsnn 4. Canningâ€"Alma Cunning 5. Katie Buys Riding Uuntestâ€"Clare Fair 7, \Vllhel't, Slmth 5. ‘ Vegetable Judgingâ€"Donald Mac- KenziP 2. Alum Canning 5. Special 'l‘rayâ€"Gmdou Butler 6, John M M: 5. 8:11011 Paradeâ€"lst S S No 10, 2nd SSN07. 3rdSSNn3L ,_ High Pupilâ€"Eulaline Kingdom 10. High Schoolâ€"S S No 6. Etnhicoke. lingers 5. M:m;zlesâ€"â€"â€"Gordon Coswc-ll IT, Ray- mond Clarkson 0'. Tu nipsâ€"Alfredu Chapman 5, Amh- roa’ (‘hapnmn 5. Beetsâ€"Iris Stinsun 10. Stephen Masters 5. Gan-utSâ€"Jack Chapman 19, Esther Masters 5. _ Pal-Hï¬pSâ€"EVH. Parsons 10. Marjorie Phillips 17. Onirnsâ€"Hmold Brown 5, Mary Ru-gels 5. Astor'sâ€"Mary Rdgers 5. Daisy Gm- hwm Swvvt Peasâ€"Norma Pemson J. Phloxâ€"Orrle Truemnn 19, Eileen La Rose 5. - CUSlllt‘Sâ€"Ol'l‘ie Trueman 19, Mar- gnnrim Dunle 5. Velhenuâ€" Katlie Watts 5, 1124 Taylor 19. Small Table Bonquetâ€"Myn tle Ander- Srn 31, Eululine Kingdom 10. Northern Spy Applesâ€"George Snider 18, Girdun Jeffersnn_ 4. Ratepayels monthy meeting will be held in the Chuncil UllflthlS on Friday evening. Out. ‘12. Gentlemen, the rppott of the Old Boys and Girls will bc read, also Ynnge Streetim- provemonf will he discussed. The re- pwrt of the Bnald of dee and severnl 'Ilber nmttels of impnrlnnve. Genth- mm. thia is your met ting. Deem it a duty to atbeml. 7 S‘vééi VUrQrfllâ€"El'lc Godfrey 5. Verna Love 4. Snow Applesâ€"Geotge Snider l8. Garth Sabin Bl. ASSOrth Fruitâ€"Aubrey Ella. 19, Mildred‘ Marshall 2. ‘Ve givr‘ below the lst and 2nd prize w‘nners at lhe ahm'e Fair. lhe'figure- nftm‘ each name being the number of School Section: 6) ~ S (SJOIL, Draft. typeâ€"lst Allan Bettl-idge, 6. RURAL SCHOOL FAIR 'otéfoes-Cllarles Pal-Sons 10, Lloyd York and Etobicoke Township GREEXE, Notice VlllS. TEEN L, Se 10, 10, Ydu Will do well to see our rem- na‘nts, su1table for mlsses coats, dresses and sklrts. Fall felt hats from. $3.50 to $5.00. Underwear for the season, both two pieceranfd combination. Prupvrlios nt Maple. Elqin Mills, and Newmax km. ~ Nochn g9 for transfer on any plo- petty sold. Yonge St, RiCHMOND HILL The cool weather is now coming. See our sweater coats and pull overs from $2.50 to $5.50. To rentâ€"5 gnnd lut, m-ur SLmM. THE LGRNE BLUBK FURNISHING STORE $13,000 will buy one of the best 100 non-93in Markham Township. Brick house. bank ham. stone stables under, other large barn. other buildings. Terms easy. $525 will secure you an excellent hni|ding site on the west side of Church St. ‘ Housesnnd lots on Ruseview, Rich- mond. Arnold and Yonge Sta. ' 'l'o rentâ€"5 room house, furnace. gnnd lnl, m-ur Elgiu Mills on Ynnge Loarw, Insnrnnc DRY GOODS - MILLINERY - LADIES’ WEAR QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 H. A. Nicholls Trench Block LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. .G. SAVAGE THE WORK IN THE FIELD That is the essence of the great, reputation won many years ago, and since constantly maintained by the The II'Original†No. 21. Dandy. No. 13. N0. 5, Special and No. 15 A. (One Hurse) are Leaders in Ontario: FLEURY FLOWS The Real Estate Man THE FALL MILLINERY TRAhE is nqw in Fun Swing, and we are showing a Nice Line of the Latest Models. ' HATS MADE TO ORDER to Suit: Your Individual‘Taate. FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR Now In Stock. ENGLISH AND CANADIAN-MADE HOSIERY, in light and heavy weights, at prices from 850. to $2.00. WOOL FOR ALL PURPOSES in a great variety of shades and at Popular Prices. CO AL General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill Ease for Horses. Comfort for Man. Finpst Quality Work in the Field. Price no more than that or many infmim- Plows. Don't expu-rimeut withimitutions. Buy the Best. HAS FOR SALE COME TO SEE US NEXT TIME YOU ARE IN TO\VN T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 Thornhill, Ontario T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario THE FAMOUS FLEURY Norman J. Glass. MRS. NORMAN BATTY :ni “701 k and J. T. SAIGEOIV Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the Onuntyof Yul'k. Salesnttended to un shortest: notice, and at reasonable rates. $5,500 buys six ronnu-d house, all mndern com enicnceï¬. gurage. thus 13 abargain. All properties SUM on small comp missions. why pay bigunvs 2’ ' all good. $5,700 buys 100 new fall m, bank barn fran house. $21,200 hnys cosy ï¬ve rnmned cc t- tage nu one nt‘ the best streets in Richmohd Hill. $13,000 buys good 100 new hum. hnnk h'u-n, brick house. outbuildings WOOD Famous Fleury Plows Apply Wesley Boynton. 12â€"15 PROPERTIES FOR SALE Patronage solicited Phone 53