Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Oct 1923, p. 4

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JONES LUMBER c0 PHONE ‘27 Residence address Victoria. Square All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Lem-9 Orders nt Sloan's Drug Store, Richmond Hill. Canadian Tenor and Choir Leader Snlnisn North Parkdule Methodist Church, is preffiyed _t_n I‘ciceive pupjl: n Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mvs. N. Batty's. Arne-1d St. Particulars mm he ubtained by calling. Phone 22 Ring 11. :29. Cor; Arnold & Yonge. i From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Theory. 7:- For information Phone 110. MRS. MYLKs. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO 'fleacher of Fletcher Méthod Musical Kmdergarben ath-R‘i'éiiuiégd Street. West. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal Ofilce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon, Woodbridze, Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Current Rate F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY E'Ir CHOPPING MILL PLUMBING AND TINSMII‘HING HOT \VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRx‘ Al ‘upils passed for Conservatory Ex- aminations. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Adelm‘o Melecu and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M. BUILDERS SUPPLIES WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE The anle Sand. Gravel and Brick Company, LL'd. have on hand for sale. Cement. drain tile. 3, 4. 5,-6 and 8 in. Culvert; tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in lvngth) ‘ ~ Also Cement Brick Sand or vael sold by the load 01- in car lots. 7 ‘»|,m tn.- Toronto Office. 816 Federal Building, Sand, Gravel, . Tile and Brlok A. C. HENDERSON JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Cedar Shingles Fibreboard Gyprock Wa';.-oard Bu Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Floating Pine Lath Doors LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronage and influence respectfully solicited ,11 arge Usual grinding. Flour and Feed. all kinds of poultry feeds, grit, shell. tonic and baled straw. Outs wanted market Aprice. __-â€"~'\ .1? W 1 DELIVERS rT'UESDAY and SATURDAY. THORNHILL, ONT. ze stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the .above places WILLIAM COOK Wm. C. Ruttan Phone 82 w. ard Building paper Richmond Hill. Tar paper P.O. address Gonnley. RR Roofings Sash ne poles for Manager Mr. Leslie Laver is now occ his new g-nage and is prepal supply a‘l the m morists’ wants. The {nontth meeting of the Women's Institute was held last Wed- nesday at lie home of Mrs. H. E. Kefler. There was a guod attendance and an interesting programme was given. Dr. Urquhart gave an addnss on “Culds,” their prevention and cure, and solos were sung hy Mrs. G. Bailey and Mrs. C. Brown. After the pro- gmmme afternoon tea was served. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown. of Mo Keesport. Pm, spent several days with friends in the village. Mrs. Blown assisted the choirs of St. Stephen‘s and the MMhudist church on Sunday by singing a solo at web of the ser- A conce ity Hal] 1 gramme vent the: Reginald McDonald Lockhart. aged 21 years. of Albion Road. Etobicoke Township, sustained fatal injuries on Satuxdny night. when the motor car he was driving was upset on the Weston Road about a mile south of Thistletown. Lockhnx-t who was alone in the car, was returning to his home when a tire was punctured causing the. car to swerve. and the driver, in seek- ing to prevent, the car's going into the ditch, caused it to turn turtle. He died an. few minutes after the arrival of doctor. Mr. Lockhart, who was em- ployed by the \Veslon Golf Club, was a. popular young athlete. He had gone to Swanson. to tuke part in a football game on Saturday afternoon and spent the evening with fliends. He was the second son of Mr. Douglas McDonald Lockhart, who is employed bv the McGregm-. McIntyre Company, Tor-uh. to. Besides his parents. he is survived by two brothers and three sisters. Deceased was a grandson of Mr. lame~I Wiley, and a grand nephew of Mrs. F. Gminger of this Village. At the resumed inquiry held Friday afternoon before the County Police CommiSSlon into the shouting at three girls in a. motor car by county constables on Se t. lat last, it was admitted by Consta le Kirk that the police officers involved had re- ceived no inst: actions as to the use of firearms. Thelma, English, aged 20; Elsie Huntley, aged 14. and “Sissy” English. aged 10, the girls in the car. had, according to the constables, been mistaken for rum runners. When they failed to stop the canon command shots were fired after them. Miss Thelma English told how one of H e bullets had just burer missed hitting her in the neck. hut Constable Kirk smir‘l: “I swear pnstively that no bullet struck the car; they all went in- to the ground." The inquiry was ad- journed for two weeks to hear the evi- dence of the other constables involw d. With the hunting season just at hand. and reports of plentiful game. the Canadian National Railways has made special arrangementfl to accnmmodate the numher of parties going north. A special train will convey the hunters northward, stop- ping at all camps between here and Key Junction on October 31, getting them to their favorite grounds be- fore the season opens. The more remote camps above North Bay will be reached by a special train on October 31 and on NOV?!"- ber 2. A party of eight from To- ronto is booked for the. French River Hunting and Fishing Club on October 24 Another party from [by city will make camp on November 1, and among the perennial sportsmen of outside centres in Ontario many parties have been made up. Th Anniversary Services will be held in V. S. Methodist Church. Sunday, Oct. 2lst at 2.30 and at; 7.30. Rev. E. Harold Toye B.A., will be the speaker for both services. The choir will furnish special music for afternoon service and the “Baker Quai‘tecte.” nf Blooming ton. will direct: the musical pro,- g1 amine of the evening. Everybody welcome. Do some of the residents ofiRich- mond Hill know that they render themselves liable by taking part in charivaris, or have they the assur- ance that the Council winks at such proceedings. Charivaris are a blot on the good name of Richmond Hill, and they should be stopped. A despath from Kingston says that a charge of unlawful assembly has been laid against a charivari party. ' “ Eighteen residents of the village of Sydenbam were before County Police Magistrate Bradshaw on Fri- day charged with engaging in an unlawful assembly on October 6, when they took part in a charivari at the home of Percy Trousdale.” County Constables on Trial [lli Killed by Motor Car Off to Huflting Ground VICTORIA SQUARE t was held STOP C HARI VARIS mg e sung by Mrs. G. Bailey Brown. After the pro- noon tea. was served. 5. Chas. Brown. of Mr. . spent several days with a village. Mrs. Brown choirs of St. Stephen’s ndist church on Suuduv [c Hall which is be eariug completion 2 )mmodlous and comf‘ zivl'n \D ' occupying repared to the ana The resulbsof grading were : Select: 18, thick smooth (including unfinishkd hugs of the select type) 27 ; Shop hugs ll ; lights 5. The lot was uniform in both breed and type but were a little lacking in finish on the whole. After heil g shown through the stock yards. the boys and their friends were entertained to luncheon by the Meat Packers Association and afterwards shown through the packing plants. At 230 the car lots of hoes were sold by auction to the highest bidder hv “- \‘J. \Vade. Director of the Live Stock Branch. and while bidding was not. as keen us last year. very good prices were realized. Although the day's mm ket- price was $8 25 the lst prim> lot went to $11.00 and the York loud sold for $9.75. Besides the extra sale price; th’é boys also got SllO for the our lot. and $28 fur the Judging Competition from the Dominion Department, of Agriculture and might well be pleased with their lecent successes. 0n 'fhursduy a number of the boys and their friends \VPllt to the city no see their hogs graded and sce the car lots from the 13 Competing counties, judged. History repeated itself that: day and the York Oluh scored second px'ize again this year, being beaten by the South Simcoe Club. In the Judg- ing Competition in which each club entered a. team of three men, the York Club Team consisting of Frank Lundy of Newmarket, Cecil Nichols and George McCague of Gonnley, won third money with Leeds and Bruce lsrtflgmd 2nd respectiyply. On Wednesday the boys brought their pigs to Stouffville and made up aoarlob of bugs. Owing to the lack of funds there was no competition held at Stouffville this year before loading». I n n ‘ During the past summer the 20 boys from 12 to 18 who constitute the York County Boys and Girls Pig Club. have bren feeding from 2 to 6 hogs each, under the direction of the local branch of the Department of Agriculture at Newm‘arketl. The boys, most, of whom live in the Stouffville and Gm-mley districts, agreed to load a car lot of hogs for the Inter-county Gar Lot Competition at the Union Stock Yards at Toronto on October 11th. We hope to surpass this success next year and ask for the support of ex- pupils, parents and friends. URSUL MQOLUSKEY ‘ . - CRAIG MCDONALD }becrem”es' The High School Athletic Association and the teachers and pupils take this opportunity of thanking the merchants and other citizens Who generously do- nated money and goods to a, total value of $30 for prizes. We owe much of the success of the day, also to othe s who assisted with loans of material for the booth, motors for conveying apparatus to the fair grounds and other aid . Ex. Pupils Hundred yard dash â€"-lst. B. White, 2nd B. Sharpless.‘ The form championship shield r9- mnius with Form 4, with a total of 113 points or 8.9 per pupil. A suitable trophy will be presented to Form 2, the winners of the Inter-Form relay nice . Boys, Senior championâ€"Andrew Snider; Runner np Clarence Vdndex- burgh (Ex. Champion.) Junior Champion, (under 16)â€"Allon White; Runner upâ€"Juck Bayes. Youngest; boy to win a. poinLâ€"jacnb Koning. Girls â€" Senior champion; Isobel Cowie: Runner up Violet Shepherd. Junior champion (under 16)â€" Margaret Vanderbnlgh; Runner upâ€" OliveHurst. A _ A “Y'aungeéé' girl to win a pointâ€"O Hurst. A programme of junior and senior athletics for both boys and girls was first run off.‘ RuCes of the usual distances. broad and high jumps, pole Vault and shot-put were the standard Iventa, followed by potato race, threading needle and other novelties. The contest; was very keen and the results in some cases remarkable, especially for the senior boys slim-tex- races. Following is a summary of the results: _ _ Richmond Hill High School held its‘ annual Field Day on Friday, Oct. 5. It was even more successful than in previous years. Perfect Weather dur- ing the greater part of thcafternoon and a large number of entries in all the events made it 1|. must enjoyable afternoon for the parents ex-pupils and friends who assembled. fijgfig-m for Our Clubbing Next Week. Rates Watch Yark County Wins Second Prize High School Field Day PROGRAMMES at The Liberal Office. ATCH FOUNDâ€"On Tuesday, Oct. 2, a. watch was found be- tween Maple and Richmond Hill. Will the owner enquire at THE LIBERAL OFFICE. 14â€"16 10--CENTS--10 ANTEDâ€"A‘ young girl for house- vyork, byfithe dgy_or_~9eyma‘nf_qt. MRS. JONES,'Stop 5h,» E'lgin Mills. 14.15 Price $2, 700. Apply F.J. MANSBRIDGE, Yonge St. Purveyur. _ 14-16 VERLANDâ€"Model 01, only few weeks old, run less than 150 miles. used as demonstrator. Will 5911 at reasonable price. C. M. PALMER. ATS \VANTEDâ€" Marked prices. phone 82 w. J. F. BURR. at chopping mill. 16-18 0R SALE â€" $150 buys Uhevaet ; touring, this car is a real bargain, self starter. bulan Etc. 0. M. PALMER. ' 16 4OR SALEâ€"Ono Oxford Laurel heater, with oven. in gym] cun- ditiun. am extra guud stove. and :L perfect cooker. NORMAN J. GLASS. UR SALEâ€"Table, two :u-mclmirs, stained. seven-fifty. Large oak heater. good (I: new, seven-fifty. Small heater. two-fifty. New Rayo lump, Lwot‘ifty. CROFT, Brunkside road. 18 0R SALEâ€"Complete Balmock Test, new. ten dollars. or offer. CROFT, Brookside road. 10' Latest hit, fifty cents each; fifteen dolim-s lnt. CROFT. BI-onkside mud. ANTEDâ€"Farm, 5 to 50 Misc, improved. \Vill make aw d cash payment. or gise city property in exchange. Give all particulars to an 475. LIBERAL OFFICE. 16 SATURDAY. Nov. 3<Farm stock, imple- ments and furniture. lot 25. 6011.3, York, the property (anas. Whittaker. Sale :11. 1 o’clock. Tenn; 11 mhnth. Prentice and Prentica, Aucts. w; SATURDAY. OCT. Effâ€"Farm stock. i'in- plements and furniture. lot 8, con. 2, East; York, the property of Archie Silver. Sale at ln'clnck. TormsU months. Prentice & Prenfice, Aucts. \VEDNESDAY. OCT. 24â€"Farm stock implements etc, lot 33, con. Mark harm. the ppopel'ty nfjas‘ C.‘D0usr Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 11 months Silverrsides and Farmer, Aucts. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements etc., the property of; 1~\_I_1_“_s:> G. Robson & Son, ‘17-: ‘OR SALEâ€"5 room bungalow, con- cretv cellar. log 6-17 by 175 feet. EES FOR SALEâ€"~13 hires. Apply 0. JAMES, 'l‘hm-nhlll 16 IFTY DOUBLE SIDED RECORDS- property of Mrs. G. Robson & Son, lot 5. can. 2. Whitchm'ch, Lake Wil- cox me. Sale at 12 o’clock. F. W. Silversides‘and A. Farmer, Ancts. By simply attaching a Toronto Pumping Engine to your pump you can have running water for every purpose you desire. Think of the time and labor savedâ€"the freedom from tiresome pump- ing- ‘Vant: Ads- Souvemr Let This Engine Pump Your Water Auction Sale Register Licensed A‘lctiunevr for tho- UnnnLy of York. Sales ampndpd to un shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. _ ' 85 Richmond St., West, Ofl‘ices { Toronto. Naughtun Bluck. Aux-um. Snlicnor for: Aumra and Riclunwnd Hill. The Tuwnships of King. \Vhitchnrch and Ma: khnm. Walter S. Jenkins Res. Phnne Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boylei Satudio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30 tf Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic aanumourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of O'I‘ICEâ€"E. Slzney 15 prepared to L do all kinds of Lruvking and carting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Phone Richmond Hill 98. ’ 42 tf HOUSE FOR SALE JThis is a. six roumed house. hardwood floors, furnace. electlic lighh‘, etc. This pl'OpPlty is situated in Richmond Hill. $;halunce like rent if de- sired. This is a bargain us nwner has 1m town. Win sell fur $700 Less than themiginal p'rice for :1 quick sale. Apply at THE LIBERAL OFFICE. lO-tf HI]. 5048 IDER MILLâ€"The Currville Cider Mill will he ops-n every week day until the 15th of November. Bring ynurupples. A. WILSON, Prop. 11‘18 \A/IA NTEDâ€"Vegetahrles and apples. 'VVill buy all kinds. H. DAVIS, Mill St, Richmond Hill. Phone 108 W. o - ll~tf l truck, put:n,r:¢-s,‘°n-nin on rates. Apply DAVIES, RR. 2 FARM TO RENTâ€"In Township (If Vaughn n . Apply (0 J. H . NAUGHTON, Elgin Mills. 14-16 h‘OR SALE~0ne iron hedsté‘ad and splings. and 3 pair of blankets. Apply tn \VIIJJAM JOHN DIXON. Richmond Hill.‘ 15-tf ‘ OR RENT-Cosoy new hungnlnw; also six room house on Richmond Street. Apply 0. L. WRIGHT. 14-15 ,ER SALEâ€"Small Open grate stove, burn can] (-1' wood $300. Apply MISS BCRR, Richmond St. 15 16 ELOCUTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 NAUGHTON & JENKINS 6R SALEâ€"A small Goldie Mc- Cullough safe. JONES LUMBER RUCKINGâ€"~\Vm OUSE FOR SALEâ€"Enqmrp of GEO. S.SIMS, Richmnnd Hill. ~ 10-tf IRST CLASS 'nRAVEL AND SAND FOR SALEâ€"On lot 24, J; T. SAIGEOIV Maple Patronage solicited J. Barry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 mlod fur ton 13 tf henp nple. 14-16

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