Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Oct 1923, p. 1

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SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1923 Boot and All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good Workmaushlp Prompt Service 2 Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. x’hone Day, 13-3. Night We Orders Large Stocks of Pine and Hemlock, Shingles, Luth. Cedar Posts. Etc. fol your quick convenience. Also dealers in Fibre Board, Ready Roofing, Asphalt Shingles, Felts. Etc. We operate our own Planing Mill, Siding. Flooring. Moulding Frames. and Sash. Doors, Etc. Perfectly manufactured. Attention Mr. Joyce is an Experienced Teacher and Graduate Pupil of Frank S. \Velsman, Director of the (Ianadizm Acad- emy of Music, Toronto. and has lately returned from Chicago after studying under Josef Lhevinne, world-famous Piano Virtuosoi and Louise Robyn, Specialist in Children’s Work. PUPILS RECEIVED ON SATURDAY NOONS. 1921 Ford Touring, with Starter 1919 Ford Touring 1918 Ford Touring 1917 Ford Speedster Chevrolot Touring 1922 Ford Roadster. with Starter 1919 ford Roadsters 1917 Ford Roadsfé} SIMEON JOYCE, L.C.A.M. Pianist and Teacher. Announces the Opening of a Studio over Mr. E. R. Fortner’s Tailoring Establishment, Richmond Hill. TERMS :â€" One-third (‘ash ; ba Cars sold to reliable people only Contractors and Home Builders Now accepting pupils Full Term. Studio at the home of Miss Hoise Planing Mill and Lumfiér' Yard ' Richmond Hill Street Richmond Hill; GEOZNKIVDD VOL. XLVI PELHAM CUAFFEY Paper hanger and Painter _. Innes & Sons CHOIR-LEADER AND ()RGANIST PRESBYTERIAN (‘HI'RCH SAM. SHEPHERD TENOR TEACHER OF SINGING W. G. BALDOCK’S LIMITED Ford Dealers, Richmond Hill For further particulars Phone Solicic your enquiries and Oxford Street Phone 44 r 32. .50 per annum, in advance AUCTION SALE OF The following Used Cars, All in Shoe Repairer SALE AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. SHARP balance arranged on day of sale {AML’WD’ J. T. SAIGEON, Fair represents a vast ir touches each and everyc thPy live in the city or sections. hv givpn in conjunction with other spectacular features. The citizens and visitors {mm nutsidn points will find at this yems Royal W'inter Fair many things of interest to them. The Winter Fair represents a vast industry which touches each and every citizen whetht-r an indication: point in anniher success‘nl you: for the‘Rnyul Winter Fair which will be an vxpusition of quality, merit and magnitude with many new fvatures. This year’s show will he a mmvellous sight; to 'behold and absorbing in interest; in fact the various exhibits requiring month to nruduce will unfold :1 very interesting human sturv. The Ministyr of Nation- al D="en~.9 has granted permission to the Royal Canadian Dry-goons to give their famous musical ride every even- ing during the shuw. Lneu' tumous musical ride every even- ing during the shmv. The brilliant horse show and the nightly pnrade of prize livestan will hv givpn in conjunction with other \Vondbridge Fairon Saturday went over the 10,000 mark in attendance. The fair was considered the best finan- cial success to date. The exhibits of live stock were considered excellent. Grain and vegetables were well up to the standard. while the exhibition of fruits was better in all varieties than for many yeals, and with a great in- creased display. A pleasing interest in farm produce competions by a num- ber of Public Schools was accredited to the Work of various associated horti- cultural societies. The judging of light and heavy horses as well as the speeding events, was continued until dark. Last week’s Eernnnm‘at and Sun in IepoIting the cases at Divisinn (hunt in Markham said lhut before opening the Cull-IL Judge O’Connell commented on the untidy rnndilinn of the court room. Up to (late His Honour has not made any uncomplimenlnl‘y 11‘» marks about the court room in Rich- mond Hill, hut in all seriousness the council chamber where court is held, is not a credit to the village. As citi- zens we become accustomed to it, but outsiders observe it with surprise. Advertise in the Lihrral 1921 Ford Coupe 1921 Ford Coupe. with Starter 19l9 Ford Coupe. with Starter 1918 Ford Half-Ton Truck McLaughlin Truck Case Truck Bell Cutting Box Frost & Wood Cultivator All indication} ppint tn Council (hamber and Court Room Good Condition: RICHMOND HILL. ONT 3. R. Formerâ€"95 Toronto’s Winter Fair Woodbriige Fair rnmn‘fif and Sun in s at, Divisiun ()nmt lhut before opening ‘Cnnnell cumuwnted ‘599 as {velr as“ tlw as continued until Auctioneer. uln Essentials, Unity; in the [urn] AFTER- Langslafl“. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry “’est- wood. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. \Vestwood, Miss Westwood, Miss Evelyn \Ves‘- wood; of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sloan; of Montreal, Mr. Paul Denault; of New York. Mrs. Paul Baskerville; of Richmond Hill. Mr. W. Hewisnu. Miss Hewison, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Endean, Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker. Mr. Hu-ty Morden, Mr. Leon Forrester. Miss Flrming, Miss Cumisky, Miss Mac- Donald, Miss L'mgstaff. The liufflt supper. which WMS followed by a dang-u, was served in the menu. the table being beau?â€" fu"y and prnfusely harlecked with pink bridal roses and maiden hair fern, after which the lnicle and gloom left for their honeymoon in Washington, the bride travelling in at dark brown nmn‘ell l suit trimmed with kolinsky. brown hat and shoes. Upon their leturn fiom their honey- [1] -on. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sloan will take up residence in their new home on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill Fulluwiug the cmemnnv a leCPption was held, Mrs. Bowman. molhvr of the bride, being charmingly guwned in black canmn Cl'kpr'. trimmed with silver, with cmsuge (if yellow roses, while Mrs. Hewimm, muther of the gmvm, \vns handsumely guwned in pearl gin-y canton ClE‘pP. with steel trimming. and Corsage of orchids and lillies of the valley. To soft orchestral strain of “thengrin’s beautiful wedding march.” the Winsome hx-ide entered the drawing room with her father, gorgeously attired in agown of white kitten’s ear crepe, with lung court train. lined with shell pink gem-gene. her lung fluwing tulle Veil. dummy anangod with u wreath ufm-ange blosgnms, and carrying a shnww bouquet nf lillius of the valley and pink roses. Miss Mary Mayer. (*f Tomato the bridesmaid. was stunning in \vno.l In-uwnchitfon cut. velvet with train, fnrtlwr complete with gnld hundean and shoes. and she canied an :u-Inful ( 1" yellow x-nses. tied with gnldt-n tulle. Dr. Milton \Vellu‘ontl of Richmond Hill attended the grumu. On \Vednesday ewning, the 171h inst., at “Bronklnnds,” the home of the bride’s palents. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bowman. then-only daughter, Miss Elizabeth Anne. was united in marriage to Mr. Gordon Hamilton Sloan, son of Mrs. \V. Hewison of Richmond Hill. The drawing room w~is beautifully festooned with golden autumnal bloom. huge banks of ferns on each side of the spacious fire place, faultlessly complet- ing the decorative schemp. for the marriage ceremonial, which was perâ€" formed hy the Rev. Mr, Nuble. of Trinity Church, Thornhill. Mr. D. Hill wishes to [hunk the Fire Brigade and citizens generally hi :0 pi-mnptly'turning out; Tuesday even- ing, when‘tlm roof of His dwelling took fire fun) :1 burning chimney. Many (If our Cltizeus were naturally alarmed when the “fire” bell sounded. but, not only Mr. Hill, butlesidents generally felt, a. sense 01' secuuity when they knew We had a. new water system. The Service preparatory to the Com- munion will be held on Friday evening. at 8 o’clock. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be dispensed on Sunday at 11 a.m., when the minister will preach. At 7p.m. Rev. A. MacNab will preach. Mr. MacNab is leaving next week to take charge of a congre- gation near Asginiboia for the winter months. An uppm-tunity will be given lle citizens of Richmond Hill and vicinity to hmu- Mrs. Emmi-line Pnnkhurst speak Tuesday evening. Nov. 6th. Keoplhis dutvopen. Full particulars given next week. See posters. ,,,, u nuluyl 'Vlll DC (lulu in the Council Chamber Friday evening of this week, at 8 o’clock. All inter~ ested in the success of the club Kindly afrnnfl attend A meeting to re-organizo the be c ub for the cpqufing winter will be :_ u n Presbyterian Sen vices Mr. Hill’s Tl anks '1 rs Sloanâ€"Bowman Hockey Meeting in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity Pankhurst Coming .. THURSDAY; OCTOBER 25, I923 “)9. hockey hefd lG. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. SAMPLES FREE PAINTING, DECORATING Phone 306, King. W. HEWISON HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Phnne 232. fl'fie Mutual off/e fissurance Company of Banach: (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Vetmin- ary College. All clusth of animals treated. Day and night culls proxan- ly attended. Office and rFsidenm- north side Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. Telephone 13, Ring 2. i Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. ijtudio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30 tf ArtiSt, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of J. T. SAIGEOIN Maple Llcensed Auctioneer for thp Cmmty of York. Snlesatlendcd to on shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. ' 85 Richmond St, \Vest, Ofiices{ Toronto. Nflughtun Block, Aurora. Solicitor fm- : Aurora and Richlnnnd Hill. The Townships of King, \Vhitchnrch and Markham. Wall Hingings ' - O _ Artistic Charm ORSES LOST â€"Om- him-k IIXHIP uith white fare owned by M. GUTHRIE, Vandm-f, l). 0. One lvrown mare- with sunl- nn front fnnr. owwd by A. BL‘mmws. Vulldnlf P. O. A good reward will he paid In anyone finding these hures and notifying the owners. l7~lf \anier S. Jenkins Rec. Phone “11. 5018 THE POLICY HOLDERS OWN 9 COMPANY You can only hope that your timely warning. broadcaster] to those who are impregnated with the germs of chari- vari. will give heed. and that they wili return to the stuaight and natrow path. By the way. what is charivari ? Anxiously awaiting enlightenment. I am, Sir. To the Editor of The Liberal, Richmond Hill : Dear SIr.~--Your pungent lemarks re charivari parties are very time y. You do well to call the attention of the people generally, and some in par- ticular, to the evils pertaining to this pernicious practice. They little know the aftermath of their indulgence, otherwise they would be more wary. The lustre obtained by becoming a slave to charivari is dimmed by the after-effects. R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc ELOC UT ION Miss Marguerite Boyle Get your life Insurance at cost. C. H. BYAM, Agent, me 232. Maple, Ont. Barristers Solicitor Notaries TelephOne Adelaide 2108 NAUGH'I‘ON ’8: 'JE‘N‘KiN'é' Patronage solicited Yours very tljuly. Re Charivaris J. Hurry Nunghton Res. Elgin Mills Rvs. Phone 44.4 A. VROLFE. Office Barristers, Solicturs. &r. MANNING ARCADE. 21 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO. CANADA . TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dedo Arthur A. Macdnnald F.-ank Demon Laura Denton. B. A. Denton, Macdonam 0: Benton Keen demand for our Graduates all the time. Do not fool with educa- Liun. Get; the best. It. always pays. Uur record for placing student/I in positions is unexcelled in Canada. Cannel Coal and Boulets. A limited supply also of Stove and Egg Anthracite, Slabs and Hardwood at the Elevator. For heating we have Sol vay Coke, Pocahontas Nut \Ve have also a supply of Bran and Shorts and Glutin Feed. Cracked Corn, Corn Meal, Purnia Hen Chow and Chowder. A car each of Cement and T‘nrashing Coal, also a car of Salt in bbls. and sacks arriv: Office hours Sta 10 6 to 8 p. m, Office and residenceâ€"Con Church Streets Richmond Hill No. 2L Commissinner, Convey Insurance and Real THE HIGH GRADE SCHOOL W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL DR. ROLPH I, Office how 5 8 DRLLILLIAN NORTH Yonge and Charles Sbs., Toronto DR. M. B. WELLWOOD (disenseé of w Office hours 1 Phone 100, i. A. NIUHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL DENTYST Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank. HoursQan. to 5.30 p.113. Telephone 32 PUBUG NUTIGE OfIicezâ€"Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Office Hours: 10-12: 6-8 Write for Catalogue. DRS. LANGSTAFF IS “'ELL KNO“'.\' AS . L. R. BELL Commence now. [Single copies. 3 cts YONGE ST‘ LJ-IOTT ' J. Pt L. LANGSTA FF. 8: 10mm. :mdb‘ :8p.m ‘I (I. LANHSTAFF.‘ women and childlen.) I :3 p. m. amer RICHMOND HIL yam-er, Etc 1 Estate m. l to 2 and No 17 ‘ ; 6~8. ntre and H [’hnne arrn‘:

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