Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Oct 1923, p. 3

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Ask (or Mlnard‘l and !.ko no olhor. \V t Italics are used in the Bible for words inserted to make the sense of the translation clearer. Nowadays italics are used almost solely for emphasizing a word or sent- ence, and if it is desired for a printer to put any portion of a manuscript in- to this type the words are underlined. Names of periodicals and ships should be in italics, but the rules re- garding ad hoc.. e.g.. i.e,, et seq.. and so on, are varied, and italics may or may not be used. In 1521 a printer of Venice invented the type when printing an edition of Virgil. It is supposed that he‘attempt- ed to copy the handwriting in which the translation was Written. The style came to England in the following year and was knonwn as Venetian. It was, however. confined chiefly to proper names and pretaces of books. \Ve are all familiar with words writ ten in italics. The H quently the 101 through of the c‘ tecting ‘ times r and is t If you are suffering from any con- dition due to poor, watery blood, or weak nerves, begin taking Dr. Wil- liams’ Plnk Pills now, and note how your strength and health will improve. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail, at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00.. Brockvllle, Ont. cases of rheigktism is‘gr. Williams' Pink Pills. “"I'uese p' enrich and purify the blood so that'fhe poisonous rheumatic matter is driven out of the system as nature intended. Miss Ger- tie Denne, Washago, Ont., was attack- ed with rheumatism and found relief through Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. She says:â€"“About a year ago I was at- tacked by rheumatism aud for two weeks was confined to my bed. The trouble was so painful, affecting the joints of my limbs so that I could not stand alone. Mother had a box of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills in the house and thought they might help me. I began taking them, and when I had taken these pills got a further supply. with the result that the rheumatism van- ished and I was a well girl. I may add that my mother and two of my sisters have also used the pills for various ail- ments with equal success, and now we are never without them in the house." PAIN IN THE JOINTS Hand the whisk broom to a friend and put the coin on the palm of your right hand. Extend the palm -â€"aud coinâ€"toward your friend and say i "Brush it 03." He won‘t be able to do it. It is not necessary for you to pre- pare the coin and there is no trick about it. All that you have to do is to place the coin in the centre of the palm. Of course, your friend can shove or drag the coin offâ€"but he can't brush It 011. The trick pan alsoâ€"or can't also â€"be done with a clothes brush. A travellin'g salesman. so the story goes, discovered this little stunt. Perhaps you can try it on your friends. You'll need a coin and a whisk broom. (Clip this out and paste it, with other agile series. in a scrapbook.) W e atc nag An An When Italics Are Used. actl ugh the blood, w 1e disease, the pa ng other joints pa 3 rheumatism at is fatal. remedy ' t has 9 of rh hktism joints first EASY TRICKS Indication is Thin an‘ t sign pain I a-t No. 50 Brush It Off Baby's' Color in and If [1 blood. e, the joints atlsm Dal Lon That the and Watery. t rheumatism d swelling of this is not 1, which is t) e poison spre: :5 911-11 tissuesâ€" : attacks the that corrected just not is t spre sues th e n is fre- l one of treated the seat ends, at- sâ€"some- 1e heart YO DE ‘0101‘ read Blood any I and Spain in the in len That nasty, irritating, tickling cough that keeps you awake at night. makes life miserable. will not stay when Dr. Howard's Gum Balsam is used. The first dose relieves. Every 500 bottle guaranteed satisfactory or money re~ funded. Refuse substitutes and avoid disappointment. All Drug Stores. Manufactured Taylor Pharmacal Co., Birchciifi‘e. Ont. When the rain ceases the borrower deposits ,his umbrella in the next agency he happens to pass, and in ex- change receives another counter. '(cep Mlnard's Llnlmant In me houxs. Brussels appears to be the only city which has a well-organized umbrellaâ€" borrowing bureau. The annual sub- scription is low, but if every umbrella user were to join such a society, its in- come would be enormous. Gallery, and other public institutions, Where you are required to deposit your “gamp” before being allowed to go round the galleries. You get a ticket of metal or a bone disc, which will redeem your umbrella at any time; only in the case of the umbrella exchange, the umbrella is not your own but the property of the society. Each member on paying his sub- scription, receives a token, usually of metal stamped with an index number, which he carries in his pocket instead of an numbrella in his hand. When caught by the rain, all he has to do is to go to one of the society's agencies, which are tobacco shops, restaurants, and big stores, and hand over the tok- en, to be immediately provided with an umbrella. Canadian fall weather is extremely hard on little ones. One day is warm and bright, and the next wet and cold. These sudden changes bring on colds, cramps and colic, and unless baby’s little stomach is kept right the result may be serious. There is nothing to equal Baby‘s Own Tablets in keeping the littl: ones well. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, break up colds and make baby thrive” The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. The idea is rather similar to that in force at the British Museum, National THE FALL WEATHER HARD 0N LITTLE ONES WORLD’S RECORD FISH Captured off St. Ann's Bay, N.S., by Mr. J. K. L. Ross, Director of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and well»known sportsman and race-horse owner, this tuna weighed 712 pounds, a world's record fish via the rod and reel. Using 3. Von Holt tuna rod and reel, No. 3'.) thread line and mackerel for bait. Mr. Ross landed the big fellow in three and a quarter hours. It was 9 feet 2 inches in length, and 6 feet in girth. Mr. Ross for many years has been an ardent tuna hunter. He has landed many large ones, some weighing over 600 pounds, but until this sum- mer he was unable to beat the record of Captain Laurie Mitchell, who caught a 710 pound tuna off the Nova Scotia coast many years ago. The Gift of the “Camp. 2th “'0 1' machi hie )l' here are .e needle 7 inches window The winter is not the natural laying season, therefore to get good egg pro. duction, when prices are high, the hens must be fed with that object al- ways in view. They need exercise to keep the body warm, which should be provided by making them work (scratch) for every grain of feed. The feed should be stimulating and body- building, such as wheat and corn, say 40% of each, making up the other 20% with Western oats, buckwheat. fpeas, etc. It is best just to feed 'enough at a. time so as to keep the bird always ready for the next meal. A lot has been said for and against "hot mash.” Mr. Ruddy ted hot mash as a. mid-day meal all through the win- ter. In the average home there is usually a considerable amount or {table scrap which can profitably be lutilized, mixing it along with the lay- ‘lng mash and fed in a. “crumbly” con- Edltlon, not sloppy. Feed at mid-day 1 and just enough; it you feed too much the birds will go to roost, which is not ldeslrahle. Why not feed hot mash in the morning? Because birds will easily fill their “crops,” stand around and get chilled, whereas grain first :thing makes them active and keeps 'them warm. Grain should also be fed and get chilled thing makes th them warm. Gr in the evening. easin digested, empty long bet‘ em; best or the woo animal. can By S. W. Knife. A short time ago an article appeared in the “Pickering News" stating that “E. W. Ruddy, who has a. country re- sidence there, cleared $4,600 profit from 1,000 hens for the preceding twelve months," and employed all help required to look after them. This cer- tainly shows there is money to be made from hens. How? By proper feeding, good care and attention. Poultry raisingn is as much a. business as any other business and to make a. success one must understand what he is doing and why. The speed of the train is automati- cally increased and decreased. When it arrives at a station the train slows down to about one mile and a half an hour, so that passengers can step to a “landingstage” level with the station platform. The principle is similar to that of the escalator. But once past a station the train gathers speed up to twenty-four miles an hour. Its speed is controlled by a screw, which is driven by a special motor. No noise is made by the train, and the wheels have rubber tyres. A never-stop railway, the trains of which require neither driver, conduct- or, nor signals, is being experimented with at the Kursaal, Southend, Eng- land, where yards of track have been laid for testing purposes. $4.60 Profit From Each Hen. Trains That Never Stop. Ross, Director of the 1nd race-horse owner, via the rod and reel. ine and mackerel for uarter hours. It was Lin should also I Soft feed being the birds' cro'a gs are tn Unless you see the name “Bayer” on package or on tablets you are not get- ting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians over twenty-three years for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package con- tains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug. gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of .‘lcnoaccticacidester 0“ Salicylicacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tab- lets of Bayer Company will be stamp. ed with their general trade mark. the Perfumes to-day must be much more skilfully blended than even a few years ago; the cruder scents 'have al- together lost popularity. An aeroplane with a saloon for 25 passengers has been designed with the whole body enclosed in the Wings, so that it is all lifting surface. are represented among the pupils at-lafter it tending one public school in Van- couver, B.C. l l A MONEY ORDERS. A Dominic-n Express _Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. America's Pioneer Say “Bayer” and Insist! A C°3m°P°|itan SChOOI- The people who report that business Twenty-nine different nationalities : is coming back are those who went EALT ThTobacco of Quality Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited A Cosmopolitan School. ASPERIN a nd ih packages DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to All! Adam” by the Author. H. CLAY GLOVER 60.. Inn. :29 Walt 24th Strut Nu: York. 0.5.x Dog Remedies Book on Women who suffer should write to the Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co..Cobour . Ontario, for a free copy of L die 1%. Pinkham’s Private Text-Boo upon “ Ailments Peculiar to Women.” 0 Glen Allen, Alabama.â€"“I have been eatly benefited byf‘taking Lydia E. inkham’s Vegetable Compound for bearing~down feelings and pains. I was troubled in this way for nearly four years following the birth of my first cbild,and‘a't times could hardly stand on my feet. A neighbor recommended the Vegetable Compound to me after I had taken doctor’s medicines without much benefit. It has relieved my pains and gives me strength. I recommend it and give ou ermission to use my testi- monia let r."â€"Mrs. IDA RYE, Glen Allen, Alabama Women who 51 Hemford, N. S.â€"“I am the mother of four children and I was so weak after my last baby came that I could not do my work and suffered for months until a friend induced me to try L dia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compoun . Since taking the Vegetable Com ound my weakness has left me and t e pain in my back has one. I tell all my friends who.are troub ed with female weakness to take L dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoun , for I think it is the best medicine ever sold. You ma advertise my letter.”â€"Mrs. GEORGE . Cnouss, Hemford, N. S. Recommends Lydia E. Pink- B‘xam’s Vegetable Compound to .Other Mothers MMHER 0F LARGE FAMELY In the treatment of all skin troubles bathe freely with Cuticura Soap and hot water, dry gently, and apply Cuticura Ointment to the affected parts. he not fail to include the exquisitely scented Cuticura T alcurn In your toilet preparations. Sup 25c. Ointment 25 “4:01;. mmzst. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot: Lyman. Limited, 344 St. Paul SL. “1., Montrul. Cuticurn Soap shaves without mus. Why Hav‘é‘Sfin Trouble Cuticura Will Prevent It ISSUE No. 43â€"'23 My First Child

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