JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 Residence address Victoria. Square Cor. Arnold 8: Yonge. All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Canudinn Tenor and Choir Leader Soloist, North Pax‘kdule Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupils 1) Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty's. Arnold St. Particulars can be obtained by calling. Phone 22 Ring 11. 29- Leave Oaders at Sloan’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Theory. -:- For information Phone 110. MRS. MYLKS. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO -£'ea.cher of Fletcher Method Musical Klndergarben Vupils passed for Consenvatory Ex- aminations. Toronto Ofï¬ce, 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. VVesb. F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY BABRIBTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY E1! Richmond Hill Oï¬lce (‘Liberal Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridqe, Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Current Rate PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING BOT \VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. Adelmo Melecm and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M. CHOPPING MILL BUILDERS SUPPLIES TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE A large stock Kept at, WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE in car lots. Cedar pus‘ sale. The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company, Lt’d. have on hand for sale. Cement drain tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert, tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick A. C. HENDERSON Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Dc Cedar Shingles S Fibreboard Roofi: Wa'lflard Building paper Gyprock Rough and Dressed Lumber JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK PaLrumuzeand influence respectfully solicited ulvert tile 12. 15. 18 and (30 inches in length) Also Cement; Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the DELIVERS ‘TUESDAY SATURDAY. Usual grinding. Flour and Feed, all kinds of poultry feeds, grit, shell. tonic and baled straw. Outs wanted market 7“. PL'iCE’;~n ‘7 ___,1 WILLIAM COOK Wm. C. Ruttan Phone 82 w. ’ck of Funeral Furnishing at the above places t5 and telephone poles T. COUSINS. Tar paper P.O. address Gormley. RR Roofings Doors Sash Manager and load or for Ruthevfurd 9. Phloxâ€"Dorothy Snider 12. Jean Troyer l3. Peml Weldrick 10, Ruth Watson 5, Vera Sandfnrd 16. Cosmosâ€"Beatrice Hillier 3. Wilma Adcl‘ck 17, Mary \Vnrd l3. jessie M Gee 16. Carrolsâ€"Dnnilda Blanchard l2. Wilfred 12. Fred ()nnstuhlc 9. Fred R star 8. Gordon \Vatson 5. Douglas Snider 12. Parsnipsâ€"Hazel Carson 10. Lamena Rutherford 9, Elmer Grainger 9. Dorothy Snider 12. Arthur McNeil 9, Eliz «lwlh Delhrnueo 3. Onionsâ€"Glen Dunks 11. Flora Craib 9. Reva Nattlees 15. Annie Delbroceo llenry Mchnald 9. Georgi: Chapman 6. Astersâ€"Gladvs Smith 3, thm Bradshaw 9. Mary Constnhlv 9. Eleanor Mulloy 10, Nellie Dowuey 0', Hazel Castatm- 10. Sweet Penâ€"Jean Ingram 6. Lauren'l Mangelsâ€" James McMahon 8, Nail \Vatson 16, Edward Mathewson 6, Sandy Mnlloy ll), Gladys Smith 8. Alex McNeil 9. Turnipsâ€"O Smith 8. Allen Atkinson 8. Charlie Richardson 3. Allen Rumble 6. Lester Downey 10, Robert Mathew- son 9. Buetsâ€"Gemge Clnve.‘ 8. Albert Rul‘hel-fmd 9. Lillian Collett 12, Cum run McClure 15, Frank Robson ll )hurles Robson ll. Sweet Cornâ€"â€"Kitchener Adcock 17, Eveline Baggs 8, Norman McKinnon 9, E'.inor Devins 17. Norman Mathew- sog 9. GnI-don»Ag_arA16. Potatoes-Lloyd Hemphill 20, Jean Ingram 6. Ernest Cullett 12, ban) Kaiser 17, Tommy Cooper 6. George Constable 9. ‘ Bru-lpy. Shenfâ€"Frank Rnhï¬nn ll. Herb Weatherill 13. Mary Wdl'd 13. Field Cumâ€"Albert. Rohsun ll, Tack MvIntyr-e ll, Norman Bngg 8, Lloyd Game 3. Cat's, Bannerâ€"Charlie R0hsnn 6' Charlie Ruhsnn 11. Kenneth Matth- sun 9. Ralph Oldfield l5, Harold Bowen 5, Cameron McClure, l5. Ouls, Shvafâ€"Donuld McClure 15. Athm- MrNc-il 9, Alex McNeil 9. G‘lhert Agar 16. Kenneth Mathewson 9, Ivin Smith 8. Ban-Ivy, O.A.C. Nn. 21â€"ank Rob- son “, Neillie Downey 6, Howard Muthewsnn 6, Percy Leutherdale 6. Arthur McNeil 9. \Vheut. Marquisâ€"Chester Ander- son 8. Albeit Robson 11. Billie Fisher 3. Jackson Cunper 5. Mabel Kaiser l7, Rnhex't McNeil 9. ‘ Trioâ€"Norman Baggs 8. Nora Ragga 8, Jennie McNeil 9. Billy Bum- 3, Albert Rutherford 9. \Villie Reno 3. Wheat. sheafâ€"Billie Fishsr Mun-y Downey 6. Arthur McNeil Alex McN-il 9. Ruhexc McNeil anry Mchnald Cockerelâ€"Howard MatheWSon 6, Noman Bag 5 8. Albert Rutherford 9. Jennie Mc eil 9, Robert Julian 9, \Villiam Reno 3. Spring Lambâ€"George McClure 15, Cameron McClure 15. Arthur McNeil 9, Robt. McNeil 9, Alex McNeil 9. Handling Lambâ€"Arthur McNeil 9, Alex McNeil 9. Pullet â€"Norman Baggs 8, Nora Baggs 8, Clare Chapman 6, Beatrice- Mulhewsun 6, Roberb Julian 9, Howard Mathewsnn 6. Calf. Jerseyâ€"Norman Baggs 8. James McMahon 8. Handling Calfâ€"Arthur McNeil 9, Chester Anderson 8. Handling Coltâ€"Stuart Rutherford 9, Sam Kaiser 17. PRIZE WINNERS The figure after such name is the number of School Section. Names in order of merit: Colt, Draft, type â€"Stuart Ruther- ford 9. Colt. Roadster typeâ€"Sam Kaiser l7. Calf, Beefâ€"Arthur McNeil 9, Alex. McNeil 9. Oalf. Holsteinâ€"Cuester Andeisnn 8, Winnie Kinnie 9. roads art to be built through swamps where men have to work in mud and slush up so their waists, only to be replaced by Canadians when the dis- agreeable work is done. Most of us can repeat the Golden Rule, but not all of us follow its teachings. The government of’ that Western province may claim that the labor belongs to the white population,but from a Christian standpoint it scare. 1y seems humane that so-called foreigners should not be allowed to earn their bread and butter. It too often happens that foreigners are brought to this country when rail- We believe it was the late Sir Jchn Macdonald who said that noth- ing was more uncertain than an election or a horse race. The Globe, however, in referring to the latter makes one thing quite clear when it says: “The Zevâ€"Papyrus race proves once more that one horse can ‘ un faster than another.†By a Canadian Press Cable from London it is evident the government of British Columbia has lost its appeal on the yellow labor issue. The orders-in-council passed by the B. C, government are to the effect that; in all contracts leases and concessions entered into by the government of British Columbia provision should be made that no Chinese or Japanese should be employed. _ VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP RURAL SCHOOL FAIR "THE YELLOW PERIL†an Ingram 43" ren't Verbenasâ€"Dorothy Snider 12, Irene Troyer 13, Jean Watson 6. Blanche Sandford 16, Evelyn Phillips 10. I Table Bouqueté-Marie Custator 10, Davis Cook 5, Gladys Chapman-6, Bruce McDonald 9, Irene Routley 6. Northern Spy Applesâ€"Muriel Irwin 20, Herbert Irwin 20. Wildred Maxey 12. Mary Ward 13. George Cooper (5, John Leece 6. SATURDAY. OCT. 27, 1923â€"-A large number of used cars. all in grmd con- dition at \V. G. Baldock's Limited. RiChmond Hill. Sale at 2 o’clm'k p.m., shmp. Terms : Oneâ€"third cash. balance arranged nn day of sale. (Jars sold to reliable people (mly. J. T. Saigeon, Auct. SATURDAY. OCT. 27â€"Farm stock. im- plements and furniture, lot 8, con. 2, East, York, the property of Archie Silver. Sale at 1 o’clock. Termsï¬ months. Prentice & Prentice, Ancts. Apple Collectionâ€"Mabel Kinnie Minn Chapman 6, Wilfred Maxoy 1 Arthur McNeil 9. Alex McNeil Billie Fisher 3. ‘ Snow Applesâ€"Lloyd Game 3. Imbe‘ King 15. Hazel Hoover ï¬O. Ivy Adcnck l7. Billie Fisher 3, Laurena Ruther- ford 9. (Continued next issue) Auction Sale Register FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, FORD ONTARIO car to get one at prices which will probably not be as low again. This is an opportunity for the man with a large car to relieve the larger car and decrease its depreciation, especially during the coming winter months. The information in this letter should be known to every prospective Ford buyer. It opens up an opportunity for the family without a closed Order Books for Present Model Ford Closed Cars Will Ciose November Ist We mac protect ounelvea 1n the same orders placed with us only a: prior order- pemlt and number of can last. on nrnm on m mp»- u-Mqumcmu-uâ€"o rum I: you have my order: you wish to deliver to the pnhlio after November lat. 1: '11]. be mnsury for you to place than with us boron laun- ber 15:. In v1.1 or our Appreciation, and in order that you my play entirely {air with the Ford buying public, wn think 1: advisable to inform you that at the present rats 1: is a matter of days before all these John will b. cmpletely disposed of to deals". In any event, we will not be able to entenainfldrden from dealer: on or after novembar 13:. On that date we will close our books. We reserve tho right to do this sax-liar, 1r necessary. A11 0211311 should, therefore. In turn by you with no ammum tc deliverv'except as prior order- pom“. m respom has been Inch that I. have on ham now only 696 at these model: to dispose of. This dmnd 1| evidence that the public upp- rocntu values. and vs tax: this opportunity of tmmung you, and through you. tho while In appreciation of their action. ESP-LS mmummmnm To noel-tun hov ma buying public would met on Ford car ‘ prieei heretofore unprecedented. vs todncod each olond model 8100. in prlcooc the Coupe to 8595.. tho Sod-.1: to 8685. both no.5. Pom. Ontario (Cavemen Tues urn). _ 7,,i._._ _--...._. -oyua-w. hum. \‘u Bring uuw tho Four-door Sod-n And Malpod Conyo model... In land on hand npproxlntoly “00 present type bodies. . G. BALDOCK LTD. BATURDAV. Nov. 3RDâ€"Farm Stock, implements, etc., Lot 15. Concession 8, King, the property of Harry Bril- SATURDAY, Nov. 3, 1923â€"Stock, roots. vehicles, etc..‘ at Oxford Street, Elgin Mills, the propvrty of Dma Kuzek. Sale at 2 o’clock p.m.. sharp. Terms cash. J. 'I. Saigeon. Auct. SATURDAY. Nov. 3â€"Farm stock, imple- ments and furniture, lot. 25, con. 3, York. the pruperty anns. Whittaker. Sale at 1 o’clock. Telms 11 months. Prentice and Prentice, Aucts. RICHMOND HILL, ONT When this arms-tin docldod. Sam-am 20th, to bring out .4... -_.I w_._-. n_.__ 7,. . mun-wr- l-mumtaucmnounuumm am “an†anâ€: nag-1mm» M In W ar- mrmuga “myâ€: ml)“ ma Dun GM (am: we! to up I With the Strongest Towe uiltA It's the "Toronto" Self-Oiling Windmillâ€"requir. g “oil only once a year". All gears operate in a bath of special oil affected by neither heat nor coldâ€"every bearing and working part thoroughly and automatically lubricated. If you have a "Toronto" Windmill now. you can obtain this self-oiling feature by interchanging the head and using your present wheel. Most Toronto Windmills. too, can be made absolutely self-regulating in operation. The "Toronto" Tower will stand for a lifetime because it is the heaviest, strongest and best-braced one built for any windmill. See this new Mill nowâ€"or get my booklet. SELF-OlLlNGâ€"ySELF-REGULA NG k 7 With the Strdngest TowelhBuiltg Automobile and 'n-uck Manufacturers Ford .70 Ht HMO. Youn vex-y truly. FORD uC/POR comm OF CANADA. Limited MW J. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill Sales Manager. Ootohor 12a, 1923. uv - we can deliver yum- as long as tho above Adv v: Lien in the Liberal TUESDAY linger. Sal» at 1.30 p.111. sharp. Terms, 11 months. F. Egan, Auc- tioneer. Venus)“ m" u no: to". cnu Anon as Auction sale of