Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Oct 1923, p. 5

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pin-Ev) 0'1 Yonfiev St mund Hill. Apply at $47,000 The shower is in aid of the Hot Drink supplies for the coming winter. Coca. sugar. and money to buy milk will be welcomed. The hot drink sci-Ved through the cold months last. winter. to the children who stayed for lunch every dav. was felt to b. a great benefit, and it is hoped may be carried out again this year. Mr. \Vatson has kindly cnnsented to show some interesting pictures with the school lausarn. and Main: Blanev will direct the singing of some wvll known snngs by the Whole meeting. Refreshments will be served. Everybody welcome. Parents and friends of the children are earnestly requested to attend the social evening and shower to he held in the Public School, Tuesday even- ing, Oct. 80th. at eight: o’clock. “Kennel.” are full uf interest formation. F. V. Williams. Winsnn, and Martin Hunte known to readers of Rod and Canada have all cnntrihutm articles which will he enjoyed. cover to cnvvr. this issue is with interest, for everyone keen chase of hunting and fishing doorlife. Tiljk, The November issue r: good stories and article: mun, while all the 1' ments, “Guns and "Along the Truplim The officers and direr‘tnrs of King and Vaughan Plowmen's Association annnunce their annual plowing match n- he held this year on the fan-m of Mr. M. Wilkie. hulf a mile west, of Noble- ton, on Friday, November 2. Splendid prizes are being offered in nine classes: The ladies of the cnmmunity will furnish free lunches to the plowmen, and meals will he served in the town h ill at Nobleton. ,,,_V -. uuv or-vnuca “1 l. Methodist. Church on Sunday. Oct. 2 are as follrm's:~ 11 a. [ILâ€""Fliendship with jesns 7 p. zuAâ€""Friundship with Others A Cordial Invitation. “u”-..- ucula. uuuluu of the cor]é§é§abion and all others intere§ted are cordially invited. The Ladies aid of the Methodist; Church. will have a shower of Handkem chiefs or any useful article for the Bazaar, on Friday, Oct. 26th in the school room of the church. Afternoon tea. will he served from three to six for the small sum of fifteen cents. Ladies .‘C LL. Eave a gdod lime. A Halloween box social will be held next Monday night. Oct. 29th. in the League rooms of the Methodist church. All ladies kindly secure boxes from one of the League members,.or from Siuls' store. Kindly provide lunch for two. A splendid programme has been provided. Come to Lho League and Louvn .. .....‘.I .. very Most of the teachers of the Public School attended convention. Thursday and Friday of last week. For a change the teachers were taken to Buffalo in order that American teaching methods and schools might be ob- served. Those who returned report a ‘1..." min A..-__LI , the paper and the picture flu? Subscribe at The Liberal Office. "The \Vuuderful Hex-nine,” a bonu- tifnl picture given with a year's sub- scription to The Family Herald and \Veekly Star. is attracting :1 lot of attention. The Family Herald is $3 a year, but Liberal subscribers can get the paper and the picture tm- $1.75. :Mr. \V. E. Bxewster, of Bdl'l'ir, manager of the Bell Telephune Company of Canada. was in the village Tuesday, calling on users uf the telephone and suggesLing improve- ments in the selvice. A meeting «if the Richmond Hill Lawn Bowling Club Will he held at the home of Mrs. A. G. Savage. Mon- day evening, Oct, 29, at 8 o’clock. The question of indom- buwling will he considered. The phen’J‘eis of the services The Methodist Uhulcb Choir are pre- paring for zL' Lca and concert, on Thanksgiving mght, Nov. 12. A good prograumle of the very best talent. Keep this date en. Mrs. Andrews, of Massey. Out., is at present in town. being culled here by the selious illness of her mum. Mr. E. Grant, of the Hotel Richmond. Get your fur coat through E. R. Former, direct, from one at the best wholesale furricrs, and save money. Every skin guaranteed. King and Vaughan Plowing Match _Mrs. John S. Howat, of Thames- vule, has returned home after u end- ing abouta. week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sims. Welcome next Tuesday. October 30‘ to Grand Supper and Bazaer in Vic- toria Ha”, Tuornhill. Gel; yolgr fur v.-.u,\. .‘ yup: pleasurable Erufitable time Home and School Club METHODIST ... V...” “Guns and Ammunition." the Trapliue.” "Outdoor “Fishing Notes" and are full of interest and in- F. V. Williams. J. \V. and Martin Hunter well- ) readers of Rod and Gun in have all contributed good hich will he enjoyed. Frmn Cover. this issue is pa ked em for everyone keen on any hunting und fishing or out- Rod And Gun WANTEDâ€"For first H) ext gage on im p_rovgd_prro Sh, south of Rich- a; LIBERAL Offiep. ssue contains a dozen rticles for the Spurti- the regular dppurt- 'ices in the any. Oct. 28, Jesus.” Yo’u will do Well tdflsee oilr rem- nants, suitable for misses coats, dresses and sklrts. Fan iéit"i1§t§ir8fii'$w§'suouio $5.00. Underwear for the season, both tW_(_) piece and combination. vv 1.1.11 t.- See our sweater “and putl’l. ov§r_s_ frqm $2.50 to $5.50. THE LURNE BLUBK FURNiSHING STORE ,â€" _ -v;u o uumrafllul‘. Commonweath Ave. & St. Paul St. Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions Received at this Office. / , 777‘â€"‘vâ€"--\rll- ~,.v*l~‘r8 v'WI The 62 issues of 1924 will be. crowded with serial stories. short stories, edi- torials, poetry, facts and fun, Sub~ scribe now and receive : l. The Youth'l Companionâ€"52 issues in 1924. 2. All the remaining issues of 1923. 3. The Companion Home Cxlendar for 1924. All for $2.50. 4. Or include McCall’s Magazine. the monihly authority on fashions. Rnfh I. Ur include McCall's Magazine, the monthly authority on fashions. Both publications, only $8.00. THE YOQTE'S COMPANION. ‘n A golden sheaf of stories is in pre- partition for 1924 readers of The Youth's Companion. lhere will be stories of Western ranch life and thrilling ad venture; stories of gumption in getting a job and making a success at it; stories of lively scrimmages on the athletic fieldâ€"football, baseball: stories of girls in school and college and working their way in the world of business; stories of the old farm folks down in Maine, told imnimitmhly by U. A. Stephens; stories of Caleb Peasleo'l shrewdneSS and horse sense; stories of resourcefulness and pluck in situations of danger and extremity; stories of the sea. and mountainsâ€"stories to please every fancy of old readers and young, for readers who love the story of character and for those who like best the story of swift action. It will be a great year in the history of The Youth’s Companion. 2.49.319 ,m. rnL_ a.) ,- Wednesday at honn Thursday at homt Kerlwell. Everyune welcome. non , Special Mission Services Oct. 28. to Nov. 1. by Rev. Cannon Hewitt, ()f Hamilton. .2, Sunday, 11mm. Holy Comnmnionj 2.30 p.m. Children's Service. fi‘ ‘ g 7 p.m. Evening ServiceJ, “- 33* ‘7. Mnndny to Thursday Mission Ser- vice 7.45 p.m. Bible Readings each afternoon 3 to 4. Monday at the home of Mrs. W. Capell. 5',“va Owe Tuesday at home of Mrs. Thns. Rnu- LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE The cool weather is now coming. School Supplies of all Kinds at the Liberal Office 11mm 3 fun 4 p.m 7 p.m Ladies General Agent, office at the § Clothier Post Office - Richmond Hill 2‘ RichmondrHill COAL .JQH Ni’S CHURCH A Great Story en sheaf (If stories is in pre- for 1924 readers of The Companion. lhere will be f Western ranch [ifs and TRINITY CHURC Morning Praye Children’s Sex'v Holy Baptism. Evening prayer OAK RIDGES ’ at home of Mrs. Brown.' at home uf Mr». Giles estrrn ranch life and Iture; stories of gumption 0b and making a success of lively scrimmages rm ':_IJ 1' Norman J. Glass. Aurora Em yer. ’8 Service. Ml'gThos. Bey- and WOOD l‘he Rolfe Shoe Repair OPEN ALL DAY AND EVERY DAY EXCEPT \VEDNESDAYS AND SUADAXS [DER MILLâ€"The Carrville Cider Mill will be open every Week day umil the 15th of November. Bring yam-apples. A. WILSON, Prop. 11-18 ‘ OTICEâ€"E. Sllney 1s prepared to 1 do all kinds of trucking and carting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Dno..-_ ., , u- . . _. Patroriage solicited. 7 Hill 98. Mill St‘ \, FIRST CLASS GRAVEL AND SAND FOR SALEâ€"On lot 24, 3rd con., Vaughan. good road to pit. Apply to GEORGE REAMAN, proprietor Richmond St", Richmond Hill. 14-25 fANTED Will I) b‘OR SALEâ€"One Iron hedstr‘ad and springs. and 3 pair of blankets. Apply to \VILLIAM JOHN DIXON, Richmond Hill. 15-Lf U phone 82 w chopping mil]. 1' No.1 quality; also a snr of baled straw. LOUIS 1 9011111957 R. R. NI). 2, In Stouffville 4004. UU fifteen 11) i 195 from; modern buildings, wanth Write application to J. H.. AllCliOlirft-fil‘, 415 Bulliol 5L. Phone Hudson 1347 w. 50 OR SALEâ€"One Gurney Oxford coal _ heater, practically new, kitchen chairs. hardwood bed. sewing machine and other articles. Apply G. GRANT, opposite Masonic Hall, 17 right ownc Mus. WM. for this adv gents. at via-y [0“; GREENE. \Vrighl Sb. ‘OR SALEâ€"40 )IGS FOR SALE QUIT‘LENGTHS OR SALEâ€"A ; Cullough safe‘ OUSE FOR _.- Â¥ I'Lkrl' Apply to ISAAC NIG'H,“loL 31 Markham. ATS W AN'J Rolfe Shoe Repair Store Arnold Street ACRE FARM A. ROLFE, PROPRIETOR USE FOR SALEâ€"Enqmre of GEO. S. SIMS, Richmond Hill. Uâ€"Vegetables and app; Will buy all kinds. H. DAVIS‘ ., Richmond Hill. Phone 108 w. ll-tf suit. lengths me: All kinds of repairs to boots and shoes. L‘ mny havei SHEPPARD’s ant Ads. The TEDâ€" Mfirluid pm; ton baled clover hny‘ small Goldieifl. '- JONES LUMBER WAer Dâ€"thi; â€"Beuut,iful .1” won! For sale, ladies Or 3w prices. 1. A. 5b., Richmond Hill. Eleven weeks UIS L. NICHOLS". 2» Indt‘p. phone 17-19 anted for cliouL: J. H. PRENTICE, iol EL, Toronto. smull quantify \d Vicâ€"inity. Richmond 42 tf and payin BURR. iafi 16-18 lO-tf ‘umnto 18 tf 17.18 old 30". VETERINARY SURGEON. '1‘horuhill. Call by phone or otherwise promptly JOHN R. CAMPBELL; I; UDTL‘DIMAL‘V O Dr‘nnnl Special attention given to sales 0t every descrlption. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsales at,- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the mostapproved methods. Pa:ronage solicited. FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO W. J. LAWRENCE. 1974 Yonge St Phones Hudson 1515â€"1470. V “WWW‘ MOWMWWW \Vorkman’s Cottages. $300 to $500 cash and easy monthly payments. These cottages will be built of brick or frame as desired or] thirty-foot lots im- mediately eaat of the Fa‘r Grounds. For full particulars w: ite or see Building Lots, $4.00 to $10.U0 per ft. $1.00 per ft. cash; balance, your own terms. 'OMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ROSEVIEW GARDENS J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Branch Building Lots 415 Balliol St, Torontvrv). Phone Hudson 1347 w LICENSED AUCTIONEER FALL ANNOUNCEMENT RICHMOND HILL Thornhill. No charge whate Cash applications for nc desired, maturing bonds credited to customer’s acc Holders of 1923 Victory Bonds through any of our Branches their ing November lst next for NE‘ GOVERNMENT 5% bonds d: yielding 5.23% and 5.14% . ren Lice . R. FORTNER Ladies and Gents’ Clothier and Tailor; Or SARAâ€"DA 1923 Victory Boyd’s Amay ‘t Aâ€"N- n ‘ THE Mr. C-Imphell will He at The Libel-a. Officm Richmond Hill, ‘every Tuesday atel'noon. Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. Officesâ€"Suite 511 McKiunon Bldg., Cor. Jordon and Melinda. Stan. Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTON FREDERICK A . A. CAMPBELL You should take advantage of the present prices of metal by ordering your Enve-Trough, Roofing, Furnaces, or any other metal product, as every-- thing points to a substantial increase in prices in the near future. Come in and let us protect you with present. prices. TEETZEL BROS. . R. Herrington, Manager Let us know your in Machin ery now. We have on hand for Immediate Deâ€" livery Cockshutt Plows. Wilkinson Plows. 1 Set Chain Drags, Wheelbar- rows, 1 Second-Hand Cream Separator. Just before the Spring Rush on th Farm you should look over the Ma.- chinery and get Lhnse Needed Repairs. 01‘, if it’s New Machinery, we can get it, for you. This Is the Time r for this service. for new loan Macnaughton & Campbell account. insmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 W will be r holdings \V DONIINION received, or, if colfccted and Phone 95 1928 or 1943 exchange 525

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