i Rainbow Specialty g Shoppe Clubbing Rates WWWOMOOOOOOW Complete Ranges of Sizes for Women and Misses, made in Materials of - - - - Porit Twill Wool Crepe Tricotine Flat Crepe Serge Canton Crepe Robinson Block RICHMOND HILL All Our Garments to be Sold at Manufacturing Cost Prices From 6.75 Up BIG BARGAINS THE LIBERAL is $1.50 per year, but new subscribers will get the balance of Save money on City Papers by subscribing DAILY MAIL AND EMPIRE ~ FARMER’S A DVOCATE Note the following rates DAILY GLOBE DAILY STAR FAMILY HERALD and WEEKLY STAR FARMER’S SUN STOCKTAKING SALE with premium pieture new subscribers Crepe De Chene Crepe Georgette Velvet Flannel at The Liberal Ofï¬ce. this year FREE. subscriptions: fo.r yearly $1.00 $4.50 $1 .40 $4. 50 $4.50 .10 ( perty l Richmond Hill girls made a most creditable showing during the baseball vseason this yearâ€"one of the greatest [in their history. And now comes the \High School girls with a high class ‘basket-ball team. a little above the 'average of high school teams. They have pla) ed two games thus far. In their ï¬rst game of the season they lost out to Aurora by a score of 8-7. In the ; Second game they won out from New- manket by a score of 28 20. The local team is compased of the following play- ers:â€"jumping Centre. Ursnl McUlus- key; Side Gentle, Isobel Uowio; De- ‘fense, Violet Shepherd and Evelyn l Kerswell ; Forwards, Marion Forroster and Olive Paris. The writer is glad ‘ to see the names of at least two mem- bers of the baseball girls ï¬rst team among the list. those of Isobel (Towie and Olive Paris. May their ï¬eld of r us fu‘ness'be enlarged is his wish. It takes nine players to win a base- ball game, and six to win a hockey game. No one player wins either. Don’t meet me at the fountain ; meet me at the hockey meeting tomorrow ('FridayleVG-ning in the lluuncll Cham- ber at 8 o’clock. not 8.15. The pick-up football team from the Cadets, who challenged the Third Form students of the High School, glorinusly distinguished themselves on Wednes- day. the 17th, the score being a tie. The pick-up team was most decidedly “under age,†and bespeaks much for Mr. \Vatson’s line-up of athletes in the Public School. The Cadet Corps Radio Olub was very successfully organized last Friday evenâ€" ing at the home of Mr. Harry B. Stil- ling. the Honorary President of the Club. The coming winter promises to be one whereby every member will have an vpportunity of gaining valued knowledge in Radio work, The meets are to be fortnightly. the members do: mating the sum of NC. at each meet which will be taken to defray ex- penses for practical experimental pur- poses. an. n.~ Due to the kindness of Mrs. Stein. refrerhments were served. and for her kindly thought the radio fans are truly g‘ateful. Registration for the 1921 season con- tinues to be such that3 the 0. C. is con- sidering the matter of discontinuing the Uadet Corps work. the ï¬nancial strain of which has been to him. during the past year, a very great burden. It now rests with the ex-members of the Corps, and if they are desirous of havâ€" ing the athletic privileges, as previous- ly provided for them. further continued the 0.0. will arrange to "carry on.†but it is a matter nuw for the Cadets and their parents to decide. With no place of meeting the work is a taskâ€"- not only discouraging. but most dis- hearteningâ€"and, in View of past sacri- ï¬ces made of both time and money. t would most naturally be conclusive that the effort after all is not worth while. AND THE BOYS TOO The Richmond Hill High School foot- ball team are more than hnlding their own thus far. In the three games play- ed they have won two and tied one. They defeated the Cadets by 4-1. New- market by 2-1. and tied Aurora 1-1. May the good work continue. Come on. you hockey season. Yes, we've got a new rink. and ex- pect to use it 110. Good winners are good losers; poor losers are poor wmners. Every athlete who pYays a game for the love of the game gets most out of the game. The next, meeting at the Council of H e x‘tlnnicipalitsv of Vaughan will be held in the Town Ha“, Vellnrp, on $135000 will buy one of the best 100 acres in Mm-khnm Township. Brick house, bank barn. stone stubles under, other larga barn. other buildings. Terms easy. Vaughan Council To rentâ€"5 room good Int, near Elgin Street. $525 will secure you an excellent building site on the \ve:t side of Church St. Houses and lots mond, Arnold and Yonge St, RHCHMOND HILL Properties at Maple. Elzin Mills, and Newmmket. Loans, Insurance. Notarial \Vork. N0 charxige for transfer on any pro- MONDAY. NOV. 5, 1923 H. A. Nicholls Sporting Notes GIRLS STILL \VINNING The Real Estate Man York Ranger Cadets SPORI‘ING PUNTS HAS FOR SALE at 10 o’clock J. B. MCLEAN. ()lmk. m) Ruseview. Rich- Yunge Sls. house, furnace. Mills on Yonge DRY GOODS - MILLINERY - LADIES’ WEAR Galvanized Wash Tubs QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 Trench Block HATS MADE TO ORDER to Suit Your Individual Taste. FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR Now In Stock. ENGLISH AND CANADIANâ€"MADE HOSIERY, in light and heavy weights, at prices from 850. to 532.00. WOOL FOR ALL PURPOSES in a grezh variety of shades a d at Popular Prices. THE FALL MILLI and we are showing T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 IThornhill, Ontario Gyproc is the new improved wall-board. It is not made of wood but of gypsum. Gyproc is absolutely ï¬re-proof and will not shrink or warp. ' Let us send you our free booklet and samples. ONTARIO GYPSUM C0., PARIS ONT. RICHMOND HILL 0NT., DEALERS, L. INNES 8: SONS BANNER ROCKER ASH SIFTERS Fire, Rust and Dust Proof No. 2 size - each T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario Oil, Mops. $1.25 & $2.00 Dry Mops. 75c. & $1.25 O’Cedar Polish 4 Oz. Buttles - 250. 12 Oz. Bottles - 50c. No. 1 No. ALVANIZED HOG TROUGHS MRS. NORMAN BATTYI 7-Inrh Black Pipe. 20¢. per length. 7-hwh Rhwk Elbows. 25 and 30c. each. 7-Inch Galvaniz d Pip-e 45¢. per length. 7-Incb Elbows, 60¢. each. Permanent \Vall ‘Without Plaster &Foot 8-Foot NERY TRADE is now in Full Swing, a Nice Line of the Latest Models. STOVEPIPES $1.50 $1.75 not 00!: 32.00 $2 60 each. $3.10 each. $3.40 each. $3.80 each. $500 each. Johnswn’s per AH‘U Per 11). tin Old English Floor Wax Ln Jitfe, $3.75 each. ISUKSCU, $4.50 much, Electric Irons Hut Point $6.75 each. Phcne 53 1h 60c. 500.