Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Nov 1923, p. 7

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Electric light is, of course, the most convenient form oi lighting, as the lights can be switched on and off by an alarm clock. But if you have not electric light do not despair. A plant with about 2,000 birds 3 short way from Toronto uses gasoline lanterns, ‘which being the safest lantern made, giving a 300 candle power light, has also a great advantage, for when gaso- line is turned off the light does not go out for a few minutes. thereby giving the birds 3‘ chance to get back to roosts. With a lantern it is almost necessary to use lights in either of the two evening methods suggested, Using light is not a new idea. but a long used method. coming bark and bat-l: [0 stay this time. for lunch turned up plained what had happ< "Sure." she said, "t1 misthress waited for ye they hoped )‘e wouldn‘t went out" _._..._.,\__ ! Sympathy without he Kup Mlnard'u Llnlmam In thn no”... card without beetâ€"Mr It will pay anyone who keeps a flock of 50 or more hens to have light in- stalled, as the use of same increases egg production from 1/3 to 1,4 more than when lights are not used. This does not necessarily mean a greater egg production throughout the year, but it does mean getting the most eggs when prices are highest. Others. including Professor Graham’s farm. believe in supplying an “even- ing lunch" by turning on the lights for an hour. from 8 to 9 p.m., then feeding the extra feed of grain. on a couple or hours before sunrise. In this case, scatter the grain ration in the litter after dark the previous evening, and when the hens get off the most in the morning they will im- mediately get busy scratching for their feed. Then teed your hot mash at noon. and your grain late in the af- ternoon again. Others prefer con- tinuing daylight, by artificial means, until 8.30 or 9 p.m., feeding grain about 7 a.m., hot mash at noon, grain again about 3 pm. and 7 pm. The use of artificial light is simply to induce the hens to eat a. greater quantity of feed. This, of course, with proper exercise, results in increased egg production. Therefore it matters little when the lights are turned on. Some people prefer morning, and turn “Music,” Slr Wal‘ord says, “is any two or more musical sounds put to- gether for love, that make sense." And again, “Music is a straight and beautl- tul way of uttering what we feel.” "A musician," 811‘ Walford tells us, “ls any one in the whole world who loves music and can put two or more musl- cal sounds together and make muslcal sense of them." Artificial Light for Extra Eggs A somewhat lengthy review of these records was published recently in the London Times, and in It was embodied some quotations from Sir Waltord's lectures, which are well worth remem- bering. ' What Music Is. _ The English composer and teacher, SIr Welford Davies, has been giving some very successful lectures on music to children in the schools. Re- cently the somewhat novel experiment of transferring these lectures, together with musical examples. to the phono- graph, has been tried out with re» markable success. the two chief causes of illness are one and the same. If your health is poor; it you are pale, nervous or dyspeptic, you should give Dszllllams‘ Pink Pills a fair trial. These pills act directly on the blood, and by enriching it give new strength to worn Out nerves. Men and women alike greatly benefit through the use of this medicine. If you are weak or ailing, give Dr. Wi1~ liams’ Pink Pills a fair trial and you will be pleased with the beneficial re- sults that will speedily follow. If your dealer does not keep these pills you can get them by mail at 50 cents a. box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockviile, Ont. Almost Always Due to Weak and Impover'ushed Blood. Apart from acnixivmt or illness due to infection, almost all ill-health arises from one or two renews. The mistake that people make is in not realizing that both of these have the same cause at the‘xqiot. ngmiely poor blood. Either bloodlcs‘fmasé or some other trouble of the nerves will be found to be the reason for almost every ail- ment. If you are pale, suffering from headaches. or breathlessness, with pal- pitation of the heart, poor appetite and weak digestion. the cause is al- most always poor blood. It you have nervous headaches, neuralgia, sciatica and other nerve pains, the cause is ex- hausted nerves. But run down nerves are also a. result of poor blood, so that THE CAUSE OF SICKNESS [111 By E. W. Knife Good Guess shn pened nt or illness due 11 Ill-health arises zona. The mistake in not realizing have the same worn by the blind operator. cords single notes and chord the selenium bridge. This phabet is different from on common use. but is easily lea the optophone can be operate grea tes But now comes the optophone. a ma: chine which makes available to the blind all kinds of typewritten matter and even newspapers. It depends not upon the sense of touch, as do the Braillie books, but upon the sense of hearing, a faculty that is usually keen- iy developed in all blind persons. Only a few lessons are needed for the blind user or the optophone to learn the sys- tem. The chemical selenium is the impor- tant element in the optophone. A selenium bridge is exposed to light pulsations that vary according to the forms of the typewritten or printed letters that are passed through the machine. A sensitive head phone like thosa used by radio enthusiasts is worn by the blind operator, and it re- cords single notes and chords through makes Marvelous strides toward helping the blind were made during. the war, but a recent English invention pro- mises to exceed almost all of them. Every one is familiar with the books made especially for the blind by the Braillie method, [1 which the letters are raised or indented by means of a sharp instrument. It is a slow and la- borious procws at best, and the sup~ ply of Braillie books is necessarily limited by the expense of the output and because Braillie letters wear down into unintelligibility. Mrs. Ernest E. Adkins, Erotton, Sash, writ$:â€"â€"“I have used Baby’s Own Tablets with great success for four years and always keep a box on hand." Thousands of other mothers say the same thingâ€"once they have used the Tablets for their little ones they will use nothing else. Experi- ence shows them that the Tablets are the ideal medicine. They are a mild laxative, thorough in action and never fail to relieve the minor ailments or little ones. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. BABY’S OWN TABLETS ALWAYS KEPT 0N HAND \V "WE ARE CANADIANS" Rosa, Roland, and Donald Lorimer, at Leeds, England, obtain their first view of Canada through a life-buoy at Quebec. These three smiling faces are en route to Regina to join "Daddy." The latter preceded them and has everything ready for their reception. The marshland is lonely, And lone the empty nest. But the pilot-bird is veering For the sanctuary blest. â€"Horace Seymour Kellen "Honk, honk!” it is the tocsin 0f the dusky cavalcade, Flying swiftly and unerring For the southern everglade. There‘s a tingly sort of feeling In the atmosphere to-day; And the wild goose is starting For the southland away. The night wind is crooning Dirges o'er the lonely nest. For the pilot-bird is trailing The horizon in the west. Eyes for the Blind. 3.11 MONEY ORDERS Sanctuary. proflc ads by Money p is like mu Clarke Ha learned rated at am. 0111'! It you are weak, thin and nervous, let your druggist supply you with Bit- roâ€"Phosphate. It is guaranteed to In- ‘crease weight and strength and restore energy, vigor and nerve force. Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. age. “A diplomat, my son," answered the father, “is a man who remembers a woman's birthday and forgets her Thin Foiks "Father," said Charles, "what is a diplomat?" Auk for Mlnard'n and take no other. Butâ€"all the day is one long ache for you! Again at night I kneel and make my prayerâ€" Tha/t you may be as one I never knew, My ears beseech God not to let me care . . . With supplications they assail His But my heart prays that He will never hear! And I invent small trl keries to make Those who surround me name your name to meâ€" Only to hear it somehow soothes the ache 0f longing that burns onâ€"unceasâ€" lngly! Your name falls on my heart like a caressâ€"â€" Which they who speak it do not know or guess! And whisper to my heart: “Another day! It may be he will come . . . or he may write . . Or I may see him in the street . . . he may - Pass by me in the crowd and I may hear His voice~â€"as in the throng he passes near!" I go ‘flown on my knees and pray each night That I shall never see your face again . Norhear ymrr volce,. . . . thatyou will never write . That none will name your name to meâ€"~and then I pray to lose the curse 01 memory . . That full forgetfulness will make me free! But I WWWOJQ‘ v/L v}; Amfll‘lol'l Ploneo- Dog Remediel A Book an suffer from severe indigestion and constipation should take after each meal and atbedtime,fiftcen to thirty drops of the Extract of Roots known to the Drug Trade as “Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup." Get the Genuine. 50c. andSl .00 bottlea. 1 M. D. advises: “Persons who Relieves ~â€"Rose11e Mercier Mon tgomery. wakeâ€"wager for the coming light, The Supplicant. Dyspepsia? DOG DISEASES Diplomat. and Bow to Feed 1!.flad Fm 10 In, Adan-a by Lu:- Author. M. CLAY GLOVER 60.. In. [29 Welt mu Strut New Vorl. U.S.A. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not get- ting the genuine Bayes product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians over twenty-three years for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earacha Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain. Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Eachmnbroken package con- tains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- glsts also sell bottles of 2-1 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture oi llonoacetlcacidester o‘ Salicylicacinl. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture. to assist the public against imitations, the Tab‘ lets of Bayer Company will be stamp ed with their general trade mark, the "Buyer Cross." Silver was first ‘coined in Rome in 269 BC, when Fabius Pieter set up a mint. Say “Bayer” and Insist! When steel is dipped into liquid air its magnetism is curiously affected. Non-magnetic nickel acquires mag- netic properties after being immersed for five minutes in liquid air. Man- ganese steel 5 similarly affected. The density of carbon steel is perceptibly decreased after the immersion. gilb t'm GARGâ€"LE £57991 Fa:k@t 89‘; Air Magnetizes Steel. ASPIRIN Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound,made fromnativerootsandherba, contains no narcotic or harmful dru 9, and today holds the record of being 9 most successful remed for female ills in this country, and t ousands of v01- untary testimonials prove this fact. If you doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound will help on, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham edi~ cine Cm, Cobourg, Ontario, for Mrs. Pinkham's private textâ€"book and learn more about it. 0 rill mar ipe“ {Liana Viking, Altmâ€"“From the time I was 15 years old I would get such sick feel- infis in the lower part of my abdomen, fo owed by cramps and vomiting. This kept me from my work (I hel my ar- ents on the farm) as I usua ly has to go to bed for the rest of the day. Or at times I would have to walk the floor. I suffered in this way until a friend in- duced me to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. I have had very satisfactory results so far and am rec- ommending the Vegetable Com ound to my friends. I surely am gla I tried it for I feel like a different person now that I don ’t have these troubles."â€" ODELIA HOLMBERG,BOX 93_.Viking, Alta. Letters like this establish the merits of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Comâ€" pound. They tell of the relief from such pains and ailments after taking it. Mrs. Holmberg Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham’sVegetable Compound Helped Her HELP FOR YOUNG WOMEN An uphill journey early in NI: strengthens your stayingâ€"power. A guinea-pig is ushaliy- full grown when six weeks old. l' law-25% Wholesomamfletresmng “About three years ago I was ith pimples on my face. The pimples were hard and small and festered. and my face was disfig- b) ured for a while. They oftentimes caused me to lie awake hours at a time as the irritation was so great. “ I tried different remedies but without any relief. I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after the first application I could see an improvement. i continued using them and was completely healed after using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Oint- ment.” (Signed) Miss Rose Bois- sineau. 12 Bellevue Ave., Saulte Ste. Marie. Ont. SmphBukPreob um. Address: ‘ mlem- ltod. 31f BIL P“! 3., W., Montreal! old eve - where. SoanEc. 0intment253nd50c. Talculn . Cuticun Sup Ihnves without mug. Give Cudcura Soap. Ointmcm and Talcum the care of your skin. Miss Boissineau Tells How Cuticura Healed Pimples URUX FoRYod R MMDUB [ERNIE ©flfl?’ (Arm label) GUT FLU l3 you ask {61'

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