Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Nov 1923, p. 4

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Sand, Tile and 2. . Sand, Gravel and Buck ldEi‘iSairfiifli’d, have on himd for Sale. Cement drain tile. 3, 4. o. O and _ Culvert tile 12. 1-5. 18 and 20 int (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand 0r Gravel sold b lnégdhii')‘:oSts and telephone poles for ' sale' T, 'couers. Gravel, y the load or RICHMOND HILL. ANE UNIONVILLE ' hing A Iar e stock of Funeral Furms fInapt at the above places Wm. C. Ruttan anadian Tenor and Choir Lead-c:- SOTOist North Parrkdale Memoirs]! Church, is recur-e to receive pu _r s n Richmonpd Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Betty's. Arno-1d St. Particulan can be obtained by calling. Phone -2 Ring 11. 29' WILLIAM COOK THOMAS DELANY F. GORDON COOK .BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, Norsru E-rr Toronto Office, 816 Federal Building, at. 85 Richmond Street. \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal Office), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridge. Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Current Rate Adelm Melech and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M. ._â€"â€"â€"â€" #â€" From the Toronto Conservatory'ol' Music. will accept a nnmlu-r- rt pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Theory. -:- Richmond Hill, Friday and Saturday For information Phone 110. Mas. MYLKs. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO ' 'fleacher of Fletcher Method Musical Klndergarten Pupils passed for Qonservatory aminations. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. ' Richmond Hill. _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER . Leave Orders at Sloan's Drug Store, Richruond Hill. rWENrYâ€"EWE YEARS’ EXPERlENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. _____,.._____â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"~---â€"-- A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING .\.\'D 'rrxsnrrurxu HOT \VA'I‘E { HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNIIILL. ONT. Ex- "lhe Rolfe Shoe Repair All kind Oi repairs to boots and shoes. The Rolfe Shoe Repair Store Arnold Street OPEN ALI. DAY AND EVERY DAY EXCEPT \VEDNESDAYS .\.\'ll .‘I'NilA\S A. Rom-‘17., Paorurmm: JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 7 BUILDERS SUPPLIES Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles sash Fihr‘eboard Roofings Gyprock Tar paper Wa‘; .oard Building paper Cor. Arnold & Yonge. Brick LLOYD GEORG E‘S TOUR It is safe to say that no man from across the ocean ever made a more suceessful tour through (‘anada and the United States than Mr. Lloyd George, who sailed homeward from New York last Saturday alter his farewell address to 5000 people. The last was the 70th address made on this continent, and although he came as a private citizen his speeches seemed to carry much weight wher- ever he spoke. _ 0 He did not criticize the Lnrted States for keeping aloof from the European situation, but he made it plain that their coâ€"opcration might do much in settling international dis- Mr.‘ liing‘sjnamc is mentioned must be maintained at any cost. I â€"_ The Province of Alberta defeated Prohibition on Monday by a majority of about ‘25,(.l00. 'l‘lic votcrs had four options on which to cast their votes. Clause “ll” Which carried provides for the sale and consumption of beer of on "licensed premises," other liquors to be sold in “limited quantities" under “Government control and regulation." The term “Govern- ment control” has a pleasant sound. but from reports which seem to be reliable the hootlegging and rum- running in (Quebec and British ace _ Columbia are f ourishirrg as never be- putes amicably, and ensuring pe throughout the world. i Everybody is pleased to know that I during the whole tour of about 6000 | miles no incident Of a serious nature ( occurred to mar the pleasure of the many receptions to Mr. Lloyd George, wife and daughter. â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"__- Daily Siarâ€"l’remicr‘ King is to receive honorary degrees from Edin- burgh and Oxford and will be made a freeman of Sheffield. The Toronto Telegr rm will explain, however. that Edinburgh and Oxford Universities rre run by "anti-Hydro, pro-Drury, Knights of Columbus bigots,” and that the civic at .tho 'iries of Sheffield are pro-Quebec and anti-British. It will describe Mr. King as being dazed throughout the ceremonies and say that the cheers for Canada‘s premier are the Work of a paid clague of professional applauders. The de- lusicn that Britain blushes whenever fore. KING AND VAUGHAN PLOWING MATCH Fuâ€"pâ€"s The, King, and Vaughan plowing match Was held Friday at Nubieton. on the farm of Mack \Vilkie. There was a good attendance of intereslrdspec- trims, and the land was in splendid condiflon. Prominent, among the visitors “'F‘I‘r’ Sir Henry Draytnn. '.\i.l’.. and A. J. H. Er-kurdr. Prize. winnch were listed as follow: First class. sodâ€"l, Eli Timbers, Milliken: 2, \Vilfred Timbers, Stunti- ville; 3. je-sse Richards, King: best Crown and finish. Ed. Timbers. Second class, sodâ€"(One prize onlylâ€"- Gardhnn Tran, \Vhitevale: best crown and finish, Gardhau Tran. Third class. sodâ€"Fred Timbers, Stnutfville; but crown and finish, Fred Timbers. Fourth Classâ€"(using jointer plriws)- Lorne \Vcldr-ick, Maple; Robcrt \Vatson, \Vondbridge: ,I. II. Weiv, Aginco irt: I). Boyd, Stuntfville; best m g E rill] class, stubblc-Lconard Cox of’ IMillrken; ,lnhn Snider of Edgele-y: li‘ifll'lilri (‘mvii- of Millikcn: Eilllvl' lint-km (f Ringwn d; Kclscy chasm of 'I‘otrenhmn‘, best, crown and finish, l Leonard (30x. _ Sixth class. stubblcflllcrb. E. Ross of King; john 'I‘imbcr-s of Markham; i.\lilr-r:ry Ulr-ndenning of Stoull'vilir: [brat crown and finish. Iierb lions. l Ht-ven class, stubble, buys unlit-r I5â€" Iiarold Robb (vt' Nubicton: I’c-rr-y Ilill Nublcton: Donald Archibald trt' i‘ICIltnhiiel'fl; Templeton Mc'l‘aggart of Noblclon; lie-st crown, Donald Archi- bald; best finish. Iiar'nlrl Robb. Eighth class. tractorsâ€"(lnmr-rnn \ankington of King: Evan Morris; best finish. Urllllt'l'nill Walkington. Ninth class, tractors~liymun Davis ‘ ot' Nobletnn. Best [cum and equipment in sod prize-winners Wt’lf‘e-I). Boyd of Stunti- villc; jcsse Richard of King. I Best team and squipmr-nt in stubbleâ€" JUIII] Snider of Edgrley; Kelsey (vlodson of 'I‘ottcnham. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"¢o King City Bible Class A day that will long be remembered by those who were pr'it‘ilvged to be I present at Kin};r City Methodist Uhurr h, is Sunday, October 28. On this day the adult Bible class. and t'orrnrr [numbers of this class, numbering about. 40”, held a reunion. This day also marked the fiftieth anniversary of the origin of the Bible class“ King City Methodist Church. The present. Bible c|:rSs_ under the efficient teaching of Mrs. Garrmv, sent out invitations to former pastors, lenchers and members who now reside i-r [lices ranging from Vancouver to Montreal. A former King (Jity boy, Rev. A. P. lI-itter of Mount Forest, who was unable [u be present. sent to the class a message which was used as the Scripture reading. Another King City boy, Rev. A. Mackenzie. of Toâ€": ronto, read the Scripture lesson and gate an inspiring address. Hon. E. J. Davis of Ncwmurket. who taught the Bible class hrre for :32 years, also de- crown and finish, Lorne \Veldrick. ,_;,_\ l livcred an instructive address. Breton Island. through National Railways. Before (.‘olumhus discovered explored its harbors some Norsmen cruised its menâ€"at-arms roved. building wealth 'of which still clings to its shores. the French revolution was brewing,‘ the greatest fortress in America was being built on this tidy little Louisburg is the historical l.â€"A typical bit of rugged cons! scenery Ill Cape Breton. 4,â€"ltulns of old Fort Loulsburg. There are few spots in (‘anrida with .of (‘ape Breton. greater romantic history than (‘upe which, to Sydney and return. members of the- Canadian Weekly Press Association travelled recently over the (‘anadian rich romantic tradition, 5.â€"-l'0urln;: molten more than $25.1N‘H‘l.<.|00 in. was commenced in 1720 it was ,pleted. In 1744. when war broke Ame- volunteers from New Encland, tain Cook, whose name is linked in the Pacific Ocean. the , rever. consrdered the fortress up alit and ordered it razed. “'hlle this task, the remains of isle tale of Ihc valorous past. centre l 2.â€"('upc Breton lndiun making: hulter pnllu. ' metul Sydney Steel Mllls. 7.â€"()ne of the old guns at Fort Loulsburg. 5.â€"Anotl1er view of the beautiful Bras d’Or Lakes. Its erection cost 'Sydneys" current I valuation Of money. and although it 3111195 ‘until 20 years later that it was comâ€" between England and France, it was. . _ z â€" , -- x . 1. mm, Basqu0 and Brown “Shermen‘attacked and captured by an e prd and there are1 many traces which indicate that as far back as 1,000 AD. the venture- shores. When Shakespeare was writing his plays there were more than 200 Eng- lish vessels fishing off the Cape Breâ€" ton coast and French and Spanish fishermen had their recognized har- bors along the seaboard. In sheltered coves along the quiet salt water lakes, privateers and gentle- tionary force comprised entirely of; ever with exploration and discoveries Britain. how- ‘strong to take further chances with Although a ipurty of engineers, employiner hun-. dreds of men, worked for months at its vast ldefences are still able to tell their Included within the term of “The GOIHILEY Wm. Smith. who had his barns burn- ed down last September while thresh- ing, has commenced building a steel truss barn. George French has bought the house. lot. and harness busincss of his brother. the late Wm. French. James Hunt’s new house is nearing completion. (leo. 'l‘. Hilts has his new house bricked now. * The root crop around (lormley has been abundant this year, and is nearly all gathered in. \\'e are all anxiously awaiting Thanksgiving Day in order that we may thank our Creator for the bountiâ€" ful crops. â€"â€"W€.> H.- MAPLE (Jo nrunion services ware he'd in SI. I’aril’~ church on Sunday, Oct. 28th. Mr. ( eorge Kvtfcr‘ who suffered from stroke is slowly irnprOvirug. Mr. and Mr .\Vrn. Dxfly. r f Oshawa. visited friends i ore last wees. The Maple Choral (llass went to Schmnl‘erg in t triday evening and took part in a conrerl under the aus- pices of the Aug; .c u; churr h. A lar gt: crowd attended the masquer- ade ball in the community hall on Wednesday night of last Week. Hit 0 v. 'rlr passed off very quietly very few pranks being played. m Quarterly service was held in the Methodist church plast Sunday even- mg. Mr. Churl'e Robeson who spent the summer in Washington Territory. re- turned home last week. 'I‘. G. LYON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronaze and influence respectfully solicited Residence address P.0. address Victoria Square Gormley,ltl~t Cape Breton Island" The FrontDoorflof Canada are three towns. namely Sydney. An North Sydney and Sydney important town which not can lay claim to be within the dis- 3.â€"(Ine view of the Ill-nu d‘lh- Lakes. 0.â€"A roul lnlnlnl; plant near Sydney. . Much of the route lies along the borders of the far-famed Bras (l'Or, the great inland salt water lzilzc of ('apc Breton. The Bras d'Or waters lI'IC'I IS GIIICQ B21)". fourteen liliIeS have (1 Surface area of .451) square outifrom Sydney. miles, the width varying from less l Sydney is the principal city of the than a mile to 18 miles. SO. too. .islzrnd. lot the (‘anadian Nationle I .and a sea. port of importance. in North America. for- mogcoal field under the straits separates foundslund. l‘anadian National Railways. It is the Eastern terminus Railways , It is tithe centre of the steel making indus- wus returned to I-‘rancc in 1848 but‘ . . . . . ~ ' . try of the Dormnron. and ar un 1t 10 years later was attacked by a Brr- ‘ ’ 0 d '1“ fish war fleet and again captured.‘ With this fleet were General Wolfe. later conqueror of Quebec. and Cap- a limited area, are situated eighteen .or twenty of the greatest coal mines The industry is one which is growing in importance every year and one which contains ,unbounded possibilities, there beinglsingly and in fairy clusters. ,unworked as yet, a huge submarine Access to all points of interest and entertainment is made easy by the .senses are never wearied. The sooner; _ There ialong the Bras d'Or route of the (‘21:.- .15 an abundance of fine trout and 1adian National Railway: is unnum- .does the depth vary. soundings havâ€" ing been taken at a depth of 700 feet 'in one part of Little Bras d‘Or. The length Of these lakes is about fifty miles, its waters being sheltered from the ocean. of which it forms a. lpart. by hills of great beauty. Along its length it expands into bays. inâ€" lets and romantic havens. while pic~ ,turesque islands dot its surface. Along this stretch of country nothing is a which icommon. nothing tame; all is tuned. tape Breton from New- ito play upon the emotions the strings of keenest pleasure. ) Every variety of landscape meets the eye and the salmon fishing as well as small game 'tionahly one of the most dlversi‘W a hunting. and beautiful in the Dominion.

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