JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 7 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Leave Orders nt Sloan‘s Drug Stm'e, Richmond Hill. The Rolfe Rolfe Shoe Repair MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept, a number (I pupils in Piunn, Vocal and -: Theory. -:. Richmond Hill, Friday and Saturday For information Phone 110. Mas. MYLKS. F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY BARRISTER. Soucn‘on. Norm“ Err Toronto Ofï¬ce, 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofllce (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple. Thursday afternoon. Woodbridae. Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Current Rate Cor. Arnold 8: Yonge. OPEN ALL DAY AND EVERY DAY EXCEPI‘ \VEDNESDAYS AXD SL'BDAYS Uanadian Tenor and Choir Lender Solnisn North Pul'kdnle Methodist Uhurch, is prepared to receive pupils n Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty’s. Arnold St. Particulars van he obtained by calling. Phone 22 Ring 11. 29- A large stock of F‘ Kept at the npils passed for Consgwatory nminations. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HlLL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE Cedar posts 9 sale. Adelmo Melch and Miss Rosalind Bush 1.. T. C. M. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS (30 inches in lungLn) Also Cement Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the in car lots. ‘ - I ,,L-..A‘ The Maple Sand. U lmmpany. Lt’d. have Uemenc dmin tile. 3, Uulvért, tile 12, 15. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brig]; BUILDERS SUPPLIES STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMON D. Richmond Hill. Repairs to boots and Shoes are Done on Time Every Time All the Time Best Material and Warm msh i}. Next to Village Clerk’s Ofï¬ce JOHN T. ANDERSON Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Il‘ihreboard Roof i n gs Gyprock Tar paper Wt: .oard Building paper THORNHILL. ONT. A. ROLFE, PROPRIETUR WILLIAM COOK STORE} PIANO TUNER A1 the Wm. C. Ruttan HENDERSON Sand, Gravel and Brick d. have on hand for sale. I tile. 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. 1:3. 15. 18 and ‘20 inch 1ches in length) and telephone 90165 COUSINS. Funeral Furnishing above places Manager load {LX- for Mr. \Vm. dump. at Toronto, Ipent Saityurduy jn_t_he vjllage. Mr. A. Robinson and Mr. B. Jaékson and Mr. G. J. Luu'ie have gone north on a hunting trip. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mchn and Mr. and Mrs. J. 'l‘. Snigvnn attende th’ opening of the Thumhill public school last wm'k. A numhr-r of Masonic Bretln-m from here attended divine Wurship at King City m1§uuda_y evoning._ Prof. McNeil of Knox College. occupied the pulpit of 85. Andrew'- church on Snnday. and preached I sermon nimble {or Armlrllige Day. Anniversny lei-vin- will be held in Hop. Methodist Church, next Sunday. Nov. 18, at 2.30 p. m. and 7 p. In. Rev. Mr. Meredith of Toronto. will preach at both urvicu. Tho hnme cholr will furnish music in the altamoon and ldgeloy choir in the evening. York County Council is becoming So large and unwieldy that a move Is being,r made to reduce the number of its members by cutting off the Deputy-Reeves in the different muniâ€" cipalities. At present there are 42 County Councillors, and next year there will be 46. By the new pro- posal each municipality would have but one representative, but thelr vot- ing power would vary with the size of the municipality. Advocates claim that this plan would mean toonomy of time and money. British Elections will be held on Thursday, the 6th of December. Another battle, Free Trade vs. Pro- tection is to be fought during the next few weeks. Premier Baldwin who appeals to the British people on the Protection issue will be supported by Austin Chamberlin. Lord Birken- bead, Earl Balfour, Sir Robert Horne ’and other Conservatives, while the same issue will unite the forces of Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. Asquith. Mr. nvnd Mrs. HuK-ey Charlton, of Quebec City, the Gibraltar of the New World, was one of the chief points of call in the itinerary of the Canadian Weekly Press Association over the Canadian National Railways recently. It was a place of intense interest to these publishers and edi- tors, for Quebec is the cradle of the history of Canada. There France’s domination of Canada began and there it died, leaving the way open for British dominion over. and the coutederacy of the provinces from coast to coast, under one Parliament, one flag and one king. There on the ramparts of the citadel commanding the St Lawrence, the phantom ï¬gures of Champlain‘s soldiers keep .â€"The Quebec Bridge which spans the St. Lawrence, seven miles above ‘he city: 2.â€" An ancient Cannon 1 3.â€"A Quebec iinbitnnt boy with his picturesque equipage: 4.â€"A typical bit of rural Icenery a iew Hope I The Most Romantic City in North America on Toronto, visited over Sunday at the El. hwme of Mr. A. C. Robinson. ' I Mrs. J. A. Chapman. of Port, Elgin, [‘0‘ is spending the week with her sister the ‘ Mu. B. Jacksnn. .‘. Class Iâ€"Red Landâ€"Elmer Fockler. Ringwnod: W. Orlnerod. Greenwood; Genrgu Cnathup, 8cm born Junction; J: rhn Timbers. Markham; Bert Clemens. Agincnurt. Clownâ€"J. Timbeu. Finishâ€" Elmer Fuckler. Class 6â€"Melvllle Morgan, Milliken; Gordon SPllm'a. Agincnun; Fred Tim'vm-I. StOUffxiHP: Fred NiCPlv. Stnuï¬ville. Om vnâ€"G. Sellars. Finish ~yelvillo Morgan. _ OIHSI 7â€"(bnys under lG)â€"Fred Cripp, IF. Milliken; Donald Jarvis 12. Millikv-n: \Vill s jarvi< ~13. Millikan; T. H. Little l3, Agincuurt. Crown and finishâ€"Fm d Cripp- (Has: 4â€"John H. Weir, Agincourt: William Maxwell, Malkhlm; Obuleo Tapurntt; Milliken; Lorne \Veldrlck, Maple; Leonard Cox. MiHiken. Orown~ J H \Veir. Finishâ€"Ernqst Wfllil. _ Clusa Iâ€"Juck Coupex-thwaito, Agin- courl; Gordon Timbers. Milliken. Crown-J H Weir. Finishâ€"Ernest. \Villis. A fair sized crowd of spectators attended the plowing match of the East York pluwmen. bald at Seal-hora, Wednuday of last week, although the weather was unfavorable. After the mutch :1 dinner was given for the plowmen in Malvern’a Mammoth Hull, followed by a concert. Brief addresses were given by J. ankie V‘Vilsou. \V. II. Paterson of Agincourl, Vice President of the Pro- vincial Plowmen's Association, and other memhors. LIST OF PRIZE-WINKIRS The list of prize-winners is as follows: Class Lâ€"W. L. Clark, Aginoomt; Eddie Timhers. Milliken: \Vilfred Timbers. Stoulfville; G. Tum. White- vulo. Belt crown and best finishâ€"\V. L. Clal k . Cine Zâ€"Rulsel Cuuperthwnite. Milli- k n; William McGrisken, Agincnurt; Thou. Penney. Agincnurl: Leslie Sanderlnn. Agincourt: Delus Boyd. Stouffville. Crownâ€"R Couperlhwaite. Finishâ€"T Feeney. -u--. _... _, "V..- A Thanksgiving service was held in the Community Hall on Monday night. Miss McFarlnne. of Toronto, sang a couple of solos. and the Uhul‘ul Class led in Community singing. Mr. McLellun of the 0.A.C., Guelph. gave an address on community life. CiéSI Sâ€"Tractors in stubbleâ€"Clark company with the khaki clad sentinel of the present day garrison force. Quebec is a city with an individuâ€" ality. It is unlike any other city in North America. It is a city of con- trasts. Beside a fine modern build- ing one finds a structure with win- dows heavily shuttered. with massive doors, and - walls of thick grey masonry, typitying the days when Quebec was a fortress and the stronghold 0! the continent. From the spacious width of the Grand Allée one has to walk but a. few steps to find a street so narrow that two persons may shake hands across its width. From the modern post office it is only a short distance to the walls which girded the city in the Scuba" Plowing Match Residence address Victoria Square FRIDAY. NOV. 30â€"Fresh milk cows. springers and other cows at Wood. bridge Hotel, the property of J. H. Brillinger. Sula. at l o’cluck. Terms 6 monthl. J. 'l‘. Saigeon. Aucl. FRIDAY, Nov. 23â€"Ontarin Govern- ment horses, dump wagons, harness, plnws. road building outfits ete. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 10 months. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. SATURDAY, Nov. 24â€"Farm stock. implements, furniture, uutomlrile etc., lob 2|, con. 2. East York. property «If W. Richardson. Sale at. 1 o'clock. Terms 10 munthl. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. SATURDAY, NOV. 17â€" Farm stuck, implements, grain, hay, rnols PLO. lot 29. con. 3, Scan-horn. Agincmnrt. Geo. Sparkhall. Sale M l u’cluck. Terms It) nmnths credit. Prentice & Prentice, uucLs. SATURDAY. Nov. 17 â€" Househ Id furniture. a quantity of wood and coal etc., at the residence, Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. tho property of Mrs. Isaac Hughes. Sale at 2 o’clock. Terms cash. J. T. Saigeun, AucL. MONDAY. N0v.19â€"Househnld fulniture, poultry etc.. Bnmkside Road. Elgin Muls. the propelty of Miss Wright. Sale at l u’cluck. Terms cash. Prentice & Prentice. Aucla. Special prizasâ€"Oliver plow winning high-st poinhs; Gordon Sisley. Best turnout In red landâ€"Eimer Fnckier. Best; turnout in sodâ€"F. J. Fisher. Best turnout for boys under 16â€"Donald Juxvis. Youngest boy on the tied-â€" Donald jarvis. Oldest, plowmunâ€" George‘puuchup. Best plowed landâ€" Young, Hageunan; George Taylor, Todmurdon: Joe Duï¬'us, Peterbnro; 0. Pepper, Bixch Cliff. Finishâ€"Clank Young. Uluss 9â€"Tmctors Sisley. Unionvillt Scnrhoro Junction. Sisley. W. 1:. Clark. A few miles above Quebec stands the famous Quebec bridge ,the great- est undertaking of its kind in the world. Across it the Canadian Na- tional Railways runs into the been of the city. It has a total length of 3,240 feet with a suspended span of 640 feet hung between two cantilever arms of 1160 feet. The suspended span is slung high enough above on water to £1119er the Quest days of siege. A stiff short climb will carry one from the new railway station to the ancient St. Louis gate, through which the dying Montcalm rode after his defeat by Wolfe on the nearby Plains of Abraham. The swiftly propelled automobile passes by, without a salute, the quaint, slow going caléche. LICENSED AUUI‘IONEER FOR. THE COUNTY OF YCRK Pan-mmm- and influence respvctfully solicited Auction Sale Register 2.â€" An ancient cannon on the old nmpnns 0! Quebec: It of rural scenery u Iew miles from Quebec City. in red landâ€"Gordon ; john Fleming, Grownâ€"Gordon P.O. address Gouuley. RH The harbor trout at Quebec is a. busy spot in summer. It is the port of call of ocean liners and trans~ Atlantic freighter-s and a great, volume of business pours in and out of this part during the months 02 open navigation. ( Quebec is the centre of the country populated by the Ha/biumts. These people. who correspond. to the peasant of France, live in a simple way, and are open-hearted in their hospitality to the stranger in the“: community. In their quaint but tida- homes the spinning wheel may Ié seen in use wd many mmrem fashions to be found nowhere oil. ‘21 “.19 MMM m utm in mm. .. ship to pass beneath with ease at highest water. Advenise in the Liberal A hundred miles away, in the Hotel, Jim has fin- ished dinner, written the day’s report and looked over the local paper. Time hangs heavy till, happy thought, he remembers Long Distance. Just three minutes at home, and yet it makes all the difference. The hotel seems brighter. And Mary well, the holes in the socks don’t seem quite so large. Just the effect of a voice you love to hear. Keep the home ties‘ strong, the Long Distance way It is just half-past eigh' “Hello Mary! How are the children? How are you?†The dinner dishes are washâ€" ed, the children are in bed, and Mrs.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"has settled down to a niglzz's daming. Every Bell Telephone :1! Long Dislance Station Adverliw in the Libel-n