Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1923, p. 5

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1 Du}. N. Hutchison, of \‘Vinnipeg, on his Way to St. Mary's to visit, a brother who is ill. made :1 short stay in Richmond HI", nnd called on I number of (Nd friends. The undersigned wish :0 return thanks to all those who assisted in the Memorial Service at thc Public School on Sunday morning lastâ€"(signed) '1'. H. Trench. Reeve; J. A. Greene, Chairmzn. The Liberal is sending nul accounts fur subscriptions zmd printing. and we hope there will be a prnmpt response. Those in “Iran‘s will oblige by remit- ting, us "dimming" does not appeal to he in our line. Mr. James McDonald, of Mill street. driving duWn Yonge street last, Friday. offered a ride to Mrs. Dickensou and her two daughtexs. The car swelved and overturned into .n deep din-h. The four oceupunts were badly injured. L. 0. L. parade to the Methodist Church next Sunday evening. Sermon by the pastor. Rev. H. 3. Warren. Brethxen are expected from the Dis- trict and County. St. John's Church Bazaar will be held in the Oak Ridge! School House, Friday. November 23. Supper from u to 7.50 pm. Concert at 8 o'clock. Tickets. 50 and 25 cents. Min ’li-il Woodhend delighted the want ludionce o! the Dreadnought Chap- tor. with hqr singing and danc- ing It their “h” annu’al Armistice B41. hid in the Crystal Ball-Room n ‘ha King Er wnrd Hotel. on Monday, November llth. Visitors from Toruntn over the hnli~ day included Mr. and Mrs. Umwhurst 11L Mls. Rumors, and Miss Edith Mmt- son at Mrs. Pelch’s. Anniverury and Fpr Will Offering in the fleadford Methodist Church next Sunday. Rev. Basil Thompson, M.A., Trinity Methodilt Church. Toronto, will punch in the morning, and Rov. Welley Dean in the evening. Music in the morning by Can-ville Church, Ind by ihe homo choir in the evening. Report of Rutepnyers' meeting and other matter unavoidably c1>nwded uut [ill nexL issue. Remember the Scotch Concert in the Presbyterian Church, Nurembcr :50. Further notice later. Keep the dates open â€"- Friday and Saturday. December 14 and lbâ€"and at- tend the R. C. Bazaar and Fowl Supper at Elgin Mills Pavilion. Merchant: are reminded that on Jan. In: the war tax on counter check book- will be innaaIOd to 6 per cent. Money may be saved by ordering ahead. Thou will doubtless be a rush toward the end of the year. Don't leave off too late and thei. be disappointed. The Liberal has an agency for the best counter ofizck book housesuand you get exactly the same price from us as from a travel- ler nr right from the factwy. \\1( would appreciate y Mr 0' ders. The annual Rally of the Northern Epworth Leagues “ill be held in Rich- mond Hill Methodist. Uhux‘ch on Tuesâ€" day evening. November 20th, at 8 o'clock. The main feature of the even- ing is an Oratonical Contest; subject, "The Young People’s 'i‘ask with Re- gard to the Church," the speakers being from Victoria Square. Carrville, Thorn- hill. and Richmond Hill. The musical part of the programme will be given by the Executive of Toronto Central [)i~- trict. We are hoping to see eruy League well repreiented. JR. [I Classâ€"Mildred Rand. EM] Put'rso”, Marv Brillingvr. Phyllis White} Murgmrirv Manley, his W(01~ hand, Jenn Middleton. Jenn [)eadman. Gilbert. Furesb equal. Gladys Rne, Nailie Hammond, Bum-he Deivslmry, Albert Bales, Alher Unl'nvl‘. Billy Savage, Dm-olhy Leech. Elhel Cuvt'y- duck. Norah Batty, Jark Sthhe-d, Aileen Gram. Mmjm‘y Sumlersun. Muriel Clank. Gem-gr While. Laurence Beam". Matt-n Kn'uk, Ronald Finr'h, Herlwrt Macon. Alien \‘Villunghny, Arthur Leech, Lvllll'PllL‘O Smith. George Townsend, Hugh Cal-fer, Norman Hammond. Albert Mox-tson, Oliver 'l'imsun, Alex Fortuk. Olive Richmond Hill. The Misses Plewumn, Langsmfl’. Paris. Shepherd. Oowie, and McNab. gave the 98 little one: a real Thanks- giving party. which was very much onjoyed by all, about I0 of the little \Vilson. Victor Mornis. Fred H.) Kendall. Bouuice Rnhillnrd, Dnrulhy Gillurd, Luella Rnhillard, Norman Sackfiuld. Gladys Holmkay. E. P. WELLWUUD, H‘uch' r. The Mutmn of the above Inetltutiou wlshes to thunk the following armors fur the many gifts received and much apprecigted: Meurs Munsbridge and Sons, pail of mlnecmoae. Mr. Savage. bushel apples. Richmond Hill Methodist Church. \V.M.S., cards for each child for Thmksgiving, also bouquet. of mum: for n veg‘y Iick child. Mr. Durham. Bond Lake, lquasb, ‘ beet-s and onrrotl. i Mrs. Hill. plants. Mrs. W. H. Graham. carrotl. Mr. Murden, 8 pair. of boxing gloves x 6 baseballs. 8 masks. 4 bats. 2 pads. L.O.L.. Aurora, 1 lug of flour (981M. ' 60 1h. honey, 5 hng of apples, 7 squuh 3 umpkins, 24 bags potatoes. 1 bag of ‘ on huge, 1 bag of cm-rots. 21 leulfil‘l‘ ftuit, I bag of turnips, barrel of [ apples. been, (minus, anfi nabbage_._ Ric‘nmond Hill Public School Report L. T. 13.330. Home, 3.3, No. 1 Donations Received \ ANTEDâ€"Household cumpaniun help, sumll family, small. all [mudern home. Elderly or middle aged pen-sun preferably. and {my whole or part time. as Friday to Monday. Mrs. A. Pen-y. Lelephxme 69]. 20 (V ‘mrinm-y Surgeon) Rount graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary Collogc. All C‘RIPI of animals treated. Day and night calls prompt.- ly attended. 'Otflce and residence north side Rlchmond Street. Richmond Hill. Telephoto 13, Ring 2. OR SALEâ€"l grandfather clock in good order and koow perfect, time. Price :40. Apply MRS. N. BAKE... Richmond Hill, R.R. 1, 0m.. phone 45 R 31. ones were entertained in the afternoon, with games and music. and beautiful let‘reshments, and in the evening the elder children were entertained. The childxen are very grateful to these young ladies for tho pleusuut lime they had. and the Manon also wishes .0 thank them Very much. as it was no easy task they undertook and so ably mu-ried out. 75c .‘flt'utual L’i/e fissurance company of Canada THE POLICY HOLDERS OWN COMPANY \Ve me glad tn any at present there axe only two sick in the lmme and they are safely on the way to I'm-overy. The children attended the PI-vshylerian Uhuwh last, Sunday, and hope In ul- lend the English Church on Sunday next, if weather permits. Phone 232. GOLD FISH SALE We also draw your attention :0 the 7011 )wing valm-s : 3-" ~33? HOT WATER BOTTLES, Regular $2.0) for 800. These botLles are Guaranteed for one year. ONE C \KE PALMOLIVE SOAP“ Regular 150.; ONE TUBE PALM- OLIVE SHAVING CREAM, Regular 350; ONE TIN PALMOLIVE TAI - CUM POWDER, Regular 25c. The three for 49c. SYRUP, TAR, and COD LIVER OIL, Large Bottle, 500. BOOTS M ELOIDS, 25c. 30R SALEâ€"Seventeen black Leg- hum hens for sale. Phone 45 R 13. DST-A cfiuple of weeks ago. a _, large Whih‘pig. Reward. WM. UKNS, phune 1860 Maplv. 20-21 I. MACDONALD. B. V. Sc. ()NE DAY ON] J1” SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 7 HIOKENS â€"-Yuung chickens for _ sale. Apply U. BRACK. Elgin OR SALEâ€"Yorkhhire saw and young pigs. H. DAVIS, Mill St. OR. SALEâ€"Jersey cow. Apply JOHN KIRKLAND. 20 Get your life Insurance at cost. Your Wafer Suppi Automaticâ€"Sure Want Ads. SLOAN’S DRUG STORE C. H. BYAM. Agent, With Evety Purchase of One Dollar We Give You ABSOLUTELY FREE 2 GOLD FISH, ~ - - Value 400. 1 GOLD FISH GLOBE, Va‘nn 25“. Maple, Ont. RICHMOND HILL “0R SALEâ€"J2 pure (nod an20 Tu key Toms, 2 pure bred Guild strain. W Wynndotle cuckerels. 2 pure bred Guild stlain, B Plvumth Rock cnckerels. J. H. ELLmTT, Willow Glove Farm, Richmond Hill R. R. OR. SALE-Ono Gurney Oxford non] healer, ptacLiCHHy new, kitchen chairs, hardwood hed, sewing machine and other articles. Apply G. GRANT. opposito Masonic Hall. 19 20 OR SALE~Uook stove, kitchen _, cupboard, Wheel burrow. and uther household effects. MRS. Lowmn, Richmond Sheet, Saturday. 19-20 UR GOATâ€"Get your fur coat Lhrnngh E. R. FORTNER. corner Yonge and Richmond Sta, dilect from one of the best whalesale fun‘iens, and save money. Every skin guamntved. 19~21 OR SALE- Fresh cow, calf by side. Apply HERMAN R. Mon'rson. (inrmley LR. No. 2, Un:.. Indep. phone. Stouffvino No. 6113. 19â€"21 OR SALE~Heif9r calf. Apply L. HAWoHTH, May Avenue. strip 24 Youge Strep! . 19-21 {Id com, Vaughan. good road to pit. A pply to GEORGE RIAMAN, proprietor Richmond St», Richmond Hill. 14-25 OR. SA LE~Twu stoves. one a parlor mmk, one (Ink heater. The owner has no need fur them as he is puLLing in u flu-nucv. R. UAsELRY. Colhorne Stu Thnrmhill. 19â€"20 VOTICEâ€"E. Slmey is prepared to i do all kinds of trucking and c Hung in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Phone Richmond Hill 98. 42 tf 800d 8!. 'mu-sl requires posit ltet‘ex-oncm~g P. U. 1‘ old. Apply' M. May Avenue. 510;) 24‘ OR SALE IRST CLASS GRAVEL AND SAND FOR SALEâ€"On lot 24. OUSE SAIiETEnqujrg Reliable midIHv-agéd capuhlg ut any kmd GEO. S. SIMS, Richmofid _ Hill. nursing, pOsitiun 19â€"? young pigs, 3 months Apply M. L.‘ TOWNSEND. in waged woman, kind uf \Vurk. Ll huuw km'pvr, \vn \vveks limo. Ricluunnd Hill 20 10-“ 19â€"2! 20-21 DENTIST Offive Trench Block. two doors north of Standmd Bank. HoursQHJn. to 5.30 p.m. Telephone ROSEVIEW GARDENS Richmond Hill Branch: Building Lots, $1.00 M $10.00 per ft. $1.00 per ft. cash; balance, your own terms. \Vorkman's Cottages. $300 to $50‘ cash and easy monthly payments. These cottages will bv- huilt ’hf brick or tram. as desired on thin Ly-foot lots im- mediately east nf the Fair Grounds. For full particulars Write or see W. J. LAWRENCE. _ _l_9_74 Yonge St. Phones Hudsnn Special attanbion given to sales at every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsales at- tended Ln nn shun-test notice. and con- ducth by [he must approved methods. Patronage Sculicitod. LICENSED AUCTIONEER tron COUNTY or YORK AND onrmmo Call by phone up othelwise pmmplly{ aternoun. “0”” “0W0 3 COOPER’S HARDWARE JOHN R. CAMPBELL DR. M. B. WELLWOOD mucoomnm‘ DR. L. R. BELL VETERINARY SURGEON. Richmond Hill Oflice:â€"Ccnlre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Office Hours: 10-12; 6-8 RICHMOND HILL As the cold Weather is near at hand. you will be needing heavier clothing. I am prepared to make you good Heavy Overcoats, handâ€"made from $3800 up. Indigo blue serge suits for either ladies or men 42.00 up. These Suits are made to your measure right here. Tweed suits made by hand $35.00 up. Ready-made Stilts. $18.00 Up. Ready-made over; coats, $20.00. You will be surprised at these low prices, it you call and examine the cloth: A few children’s coats from $6.00 up. CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE 415 Balliol St" Toronto. Phone Hudsnn 1347 w TRENCH’S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building paper, Tar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- [lies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel chains, Curry combs and Brushes Stoves and Ranges -: C. N. COOPER Richmond I’Iil FALL ANNOUNCEMENT l‘hornhi ) l . E. R. FORTNER 1515â€"1470. Pren Lice “’0 offer a complete service for FARMERS GRAIN and CATTLE DEALERS MERCHANTS NIANUFACTURERS and RIUNICIPALITIES fiftyYears of Banking STANDAEI'iD BANK PHONE 93 g W¢VOMOOOOWOOWOOOOOMW Ladies and Gents’ Clothier and Tailor: or CANXbA This Is the Time Just before the Spring Rush un th Farm you should look over the Ma- chinery and get, those Needed RPpairs. Or, if it’s New Machinery, We can get it, for ynu Imt us know yuur Wants in Machin- ely now. 1 We have on hand for Immediate De~ livery Uockslmtt Flows. V‘Vilkinsun Plows. 1 Set. Chain Drags. \Vheplbar- rams. 1 Second-Hand Gleam Separator. You should take advantage of the presvnt prices of metal by ordering yourEuve-Trough, Runfing, Furnaces, or any other metal product, as every- thing points tu a substantial increase in prices in the near future. Come in and let us protect you with present prices. TEETZEL BROS. Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. Oflices~Snite 5H McKinnnn Bldg” Cor. Jordon and Melinda St:., Toronto. Telvphnne Main 3631. Mr. ()amphell will he at The Lil‘era. Office. Riulunvnd Hill. eVely 'i‘ms.lay aLel'noun. ‘OMMISSIONER, (“UNVEYANCE J. EDWARD FRANCI NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Macnaughton & Campbell A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN’ FREDERICK ‘ . A. CAMPIELL J. R. Harrington, Manager. THE Timmilhs and General Agent: PHONE 87 W Thornhill. Phone 95

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