JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 7 The Rolfe Shoe Repair Store Next to Village Clerk’s Ofï¬ce LeM'e Orders at Sloan’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. TWENTY-FIVE YEKRS‘ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Rolfe Shoe Repair (’upils passed for Consexvatory Ex- aminations. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept, a number of pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Theory. -:- Richmond Hill, Friday and Saturday For information Phone 110. MRS. MYLKS. OPEN ALL DAY AND EVERY DAY EXCEPT \VEDNESDAYS AND SL'NDASS Cor. ,Amold 8: Yonge. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarben Toronto Ofï¬ce. 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (' Liberal Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridze, Saturday forenoon. F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DE BARRIBTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY Money to Canadian Tenor and Choir Leader Soloisn North Parkdnle Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupil: 1) Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty’s. Arnold St. Particulars can be obtained by calling. Phone 22 ‘In A large stock of Kept at th¢ Ring 11. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL. ONT. Adelmo Meleecn and Miss Rosa‘jnd Bush L. T. C. M. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE BUILDERS SUPPLIES The Maple Sand, Company. LL’d, haw Uemeub drain pile); Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Repairs to boots and Shoes are Done on Time Every Time All the Time Best Material ani Wormanship JOHN T. ANDERSON Rough and Dressed Lumbér Hardwood Flooring Pine Lam Dc Cedar Shingles S ï¬breboard Roofi Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Fibreboard Roofings Gyprock Tar paper Wa' 1 card Building papu‘ A} A. ROLl-‘E, PROPRIETOR WILLIAM COOK C. HENDERSOI‘ STORE: PIANO TUNER A1 the Wm. C. Ruttan Loan at Current. Rate of Funeral Furnishing the above places Sand. Gravel and Brick d. have on han for s:t_le. COUSINS. y the load 01 'DELANY Manager ETr 29- B in. inch for The biggest success among the many scored by J. J. E. McUague. department. of agriculture representa~ tiva in South Simone. \VflS that of (he \Vest Gwillimbui-y Bnys' Pix: Club in Turonto lust week. Mr. McCung has been centrvinz his eduo-Iliunul efforts on the young men in his district and even the boys. who show unusual in. terest at the fairs, are singled out for inspiration nnd iusrructinn. In the couple 0f years Mr. Mchgue lins hud charge nf Hw dish-iv! hu has In:de a Itock judging team whi -h Ins won aurels at, ’lnrunto on :i ennple of oc- c inns, i-ie'uwd up evm'ylhing at Bar- ria fair and in snveml nther (IIIIHG‘JLS ha: exhibited superiority over ether The following condensed arï¬clo taken from 3 recent is_sue of Aliiston Herald refers to good work in South Silucve by Mr. J. J. E. hlchgu»~, son of the late George McOague of ’Vi__:-Loria Squsre: Last Saturday was the ï¬ftieth anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Thomas. A short time alter their marriage they moved from Etohicoke to Vaughan, where they have lived ever since, They are at present living with their eldest daughâ€" ter, Mrs. W. 1‘. (Jack, at ane. Their other duughters are Mrs. N. Mall .y, and Mrs. A. E. Wilson. On Friday evening. Nov. 16. the ladieso Te>ton and vicinity gave a pretty slmwerat the home of Mr. T. B. Weldrick. in honor of his daughter, Elva. About seventy ï¬ve people were preScnt and :1. large number uf beautiful and useful gifts were re- ceived. .Tbe local huntels returned on Fri- day each winh u deer. Mr. Luwrio brought hemp alive fawn. Mr:'\Vm Kerr, of King, who was accidently shot in Muskoka, was a. brgther o_f_1\lrs. Alfrgd Ash, oflVIgple. Anniversary services were held in Hope chm-oh, last Sunday afternoon and evening. 7 The mm thly meeting of {hp \Vumu n'~ Illstitute was hold Ull \th- nesdny of last Week at the home uf Mrs. Geo. Gar-row. A programm') rf music and readings was given after which refreshments were served. Prof. Manson, of Knox Cull-ego, preached in St. Andrew's church on Sunday. Mr. Duncan stiggegted the following Candidates for Lbs 1924 Municipal elec- tions in the village for the endorsation of the Ratepayers Association : Messrs. W. Pugsley, H. A. Nicholls, James McLean. j. A. Greene. Robt. Endeun, ()unucillor Lunau and Geo. Cowie. Mr. Duncan suggested that the Ratepayers decide on a. list of candl- dnles and the: stand behind them at the polls. The e was no discussion on this maltm . uni no nation taken on it. The ï¬lm ling adjourned till the next u-gular ml lltblv meeting. The ï¬nancial condition of the village was discussed at, some length with the result, that the following motion was carried : “Moved by Mr. Gowie, sec- onded by Mr. Sanderson. that the 1924 Council be requested to obtain the services of a. chartered accountant in auditing of the village hooks." _ Mr. N. Batty read the report of the combined meeting of Council and Ratepayers’ Committee, re the pav- ing of Yonge Street. The latest pro- posals were that the Hawks be moved to the middle of the street, the east side of Ytnge street paved, and stmm sewers which might be used for the disposal of cellar and roof water he placed on Yonge and Centre Streets putin for the completed wouL'. The total village expenditure on this pro- pnsztl was urtimated at. $21,200. After considerable discussion the following ml tion was carried: “Moved by J. Sanderson, seconded by G. Cowie. that the paving of Yonge Street l.e left over till after the 1924 councll are elected to ofï¬ce." Mr. Pugsley reported that the com- mittee composed of Messrs. A. Mc- Ungue, J. A. Greene. and “’11). Pugs- It‘)‘, had met the officials of the Metro- politan Rnilwzlv and had been grant- ed a favorable hearing on the matter 01 better car service to the village with the following result : “That the 5 30 6 and 7 a. m. cars would run from Eden’s Bakery instead of from the station, and that it was the intention of the ofï¬cials to announce a new and better schedule in the near future. The matter of lower fares to the city, however. W21“? for the present an im- possibility from the viewpoint of the Railway ofï¬cials because of the fact thut the Railway WMS not showing sufï¬cient retuxns to warrant any 12 duction at the present time." I )6 question .of appointing u village ofï¬cials for the purpose of checking up the weight of coal sold in the Village Was gone into, and the meeting felt that the criticisimi handed out during the past. year were sufï¬cient; to warrant their asking the village fathers to appoint some one to weigh any or all coal they deemed ï¬t. on the village scales. and in this way protect the dealers from undue criticism and at the same time satisfy those who had voiced the criticisms. The follow. ing recommendation was therefore made to the village councrl : “Moved by G. Cowie, seconded by R. Endean, that the council be requested to ap- point, an inspector to Weigh at least one load of coal a month on the vil- lugg scgleg.†A I D __ village on Friday night, Nov. 8. the [attendance at, the Ruepuyers’ meet- ‘ing was considerath under size; I however considerable discussion took place on the several questions as shmw n below. , Owing to other attractions in tho Markham Boy Scores Success Ratepayers’ Meeting ArtiSt, Teacher in Literature, EXpression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of I’F. SEED Owen A. Smiley Studio. ‘LICELS Address Miss Marguerite Fogaï¬ï¬ag Boyle. Studio ‘Homewoodl I‘el‘w’cï¬u Residence address Hall; Ont VicLox-ia Square Leading menâ€"Roy Thompson. Glan- ford Statiun: Dick Baycroft, Aurora: Roy Hall,Brooklyn; \V. Graham. Carp: Thos Hastings. Markham; Jack Fraser, Htreetsville; Earl Moore. Orton: Hugh Ball. Kerwood: Geo. Wright, Eiora: J. D. McCallum. Mt. Brydges. High men by classesâ€"Horses. Oscar Lerch, Preston: Beef Cattle. Lambert Wilson, Aurora; Dairy Cattle, Thos. Hastings. Markham; Sheep. Max Butcher, Embro; Swine, Cyril Cope. land, Smithwille. Incidently it might be mentioned that the York Boys now hnld perman- ently two Stock Judging Trophies. have won the third cup twice and now hold for a year the only other trophy for which they are eligible to compete. Thus estab‘ishing an unpreredented recIn-d. The team was coachvd this year by Mr. R. J Rogers. Agricultuxal Representative, Newmaaket. Ont. who is justly proud of his boys. At 10 3') p.m. the results were an- ununced tn the anxious coaches and their boys as foilows : 10unty stand- ing: Yorkâ€"2288, Wentwoxthâ€"‘stl Middlesex â€"- 2266, \Vellinglon â€" 2250. Sou h Simcoeâ€"2199. Peelâ€"2189, Oxford â€"2183. It was along hard grind for the boys as the judging commenced at 9 a.m. and it was after eight in the evening when the last man looked the judges in the eye and gave the reasons fur their p‘acings. In all, ten classes of stock were judged. two each of heavy horses. dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep and swlne. The classes each consisted of four animals. and at the end of eight- toen minutes, the boys handed in cards on which they had marked their plac- ing of the classes. Fifty marks were given for the placing of each class and ï¬fty for the oral reasons. which were given individually to the Judges. mak- ing a possible of three thonsand marks for each team. Asmmmm Ho qukinoj-Ho Sprayingâ€"No Snuff Just' Swallow} a' cipsule Restores normal breathing, stops mucus gatherings in the bronchial tubes, gives long nights of quiet sleep; contains no habit-forming drug. $1.00 at your druggists. Send 4c in stamps for a generous sample. Templetons, 142 King West, Toronto. BAZ-Hï¬‚ï¬ The York County Junior Farmers are to be congratulated on having brought honour again to their county by their prowess in the Judging Ring. The J. I. F. A. were fortunate indeed to have such efï¬cient judges to represent them at the "The Royal." The uniformity of their work was evidenced by the fact that, of the three boys, each suc eeded in winning and individually prize, in addition to the team standing. Thos. Hastings, Markham. was the winner of the Gold Medal in Dairy Cattle. Lambert Wilson, of Aurora. won the Gold Medal in Beef Ca ttle and Dick Baycroft was the second highest man in the whole competition. In the second Annual Inter-county Stock Judging Competition held at the "Royal" on Monday the 10th, the boys fuom York County succeeded in captur- ing the Jeffrey Bull Memorial Trophy. The competition this year was except- ionally keen with 33 counties entered from all parts of Ontario. While there were only 28 points between the first four teams, the York boys by their steady, consistent judging were con- sidered to be we‘l in the running. even before the results were announced. rwlizwt that: a departmental repre- sentathe to aid agriculture is :1 val- uuhlv assest to the industry in any district. While SnuLh Simcoe tenders Mr. McCague hearty congratulations, it. has a subconscious feeling that this district has a dopartnmnvll represen- tative of outstanding ability. ELO C UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle i“ .7... , always be a certain amount (if preju- dice is admitted and that those who voice objections to a departmental re- presentative are net among lhe men whose none are participating in lb: 5. triumphs is ohivous, but among the great mass of observant: and reason- able farmers, it should by lhis_time be stock judging teams. Nowrcnmes Mr. Mu-Gngue’s success with his Bradfmd P I Club. " " " " The en- thusiasm among the bovs increased Ind was caught by their parents mud friends. \Vhen the time came to thihit and sell {he animals. mnet of the farmers in the Bradford district were down to Toronto to see and hem- the results. West Gwillimbm-y Won the: first place unmnz all contestants fnom the province of Ontzuiu. Tins- simial succelses scored by South Simcoe young farmers should go a long way towards dispflling the prejudice snum fur-mars of mutuie years entertain for the 10ml depart- mentl of agriculture. Thur, thgre will GUARANTEED RELIEF Stock Judging Competition R19 24 Kim: Street. West. Toronto. Soliciwrs for the Execuwrs. 2 DATED at Tmonm this 19H) day of November, 1923. late of the Village of Lansing, in the County of York, VVidnw. deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims ngninst the estate of the said deceased axe required to file same With the undersigned solicitors at, Room 12. ‘24 King Street. West, Toron- tn, duly Verified by satutory de~ clarutinn 0n l)l' before the 15th (lay of December. 1928. after which date He administrators will plo’tet’d to distrib-te the assets of Ihe said estate. having r9- | ference nnly to such claims as shall] have been properly filled pursuant to this netics. i MERGER BRADFORD & CAMPBELL. FRIDAY. NOV. 30â€"Fresh milk cows, springers and other cows at Wood. bridge Hotel, Elbe pr'npeI-ty of J . H. Brillinger. Sale at 1 o’clock. Tenns 6 months. J1 T. Saigeon. Auct. FRIDAY. Nov. 3)â€"Farm stack. imple- Klimt»~ etc.. lot 5, con. 6, Mmkhuml, Hagen-mun, the property nf W. A. Noble & Son. Sale at, lu'clock. Ten uwnths credit. Prentice 81 Prentice. Aucm neer. l o'cluck. Terms 10 months. Prentice & Prentice,~Aucts. MONDAY, DEC. B‘Registered and High- Grade Holstein cattle. horses, imple: Inents el,c., 10L 35, can. 1. Mnlkh m, Laugsmff. the property of F, N. Tomlinson. Sale at, 1 o'clock, sh»: p. Terms 11 minths. All Hulstrins must be sold. as the pruprietur is going out of the milk business. Prentice & Pit-mice. Aucts. FRIDAY, NOV. 23â€"Ontario Govern- ment horses. dump wagons, harnels, plows, road building outfits ete. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 10 months. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. SATURDAY, Nov. 24â€"Auction sale of milcb cows etc.. the property of Mr. Jfllllrs Stewart, lots 34 and 3:. cnu. 3. Vaughan. Posilixely nu reserve as proprietor-’5 barns and entire crop destroyed by ï¬re. Sale at one o'clock. Uzunernu \Valkingtun, Auct. SATURDAY, Nov. 24â€"Fau-m stock, implements, furniture, automhile etc, 1m; 2!. mm. 2. East; York, propuuy of W. Richmdsnn. Sale at 1 o’uluck. Terms 10 months. IRST CLASS GRAVEL AND SAND FOR SALEâ€"On lot 24, 3rd con., Vaughan, good road to pit. Apply to GEORGE REAMAN, proprietor Richmond St., Richmond Hill. 14-25 K OTICEâ€"E. Sluiey lS prepared to L do all kinds of trucking and carting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Phone Richmond Hill 98. 42 tf OR SALEâ€" Fresh cow, calf by side. _ Apply HERMAN R. MORTSON. (:‘rnrmley ILR. No. 2, Ont. Indep. phone. Stouï¬'ville No. 6113. 19-21 “OR SALEâ€"2 pure bled Bronze Tunkey Toms. 2 pure bred Guild strain. W Wyundotte cuckerels, 2 pure bred Guild strain, B Plvmoth Hock cnckerels. J. H. ELLIOTT, Willow Glove Farm. Richmond Hill R. R. 19â€"2] F UR COATâ€"Gel: your fur coat through E. R. FORTNER. corner Yonge and Richmond ï¬ts. dilect from one of the best, wholesale fnrrim-s, and save money. Every skin guaranteed. 19â€"21 l \ ANTEDâ€"A position as mother, " help or to dn light house “‘ul‘k. ' Apply at Liberal Office. 22 OR SALlflâ€"Heflexnculf. Apply L. HAWOR’I‘H, May Avenue, stop 24 Yonge Street. 19-21 0R SALEâ€"7 young; [igsx old. Apply M. l... ’1‘( May Avenue. Stop 24. IN THE MATTER of the Estate of r Three or four rooms suitable for light housekeeping. House with conveniences p1 eferred. Apply at, SLOAN'S DRUG STORE. 21 OSTâ€"A couple of weeks ngn. a. large white pig. Reward. WM, BURNS. phone 1860 Maple. 20-21 UEBEC HEATERâ€"Medium size, Quebec heater “auted. Apply Box 123 Post; Ofï¬ce. 21 RAN AND SHORTSâ€"A cm- of Ontario bran and shorts. Special price hy the ton. at, The Elevutr‘r. 21 OR SALEâ€"Bred to lay, prize winning Ban-red Rock cockerels. H. BENNETT,10L 26, con. 3. Max kham'. Notice to Creditors LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YCBK Patronage and influence respectfullygolicited CHRISTINA THOMPSON OUSE FOR SALEâ€"Enquire of GEOH‘S. SIMS, Richmond Hill. lO-tf URNISHED ROOMS \VAeryQ- Auction Sale Register Want Ads- P.O. address ' 171 Yonge Strerl, Town-tn, Gormley,RR Solicitors for the said applicant. 19-31 I igs, 3 months L. TOWNSEND. 21-23 20-21 f York. will apply to the Parlinuwnr, of Canada at the next sessinn lhuxcnf for a Bill of Divorce frnm hrr husband Wesley Oscur Castle of (hr said C:ty of Toronto. locomotive fireman. on the ground of ndultm-y and deseu tion. DATED at Toronto the Lb day nf Novemhar. 1923. anicP is here-by given that Florvnce Castle of the annship of Etnhimke in the County of Yul-k. in the Prnvim'e of Ontario. married woman, nr-w resident in the ’J‘ownihip of York in the County thize of Application for Divorce Phone 306, King. G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. 0° ‘A M PLES FR EE PAINTING, DECORATING Boot and Shoe Repairel All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good Workmanship Prompt Service ~_ 2 Doors South of Bakery _ .an Yonge St. W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper ‘Hanger. Walter S. Jenkins J. Harry Naughlon Res. Phone Res. Elgin Mills lill. 5048 R95. Phone 44.4 NAUGHTON & JENKINS Barristers Solicitor Notaries TelephOne Adelaide 2108 ‘ 85 Richmond St., West, 0flices{ Toronto. Naughton Block, Aurora. Solicitor for: Aurora. and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King, Whitchurch and Markham. We have good house: in North Toronto, also choice country homes of all sizes and the prices are right. Deal with an old established agency. 53 acres, good huuse, water inside. Fine bank bm-n. orchard and small fruits. 9 acres of excellmnt hush. only five thousand dollars. for quick sale. 100 acres, 7 roamed house, hank barn, level clay loam, hush pasture and spring creek. $7.500 easyterms, balance at 5%. $4.500 buys six-romned brick hn with furnace and electric lights. } terms. $3.800 buys G-rnnmed brick houseI Also sevexal other good homes. Number of farms with good hr ings. Wall Hangings - of - Artistic Charm Apply WESLEY B’JYNI‘ON Richmond Hill Phone 1 Vaughan Council The next; meetng of Municipality of ‘ held in the. Five houses for rent Farm Bargains MONDAY, DEC. GEO. KIDD Paper hanger and Painter SAM. SHEPHERD SKEANS a: HOO F’ER IGO'Woburn Ava, Tmohto, Phone, Hudson 0144. PROPERTIES LAGVROUND & son Phone 44 r Oxford Street at 10 n’clock I lhl‘ Tuwn Vel‘lore, on lg of the Council of the of Vaughan will he B. MCLEAN Phone 121 J 1023 hnus: 20-21 lvrk