O. l. RUDDELL, Doctor of Chiropractic. wispes m’announee to the People of Richmond Hill and Surrounding Cummumï¬y that she has Opened ofï¬ces on Yonee St.. above DAVIES DRY GOODS STOMP, ofï¬ces on Yonge s:., above mvms DRY GOODS STORE There will be no regular ofï¬ce hours on Sunday or w necessary appointments can be made. Ofï¬ce Hours: 2 tn 5 p.19; 730 8 p.111. 0. I. R‘ Phone: Ofï¬ce 117 Palmm‘ Crud! \ “*ANNi‘iUNCING; CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH SERVICE The 3rd Instalment of Taxes for 1923 is Due December lst. Prompt payment is necessary in order to secure the Discount. ()flivo hmus S : 1711;“. and 6 :8 p.m DI'LHLILLIAN LT. LA NUSTAFF. 013.301.?“ L. LANusrAr‘F t‘hone Day, 13-3. Night 75 znm'u Yomuc S12. RICHMOND HILL. Lar eStnckx of Pine and Hemlock, Shing ex, LuLh. Cedar Posts. Etc. fot yourquick convenience. Also dealers in Fihte Board. Ready Roofing. Asphalt Shingles, Fells. Eto. \Ve a-nemle our uwn Planing Mill, Siding. “wring. Moulding Frames. and Sash. Uaors, Etc. Perfectly manufactured. We Solici; your enquiries and Orders. Attention (mic;- llmu's 8 Ln 10 :mn. 1 Ln 2 zmd 6 Ln 8 p. m. 0mm and rosidl-noeâ€"Cenhe and (‘hurch Sta-Peta Richmond Hill Phone ‘NJJ. Pelham Nurseries H . SIMEON JOYCE (diseases nf “'SIVIIPH uml uhildxen.) Office hmu's I :3 p. m. Phone lUlL Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond Hill Street Richmond Hill; Contractors and Home Builders 'ummissinner. l‘nnveyuncer, Etc Insurance and R931] Estate Now :lcoepting pupils. Studio M thv home of Miss Hé'iSl CHOIR-LEADER AND ()RUANIS'I‘ I'IH'JSBYTERIAN CHURCH SI udio: ()vé: l\‘ UTA RY PUBLIC VOL. XLVI. RICHMOND HILL . Innes & Sons . J) '1‘()()I.J}CX7 DRS. LANGSTAFF PELHAM CUAFFEY Au Orders FillPd Prnmptly Fl REST-CLASS STOCK Phone Rlchmond Hill Idio: Ovér Mr. E 'l'uilt-I- Szoro. TENUR TEACHER OF SINGING I'IANIS'I' and TEACHER A) \istiv In All .50 per annum, in advance ‘. J. 9- WILSON Residence 121 NICHOJ Its Bl inun Playing Inches - Riclnuond Hill R. Fortnm 's PHONE 95 A. J. HUME, ‘v'illagre Treasurer. JLS A very interesting meetinpof [he Y.P.S. of theâ€" Preshyterinn Church. wus held 1 11 Monday night. The Chief feature of the Programme “7118’ the reading and Discussion of Frank Stocktnns Story "The Lady 01' The Tiqor.†The Young People are pre- paring fol‘ a. free lprture npxt Mondny evening. by Pro. Curnish of Toronto. on Egypt, in the day of "Tntankha- men.‘ The December meeting of the W. O. 'I‘. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. W. A._WrighL. Flower Mission Supt.. Tuesday evening, Dec. 4th. at So’clnck. Every member requested to attend. Impoutant. The New Drug Store The morning se-rvicp ducted _hy Rev. .1. E. a . . . . . .-. ;-- AuoLlllly' UI Uowm: Aw. Chm-uh. 'J‘nmntn. The pastur will speak at night, on The Prodigal Samâ€"«The Return to Self. The continual flow of people to our new drug store, opened on Sat- urday last, we are sat- isï¬ed is signiï¬cant: of success, for which we would express our ap- preciation, a s s u r i n g you of our continued efforts to give the best service by stocking all necessary Drugs, etc, AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES O. I. RUDDELL, Palmer Graduate Chiropractor . H. GLENN . H. GLENN Presbyterian Presbyterian Services Division Court Wednesday, but if 4..H~~ “In Essentials, Unity; will be con McIln-oy,_of ’lhe funeral was largely attended. many friends coming from distances. The several members of the deceased’s family were all present, as well as his brother: and sisters. Floral remem- brances were many and beautiful. among other: being a wreath of roses from the family: a sheaf of ‘mums from his four sisters, Mrs. Jcel King and Mrs. M. Aselstine of Sutton. Mrs. John Smith of Queensville. and Mrs. M, Phillips of Richmond Hill ; a wreath of ’mnms and rose: from Algonquin Masonic Lodge. Emsdale; a wreath from Malone Hasonic Lodge, Sutton ; a wreath from Richmond Masonic Lodge, Richmond Hill: sheaf of tales {rem The funeral, at Richmond Hill on Fri- day afternoon, was conducted by Rich- mond Lodge. No. 23. Rev. J. W. Mc- Intosh. minister of the Presbyterian Church. of which body the deceased was an adherent. read the Scriptuies and Ipoke briefly on the uncertainties of life. The Masonic service was read by R. \V. Bro W. H. Legge. and those acting as pail-bearers were R. \V. Bros. J. H. Huniop and H. A. Niohoils, \V. Bros. D. Hill. Geo. Cowie. T. H. Trench (all of Richmond Lodge). and \V. Bro. Ha.†Linney. of Bracebridge. who rep- resented Alonquin Lodge. The body was laid to rest in the family plot at Queensville. Mr. Grant was born in Camden town- ship. Addington County, June 9th. I853. He moved from Napanee to Exnsdaie almoat thirty years ago. From them he moved with his famin to Sutton, and eight years ago purchased the Hotel Richmond at Richmond Hill, where he has since resided. "A former citizen of Emsdale‘ Mr. Ezra B. Giant. who for several yelrs conducted the Emsdale Hotel and who wan well known as a prog:essire type ofman, died at his home at Richmond Hill on Wednesday afternoon, Novem~ beerst. The following account of the death of Mr. Ezra Grant will appear in' this Week'silsue of the Huntsville Forester, and has been forwarded to us for puin cation: EZRA GRANT DIES AT RH‘HMOND HILL. AND IS LAID T0 REST \\'I'IH MASON“: HONORS. While trying to pull out. their potalo laden truck and pass a buggy driven by Ambrose Canning, u. young lad, at 7 o‘clock last Thursday night, on the rind running near the farm of Juhn Hodgen, A short, distance south of Jefferson, Kenneth Burt and Harrison Telfer, both of Elmvale, hacked too far, and their truck overturned inl') a ditch, taking fire and burning them severely. as they 1in pinned he- ueath. The two young men had snow on their windshield, and failed to see the approach of the buggy until it was close upon them. Fortunately n radial car happened along. and driver, con- ductor and passengers immediutely rushed to the rescue, and pulled the two men from beneath the tru:k. which was sonn'reduced to its iron- work. Miss Gamble. and Miss Hcdgrn. two nurses, ulsu were quickly on the scene. and after skilfully rendering firstâ€"aid, had the patients placed in an ambulance and rpshed Lu 'l‘nruutu General Hospital. At the hospital it was ascertained that Mr. Teller h-id both legs severely burned. and that his conglition was critical. Mr. Burt w‘ s burned on the right four, but his cou- ditiou was otherwise. good. â€"â€"__Q.-A ~* FORMER EMSDA‘.E CITIZEN DIES Brought Here for Burial Badly Burned in Non-Essentials, Liberty; .. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 29. 1923 Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest; notice, and at reasonable rates. No charge for trans petty sold. Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL Houses and luts m1 Ruse-view. Rich- mond. Arnold and Ynnge Sis. To rentâ€":5 mmu housr‘, furnace. gnod Int, near Elgiu Mills on Yonge Street. Properties at anh Ne wmux ket. $525 will secure you an building site on the was Church St. $3,000 will buy one of the best 100 acres in Markham Township. " Brick house. bunk barn. stun? stables under, ulher large barn. other buildings. Terms easy. Pupil of j. E. Nuwtun Mudâ€"B. H. Cal-man. Pupils sum-essfully propuri‘d for Cun- servutory I‘Ixumiuminn. Studio, Gentle St. W.. (21-3111) Richmond Hill. Plume S8 RICHMOND STREET. Rxcaunsn 1111.1 lic-pwsenling MISS VERDELLA DONER Centre Street, West Besides brothers and sisters, Mr. Grant is survived by his widow, ï¬ve sons. and four daughters. viz : \Vaiiie. of Toronto: Harold. Stewart. Bart and Lyle at home; Mrs. George Andri-ws. of Massey. Ont, and Misses Blanche, Gladys. and Aileen at home." IRIS WOODHEAD Mr. and Mrs \Vm. Pugsley; sheaf of rose: from ()ï¬eId & Cotton: and sprays from Mr. and Mrs. Ezra King. Miss Ethel Taylor (Toronto). Mr. and *5. T. E. Atkinson (Toronto). Mr. Neléon Draper and family (Toronto). Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lowther (Toronto). Mr. and _.__ \-v.‘,...v,. Au..r-uu Mrl. James Neï¬porb (Willowd‘nle), and from Mr. Marty Morden and sister, Miss Morden. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of NM»! York [NQl'IRlES SULICITl'II) Miss Lockhart, Soloist, old St. Andrew's C. gold medalist. 7 Miss Anna Hunter, Soloist. Mrs Garrick, Elocutionist. Mrs Osmond Wright. Accompanist. The Programme will ensure a rare treat as each 4 artists has a well earned reputation for ability. The of tickets are reasonable for the high character of the tainment. ‘AMBROSE L. PHIPPS Loans, Insumnc CHILD ENTERTAINER TOE AND CLASSICAL DANCER Ingagemems accepted for Banquets and High-Class Concerts AT 8 O’CLOCK Among the Artists will be Mr. and i Teacher of Pianu Playing At the Presbyterian Church RICHMOND HILL FRIDAY EVENING, (ST. ANDREW’S Nmm J. T. SAIGEOIN Maple alronhge sol'cited in all things, Charity NOVEMBER 30; 1953“ PIANIS'I‘ YOU WILL NOT FORGET THE (,Lm in] “'01 k. £11m Richmond Hill 23-23 Mill my pro~ -xcellent side of in Scotch Songsâ€" and A supply of all sizes of An- thracite Coal on hand; also [Hazel Coal at $13.00 and 1Pocohontas Coal at $15.00 idelivcred. These are good l domestic fuels. (Tul‘. ) Pianist, Organist, Accompanist O: ganist and Chan-master Deer Park Presbyterian Church, Toronto. Teach?! in Richmond HM on Satur- days. Pupils prepared for n]! examinatiom. Temporary Studioâ€"Home of Mrs. A L. Phipps. 13 ring 2. 31-21. 21 K130 ST. WEST, TORONTO, CANADA I‘ELEPHONE MAIN 3]]: Cable Address: “Dede Arthur A. Mucdonald [Hank Dt-ntnn Laura Demon. B. A. HAROLD HOLGATE ‘ @ELLIOTTg \ Denton, Macdonala a: Benton Also a good. supply of Slabs, Hardwood, Feed 5, Glutin, Bran and Shbrts, Cracked Corn and Corn Mea1,. and the very best of Scratch Feed at $2.65 th. Monarch, Pastry Leaf Flours at [h up [051 NOW IS THE TIME TO THINK OF YOUR WINTEK’S FUEL. & qpmugc I LY PKEPARES IT PAYS . ANDREW'S NIGHT) ‘1‘ A, Yongc and Charles Sta temrhuls (kc. mm 1)! [he s PUBUB NOTIGE . and Mrs. McRoberts Barristers. Solictors. 6m Maxmxa ARCADE. ELLIOTT [Single c'opies, 3 01:5 .‘It TO GET SUPERIOR TRAINING $1M Andrew's Church and \\ umeu for pm-i ngmyhms. acuonnt wv-Ier-uiu , couxmer T'l y time [his veg m Catalogue 1is year secured e‘nt try and Maple the Elevator. [#33 . me pnce of the enter- RING IFA 1 mum h . $2000 No. 22 8P? '0 [‘0 ate of the this and and