Leave Orders at Sloan's Drug Store, Richmond Hill. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. From th: Toronto Conservnturv cf _ V I MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TO RONTO Teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarben R’upils passed for Oonielvatory Ex- aminations. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. F. GORDON 000x THOMAS DELANY BAmus'rER. Somcrroa. No'run E'rr Tomnto Ofï¬ce. 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. \Vest. Richmond Hill Oï¬ï¬‚ce (‘ Liberal Oflice). every Thursday forenoon. Mapie, Thursday'afternnon. Woodbridze, Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Current Rate Canndian Tenor and Choir Leader Sulniar, North Pnrkdale Methodist Church, is prepared tn receive pupils n Richmnnd Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty's. Arnold St. Particulars can be obtained by calling. Phone 22 Ring ll. ‘29- A large stock of Kept. at the I‘l'lllll LL.» .l\ll\luy\- Music. will accept HQI-[Ylllnbel‘ Lf pupils in Piano, Vucal and -: Theory. -:- Richmond Hill, Friday and Batnrday For information Phone 110. Mus. MYLKS. A1 the Rolfe Shoe Repair JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 7 The Maple Sand. Gravel and 15 Uumpanv, Lt'd, have on hand for s UeIuenL drain tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 Culvert. tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 i (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the load in car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles sale. T. COUSINS, ‘l â€"_n WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIUNVILLE The Rolte Shoe Repair Store Next to Village Clerk’s Ofï¬ce Sand, Gravel. Tile and Brio}; Adelmo Melech and Miss Rosalind Bush 1.. T. C. M. ()l‘ PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT “’ATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS Cor. Arnold & Yonge. Repairs to boots and Shoes are Done on Time Every Time All the Time Best Material and Workmanship PEN ALL DAY AND EVERY DAY XCEP’I‘ “WEDNESDAYS AND SUNDAYS BUILDERS SUPPLIES JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lach Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Fihreboard Roofings Gyprock Tar paper Wa‘noard Bqungpan WILLIAM COOK THORNHILL. ONT. A. ROLFE, PROPRIETOR STORE . HENDERSOP Wm. C. Ruttan Lc'd. have min tile. 3. of Funeral Furnishing the above places and Bripk nnh 8 in. 20 inch Manager load 01 sale. for When Mr. Lloyd George made his tour through the United States, he said some very plain things to the Americans regarding their tardiness in getting into the into war, and their present attitude relative to the League of Nntions. But the British statesman did it in such a way that no offence was taken. The Telegram does not believe in soft; words. In I from: page cartoon Uncle Sam is represented as a man who wants to boss everything but pays for nothing. Although late, the United States did much in bringing the war ton close. May we not hope that our neighbors will yet see their way clear to take their place beside other nations whose aim is to settle differences by azueful solutions. SAFETY FOR ALL "Safety for all†appears to be a most desirable slogan in this day and generation when too many chances are taken by the average individual. Increased safety is a demand that should be made by modern industry, as accidents reported to our Pro- vincial Compensation Board have shown a very large increase in 1923 over the same period in 1922; in fact, each month in 1923 so far has averaged neaer 1.000 more accidents than in 1922. This must give con- siderable food for thought to manage- ment and men, for both employer and employee stand to lose time and money by the preventable accidents occurring in industry to-day. It has been truly said ‘ accidents do not happen, they are caused,†and in many cases it must be apparent that certain conditions or practices are bound to lead to accidents. For this reason those vitally interested in in- dustry in Canada, and that means all of us in the country, should take a share in securing greater safety for all. “Nobody knows better than Lloyd George that :he United States will contribute neither effort, money nor unselfish counsel to the establishment of presperity in EuropeI or the restoration of the European market for Old Country products.†53 acres. good house. water inside. Fine bank barn, orchard and small fruits. 0 acres of excellent bush. only five thousand dollars. for quick sale. We have good houses in Numb Toronto, ulso choice country homes of all sizes and the prices are right, 100 acres. 7 roomed house, bank barn level clay loam, bush pasture and spring creek. 87.500 easy terms. balance at 57.. luuuuuun, -v" Telegram spoke those kind words reâ€" garding a Liberal, Sir Gouin was reâ€" ported to be a very sick man. We must not be too hard on The Tele- gram. Wo can remember two or three other occasions on which that newspaper spoke well of Liberalsâ€" but of course they were dead ones. I ku u “1...- a Liberal. Tho Exprels-Hersld furs that the Toronto journal can't be well, Ind suggests that nphyliclan be consulted. w vuu-unvvu. The Newmarket paper should raâ€" member, however, that when The Telegram a_poke those kind words reâ€" . ,~!,A n-..1n man no IS THE TELBGRAM W Lu; r The Newmarkoc Express-Herald in an editorial psragraph lam week, drow attention to the fact. that The Evenlng Telegram had paid a well desorved tribute to sir Lomer Gouinâ€" ‘; r--â€" A Farmer Who Guve His Health for His Son John ls a big framed. heavy-h..nded farmer. wlth a. gentle voice and grey eyes that beam out hopefully at you from behind ateel-rlmmed spectacles. John wanted hlt boy to be a. doctor. so he worked hard. early and late, cultlvatlng hls rocky acres to save the money. He got run down, had _tv_vo or three attacks or the 'Fluâ€"untii be got so weak he couldn't work and after some fainting spells and en- forced medical attention he learned the dire newsâ€"tuberculosis. If Mr: John had been living probably be roam have had better care and better 00 . He was received at the Muskoka Hospital for (‘onsumptives and now with skilled medical and nursing attendance, and the wonderful air 0! Muskoka to bring health to the tired lungs. John is actually getting better. and he is an enthusiastic booster for the Hospiiai. He believes he is well enough now. after ten months. tn go back to the farm. but on the doctor‘s "advice" he W. A. C Toronto. Deal with an old established agency. Farm Bargains 160 Wohul‘n Ave., Toronto. Phune, Hudson 0144. J. GROUND 8: SUN, TELxGRAM WELL ? ade is well enough now, . to go back to the doctor's "advice" he nake Sure there wll! aid Muskoka Hos- ay be sent to Hon 23 Conege Stree‘ that farm. but nd his boy tc 22-21 I Mr. Srutchbury. trade commissioner for Alberta. is now in Ontario with the purpose of making known to our people the hots of the coal eupplies of ls own provinces. Whilein the west during the past emmner, I tried to learn all that. I could about western coal. realizing in part at least the importance of its wonderful deposits and their capacity to meet the need of our fuel consum- ore. Having had the opportunity of meeting Mr. Stutehbury and othere in the west and of discussing with them these matters. has givvn me some con- ception of the practicability of the opportunity that is now presented to ou_r people. ,, A u.-. -5--- Mr. Stutcbhui‘y came out to discuss the alluation with me. us he will he nL Tumnm for some weeks. I hupe that if the citizens of Richmond Hill and vicinity express n wish to hear him that he will come nut to address us upon thisnew possible developmental Udlmda's industrial activitlt‘s. HENRY MUYLE P, S. The price from the Furmers' Co-Operative to their purchasers was $12.50 per ton on the out at National Railway stations, those living along the Unnadian Paciï¬c had tn ply an extra charge to tth company. :1 I‘ Not, only did the United States government. fail in this basic service. but to that, sin of omission it added trucit permission to their run] barons to with bold supplies. to demand out- rageous prices and to supply very in- terior products. that have antagonized the people of Ontario until we are ready to accept any relief that is offerâ€" od us. What seemed to be impossible has proved to he a practical \vny of re- lief viz" that the distant coal ï¬elds of Alberta are open to supply the needs of Ontario. The public owner- ship of our nation-l railway has brought the possibility to our people. We on indebted to the lhility and readiness of the President and General Manager of our National line, for the tentative shipments that brought 15000 tons of Albert»: coal to Ontario consumers and has enabled them to test tho quality and value of our west- ern coal, The resultm so far as I can learn has been one of general accept- ance and approvnl. Although we hue not been so for tunate as to have any brought to Richmond Hill it has gone to many other places. The Farmers' (Jo-Opera- tive received twenty-ï¬ve cars which were sent to as many different stu- tions that I am told unve entire satis- faction. To the advantage of its free burning quality is added fuller com- bustible elements that Pntirely con- sume the goal, leaving hula. very small prrcentage of ash and no slag or clinkers to be sifted or cause trouble. In a trial made at. Toronto from 2 tons of Alberta mm! but. 901m of ashes were left and neither slug nr clinkers. while anthra 'te gave over 40 per cent. of such wnsufx “ My cunceplion of citizenship de- mands that. natuul products which arc necessities nf life e. 3.. coal. water etc.. should he hold by all IOVGI nmeuts as national slorehouses. from which the people should receive practically at cost needed supplies for their require- ments and especially so for protection from the cold of our northern clim- n W. The death occurer early Monday mmning of Simon Shlmk. «Red 78 years. at his houw, 608 Runnymede mud. The deceased gentleman, who was bum in Edgeley, Ontario. came to 'l‘urnnto about, seventeen yvnru ugn. and had been living here retired. H0 is survived by his wife. one son and one daughter. The funeral, was held Wednesday ufternoon at 3 o'clouk from his lute residence to Park Lawn Cemetery. The ant, meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, Vellmv. on ""I‘eriï¬ï¬Ã©lls to ml as one that offers rplief from the burden of the exploita- tion and proï¬teering of United Stat» coal operators and shippers, that has become intolerable. by their piLlleas disregard of the rights of our people as common cilizens of North Amer-lot. 75c Mutual L'a'fe assurance Company IS a Canadian Institution, and is the property nf the Policy Hulders them- selves. This fact enables you to secure Lif? Insurance at Cost. There is No Substitute for Life In- slll-nuce. Enquiries solicited. Vaughan Council C. H. BYAM, Agent, Maple. Ont. 21-611) - Phone 232. MONDAY, DEC. 3, 1923 The Availability of Albert: Call School Supplies of all Kinds at the iberal Office at. l0 u’clock J. B. MCLEAN. Clerk. HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. MONDAY, DEC. B-Registeiel and High- Gmde Holstein cattle, horses, imple: menu el,c., lot 35, con. 1. Muithm, Langstal’f, the property nf F. N. Tomlinson. Sale at. 1 o'clock, sharp. Terms 11 months. All Hulatvins must he sold. as the pruprietnl' is going out of the milk business. Prentice 81 Pienlice. Aucts. Fumnr. Nov. 30â€"Fresh milk cows, springers and other cows at Wond- hridge Hotel. [the property of J. H. Brillinger. Sula at, 1 o’clock. Terms 6 months. J; T. Saigeon. Auct. FRIDAY. Nov. 30â€"Farm stonk. inlple~ ments etc. lot 5, can. 6, Markham, Hagan-man, the property of W. A. Noble & Son. Sale at 1 o’clock. Ten munch: credit. Prentice & Prentice. Auctioneer. SATURDAY, DEC. lâ€"Pmt-poned sale of Government horses, dump wagont. lain-new. pl ms eta. the prom-11y of Publ '- Wow-ks Him-m tmvnl. nf Almour Heights, Wesi Yurk. Stop 26, Yonge Sheet. Sale all] n':'lnck. Terms 10 munths. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. THURSDAY. DEC. 6â€"Auction sale of birch. cedur, hemlock etc.. lots 4 and 5, con. 4 Wnitchurcb. the property nt'_ Jahn Ash. Sale in 1 o'clock. Terms 6 months. F. W. Silver-ides. Auct. ' ’Vidgmi; and King Townships All VaneLiPs of Fruit, and Ornamental Troes. Rmes, Shl'llbi, Ind Bulbs. Standard Stock. I will take care (If your interests nnfl give you A Square Deal. Agent for the PELHAM NURSERY COMPANY â€" Richmong! Hill, _\Vesl. Walter S. Jenkins Res. Phone Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 85 Richmond St... West, Ofï¬ces { Toronto. Naugbton Block, Aurora. Solicitor for : Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Township: of King. Wbitchurch and Markham. IRS’I‘ CLASS GRAVEL AND SAND FOR SALEâ€"On lot 24. 3rd con., Vaughan, good road to pit. Apply to GEORGE REAMAN, roprietor] Richmond St... Richmnnl ill. 14-25 OR SALE CHEAPâ€"1 Ymklhire low with 9 My. 6 week: old, 1 YOIIsbire hour. 1 year old. 20 chunks, 60 feeders. 2 well bred aqu. due in Dec. FRANK BARKER, Stop 24 Yang. Street. 22~23 W. HEWISON PARLOR COOKâ€"For sale a parlor cook. and heater combined 815, complete. Mus. S. SHEPPARD, Oxford Itreet. 22-23 RELIABLE WOMANâ€"Would like day work. household duties or cooking, vicinity of Thurnhill ur Rich- mond Hill. Apply Box X lliherul Ofï¬ce. 22 W1; holstein bull, from a good milk strain. lot 81, con. 8. Markham. A.Nmn.Gormley. 22-23 HM. 5048 213m Phone 232, MAPLE, ONT: C. H. BYAI‘I Defies Rust! NAUGHTON 5: JENKINS OUSE FOR SALEâ€"Enqqu g ‘gf 'lhere's one big point about "Toronto" Stable Equip- ment which makes me spec- ially proud to sell it. It's the fact that the galvaniz- ing thoroughly covers and completely coats both 'the inside and the outside of the steel tubing with pure zinc spelter. This “hot†process makes it absolutely rust- defying and proof ' strong stable acids for the maximum period. This is a mighty valuable feature. Let me explain some of the many others. Or get some of the inter- esting Toronto Literature. (moJï¬sf Sms, Richmnï¬d Hill. 104: ORONTO Want Ads. Auction Sale Register J. Lunau, Agent Richmond Hill l I la; J. Hurry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 Notice is I} ‘v given that Flora-me Castle of thee"?- fvnship of Etnbicoke in the County 01 York. in the Prnvim-e of Ontarin, mahied woman, now resident in the Township of York in the County f York. will apply tn the Pulliamenr, uf Canndd: at. the next. SPsSinn Ihuxenf for a Bill of Divm-ce frum hvtr husband Wesley O§Cnr Castle of lhr- said Cvty of gTomntu, low-motive fireman, on lhe 4 ground of udultr‘ry and desertinn. J DATED at Tommie the GLh day of 1 Novemlwr. 1923. ELOCUTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of SAMPLES FREE PAINTING, DECORATING Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. bcudio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thomhill. Ont 30 tf G. HILL, Oak Ridges I" O. All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good Workmansth Prompt Service 2 Doors South of ' Bakety 7 ion Yonge St. Boot and Shoe Repairer Solicitors for {be said applicant. 19.33 Phone 306, King. Notice of Application for Divorce Wall flingings - 0 - ‘ Artistic Charm WWIWMHNHIWHIIIHIH Save her many fatiguing miles GEO. KIDD What more welcome Xmas Gift for you'r wife or mother than an ex- tension telephone? The time and strength used in running up and down stairs to answer or make telephone calls can be better employed. Extension telephones cost only $1.24 a. month! The charge for install- ing is only $1.00! They are a wonderful con- venience. If yoil order now, We 'can install an Extension telephone for Christmas. Paper hanger and Paimer SAM. SHEPHERD SKEANS & I Ev. ry Bell Tllophone is a Lon] Dialance Station Phone ‘44 r 3‘2. ()l Oxford Street lifllililllllll nnnmnunnmmnmn 6