Ronm 3, Report for November JR. IIIâ€"Nelda Davis. Mary Drury, Aileau Beynun. Isobel McLean. Marguerite Thumpsmm, Philip Graham. Kennvth Frisby. Graham Ellis, Jimmy Grainger, Bessie Kyle, Johnny Blanch- urd, Alfred Stung, Enoch Batty, Lyle [Richmond Hill Public School Report Dou'l, forget, t‘o come to the Bazaar nu Tuesday, December 11th, in the 301100] room of the Methodis‘ Church. Sale at useful and fancy artir‘ies. mmdy and home-made COIhking eta. Hot; be m supper served from 5.30 lo 7.30. co heart. at. 8 o'clock. The following artists will take part: Mrs. (Run) Lambert Min Margaret Derry Mils Mmgaret McCague Miss Eileen Atkinson Misses Connie Mortson and Nomi \Vnrren Miss Isabel “file Miss Rhoda Barker Miss Myra Cruicksbnnk Mrs. 0. L. VVi-igbt, Pianist. Suppor and concert. adults 35 cents: children under 12 years, 25 cents; concert alone, 15 centé The school~r00m of the Prelhytorinn Church was well-ï¬lled on Monday oven- ing for the open meeting of the Young Poople’l ‘Bociety. President Allan MacNab occupied the chair and con- ducted the meeting in a very capable Why. The programme consisted of two vocal selections by Mrl Jean Anderson Third. Scotch px-imadonnn. and an illus- trated lecture by Professor G. A. Ohuut of the Faculty of Education. To- ronto; on “ Egypt in the Days of Tu'- ankhamen.†It was a high-class enter- tainment and wns greatly enjoyed. Mr. H. B. Stirling operated the lan- tern. Next Moany nigh: Mrs. Meln- tosh will give a Travel Talk on "Rome." You've got to keep on walking; One Word won't tell folks who you are, You’ve got. tn keep on talking; ()ne inch wun’t make you very tall. Yau'wz got. to keep on gm-winc: Que litlle nd won't do it all‘ V. vâ€"ll~-M-J' uuu. la, IIL a p. Ill. JII'S- A. A. Perry will give a repork nf‘tbe convention held in Toronto recsntly. Busincss of special interut will be dis- cussed. Answer the roll call with a a Christmas quotation. Reeve Trench, Mr. John Dunlop. Principal Stewart. uf the High School. Mr. J. McLatchy. and Mr. Harty WI Morden. Inspector \V. W. A. Trench and Mr. W.H. Pugsley. had the how ur of attending the York County Lunch- lelon 4!: Government House on Wednes- ay.‘ The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mn. Norman Glass, on \deendny, Def: [2}, nt 8 p. m. Mrs. A Mls. Dunald J. Hem-icks announces the engagement of her eldest daughter. Rosana Amelia, to Mr. Uharles Nur- umn S. Brodie, son of the Lu:- Charles and Mrs. Brodie, both of Gnrmley. Marriage tu take place curly in December. COMING â€" EYESIGHT SPECIALIST â€" Dr. F. E. Luke. Optometrist, 167 Yonge SL. Toronto, at Sloan's Drug Stole, Richmond Hui, Tuesday 8f cr- noon, Decrmber 18th. from 1.30 p.m. IOBPJH. Glasses if required at light )1: icus. 1.3.24 Free auto service 0 and frmn Elgin Mills Pavilion, on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 14, for the Fowl Suppvr to be held lhexe under the auspices of the KC. Churches of Richmond Hill, Thornlï¬ll. and Lansing. LvL’s no. Rubt. Johniton, of The Liberal amt, spent. Friday and Saturday last In 0.qu Sound. He found the town a lmsy hive of industry, and gncouuu red nmny old friends while there. Mr. Telfoz‘d. of Elmvale, the yuung umu \\'h.) was so badly burned a shot distance north of Richmond Hill, “ hen the truck mertm'ued in‘o u ditch, dwd in the General Hospital. Mr. George B. Pudgel, Rem-e (.f Muklm’m ’luwnship, and \Varden (It Y0lk County, was presented with a gt ld bended came by his colleagues last ‘1 hursduy evening. Bells, guxlanda, tinsel, holly ribbon crepe. red and green xibbon crepe. artificial snow. in fact everything you rsquire for Uhriutmus decorations. At the Liberal Store. You are invited to the Bazdvr Shower in the School Room of the Methodist Church, this (Thursday) evening. from 7.30109 p. m. One snip won't _take you verv Mr. Cecil Harding represented Rich- mond Hi“ Hockey Club at. the 0. HA. convention, held in Toronto last week. Rev. J. \V. McIntosh. attended the meeting of the Toronto Preshylexy on Tuesday. A large assortment of Christmal greeting cards, tags and seah. is on display ut Sloan's Drug Store. Beeye _ Trench, Mr‘ Pictulo books. Christmas booklets and cards, at The Liberal Store. A Kodak makes an ideal Christmas gift. At, Sloan's Drug Store. u'rL- gun U. keep them going. _ ,7 h ,_.V .-. ._ _'ve got to kvep on_ walkmg; Young Peoples Society M. C. Bun: Plowman moan. 81 rtuk {Sloan’s Store Friday is Bargain Day for the Printing of Calling Cards. on the evening of Mnnday, Decem- ‘ The Council met in the Clerk's nmca [ bar 3. .. nnndinm ....,l ....¥£,_,_ 5, , .- Considerable discussion took place regarding the cnndiliun of the H'HugP roudS. and on motion it was decidtd to p v cure a (z luad nf stone from I] o \Vilcm: Luke Brick Cu. Council adjourned. stating proposition Messrs. L. Hill and A. G. Sarago- intu-viewed the Council with a view to umking m-mngmuents fur the use of lhelul‘rna for hm:k(-'_V dming the coming smwn, and after disL-ussinn agreed to send a letter to the Council Moved by Councillor Hill aecundrd by Councillor Lumu that renders hv culled fur the :mana canan privileg s for the can ing Ska-9““, tender: to to for 11 straight, cash mnuunl m nn H percentage basis on the toLal receiptsâ€"- Curried. t I ie Cook, Morley Snnltrs. Eliza- }beth Rumble, Burnett buliLh. Adele “Savage, (Teddy Philpot, Austin Tuck wmd Clifford Jenkins equal.) Marjorie i \Vullis. Gordon Petch. Harold Horton. Reggie \Vnrreu, Betty Williams. Donald Tennyson, Christine O'Leary. Mac Tennyson. A request from the Fire Brigade fut [lose and other necessary Pquipuwul was read, and an motion iL was decided to purchase aqu. ORATORICAL AND CONCERT WORK The-Electrical Enéinéers repan re- supply of powvr lu Rumble Avenue was read but nothing definite was de- cided (in. Ath- reading and cnnfm'ming the minutes of previous met-Ling account! Were pn$sed “mailing $3.131. Christmas Greeting Cards Village Council RICHMOND HILL Make some one happy this Christmas with an‘ Eastman Kodak or Brownie Camera. From $2.00 to $30.00. We shall be pleased to show them to you. We have a large assortment, moderately priced. It will pay you to pick yours out early and get the best choice. We also have Christmas tags, post cards, Ch‘nudian Tenor and Choir Leads-r Soloist, Nurth Parkdule Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupil: in Richmond Hill on'ThuIsdays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty's. Arnold St. Particulars can he obtained by call- ing, Phuue 22 Ring 11. 29- KODAKS Wm. C. Ruttan seals, etc. TYNDALL-â€"-() n l923. on Ric Bi“, Ln Mr. 8 daughter- Defies Rust! There's one big point about "Toronto" Stable Equip- ment which makes me spec- ially proud to sell it. It's the fact that the galvaniz- ing thoroughly covers and completely coats both the inside and the outside of the steel tubing with pure zinc spelter. This “hot†process makes it absolutely rust- defying and proof against strong stable acids for the maximum riod. This is u might: valuable feature. ht meexplain some of the many others. Or get some of the inter- esting Toronto literature. J Lunau. Agent Richmond Hill and Mrs. F: ST Huth Jeanette. BIRTHS Saturday, December 1. lun_op_d SE, Richmond Call by phone or otherwise promptly goummmommmw O JOHN R. CAMPBELL Special attention given to sales 0! every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and Sold on commission. Allsules at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the must approved methods. chirnnage solicited. 415 Balliol 312., Toronto. Phone Hudson 1347 w LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO \Vorkman's Cottages. $300 to $50‘ cash and easy monthly payments. These cottages will he built of ‘nrick or frame as desired on thin Ly-foot lots im- mediately Pall" of the Fair Grounds. For full particulars Write or see W. J. LAWRENCE. _ 1974 Yonge St. nL-_4A I'I,‘ u-I- Phones Hudson 1515â€"14â€"70: Buildimz Lots, $4.00 In $10.00 per ft. $1.00 per ft. cash; balance, your own terms. ROSEVIEW GARDENS Ofï¬ce W‘WWWW Richmond Hill Branch: Richmond Hill DR. M. B. WELLWOOD VETERINARY SURGEON. 'l‘hornhill. As the cold weather is near at hand, you will be needing heavier clothing. I am prepared to make €901; good Heavy Overcoats, hand-made lrom $38.00 up. Indigo blue serge suits for either ladies or men 42.00 up. These suits are made to your measure right here. Tweed suits made by hand $35.00 up. Ready-made suits. $18.00 up. Ready-made over-~ coats, 32000. You will be surprised at these low prices, it you call and examine the cloth. lew children’s coats from $6.00 up. CLEANING AND I’RESSING NEATLY DONE Uï¬icezâ€"Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Ofï¬ce Hours: 10-12; 6-8 RICHMOND HILL TRENCH’S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building paper, Tar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- [lies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel chains, Curry combs and Brushes : Stoves and Ranges -: c. N. COOPER Richmond Hi1 [loul's 9n COOPER’S HARDWARE DENTIST. Trench Black. two doors nm'th uf Stundmd Bank. FALL ANNOUNCEMENT Ofï¬ce E. R. FORTNER . L. R. BELL 911."). to 5.30 p.m. Telephone 3‘ I’r e l V nice , MANUFACTURERS ‘ifty Years of Banking STANDARQ BANK Ladies and Gents’ Clothier and Tailor. FARMERS GRAIN and CATTLE DEALERS MERCHANTS PHONE 93 offer a complete service Electul's are called upon to exnmine the said List, and if any omissions of any other errors are found therein [0 take- immediate pruc~edings to have lthe said errors corrected according to aw. A. J. HUME, Clank 0' the said Municipality. Dated this 27th dav of Nnv. 1923. 2223 NOTICE is lwrtâ€"hy given lhatI have transmitted or (leliw‘rul tn the pensons mentioan in Ffl‘tviuns Eight. and Nine uf the Ontnrin "Votels‘ List Act†the copies I'vquired by said sections to he transmitted or delivewd (f the List made pursuant to said Act of all per- snns appeming by lhe last I’m-vised Assessnwnt Roll of the suid Mun'ciâ€" palily at E'ecLions for Men lllPl‘S of the Legislative Assembly and u Municipal Elections; and that the Said List. was first posted up in my office at the Villvge hf Richmond Hill, on the 27th day uf November 1923, and romains thei'e for inspection. '0 MMISSXONER, CON VEYANCER J._ EDWARD FRANC NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. School Supplies of all Kinds at the Liberal Office Municipality of the Villago of VOTERS’ LIST, 1923 THE CANADA RICHMOND HILL and MUNICIPALITIE . Harrington, Manager COUNTY OF YORK Phone 95 for 524