Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite 5H McKinnon Bldg. 001‘. Jar-don and Melinda Sts., Toronto. Mr. Campbell will ‘19 at. Th:- Liberu Oflice. Richmnnd Hill. evely Tuesday aternoon. Macnaughton & Campbell A. CAMERON MAUNAUGHTUN ‘FREDERH‘K . LOAMPBELL Drugqists ~' 7â€" Guaranteed C7110 fqï¬z‘i/eemedy ï¬rms/ms, £91.05, BRONCHITIS 100% RETURNS Tvl ph' 119 Main 3631. J. Lunau. Agmt, Richmond Hi1 For Sale at You want to get the most out of the money and labor you are putting into ï¬elds of corn and beef and dairy cattle? Then you can't afford to be without a good siloâ€"like my "Toronto" Silo. It supplies the equivalent of rich June pasturage all through the winter. It quickly pays for itself in more milk and healthier cattle. "Toronto" Silos are made of double tongued and grooved staves of selected spruce. treated with creosote. Silage juices do not affect treated wood. You get 15% extra capacity. due to the special "Toronto" Hip Roof construction. I'll be glad to talk about these splendid dividend-payer: at any time. ’UOMPANY â€" Richmond Hill, \VesL Vaughan and King Townships All Varieties of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Roses, Shl'llbi. and Bull’s. Stundatd Stock. I will take care of your interests and give you a Square Deal. Agentrfor the EELHAM EURSERY 21.6111 Phone 232. MAPLE. ONT. Are you a Subscriber ? C. II. BYADI Tenders will he reuuived up tn noon on Snlunduy. DH'. 15. for the- Arena Canteen pxivilvgos fur Llw cunning winter season. ASIHMA Tenders Wanted In view of the near approach of the Annual Municipal Elections, and the increasing interest manifested therein, the attention of thv- Ratepayers is di- rected to the By law in force in the Vil- lage. an extract from which is printed on the Tax Bill and which reads: “All persons who fail to pay their taxes on or before the llth (now la'nh) day of December next plecelling the Annual lCl'rctiun shall be excluded from the Voters' List in accnrdnnce with the Slatute in sun-h case made and 11:0- vided.†Tender‘x may In- for a percentage lmsis on (he tutal Ioceipls of the Can- teen or fur u straight cash amount for the seus‘un, ' The Toronto Sunday World. in its last issue. gave an account of the old Itage- ‘ coach servim‘ operated by Mr. 'l‘homp- Ion 40 yearn ago. between Richmond 1 Hill and Toronto. AI pointed out. the [arrival of the four horn stage-coach was an event in those days. The World ' nys: “The driver changed vehicle: on the return trip, at hil own stables at i Thornhill. going on to Richmond Hillâ€" ' I distance of {our milesâ€"with a amal- , in, two-hone conveyance, and ieturn- ; ing in the morning. again to exrrhange for the larger one. Passengers were i picked up all along the route, through the villages of Thornhill. Newton Brook. Willowdale, Hogg’a Hollow (Yo k Mills), etc.. while calls were made at thols for refreshment. for man and blast. Some rf these were; Palmer's. at Richmond Hill: LemOn’l at Thornhi-l: Golden Lion at Lansing; Bay H urse on Yonge st.. city. and the terminus, the Clyde. on King St. east.†Hut and (mid Waite-r. and heating will b3 :npplied in the Arena. Tenders tn he sent to the (‘lmk’s oï¬ce and the luwest or any [mule-r not ne:ess:.rily accepted. If :he party who was seen taking the robe from the :mntinnecfls Fmd roadster. at, F. Tomlinson's auutlun saleon Manda". Dec. 8rd, will leave same at Mr. 'l‘omlinson's, no further action will be taken. Miss Marguerite Boyle is giving a Re- cital in 'lhornhill Methodist Church on Wednesday. December 121b, the pro- ceeds to be utilized in the purchase of a piano for the new public school. The nel'essary amount of lhe purchase has been advanced by a well-known and philanthropic resident. and the piano is now installed. and the ï¬rst payment will be made from the receipts of the concert. With such splendid assisting artists as Mrs. A. M. Rice, Soprano: Mrs. A. C. Chapman. Pianiwte; Miss Avey Clarke, of the Blight Studio. Pianiste; Mr. A. C. Chapman, Choir- master and ’l‘enor Soloist of St. Clair Ave. Methodist Church, and Frank Blackfuid, the great Violinist, there is promised an entertainment which will enable those who go to help a worthy cause, while at the same time receiving full value for their contribution. Miss Boyle is one of Owen Smily's cleverelt profeuional graduates, and her new programme will include some selection: from his pen written specially for her. MCUI.USKIEâ€"â€"At Nashville. on Dec. L M:in Hethmingtnn, widow of the lute Jvlm McUlnskie. in her 87th year. Residence address Victoria Square Nu Smokingâ€"Ila Sprayinoâ€"llo Snufl Just Swallow a Capsule Restore mucus gatherings in the bronchla tubes, gives long nights of quie sleep; contains no habibforming drug $1.00 at your druggists. Send 4‘ in stamps for a generous sample Templetons, 1-12 King West, Torontc RICHMOND mm, DEC. 3. A. J. HUME, Clerk. 23-24 Funeral from the residencp of her snn-inlnw. Mr. James Taylm, Monday. December 3, [0 Nashville Cemetery. GUARANTEED RELIEF R19 For Sale at Sloan’s Drug Store LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronaae and influence respectfully solicited NOTICE “Thompson's Bus" Notice Benefit Recital DEATHS P.O. address Gormley,RR USE RAZ-MAH Advertise in The Liberal--It Pays Hill. or his local agents, Wesley Boynton and R. E. Michael, who will sell you the best known conditioner“ on the market L0-day, and a guarantee marked direct from the company FREE TO YOU, for the market value of all your stock in case of death by natural causes known among these animals. This does not cover Accident or Fire and Lightning. Deax‘Sirsâ€"If I can prove to you that I guarantee every head of stock that you Own, without extra. cost to you, by using one of the best products of this kind on the market, would you be interested ? If so, see our representative, A: G. SAVAGE, of t} e ACME STOCK SALT COMPANY Yo_u Will do well to see our rem- nants, sultable for mlsses coats, dresses and sklrts. Mr. Stock Owner: THE LORNE BLUBK FURNISHING STRE The cool weather is now coming. See our sweater coats and pull overs from $2.50 to $5.50. Fall felt hats from $3.50 to $5.00. Underwear for the season, both two piece and combination. DRY GOODS - MILLINERY - LADIES’ WEAR QUALITYiSHOPPE -:- Phone 53 TOYS - GIFTS Our agent will be around to see you, or call‘at his office at :Kichmpnd Trench Block We have just received a Nice Assortment of WOOLEN GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS 101‘ Winter Wear, ranging in price from _ 950. Up to $2.50 LADIES and CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY at Popular Prices. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Embroidery Work, Wools in all Lhe new shadâ€. (fall and see us when doing your Christmas Shopp‘ng. 2% Buy at Home, and Sue Money. Dolls - - 40c. to $1.95 Sewing Boxes - .28 Doll Trunks - .95 Books 10c. to - .78 Train on Track 1.18 Pull Toys - 38c. and ‘48 Drums 'I‘. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phene 33 Thornhill, Ontario ALSO Games, Skates, Sleighs Wagons, Hockey Sticks Kiddie Kars, Watches Pyrexware - Aluminum Carving Sets - Clocks T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario Norman J. Glass. MRS. NORMAN BA'I‘TY Etc. Phone 53 .13