hr Lihrml. “In Essentials, Unity: in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.’l $1.50 per annum, in'advanceJ 7 “PB†,/ . . ... . s, I... RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY VOL. XLVI. . \ DEC EMBE rt. 20, [923 No. 25 PELHAM CIIAFFEY R. C. Bazaar a Success i Presbyterian “Services i r 7 V - â€" ‘ i Wâ€" TENOR ‘ r h l TEACHER 0F SINGING Th: village and district have has] a' Services appropriflte to Christmas § ititanium]!:umwmzmmrinnn:intrmnurmmmnmwmm v norm; § _ . nun )er of bazaars lilit’iy, all of which . will be conducted by the minister :it \ ’ 1" Nowiicceptmg DUPIIS- , _ were a success. but thflt (If the R- 0- i ll ii. m and 7 p in Everyone cordial] § » Studio zit. the home of MISS Heise. Bazaar. conducted for two days at the invited. ' I y \ § CHOIWLEADER AND URGANIST Elgill-Mills Pavilion. was ii huge siic- ' § I § ’ _ v ‘ cess in every nrticnl: r w; v». The " ' PRESB‘TEMAN CHUMH afl'air tOok plnrepon Fi-idiiy aiid Siitur- Nomination Meetin § " _ § day atf’ternoons and evenings last week. g § "lmwmw“m7mWM'imWWW“wwwmmmmwmV 5 § " The ooths were well :itron'zed and Inc-‘A'N‘l ' thoroughly cleaned out}, Danéing wag Bills are out announcing a Public § PIANIST and TEACHER indulged in on both eveni- gs.the young Meeting to he held in the Masonic § l people thoroughly enjoying themselves. gaunt Mhhdfly evenlhgi Decemhel‘ 31 § ' § . . I _ .And the fnwl Bu 9,. S t d or tie purpose of noniinqting candi- Al'USUC Plan†Phlymg afternoon from 4 tgl'iâ€"Vagll, iii viiiisagi dill“ for ‘he "ï¬lm‘s 0f Reevov § Because'" 0 § In All Its Branches the best, and was pmmken of by a Councilors and School Tl'llï¬le'r, § , § Studio: Over M“ E. R. Forhwr,s has; of cilgzens fr, m the three Nominations will be taken from to § § Tum". S V r p:‘ .Rlchmond HHL ThmnhllL 8 30. If more cniididates ‘lll‘e nominated \ The structure of successful hm is built ‘0â€! PHO‘ L95 and Lansing. Afree bus servica from than 3'9 l'E"lu~'l“?d ‘0 h†“hy 0‘ the § - § gichinond Hill, conducted by Mr, ugove offices the proceedings will he § on 3 foundation 0‘ Mt- § sbey,lwns also well ationized. The ‘1 johrhed “htl MODdaY. the 7th Of E, .1, piize-winners of th: affair folIOWs: .lhhhhl‘Y- The P0†Will be ('Pehfmm § § REPRESENTWG The $5.00 gold piece was won by I. 9 8- m- 105 P- m- \ § Tunney, of Mmkham; the. quilt was 0. § § ‘ Pelham Nurseries l mi:Krsils";lhs:5:::r:23 mum... ' All Orders Fills-d Promptly by Mrs. McNamara, of \Vlillowdiile, ""~ . , ,, | and the doll by Miss Doherty Oosgrovo. . ' . ' . B classâ€"Theliiia Shields 300, Charlie DR“ J- 13' WILSON , FIRST-CLASS bI'OCK The Chm m, M ‘1‘ V . B ‘k _ h The remtul in Thomhill on the H , 2â€â€œ 8.â€. , _h 2 D“. , _ T 'l". I‘- l dltl‘n l}! Pd 9 evening "f the 12th. - by Miss tuison ‘3'. 1 ie (1rd um 90. I‘ Ian Ofï¬ce hoursSto 10 a..m. lt02 and - Phone Richmond Hill Secretary. Mr. Ambrose Canning, and ,- . Hmkios 25:, Bertha Forrest £83. Seluh .. n“ heads and n I t f [t g Ma'guriite Boyle and her able assist- S .H 24., 'L _‘ . B 238 D. k to 8 p. m. I wish h th. I"??? “aâ€; 0 “Elm?†.ie‘d ants was successful in every way. The Fm; ‘1221 0â€}:‘3: "lip: d‘ Ofï¬ce and residen e C t d l . in 'Illy( \V‘iyuivh‘itteti'grsin‘inlikiiis‘bthe l prqgmmme was high-Class and pans ‘1‘;th (‘hed'ro 0196y Wolfe mDasha 11d? ChhrCh Street/‘3 RiChnghâ€"Helii rephilhe i To Our Friends and Custom- ‘ ’ ' “ "f'thun'ot‘""s~ Miss BOY“? “celled iiimii; {Viiiieglid Dorolher’adeSB: N°~24- K ' affair a success. either by thvir atten- l herself a. an elocutionist and Mr. dance. donations, and such like-and , . , -. awfully Mr. Esbey for the u'se 0“ gi’i'ï¬iigï¬ihfi’i‘i' hissiAoiiibii'éï¬' xii 15 “8' Miss Clark as accompanists proved ithemselvos roiil artists. A neat. sum was netted for the piano fund for the Thornhill Public School. Billie Biiohan-iiiâ€"absent. C classâ€"Ruth Tennyson 283, Mildr d Howart‘n 2'16, Mnriiin ScrivinerIZ'TZ. Isobel Horrel 269, Joe Mills 267. Billie Margotts 267. Elieon Grant: 244, Hobertii Leech 239. Victor Scott 190, Nora Graham 169, Lloyd Hilts 91. Ralph Fi-isby 65. Absent Jimmie Lee. Dorothy Reid. Marjorie Brillinger. Pupils we a tested in phone, read- ing, oral number work, seat number work. writing and recognition. 50 marks given for each test. M. O.JOY MARRI'II'. ers We Extend Wishes for A MERRY _. .. CHRISTMAS Bhnstmas Specials , . â€"â€" ATâ€" . , - v v~ GLENNS DRUG STOR Soiliiy'l2'3i‘ii'5piisihyieiSliéhiiiiiii > Monday evening, proved unusually interesting, taking the form of a competition between the two sides to We extend to our many customers and others Hearty Christmas A HAPPY AND “~VI"‘ { â€"ANDâ€" 1 i y PROSPEROUS ‘ NEW YEAR L. Innes & Sons Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Lead Pencil |SilversPlated Ever Pointed Lead Pen- ‘é‘lii Eli". .‘f‘. ff??? $ 1 .00 Fountain Pens “ Supa †Self-Filling Foun- C. tain Pen, wonderful value.. lrevealed both talent and careful pre- l An Ideal Gift m School Pupill.i discover which could provide the better programme. The captains were Miss R. Robinson and Mr. S. [\Vood- head, and each side contributed a vaiied and enjoyable list of items, that paration. Mrs. H. Endenn, Miss Grant and Miss W. Richardson acted as judges and while strongly commendâ€" min.r the efforts of both sides, gave their decision in favor of the second group. The society will not meetngain until Removal Notice â€"â€"g 0n and llftel‘ January let. the under- signed will remove his business to the building in the rear of the Public Telephone Office, on Centre Street East, where he will conduct an up-to- date blacksmithig businels. He wishel to thank his customers for past patron- age, and will attend to their future needs in the same practical manner. Greetings â€" And best wishes for a â€" Happy and Prosperous New Year Come In and let us demonstrate it for the seâ€"'0Hd Munday oflanuary- Richmond Street You. Richmond Hill; Phone Day, 13-3. Night 75. J. G. HUNT 0* 2526 N ineteen-twenty-three Annual Meeting ‘ \Vo iire conï¬dent we have the " Largest ()hooolate Assmtineiit, suit- The W. .\I. S. of the Presbyterian N ineteen-twenty-four MULHOLLAND & SMYTH ably boxed for Christmas. ever shown church Richmnnd m 1' mm mm. BAniiIS'rEns. SOLICITORS, ETC. a-â€"-. Aâ€"g in L““'"- “‘hg‘ 3 00! annual'meeiing on Tuesday. Docem- Toionlo Office : 2198 Yonge St. ZORTH YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL. ing from . . . . . . C. 0 her lllh. at the home of the retiring Phone, Hudson 3l08. I D R DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF.’ rws'de'w- MW .†“‘“kf. _AE'“"S°"' Richmoiid nan Office: \Vosli-Y Bnyn- . . amer ()flice hUIIISS : lU ii.iii. :iiid ti 2 S Wht‘h ‘he fouowmg "1 he†“"‘re tong, Re,†1.1%,,†()mW‘ Ym,g0 5[_ elected for the ensuing: our: . _ _ y A memboi- ’li thclirin “'1†be- In DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF. Richmond Hill every 'I'uesdiy. 25-6!" (diseases of women and cliildien.) | Office hours 1 :3 p. m. Phone 100. i Pl'ehidPPLâ€"MFS. McIntosh; Isl; Vice Presidentâ€"Mrs. I“. Atkinson; 2nd Vice Pie‘identâ€"Mrs. Chis. Cooper; Secre- tiiryâ€"Miss CL. Heise; Asst. St‘ctt‘iill'y â€"Miss A. Gibson; Treasiirerâ€" Mrs. Vunderhui'g: Expense ’l‘ieiisiiierâ€"Mrs. Ai inslr mg; Strangers Socreturyâ€"Mhs ltii-liiirdsoii: Assist. Secretaryâ€"Miss \B. Ilk‘ivlhd', Libriirian and Messenger l Also Perfumes, 25c. to$5.00 ISS VERDELLA DONERchnton, Macdonala a Benton PIANIST 'i‘snl-liei' of Pituio Pin) ing PUP†of J- 13- NPWW“ “"d B- H- 21 KINGST.WEST,TonoN’ro,UANAoA. Carnian. Pupils successfully prepared liii Con- TELEPHONE MAIN 3†Cable Address: “Dedo SCl'VEliOI‘y Exainiiiziiion. . . ,, ‘ . , Studio, \Iellilt Sr. \\ ., Arthur A. Mucdonald Frank Danton Richmond Hill. Phone 88 Lama Denton. B, A, HAROLD HOLGATE, M.A; Pianist, Accompanist Organist and Chtiil'ntllslk‘l' Dwr Pork Presbyterian Church, Toronto. Teaches in Richmond Hill on Siitiiiâ€" days. Pupils prepared for all pxauiinntions and for public perfoi-nmnce. Enquiie Mrs. A. L. Phipps, Rich- Compliments of the Season to All I3. MACDONALD, B. v. Sc. (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary Oollege. All «Lise; of animals treated. [My and night culls prompt- ly attended. I Ofï¬ce and resident-P unith side Richmond Strret, Richmond Hill. Tolephone 13, Ring 2. J. '82 STEIN China, Cut Glass, .Groceries and 1 Confectlons V'M Wï¬m’nâ€"wâ€"vw'v‘f - A A Barristers. Solicrors. &r. MANNING ARCADE. Secretaryâ€"Mrs. John Pulniei‘; Press Secrrtniy-Mri‘. \V. Snedden; Home Helpers Secretariesâ€"Mm. Manli. Mrs. J. McLean: Superintendent of hiJlI‘V Slossor Mission Bandâ€"«Mimi A. Boyle: Siipeiintendvnt of Grunt Mis- sion Bondâ€"Miss Moffiitt. Organist â€".\Ii-.~*. D. \Vutson. G. H. GLENN Phone 71 21-1 in Sundal’y Phone, 25-r2 ( i ) .7522 .‘nmtual .L’i'fe flssurance Company IS .‘L (liiiridinn Ins‘itiition, and is the piopaity of Ult' Pullt'y Holders them- selves. This {not enables you to soonâ€: Ilift' Insurance at, (but, There is No Sllll>litlllP foi Life In- Slll‘zlllCt'. l‘Iitqiiii ii-s Solicited. C. H. BYAM. Aui'nt, Maple, Ont. Phone 232. Donations Received l g I x._._’._ . l l t l .â€" i Daimtinns received with thanks at the inhanage: Mi. H. Monlen. iipples. A friend, 2 pails of candy. A friend, 3 jursjain. Mrs. Plrwman, books and boots. inziny ~ I Mrs. Hunsome, 3 toques, '31-6m I ' ' 1. di ‘5 of Pi‘e'livLeiian Chum, mond sheet. Yonge and Centre Sis. RlCiimtllli Hill s - ‘ v a 'i‘n.o...oAa..,...... mm...“ (Hitlct Stiiling, candy. 0.}. D L“ Ph. C 2132; Hmlsnn 30.09 “I: MIS- J- Hal“. 3 Uiquvs. 4 mitts, (,HIRUPRAUTOR ~’_W_ W H 7 7 Aaw“ ._â€"-v 2 (li r'sS it anlIS. We have received a large assrimtnt of My. “yrbsluith, ,deumoes_ Ofï¬ce :ibm'e iMVII-ts STORE. Mrs. Winch, 12 articles clothing. toys Hours 2 to .3. T to 5 pin. except \Vinter Terms Open Jan. ' - ' ' i and vrgelnbles. \‘VedneSi a)‘. suitable for Xmas presents, Including a Mm Lew, and ms, Gmï¬ph.‘ mm PM", 1 11.. RPMâ€), 9 ,2, I. ELLIOT .ï¬ne selFECtiOIE Of cups and saufersi ragging i T! m. 1‘“ ~ ,h h at Consultation live .it illi' (Wilma 2323 in price rom 40c t') 5225 and “"" a" ‘ C “ ‘ """ m " “m9 . . . x i loosent. mid 6 expect-ml befoh- interes, Berry Sets, Lake Plates. Bon-Bons, ? t‘liiistinns. all woi. On Sunday next China and Cut Glass, Berry Bowls, Salts i the children will attend the Methodist ‘ i\ _ I C l and Peppers etc ‘ Luiii-ch in the moi iiing ..nd will sing . N 01‘ 1v v ‘ A ‘ ' two selections. The llllll)“ will be clog. d L I, C(llJIIIIiSSl'H‘it‘l', (‘onvovnnwn Etc i l , it'lti randy. Yiingzc n lltl ('li lrles Shh. Toronto 10 R RECTLY PREPARES l I l Young .‘iPII :ind \‘(iimen for posi- 1 tion~ --.~ ~toniigraphr-rs. acr‘niin'- I unis. private bi‘itl_€l.llit‘<, commer- l‘ Cin'. teiii‘livifl At! 8 IlllL‘ if the submits offered this year \Vi-ii $7.3 to 51‘") :i month and up in Simon, 5mm 518m, $200!) and $250!! poi :tlllllllll. IT PAYS TO GET SUPERIOR ; In \i~itors timing the holiday Sonson. Have also a good assrotmentv o1 cornomn IMNM m, “1;†EM“, ware for everyday use, in \\ hire, W hite and G)ld. Clover Lent and chk. COME IN AND SEE OUR SI OCR. __ ,4â€... _; Richmond Hill Public School Report RICHBIOND HILL l Pupils, ‘ AMBROSE L. PHIPPS Total number of marks 300. pl'IL‘rti in “10' r of lllr’llt. Always F1551] SIOCk 0f Groceries Oh ; 8A.] lilï¬g‘:‘£::vAIÂ¥:lhi“f::9: iiIi’llMtiNh S'i'man'r. Rn iiix'oxii HILL "FRAININQ hand; Prices “Shh ‘ ' ‘ 'l‘iiitfnhitll';“' VLUIJ‘. ““l‘l’ is". Fw‘i “(lluftvmmg m; «iii, tyl-it‘ln'ltitl'SPCllf‘ed Place la†“‘1†now {or 0‘“. H on E‘ ' 'l‘l’yl‘il' F)“; lL‘mT-‘V (‘l‘ll‘ngizkg’ G393? The Mutual Life Insurance Company I h eriipLoym iii . MADE. sco l‘CH S:â€"30RTBRE.~\D. :; 3': ,3.“ ,;,j‘,;,.,‘,‘,;‘,L",;,;f*‘,1;;;_†33,1: 1 of M M, w... i, Mam... Aéen‘y for Bruce’s High-Class Cli_).ol.i:cs. 1"“ h ‘i L'I'I‘l 2M 1‘11!†“"J"_ INQHRIES SOUL-“ED \v. LLLIO'I'T . Piusâ€"emu. M RIG, E iWLUd dâ€"nl‘mul.