Almost Always Due to Weak and Impoverished Blood. Apart from accident or illness due to infection, almost all ill-health arises from one or two reasons. The mistake that people make is in not realizing that both oi! these have the same cause at the root, namely poor blood. Either bloodlessness or some other trouble of the nerves will be found to be the reason for almost every ailment. If you are pale, suffering from headaches, or breathlessness, with palpitation of the heart, poor appetite and weak di- gestion, the cause is almost always poor blood. If you have nervous head- aches, neuralgia, sciatica and other nerve pains, the cause is exhausted nerves: Butr run down nerves are also a. result of poor blood, so that the two chief causes of illness are one and the name. If your health is poor; it you are pale, nervous or dyspeptic, you should give Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills a. fair trial. These pills act directly on the blood. and by enriching it give new strength to worn out nerves. Men and women alike greatly beneï¬t through the use of this medicine. It you are weak or ailing, give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a. fair trial and you will be pleased with the beneï¬cial results that will speedily follow. It your dealer does not keep these pills you can get'them by mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine 00., Brockville. Ont. Yet to be inspired by grandeur Comes not from the mountain’s height, Nor from the raging torrent In its fury and its might. For that which touches deepest And brings from oneself the best In to catch the inspiration 0! 3 Mother’s Love expressed. I have stood upon the mountain top And seen the world below. I have gazed down yawning caverns And seen the torrents flow. Raging, toam-flecked and mighty, Huried upon rock with a roar. To inspire one with grandeur, Man could ask nothing more. B I have seen the earth unfold ltselt To springtime's gentle rain. I have felt me unleashed fury Of a winter’s hurricane. Bellowlng, resentful and sullen, ' Tearing through glen and dale. To impress one with nature's forces. Surely this canot falL Yet nature's deepest impressions Come not from the grandeur of spring; Nor does it come from the winter With its storms and the coldnas it brings. For those which are lasting and worthy Sole stamped in life's greatest tests. Are impressions gathered and trea- sured In 3. Mother's Love expressed. which does away with the danger and puflering caused by surgical opera- Llon, radium and X-ray. The Cantassium Treatment Yea, expressed in a million tokens or inï¬nite love divine; Expressed in life's greatest sorrows, Comforted as in yours and mine; Lifted to heights of the universe THE CAUSE OF SICKNESS In building the character of man, Is 8. Mother's Love exprmsed to us Made holy by God’s own hand. The REAL CAUSE of this terrible ‘disease; how to treat it and how to avoid it, is fully explained by the book on In this book are a number of case reports, at home and abroad. Which grove the great value of Cantassium reatment to internal and to external cases of Irregular cell-growth and Cancer. Why wait t) be stricken by this rapidly increasing devastating scourge when You can learn how to avoil sending for this FREE BOOK, which will be promptly mailed to YOU, with‘ out cost, by CHARLES WALTER, 61 Brunswick Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. SANGER To meet the requirements of a limited number of Cancer sufferers who desire complete rest while taking the Cantassium Treatment, arrange- ments have now been completed for their comfortable accommodation in suitable premises Ln Torcnto. where. if they w experieuc The Grammar of Health. Teacherâ€"“Compare 'cold.’ " Studentâ€""Could, cough, cofï¬n." A Mother’s Love. phyéician Note When the river had adjusted itself to the new conditions it was proved that .the work of the company’s en- gineers had been exceedingly well done for the results obtained were ex- actly those that had been looked for, and the department's purpose of effect- ing a piece of deï¬nite practical con- servation had been fully achieved. Constipated children can ï¬nd prompt relief through the use of Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which never fail to regulate the bowels and stom- ach, thus driving out constipation and indigestion; colds and simple fevers. Concerning them Mrs. Gaspard Daigle, Demain, Que., writes: “Baby’s Own Tablets have been of great benefit to my little boy, who was suffering from constipation and indigestion. They quickly relieved him and now he is in the best of health." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The, Dr. Williame’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. CHILDHMD CMSTIPATION Developing’ Our Power Resources. As a. basis for the administration or the water-powers of the Winnipeg River, the Department of the Interior completed in 1915 a comprehensive in- vestigation covering the whole stretch of the river from the Ontario boundary to Lake Winnipeg. Before this in- vestigation was begun, the Winnipeg Electric Railway Company had al- ready constructed a hydro-electric plant on the Pinawa channel, a side channel of the river, and the city of Winnipeg had nearly completed a de- velopment at Pointe du Bois Falls on the main river. As a result of the de- partment’s investigation it was found that the entire natural fall of the river from Pointe du Bois to Lake Winni- peg could be concentrated at seven sitw, having a total capacity with re- gulated flow of 313,000 h.p. or 420,000 h.p. for the whole river, including the existing developments. Recently the Manitoba Power Com- pany was permitted to proceed with the concentration decided upon for Great Falls, which was composed of the natural fall of the various drops forming these falls, together with an additional ten feet to be secured by cutting through the rock barrier at Whitemud Falls, thereby reducing the tail water level at Great Falls by this amount. The company readily ac- cepted the general scheme of concen- tration laid down by the department, and under the advice of its consulting engineers proceeded with the work which included the channel excava- tion at VVhitemud Falls. On October 15 last, the excavation being complete, the channel was placed in operation by the blowing out of the cofferdams which had hitherto kept the water out of the workings. You'll show a rubber band and a piece of string two feet long. You‘ll run the string through the band and ask a spectator to hold the string. one end in each hand. Your task now is to get the band 01! the string without the spectator letting go. That is, of course. impossibleâ€" but magic is the doing or apparent impossibilmes. You will have hidden in your hand a duplicate of the rubber band. Borrow a match. Grasp the band (which is on the string) in the hand in w ich the duplicate is hid- den. Beno the hidden band around the string and hold it there by thrusting the match through it. The hand now hides the original band. Draw this hand toward the end of the string. calmly pushing the spectator’s hands of! the string. 0! course, while you are doing this. you are slipping the band of! the string and hiding it in your hand. As the spectators think they can see the original band on the string, no attention will be paid to this movement. especially if you do it boldly. The other hand. in the Same manner takes the other end of the string. The spectator is now asked to take the match away. quickly. The rubber band, of course, falls to the floor. You haven't done exactly what you promised to doâ€"but you have done a mighty good trick. (Clip this out and paste it, with other of the series. in a scrapbook.) A Rubber Band Mystery EASY TRICKS ‘e if eet. No. 58 'ere spread surface of By S. W. Knife. Only a small space ls required to keep a few hens in which would any ply table eggs all the year. Bu. someone says, “I have no one to look after them and I am not able my- self." This obstacle has been over- come in many families where there are no boys or girls. I was much in- terested in the poultry displays at the school fairs this Fall. and I had the pleasure of visiting quite a number. One small town in particulaflot one thousand inhabitants) had an exhibit of close on two hundred fowl. all col- ors and stages of growth. The prizes were well deserved where they were awarded and were in the form of a setting of eggs in Spring, from pure- bred stock, thus encouraging the youthful fancier. We are all aware of the vim a youth will put into any- thing interested in; and boys and girls in many cases have made a de- cided success in the poultry, taken in as partners with their parents. The following interesting items, by courtesy of The Reliable Poultry Jour- nal, will show what two juniors did, both under 14 years of age. At the time of writing, these children had ï¬nished their 3rd year in the business. Paul and Aileen Warner started poul- try-keeping on a three-quarter-acre town lot. with 20 White Leghorns, 120 Barred Rocks and 20 Rhode Island Reds. All were good standard breed- ing. as shown by the (act that they took 31 ï¬rst and 13 second prizes at various shows. A great many adults would be proud of such a record. both in prizes won and net proï¬ts made by these young poultry keepers. hens: Eggs at local market . .. . . Eggs for hatching .... . . . . . Chickens sold for breeding . Chickens sold tor eating . .. Feed and supplies cost .. Proï¬t Second year with 75 hens Eggs sold on market . . . . . Eggs sold for hatching Chickens sold for breeding Chickens sold for eating . Premiums from shows Proï¬t .. . . . . . . . . . . Increase in flock Third year flock contains Egr's sold on market Eggs sold for hatching .. . . Chickens sold for breeding Chickens sold for eating .. Premiums from «58 prizes . Town Lot Poultry Keeping. ‘{ Feed and supplies cost ._ Proï¬t ......................$481.90 Increase in flock . .. . . .. . . . 70.00 Total Proï¬tsâ€"$888.32. Also an inventory value of $148 in- creased flock. Another instance I came across was a boy of 13 years, who had the caring for 25 pullets of real good stock. They got ï¬nest care and attention possible, with the result that their average pro- duction tor the year was 216 eggs each in a pen 10 ft. by 14 ft. ‘ Get your boy or girl interested in poultry and thereby Instill into their young minds a fundamental knowledge of business, also their ability to as- some responsibility. It will beneï¬t them mentally as well as ï¬nancially. Feed anl supplies cost For a Long Vlalt. Little Madge was in high excite- ment; 9. baby brother had arrived on the scene. She spread the good news, and among others told the gardener, a bit of a. wag. “The question is," said the old man, “is the new baby going to stay?" "Oh, yes, he means to stay," said Madge, “he’s got his things 01!.†Eggs covered with boiling water and allowed to stand for ï¬ve minutes are more nourishing and more easily digested than eggs placed in boiling water and allowed to boil for three and a half minutes. MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-ofâ€"town accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. England’s oldest remaining toll-gate is claimed to be on the road between Whitney and Oxford; by the gate stands a noticeâ€"board dating from the time of Charles II. S EVERAL CARS DRY MILL slab wood, stove length. Reid Bros., Bothwell, Ontario. Their ï¬rst year they sold mum on one: Due EPJEUIW m xsv Yï¬ï¬i 13mm: his [IR New Eyes 881 you can French: a Clean . Healthy Condixlon V»: a Beep yourEyes flan. Clear and Healthy. Write for Free Eye Cate Book. Karine Dc Remedy Co..9 In! 0mm“. cu;- ll‘ with 75 hens: )n market for hatching . . . . . . . ,old for breeding . . . sold for eating . . . . . from shows 110 hens. ,. . .543138 . 152.00 52.00 .. . 140.25 72.50 ..s129.12 .. 102.90 .. 31.50 33.51 from 36 $109.90 $280.07 125.80 44.00 80.37 65.50 302.03 192.13 593.74 297.22 298.52 78.00 848.13 366.23 Dealerâ€"“I assure you, air, this Is strong coal." CustomeF'Must beâ€"always aeems able to hold up its price.†Unless you see the name “Bayer†on package or on tablets you are not get- ting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians over twenty-three years for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago ' Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept “Bayer Tablets 0! Aspirin†only. Each unbroken package con- tains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) oi Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the public against imitations. the Tab- lets oi Bayer Company wil be stamp- ed with their general trade mark, the “Bayer Cross." Keep Mlnard’n Llnlmant In the house. Say “Bayer†and Insist! Manama: W 1mm & Co..umkd. Toronto Why Doctors Go Mad. Insurance Doctoxb“Were you ever the hospital?" “Yes, once." "What for?" “To see my aunt." Whatsoever a mhn sews he rips. And That's Heavy Enough. TTobaCCO 0F Quali 9’ Manufactured by lmpetial Togacco Company of Canada Lin:qu ASPERIN 6 m? iEpackag es Mockan the Doctor. A doctor and his Irish coachman were driving past a duck pond, when the coachman said: “Oi hate thim birds, sorr.†"Why should you hate the poor crew- tures, Pat?" asked the doctor. “I'm sure they never do you any harm." "Sure, son, don't you hear thin: mocking you? You niver pass thim but they call 'quack, quack, quack! Training schoolboys to “lend a hand†with the housework is a novel educational suggestion which [an much to recommend it. Mother! Give Sick Baby “California Fig Syrup’ Even constipa- ‘9‘ ed. bilious, fever- ish, or sick. colic Babies and Child- ren love to take genuine “Califor- nia. Fig Syrup." No other laxative regulates the ten- der little bowels, ( so nicely. It /.*;>k. _ .. sweetens the stomach and ritarts the liver and bowels acting without grip- ing. Contains no narcotics or sooth- ing drugs. Say “California†to your druggist and avoid countarfeits! Ind aist upon genuine “California. Fig~ Syrup" which contains directions. Gargle several times a day with Mln- ard’s In water. It cuts the fungus and gives relief. Harmless Laxative to Clean leer and Bowols of Baby or Child. Clear Your Skin Restore Your Hair With Cuticura Daily use of the Soap keeps the skin fresh and clear, while touches of the Ointment now and then as needed soothe and heal the ï¬rst pim- ples. redness, roughness or scalp irritation. Cuticuxa Talcurn is excel- lent for the skin. SupZSc. OintmentZSInQ 50c. TIkIQZSc. Sold throughout theDomimon. CanadianDepot: Lyman. Limited, 344 St. Paul SL. ‘71.. Manned. WCuï¬cum Soap shave: without mus. HOARSE ISSUE No. 51â€"‘23.