The ladies course will cnnsist of two weeks of Domestic Science dealing with the various phasel of cooking. cannan and other hnusehald work, fallnwed by a. two weeks course. in Home Nurs‘ng. In these lectures guch subjects VJ! b) dealt with as work in The short courses in Domestic Scienco and Agriculture conducted annually by the local branch of the Dcpaxtment of Agriculture will be held this your at. Richmond Hill. during the month of January. This is the thirteenth consecutive year that than courlel have been conducted in this county, and from present indications pv-omiul L0 be [none than up to the standaid. A very pretty wedding took place \Vednesdny. Dec. 12, at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Annie Henrick, of Gm m- Iey. when her eldelt daughter. Rosnun Amelia, was married to Charl" Nnr- mun S. Brodie, .of Gonnley. Rev. H. 8. Warren ofliciattd. Muster Wesley (Hm-k, cousin of the bride. acted as usher. and Mrs. Henrick and her sister. Mrs. Fred Clark received. The pretty bride was given away by her uncle, Mr. Frod A. Clark, entering the drawing room Lo the strains of thungiin's Wedding march played by Miss Mury Dean. The bride was IfLired in a beautiful guwn of while Iilk clepe de Chane, trimmed with seed pe:uls ; ber veil was of embroid- ered French net with u Coronet. of Orange blossoms. and she carried Ophelia rfvses und lilius 0f the valley. She was attended by her sister, Miss Mary Henrick, daintin dressed in n gown of Amethyst, sulin, and carried Uolumhia mses. The groom was supported by his hmther-in-lzuv, Mr. George Quantz, of Aurora. AfLer the cervmony a dainty buffet luncheon was served to about seventy guests. The happy couplo left amidst showers of confetti and good wishus for L0 don en route to Detroit and other American points, the bride travolling in grey canton crepe dress with blue cont trimmed with fur, grr-y hat: and .-h we to match. The esteem of the brida and groom was shown by the numbov of useful and costly pre- sentl given. On ‘t’heir return they will reside at f‘springhurst†Farm. Gormley. \Ve are pleuesd to see our fellow lownsnmn, Mr. W. H. Frishy, walking around again. Mr. Frinhy. who has been n Guard at the: Municipal Farm was confined to his bed mote thun two months with typhoid fever, and for more than a. month he was deletions. :11} in gnod taste. <~olors me Very pr people like Lu go “v The Annual Christmas Tree and Entertainment of the Sabbath School will he held at. the Richmond Hill Methodist Church. Friday evening of this week, connnencing at 7.30. There will be a. good programme of Drills. Dialogues, Ohm-uses and Recltatium. Admission 25 and 15 cents. I During the signing of the 1' -gister, Eva Rosier, uf Toronto, sung "Until." The groom's gift. tn the hride was a gold bar pin set, with peurls; to the bridesmaid an Onyx ling set, with pearls: tn the pianist. and sulnist. hnr pins set wim Amethyst And Sapphire sumus; and to the m-uouismau a beautiful silver mounted umb eHa. Wurd mum to lmvn on Sunday that Mr. Andmw Savage had passed away. UuL (If n huge family of brothers. only two remainâ€"Mr. John Savage. 2nd cuncessinn of Vaughan, and Mr. James S lvnge, 'l‘monto. ‘ The Canadian Magazine piinted in (‘runuda is worthy nf suppmt. The wgulur price is $2 50. pm- year, but subscribers of Thu Liberal gel, in fur $1.75. and adv. in this paper. Cu†at The Liberal Ofï¬ce fox-sample copy. We believe the stou- and shop windows in Richmond Hill never be- tme Inoked so bright us they do at this Christmas sensun. The deem-aliens The Markham Econumiu and Sun issue-(l u very creditable UhI-islums numlwr lust week. 'l‘hespeciul edixion is “'(‘H putrunized hy the merchant» n! Murkhum by large advertiswucnts. (‘uugI-ntulntiuns. brother- Unrson. Under the auspice-a n! the \Vonwn'< Institute Dr. A.J. Vining, in charge 0| Armenian Boys' Fun“ at Gem-gemwn “ill speak at a Inerting in Richmond Hill, Thursday evening, junum-y 10. Further nolice later. St. Mary’s (0.01' E ) Sunday Schoul will hold their Christmas Tree and Concert. in the Masonic Hall On Friday the 28th, 8 p. m. Admission 25 and 15. Inspector Houston madenn "oï¬icinl" \ItiL at the High School Monday and Tuesday of ths wee-k. He. will send u written report to the Bum-(10f Edu- c .1111“. Midnight Mass at St. Mary’s R. 0. Church on Uhristmas Eve. Special mulic. All welcume. Sloan's Drug Store offers a full line of Christmas seals. tags and calds. Watemmn‘s Ideal Fountain pent, fur snle at. Sloan's Drug Store. The Liberal wishes its leaders and friends a very Happy Chlistnms. 7 Magazines are now being sold at Sloan's Drug Slnre. _ Get Counter Check books at. The Liberal Ufl‘iie. Ohristmus Day Services at, St. Marys 0. of E.) at. 8 l. m. and 10 a. m. Short Coursellin Agticulture Brodie-Henrick ‘d taste. and the brilliant. Very pretcy. No wonder to go "wiudmv shopping}. Phone 33 RICHMOND HILL Sloan’s Drug Store Gillett Razors, Auto-Sti‘op Razors, Mouth-Organs, Thermos Bottles and Kits, Pipes, and Many Other Things Mr. PI-esnnt. Asslslant vegetable épecialist. for Ontarin will lumure on fruit and vegetable work. Dr. Rusâ€"‘, I f Tm-nntu, on veterinary \vmk and Mr. Shields a successful lu-ekvepur of Pet» rhmo will df'fll will] beekeeping on the fa! m. Fancy and Plain Writing Papar, in boxes, 35c.--$3.SO A Wide Range, including such Popular Articles as COLGATE’S Compacts and Combination Seti. Face Powders, Shaving Prepara- tions, Boxed Perfumes, Soaps, Etc. Arrangements have been made for the following lecturers in addition to the Agricultural Representatim and his Alsiltaut. Miss Graydon, of the Department of Education, a graduate nuns! of considerable experience will conduct the Home Nursing. while Min Humian of the Department of Agliculture nf Gttvn a will again con- duct Hm course on gnmesxic Science. We will have a Full Line of NEILSON’S and WILLARD’S; also a. Shipment of the Famous LAURA SBCORD Chocola‘es, in The Agricultural COUISP w'hich is probably more familiar. is lmsed onl practical subjects and gives in concise form the results of agricultural experimental work which are upplianhle to local fdlnl conditiuns. Owing to the fact [hut the course is sol central this year, many of the best herds of livestock will be available for judging work. Amongst, the topicn‘r will be a study of Field Crops, und: their many enemies: judging grain and z‘ and seeds; poultry work includingl culling and killing; and farm con ’ Veniencea. Christma§ Gift Suggestlons the sick room. bnby hygiene, first aid etc. “'ith a fluff of this culible no young llb. 21b. 31b. 51b. Boxes Toilet Goods Chocolates Stationery IT \VILL PAY YOU TO VISIT US WHILI YOU ARE DOING YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING woman and farm by who can'get to Richmond Hill for thesecuurses from January 7th, to Folu'nury lstr, and a. card to the Department of Agriculture ut, Newmarket. will bring to you seem- I plete outline of the cuurse. Cigars 81 Tobacco A meeting of the Curling (‘luh will he held in the club room on Wednt‘sday evening. the 26111 [)ecemhm‘. As business of importance to the “"91me of the club will he hrnughl. up “I. Lhis meeting, the President; \Vunld like In are as many of the members who can pessibly dn :0 to attend. day. Dec. 18th, u 130 6513c}. lute}. ment in Prospect Cemetery. SNIDERâ€"At his home in Toledo. Ohio. on DI cemh: 1‘ 2nd, I923. Albmt Edward Snider in his 69th year. W. D. SC'n‘T, Pres. G. towns, Sec. SAVAGEâ€"At his late rosirlenop. 147 Mavety Street. \Vest. 'l'm'untO. on Sunday. Dec. 16th, Andrew. husband of Maury Robinson, in hi9 64th year. Funeral from uhnve address Tues- Our Cigars will be wrapped specially for Christmas. In boxes of 10 and 25. This makes a suit- able gift for Dad or Brother. Also Photograph Albums. reason- ably priced. Make some child happy with one of theseâ€"the IDEAL Gift : KODAKSâ€"36.50, $30.00. BROWNIE CAMERAS ~â€" $2.00, 35.00. Including Mirrors, Brushes. Man- icure Pieces, Combs, Etc. French Ivory Kodaks and Cameras DEATHS Notice Oxford Street Phone 43- r32 DENTIST Ofï¬ce Trench Block. two doors north of Standald Bank. Hours9n.m. tn 5.30 p.m. Telephone 32 Also a varied assortment. of†Fancy Articles Appropriate for ('hristmas Gifts at The Thornhill MILLINERY STORE SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER f Financial Information SAMPLES FR EE PAINTING. DECORATING Phone 306, King. Miss E. G. Baker A SPECIAL SIC! LING of Hand- Made Dress Hats of All-Silk Velvet, in a Good Range of all the New Shades, including Black for Mid- Winter Wear, suitable for all ages, at HALF I’RICF. Richmond Hill Branch: Milï¬iner‘y Wall Hafngings _ O .- Artistic Charm moonm . HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. DR. L. R. BELL Richmond Hill Before stock takingl will sell children and girls coats reduced as follows, childrens coat from English imported was $14.00 new $7.00. Girls coat was $20.00 now $12.50. Men’s worst- ed suits were $45.00 now 35 00. Men’s blue serge suit, reduced to $17 00. Men’s tweed suits reduced to $15.00. These coats and suits are reduced below actual cost. But rather than carry them over wrll Sell at said price. Also overcoats reduced. Overcoats turned at reasonable prices Advertise In the Liberal. CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE ,, w. 5 .. “financial markets at home and abroad, and with Managers of broad experience and unbiased judge- ment, this Bank is in a position to render invaluable information on investment and other money matters to patrons. STA NBA RD 38R VICE i: Colman/wash» Fina-rial Strvm‘ AS an institution with ï¬rst hand, kno‘wledgegf I:......-:.\l _.__.L-L - . REDUCTION SALE 0 F C LO TH I N G STANDA'Qï¬ BANK III-rm . R. FORTNER Ladies and Gents’ Clothier and Tailor. or ' CARAâ€"DA -'E is Comprehensive Fina-tin! 8379!". TH E SKEANS 85 HOUPER. 171 Ynngo SUN", Tomntn, Solicitm‘s fur the said applicant. 19-32 From the Toronto CUI‘Si‘l'Va‘ItUI‘Y of Music. will accept a number. of pupils: in Pianu, Vucal and -: Thmu'y. -:- Richmond Hill, Flidny and Suturdny For information anne HI). MRS. MYLKS. anicv is lu-why givon 'hat, Florence Castle of the 'l‘uwmhip of Etnhicoke in the County of ank, in “19 vaim‘e of Onrulin. man il'd \vnmnn, m-w lesident in the 'l‘owmhip 0f Ym k in he County YUI’k. wi|l apply to the Parliament. of Cagmdn at the next svssiz-n Lhc:eof fur a Hill of Divm-r‘e fl-mn hvr huslmnd Wesley Oscar (1.15th of (he said Citv of Tm'nntn, lnr‘munLivp hwn) m. (In the ground nf adult“ '6 and dvsmlimn. Call by phone or otherwise promptly November. 1923 JOHN R. CAMPBELL HOUSE PA lNTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W. HEWISON Notice of Application for Divorce Adelmo Me‘ieccn and Miss Rosalind Bush L, T. C. M. DATED DR. M. B. WELLWOOD VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘horuhil]. J. R. Herrington, Manager Oï¬icezâ€"Cemre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Ofï¬ce Hours: 10-12; 6-8 :Il lullth the 6th day of Phone 95 3862