nu‘. muupnell \Vlll he Ofï¬ce. Richmand Hill, :llt‘l'nOUD. Mr. 03mph“! will Barristers. Solicitors. Et: omcesâ€"Suite 511 ML-Kinnnn w. Jondun and Melinda Sts.. T1 Telrphnne Main 363]. A. CAMERO) FREDERICK Maynaughton 8: Campbell VINE-v I17: I. »~ Don't miss the chance of winning the drede gnnse hy guessing the cor. roct number or nearest, number of beans in Lhe sealer All are welcome to try. Beans wlll b9 counted Monday. Dec. Etch at 8 p. m. Also call and see display of dressed meat and poultry. All phone ()I‘dw'l promptly delivered. The Canadian Magazine is thir by statesmen, editors, pastors. t. business and professional men. and of parents. These citizens know Canadian in its viewpoint, but wh upon boys and girls. as well a< un‘ ~‘Iour local publisher is our representative. Subscribe ‘auadian Magazine at his ofï¬ce on your next visit, to town has made arrangements with scriptions for this monthly ms. the following basis: HEN you hand money to your own local 6( will reach its proper destination. You also editor accepts your subscription for a pub lication will come regularly to your address. The Canadian Magazine lWWWW: unlule popxes mailed on request Also copies on exhibition at the ofï¬ce of you Robinson Block RICHMOND HILL Blouses Dresses Rainbow Specialty Shoppe RON MACNA UG HTUN II. 11. HOPPE I} Phone 7 NORTH END MEAT MARKET You Can Trust our Lecal Editor THE CANADIAN MAGAZINE - THE LIBERAL ,V°~uy mat the Magazine is appreciated by our thousands of sub- You are a subscriber to your own local paper. Widen your labits and those of your family by accepting our combination ion offer. The saving to you is one dollar, an amount the annual bank interest on an investment of nearly forty 1nnlebl<AL - - - - â€" $1.50 REGULAR PRICE - - - $4.00 COMBINATION OFFER « - $3.25 CONTENTS OF AN ISSUE . A. CAMPBELL ll ï¬e at, The Liberal Hill, every Tuesday AS OTHERS SEE Us icltors, Etc, ML-Kinnnn Bldg an Magazine is thirty-two years old. editors, pastors, teachers, ‘ofesslona‘l men. and, above all, by scores and scores iese citizéns know that this Magazine is not only ‘. viewpoint, but wholesome in the influence it has girls, as well as upon older members of the family. It is endorsed women’s organizations, VVlSHING ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Sample Copies mailed JLLunau. Agent, Richmond Hill Have you had a guess yet? amenta with your local publisher to accept sub- monthly magazine and his own weekly paper on If. SUBSCRIPTIONS '0m 11 to A Toronto Engine. Saw and Grinder make a ï¬ne time and labor-saving team. I'll be glad to explain their many desirable featuru to you ow give you interesting literahm. churning, sewing. grinding. shelling com' ï¬llingthe eilo. speedily and with much less eflort. Toronto Farm Engine; are well-built. simple in operation. run economically on kerosene or gasoline. QIV Agent fur the PELHAM NURSERY UOM PANY â€" Richmond Hill, \Vesl, Vaughan and King Townships All Vurlelins of Fruit and Ornamental 'l'fi‘e-I Rfmkï¬, Shruby‘, and Bulbs. 2| 6m Are. you a Sub;cribe2‘ Smmlmd Stuck; will take can? I f y.‘ - ynll :1 Squale Dc;- 6m Plume 232 own 10%! editor, you know it You also know that it your for a publication, that pub- Your publisher i2. MA PLE. ONT Pl" Skirts $2.50 for The NI st; and lbu Fire limit. \V heing 150 feeLea: Street, hetwwu norlhern boundm-i Full informth 'This apr p'utrpf Ll The public is herehv notified the Richmond Hill Building By-I now in force and that in fptu building operations, or I‘é-p‘li buildings may be carried nn with permit being uhtained from the V 01911; endorsed by the Buildin: M. J. BURKE, Phone 99 I wish to notify the citizens of Bi :h- nmnd Hill und district. Lhat, I hau- taken over the Trucking Business lately conducted by Edward Slilwy. and will give vary attention pussihle to those wishing careful hnndiing n' Iheir effect“. Service unexcelled. Council In: auditedij Accountant . It was recommended that the muney made at the- Old Boys and Girls Fir-'III Day be left in the hands « f the trustees, and that. they Inuk after [he- up-keep uf the Soldiers Memnriul. A resolution. nmved by Mr. COM». and St‘condvd by Mr. Hume, was passed rvcmnmending that the Accounts hf the Board of Educulion and the Village Council In» audited by a Chartered Mr. McLean, Plesidentof the Board of Trade. x-epmled Lhntarrangemeuta are being made for lwlding a. meeting in January, Felnlnry. March and April, in Ct'nnr‘t‘tlhn will] the four local churches. A good speaker to be secured for each meeting, to be follawml by a banquet. The suggestion Wa< mnth nf asking the Village Council lu appoint. n. unm- mission uhme duty it Wnu!d he tn lmnk after the Park .md Skating Rink. The idva \ms fanned, hut, no resolution was carried, m; il: \va: thought beller tn leave the mutulrin the hands 01' the Council for 1921. A communication Wa‘l I'Pud asking what. inducements are held out, fur the stun-Ling of an industry in the Village, The umltvr was left in the hundsu! .1 The accommndation for school pupils was discussed, and u zesolutinn was passed rvquesting the Bumd uf ldnr‘at‘cn to lunk intu the nmlL r at t, a Masonic Haâ€. A communication Wa‘l read asking Mr. Arnuld. The Council Chamber was well ï¬lled on the evening of the 12th inst. when the monthly Ratepayers meeting was held. As some people might think that I was singling out the Village treasurer-‘5 books for some special reason, I wish to state most emphatically that it never entered my mind, nhat I had not; the slightest intention nfieflecting on the integrity of Mr. Hume. agentlemnn who is uniwrsully esteemed for his sterling qualities. both of head and heart. and I am sure every nne will agree with me when I say that, the Village Of Richmond Hill is fortunate indeed in having a man like Mr. Hume in charge this affair. Hoping Mr. Editor. you will give this the same prominence in your esteemed paper as the other article got. Richmond Hill, Dec. 17. 1928. To the Editor of The “Liberal.†Dear Sir: In your 1-9pm-t of the ratepayer’s meeting held in Novmnber. lnmdea motion. seconded by Mr. Jnhn Sander- son, reconmwnding the Village- Conncil of 1924, to have the village books audited by a chartered ac- coyntnnt. By the Village books I meant the books of the Board of Education as well as the Village Treasurer's. Pu blic Notice North Toronto Intermediate and Junior teams will USP the local Arena for all their games this winter. Who said our link wouldn’t get the call P HOCKEY NOTES The first scheduled game in disnict is Friday. Dec. 28th. ocnls play at Newman-ket. CARNIVAL Pâ€"YllS !l Yours truly can pass you out the following facts in this issue: The Grand 0 ening of the local Arena will take the. gum of a. masquerade carnival and skating party: the affair will be under the auspices of the Young Ladies Base-Ball Club. and they suron will put it on in a right manner. and they also surely deserve the support of all citizens. Splendid prizes will be} [awarded for ladies and gentleman's fancy costumes; also for comic cos- tumes. Now get rendy, you Kings and Queens, Cleopatras. Red Riding Hoods. Mutts and Jefl’s. Barney Gougles, etc. There will also be prizes for the childrenâ€"fancy and Comic: costumes. And prob".ny H. few races for the girls and boys. Keep your eye peeled for the bills announcing the big affair. We will have something further to announce in our next issue. TRUCKING Re Building By-law bt Iinvd Sporting Notes Ratepayers Meeting remain yours sincerely, GEORGE Gowns. Explanation H!“ ? re-p'urs tn on wilhnut. a m the Village Building In- 'mrl that 3y-law is ltm-e nu this Th:l Advertise in The Liberal--It Pays or his local agents, Wesley Boynton and R. E. Michael the beg; known conditioner on the market; co-day, and direct from the company FREE TO YOU, for the mark stock in case of death by natural causes known among does not cover Accident; or Fire and Lightning. Hill Dear Sirsâ€"If I can prove to you that I guarantee every stock that you own, without. extra cost to you, by using one of products of this kind on the market, would you be interested ? ] our representative, A. G. SAVAGE, of the ACME STOCK SALT COMPANY Mr. Stock Owner: See Our Lines of Sox, Ties, Suspenders, Gloves, Shirts, Caps, Cuff-Links, House Shoes, Mufflers, Hankerchiefs, Etc. \VE CAN ’l‘EIJIJ Y()U A Pair of Gloves for Dad A Tie for Brother Bob A Pair of House Shoes for Sis in A Muffler for Jack and Sox for George The RICHMOND HILL FURNISHING STORE Why Worry Over What to Give? Our agent will be around tozsee you, or_ DRY GOODS - MILLINERY . LADIESWIE/iï¬ Pyrexware - Aluminum Carving Sets - Clocks ALSO Games, Skates, Sleighs Wagons, Hockey Sticks Kiddie Kars, Watches Trench Block Dolls - - 40c. to $1.95 Sewing Boxes - .28 Doll Trunks - .95 Books 100. to - .78 Train on Track 1.18 Pull Toys - 380. and ‘48 Drums - .13 QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 . H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Phone 33 Thornhill, Ontario for Winter Wear, ranging in price from 950. Up to 2.50 LADIES and CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR and HOSIER} at Popular Prices. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES, Fancy Handkerchiefs Embroidery Work, Wools in all the new shades. Call and see us when doing your Christmas Shopping. W Buy at; Home, and Save Money. T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario WOOLEN GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS Norman J. Glass. MRS. NORMAN BATTY have just received a Nice Assortment of 40c. to $1.95 :k [118 :19. Michael. who will sell you to-day, and a guarantee marked for the market value of all your own among these animals. This call at his officeLat Richmond usmg one of the best interested ? If so, see Limited Phone 53 head of