Mills. DARLINlen loving memory of our dear Nepth, John, whn fell asleep, December 30, 1922. A light is from their household gone. A voice we loved is still. A place is vacant in their home The world can never fill. He was ton pure for this cold world, Ton beautiful to stay, And so God’s holy Angles bore Their dearest one-away. JR; V II Goodwin. Spenclpy. ‘ JR. Pitâ€"Helen Ness, John Cnmisky. Donald Goodwin, Howard Spenclvy. H. HISLOP, teaclwr Olmk. ‘ ' JR. IIIâ€"Jauk Spencley, E Eric Gibsun. SR. IIâ€"‘lnnley Coleman. Garfield Goodwin, Mnhle Curtis. Leonard Well- xunn, Joseph Gibson, Edna Guodwin. JR: IIâ€"Gmce Goodwin. Angus Garter, Kathlqu Mnhmny, “'nlter Musnn. (in-Ice Paris, Phyllis Glass, Jvhn McLPun. Kuthlven Mun-is, Ethel L~lsher, Ke-nm-th Bravlmn. ()lzu'enve Price, Frank Bz-aylmn. Lillian Rumble. Alfred Graingnr. Peter Savage, Dunnld Hick, Idu Blunchard,Du1-mhy . n,‘ Roport fm- Decvmhor SR. IVâ€"Mulcnlm Spam-Ly, Albext Coleman, Doris Curtis. JR. IVâ€"Haunld Ulul‘k. Victnr \Vell~ man Marjorie Tyndall. Margaret Plew- man. Chrislinn. Andr‘laun, Agnes Robinson. Donald Fri<hy. Gvorge Hon-d9. \Vinnie Stnmz. Lucy Savage Dunth Hick, Vern. Morris. Uarman Lmvery. Fwd Saunders. Annie Coveyâ€" duq-k, James Lungstaff. Azrala Denlw. Verna McLean, Mel'niP Hvlmky, Nullie 'l‘iunus‘on, Marion Kidd, Tum Cuvey- duck, VincenL O’Lvmry. Ulnrkson Murphy Dunnld H Atkinson. Tuck, ] Bat lersby Qm ter, School Report for Nov. and Dec. SR. Iâ€"LUlu. Jones, Edward Arnold, Alfred Roako, Marguerite Glass. Norma Hun-is, Mmgmet Trench. Agnes Caldwell. Marjorie Graham, Marjorie Lowry. Gordon Mullelt. Mary Gillings, Evelyn \Vnde. Ivan Wheelan.' Florence McCutchpon. Melville Burns, Leo Sheppard, Harry lenkins, Audrey Gi-elinger, James Deadman. Betty ques. Lillian Durrant Maude Buchanan. Phyllis White, Bobby Davis, Cora Emmeisun, William Bailey, Orr Kvle, Billy Rumble. Leslie Kendall; Peter Forrest, Mury \Villoughby. Bruce Arinstrung. .lulln Wallis. Margarrt Buchanan. Harold Ynung. Ralph Dusclmrm, \Vill Emmet-son, Lorraine Kelly. Chesley \Vulder. S mdv Krlly. Aunt Violet. Uac‘ie Sun 3nd Cousins. Suwiy. Tlrnntu need a IwPosL Office. and more mom for the distri- bulinn of mul IHNILPI'. Neu'mzarIut nvwspapers published on Thursday did lu't leach Hichmnnd Hill until the fnllmving Monday. And phone messages on Monday from Gmmley and other plum-s stated that The Liheml bundle had not yet arrived. Doubtloss thy were held up in the City. Applications are iIH'iLCd fmm members of the various church chni‘s and all nLhexs inlermtvd in churn! Wdl‘k. for mwnbvrship to the Richmond Hill UhUI'Hl Society nmv forming. Membership fee is $1. Rehearsals to st:an early in January. Applications may he sent to Miss Margery Atkinson. 36 Sussex St) , Toronto. j. & M. Stein wish their many customers in Richmond Hillnndsur- rounding district the “Seasons Crimpâ€- meMs." And thank them for their pnlronngt'. St. Mary’s Church. Sunday School will hold their Christmas Two in the Masonic Hull on Fliday 2&1). M 8 pm. Admissiun 25 and 15 cents. Mr. Lou. Teelzel and Mr. Claude “'right left Monday to spend two weeks at the former's_h(mw at Ne“- gate near OhaLhnm. A car of Uzlrdnil Glutin feed 257,, proteen; also a car of Jeddo pen. can] (the best pea coal in Amelicu,) at the Elevator. Nyal Pind is best for cough. For sale at Slonn’ The ovenil at St, Mmy’s fully Choral Out-015. {ichmond Hill Public School Report New Store. the feel OR SALEâ€"25 pullets Bai‘rod rockl, laying. MRS. L. SMITH, Elgin s. 25-27 You can get {he books at The Liberal Report SR. IV all Collins, Mildred Sims. Audrey K, George Plvwman, Svlvia ersby, Allan Duncan, Oswald The Get, yr.ur mzxguz nes at Sloan's Drug Lure. IIIâ€"D Headford Schcol Report days are getting Banger. but like rld in [he Nurthwesn “You don'L Maly‘s' Church (U. of E7.) {vill hq â€"Melvin XVellman, Robert Yeax’s cards at Sloan's Drug 1N MEMORIAM vening sex-wee on Sufldnyrllext of Ourdnil Glutin feed ‘onuld Spencle E. MCMANL‘S, teachel JR. IV with the addition of latest and best Store. Imer Leek. that, tickling s Drug Store. Our Shop is fully equ‘pped for Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Lathe and Machine Work. Bring your carburator and electrical troubles t) Ila; we can solve them. Generators and starting motors overhauled. Moderate rates. All work guaranteed. Battery Repairs and Winter Storage. 1 let us care for your Battery. Our machanics will Rebuild \or Repair your Battery if needed p The cold weather is here, store your car in our Stesm Heatel Garage. Save your car your battery and your time. Phone 33‘ RICHMOND HILL THE TRUS PS & GUARANTEE (10M PANY LI M ITED. Administrators Briggâ€"y Frust. Dillon & Birks. Solicitorsf DATED at. Toronto this twenty-fist day of December, 1923. 26-28 Sloan’s Drug Store any part thereof to any person or pmsons of whnse claim notice shall not havv bzwn leerived by it, at the time of such dis'tril'lutiun. NOTICE is hereby given. pursuant to Section 56 of The Trustees Act, R.S.O., 1914, Chap. 121. that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said I. no Hughes. who died on or about the tWenty-ï¬fth day of September. 1923, at the Village of Richmond Hill. in the County of York, are required, on or before the first day of February, 1924, to send by post, prepaid, orde- liver to Messrs. Briggs; FI-Ost. Dillnn & Bil-ks, 85 Richmond Street VVesi, Tot-unto, snlicitm-s for the Admini- sirntni's nf the Estate of the said deceased, their Christian names and SlilflfllllP“, addre‘ses and deSCxiptinns, the full pm-Iiuulals. in writing, of their clnime. a slateuwnt oftheiraccounts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And take notice that after such last date the said administrators will pmâ€" Ct‘t‘d tn (llatl’lilllte the :iswts 0f the said deceased "mung the panties entitled therein, having regard {anly to’the e-laims of \vhiEh if shall tFwn héve nnl icv, and that W? said administrator: will not. be >|inhle fur the said assets 01‘ prn, and an address teacher of [he junir quite a number of pupils. One day last week had a nun-0w escape injured; As it, was be 'shaking up, and some He was driving drm when an auto cumin: his wagon and upset ‘ (o the hard pavement Notice to Creditors and Others late of The Village of Richmnnd Hill- in the County at York, Jail Guard- Deceased. 26-29 'I‘he Tmblic school closed on Friday afternoon with an interesting Concept, uf chmusos, x-el'imtinns. solos and instrumental selectians. Quite a number ut‘ visitors Were present and all ex- pressed themselves as well pleased with [he enterLainment. After Lhe pro: gramme came the. distribution of presents when every pupil received :1 gift. The pupils of the senior mom presented their teacher with a hand- smne. gum-mounted, initialed fountain pen, and an address. and Misg Bird, teacher of the junior mom received quite a number of gifts from her For the Cure of Stammering Personal Instruction .a Cul'l’t ence Course. SalisfncLion Guaranteed. 'Reusanable 'l‘uiLinn. \V. J. NAUGHTON away (If the ' ISAAC HUGHES, The Thornbill Methodist, Sabbath School is certainly an institutinn of long standing. ()1) Sunday, December 30. they pux-nOSe holding then-841]) annivexsmy. The pastor Rev. Fralick, will address the $011001 at the morning service. and in the evening Mr. John Empriugham. president of the Toronto Conference, Young Prunlo’s Lt-nguv. xyul give an address. On the fullawinz Tuesday evening; January 1; an interesting drama. “Alice in \Vnnder- land†will he presented undPr the training of_Miss Mnrguerite Boyle. In 3.17m Matter of The Estate of us anvmzz duwn Morgan's hill an auto coming behind um into lgnn and upset it. throwing him hard pavement. The horses got but. were snon caught and parts wagon were broken. New Method We extend to you the compliments of the season and Wish you every suCcess and happlness during 1924 STORAGE FORD DEALERS, Richmond Hill W. G. BALDOCK, Ltd. THORNHILL Spruce St.. Aurora. Mr. Fred Ground from being hadly received a. severe very bad bruises. sent. and all ex- wsll please-(l with After Lhe pm-~ disu-ibulim) of pupil I'Pueived n the senior room Cur’i’espond. 3r Storage. If you are laying your car up Our machanics are expert Battery men and (If I Special attention given to sales 01 every description. Farms and farm aim-k sales specialty. Farms bought and sold nu commission. Allsales at- tended to on slimmest notice. and con- ducted by the mnstupproved methods. Patronage sulicited. and Hm khnm FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Res. Phnné lill. 50-18 RPS. Phone 4-1». NAUGHTON' 8: JENKINS Canadian Ténox‘ an Soloist, Nurth Park Church, is prepared t in Ricbmnnd Hill Studio, Mrs. N. Butt Particulars can be nl ing, Phone 22 Ring 11 Ofï¬ces Wang S. Jenkins r HP ldence address VL LOI'IU. Square We um grinding hettpr than previously. \Ve have machine for rolling vats. Selling Flour. Bran, Shmt Feeds and Grit. Baled hay Deliveries Tuesdays and Phone 82 \v. «Season’s greetings and may {lie Wew glear come [0 you laden wit/i prosperity. \Ve wish you one and NewlYear. and My doing satisf reasonable prices. [1 same a share of thei tom as in former years We intend doing a; of horseshneing. blac woodwork repairing. scuffle-rs made to (ride factory price. Toronto. Naughton Block, Aurora. SUHNU‘P For: A110]?! and Richmond Hill. ’J‘m- Townships of King, Whitchurch ‘ 85 Richmond ,St., West, [flees { at the north end the name of "CH we hope by strict and by doimz We wish to friends and cust commencing bu: {I Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 415 Bulliul Sh, Tm‘lvnln. Phone Hudson 1347 W Li ('ENSED AUCTIONEER G. COWIE AND SON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patrunafle and influence respectfully solicited ,1 . El. Pren (ice zinc/1d Ht“ THE MILL ANNOUNCEMENT Wm. C. Ruttan J. F. BURR 'vx‘r‘m 'enor and Chair Leader h Pm-kdnle Methodist *pared to receive pupils ‘. Hill on Thursdays. N. Batty's. Arno-1d St. m be obtained by call- Ring 11. 29- 1y. _\Ve have ii);t:l-l‘led a rolling vats. \Ve are Bran. Shouts. Pnnlhw announce t unex-s that Iiness in the . 0f the vi]! J. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 attention tolhusines: itisfactory wouk n1 . that We will de ‘ a general busines blacksmithing an‘ 7W Shmts. Pnuluy d hay and straw, and Saturdaysï¬ P.0. address Gonnley, HR and faster thing and ll'lOWS and "It Olll‘ Happy ‘I re 1‘6 26-29 under stan than CUS- SAMPLES FR EE PAINTING. DECORATING LnlLVlA-A‘ki. Ulâ€"Ub’Ulbdllx‘\I ! Plume 306. I{ll){2}. ‘1 ’1‘}: orlllli] l . G. HILL, Oak Ridges O. 1 (‘all by phone 01’ othexwise promptly :0 “WOWWWOW Q Oxford Street Phone 43- r32 SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER DENTIST Ofï¬ce Trench Block. two doors north of Standmd Bank. Hour39u.m. to 5.30 p.m. Telvphone The Thornhill MILLINERY STORE Miss E. G. Barker A SPECIAL SELLING of Hand- Made Dress Hats of All‘Silk Velvet, in a Good Range of‘ all the New Shades. including Black ftnr Mid- Winter Wear, sulfur/c for all ages, at HALF PRICE. Articles Appropriate for New Y Gifts at; WMOWQOC" WWW Millinery Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Branch: Wall flingings .. O _ Artistic Charm Also a vari( d ass DR. L. R. BELL Farmers’ Sales Notes TRENCH’S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building paper, Tar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- ;lies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel Chains, Curry combs and Brushes : Stoves and Ranges -: C. N. COOPER Richmond Hi1 COOPER’S HARDWARE - Before stock taking I will sell children and girls coats reduced as follows, childrens coat from English imported was $14.00 now $7.00. Girls coat was $20.00 now $12.50. Men’s worst- ed suits were 354500 now 35 00. Men’s blue serge suit, reduced to $17 00. Men’s tweed suits reduced to $15.00. These coats and suits are reduced below actual cost. But rather than carry them over wrll Sell at said price. Also overcoats reduced. Overcoats turned at reasonable prices E. R. FORTNER CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE Advertise m Lh REDUCTION SALE 0 F C L 0 TH I N G BRANCHES of this Bank in rural sections render valuable service to farmers by acting as cus- todian for their sales notes, or by discounting them and making collections when due. Standard Service makes the farmer’s ï¬nancing easy. STAN DAR!) BAN K orzment of Farcy Ladies and Gents’ Clothier and T PHONE 93 ilu-rul t’ill‘ 0|" CANADA [JOHN R. CAMPBELL York. Hf Canm fur :I Hi“ ‘ Wesley (I Tm-nntu, ground 0 l . m“. Nutin is hH-vhy given that Florence Castle of the vangbip nf Etohicoke in the County of York.’in the Province of OnIm-iu, man ied \vmnan, now resident. in the Township of Ymk in the County Yul-k. will apply to the Parliament. (if Canada. at the next SPSSil'In thereof fur .1 Bill uf Diwvvrze from her husband Wesley ()SCHI‘ ()nsLle of the said City of Tm-nntu, lnonmnlivo fll'Pann. on the ground of adultvry and dosmtion. ( DATED at 'r. “unto the 6th day of From the Turonfn Conwrvntury of Music. will aces-pt, n nnmlrt-rcf pupils ir. Piano, Vncal and ~: Them-y. -:- Richmond HillI F1 iday and Saturday For information lene llU. Mus. .“YLKS. HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Gramer and Paper- Hanrrer. DATED at 'T- IUHU) the 6th day of Novemlmr. 1923. SKEANS & HOOPER, 17! Ynnge Strret, Toronto, Solicitm-s for the said applicant. 19-32 W. HEWISQN Notice of Application for Divorce THE Adeline Mekcc} and Miss Rosaiind Bush L. T. C. M. J. R. Herrington, Mana Ofï¬ce IIom‘ Ofï¬c . M. B. WELLWOOD â€"â€"(‘en‘tre St. West; HMONI) HILL Phone Phone 95 aget.