Home-made Scotch ShortbreadJ Bruce’s High-class Chocolates' and Candies. Give us a call and see our stock; Our Stock of Groceries always fresh. A fine selection of Fancy China} always on hand. Also Semi-Porce-§ lain, Cups, Saucers, Plates, Etc., for everyday use. A China, Cut Glass, Groceries and Confections Subscribe for The Liberal Advertise in The Liberal Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL COLLECTIONS Made ESTATES Managed CON VEYANCING Done LOANS Executec I NSURA NCE Effected SIMEON JOYCE, L.C.A.M. Plans. specificatium and tender f0 ms may be obtained from and le. tu‘rned tn the Secretary. H. Mm-den. Esq., Sterling Bank. Richmond Bill. or the undersigned. BURDEN & GOUINLOCK, Architects. 101 King St.. West, Toronto. Deposit of marked cheque for 2.33; of the amount of the contract, or hid bmd is requn'ed with (-uch tenderan‘l when the contract is executed u bond for 5% of the contract is ruquirvd. Marked cheque for $25.00, returnable. shall be left as deposit on the plans. Lowest, or any other tender will not necessarily be augmented. SEALED hulk zlnd separate tenders will be received until 4 p. m.. February 18th. 192 l. for all trades requirvd in the construction of a. High School at Rich- mond Hill, Ontario. Tenders will nuly he accepted on special forms and in sealed envelopes us fnmishvd by the Secretary or the Architects. . TENDER FOR SCHOOL Now accepting pupils. Studio at the home of Miss Heise‘ “ - CHOIR-LEADER AND ORGANIST “PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The oldest Real Estate Agency in the Vicinity Artistic Piano Playing In All Its Branches Studio: Over Mr. E. R. Foxtl Tailor Store. PHONE 1 VOL. XLVI. PELHAM CUAFFEY TENOR TEACHER OF SINGING The Real Estate Man PIANIST and TEACHER , A. Nicholls Yonge and Centre Sts. . & M. STEIN .50 per annum, in advance R. Fox tlfer’s PHONE 96 NOTICE is hereby given that Alyce aâ€"â€â€â€œ" “H "‘."‘d‘ J Wilson, of Lhe Oily of'l‘nrnnlu, in Eh? hrâ€â€gm 1.“ H'd'm‘m County of York, in the Province nf Drew's“! “"53 “3"â€,1 Ontario, married woman, will apply to “N'l’er‘ H“""‘â€' "t [h' the Parlimnent of Canada. at the next " .b'Mh†1‘“ lay†t“ svssiun thereof fur a Bill uf Divorce! “"‘e “"1 “VOChlldwn flmn her husband, Chalk-s jnnws ‘ â€"â€"J. Wilsun, nf the City of 'l‘nrnnln, Aant. an the grounds uf udnltely and deâ€" Seed Fa sertiun. ' DATED at Torontn. this 28th d November, A. D. 1923. ALYUE \VILSON w rrl. Huing uf thu County of York on the lil h MW of December, 1923. Any motion to quash m- set aside the slum or any paz-L thmeof must he made NOTICE is hereby given that it By- Law was passed by the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Vaughan on the 5Ll1day of November, 1923, providing for the issue of de- bentures to the amount of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7000.00) for the purpose of completing and equipping the new school building in Union School ‘vjection Number 1. and that such By-an was registered in the Registry Office for the East and \vrx‘vll “MINE Hf Eh:A (‘nnnfv n‘F an-Ir _ . V..r r V“. -_ .\!\‘u up Illa“: within Lhu-e mnth after the first. publication of this notice. and cannot be made thereafter. Notice of Application for Divorce 1923 l On \Vednesday, Jan. 30, 1924. at the parsonage. Wondlu-idgn. a quiet \Vt‘d- (ling was mulcmnizvd by Rev. Dr. Smith, when Violet. \Vinnifred (Dell) dunghterof Mr. and Mrs. M. Evans. \Vn(ull)rl(lgr‘_ was married [0 Oliver Vic-for. sun of Mr. and Mrs. Living~ stun, Ulnireville, ()nt. The lnide \vure ‘ heru-nvelling suit. of navy blue trico- l Line with hat and veil to match. The liride- was attended by Miss Doris Old- ï¬eld, of Nashville, Ont; while the gromnwns supported by the bride’s brother. Elmnre Evans. The happy Iconple left, for :1 short honeymoon l l amid BhOWL‘IH ()f confetti and good wishes. .â€" AT THE â€" RICHMOND HILL ARENA Wednesday and Saturday Evenings Band in Attendance ADMISSION PRICES : Wednesday Eveningsâ€"Adults 25c.; Children 15c. Saturday Eveningsâ€" 25 Cents for everybody. J. McLEAN, Chairman Richmond Hill Arena. 30-tf. DATED Notice of Registration of By-Law J. B. McLEAN. Clerk. 30-82 RICHMOND HILL. ONT by her sonata}; ML’RPH Y & DONALD 23'!).-.'._Huy Slicer, SKATING Richmond Hill Livingstonâ€"Evahs the 13th day of December, ‘ornn t 0. Onl'le'd hy the bride's 9 Evans. The happy ‘ :1 short honeymoon of chï¬-Lti and gnnd and Mrs. M. Evans, was married to Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Living. . Out. The lnide Ware 1“. of navy blue trico- d W-il to match. The Mbmmfl. WW4 “ In E ssentials, U nfly 31-35 of i The Council met again Feb. 4. Tenders for hauling gravel were land from L. B. Etong. J. Shem-dawn. C. J. Mabley and R. A. Tyndall. Action on these lenders was deferred for the present. A by-luw was passed ï¬xing the lax rate fur the current year at 48 mills. Mr. Lawrence addlessed the Council (mthe suhjec: of NW advisability nf annexing pnrhwf Markham Town-hip [u the village. 'I‘h-- Ununcil gavu the matter fawn-be cumi-Jexalion, and The Board of Education handc-d in a requisition for $12.0U0 for P. S. pur- poses and $6.000 fur (be H. b‘. By request of the Council the chair- man of the Board of Educatiuu agreed to have the current requisition ful' school mainu-nnnce revised. 7 Accnunts lo the amount, of $816.57 were. p.1_ssed and oxdeledi to be paid. A! a meeting of the Uuumril on the 29th January the offer of Messrs Keenan 85 Waiker. chartered account- auls were accepted to audit the bucks in connection with the Village, includ- the school books for the sum of $1M). anwrs and all interested Aw rp- minded of the Seed Fail“ to he held in the Council Ullfllllbt‘l‘, Sulurduy of this Wevk. In each exhibit. of grain and potatoes the exhibitor must Show at least one bushel and have for sale a1 lens: 25 bushels, excepting harms. when 10 bushels will he rrqllil-Pd for sale. All grain and potatoes sold to he as good as sample shown. All entries in he lllddd with the secretary before 12.30 on day (-f Fair. The publicudmilted at 2 p. u». Addresses will be given by Profs. b‘qniirel of the O. A. 0.. Lennux, Sevd (Jonnnissinnn; and Mc~ menn. a vegetable specialist. a blinding snowstorm. The flanger was thrown from the track and caught file from the small stove with which it was lwutwl, and while every uffurt was [mule In Imuue Mr. b‘;u rmv. [hr altmupts all failed. The I-A-umius we]: lu'uughl tn Richmond Hill ful' hmiul Urcr'usml 'wus a ln-ulher-in-lnw wf Mrs: H u Mr. C.\ Barrow, Canadian National Railway SECLIUH fun-man at; \Vashagn, was burned In death in the wxeck or n Hanger 11‘:er Pan-y Sound, when the “anger was struck by a fast, height in a blinding snowstorm. The flangm' was thrown from the track and caught fne from the small stove with which it was hmtod, and while evprv n-ffur! ume Everything is ready fur the Mas- querade Carnival to be held in the Arena. this evening, under the aus- pices of the Village Council. Cash prizes will be given for best lady, gent, girl and boy costume, also for comic and patriotic costumes. Doors open at, 7.30. Ice reserved fOx' mas- queraders until 8.30. Band in :utend- nucr I “Unfailing Strength†is the theme 'nf morning Discourse in Methodist Church. Sunday. Feb. 10th. At 7 p. m. 'l‘h smrv bf Hymn, “Fight lhe good fight" will be told us Introduction to the theme. "Courageï¬â€™ Strangers most cordially Invited. The service preparatory to Com- munion will he held on Friday, 8th inst, at 8 o’clock, Rev. I. McKay. of Scott Institute. Toronto, will give the address. The Sacrament or the Lord’- Snpper will be dispensed Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. At the evening service the minister will speak particularly to Church members. 15“th 1 Everybodydinviied Mr. G. H. Duncan‘s letter of January 24, re High School costs, in refex'rlng to the County Grant for 1923, stated that the grant, for that year was 1958 than $5.000. In the copy there was a (5 marked over a 5. the compositor thought tbs amount was $5,000. Mr. Duncan states it. was meant for $6,000. We gladly make the correction. Members are asked to remember the Mother's meeting at the home of Mrs. PleWman next Tuesday, Fab. )2, at, three o’clock. Dr. Lillian Langstnff will address the meeting. and all women interested in Child Welfare an) coxdially invited to attend. Admxasmn METHODIST CHURCH Presbyterian Services Fancy Dress Carnival Burned to Death : in Non-E Village Council W. C. T. Correction Seed Fair .. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 7, 1924 35 :md 25 cuts [his villagp. "{ESidCa stu mourn his lass a ssentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity DKTED at Toronto: in the Province of Ontzuio, this 5th day uf February, 1924. FLETCHER KERR. 394 Bay St., Toronto, lolicitor for Applicant. 02-36 NOTICE is hereby given Linl \Vilhclmine Christina Slater. nf thr- City of Tarantu, in the Province of Outalio, Married \annn, Willapply to the Parliament, nf Canada. at [hr next, session thereof. for a Bill of Divorce from hvr husband. Hamid George Slater. of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, Musician, on [be ground of adultery: Notice of Applicatlon for Divorce CHERRYâ€"On Thursday, january 31, 192$, at Wellesley Hospital, Torr-mo. juseph Cherry 8n. formerly nt Gurmlcy. in hia 84th year. Thé recmmuendï¬iuns \viil- mittvd at tlw m-xt meeting Direuu-rs. After [he businesa was transacted all present were enrerLaiuud to ill) oyster suppnr by Mrs. Thumpsun. A mix n! thanks to the HusL and Haslvss. on motion of Mr. ngge and Mr. Lunalu, and a response by Mr. Thumpsun brought the meeting Lu .1 clnsv. Francis was in the ch-uir. mu! m mbvrs present wexe \V. II. Ingrg»v J. Lunaâ€, W. \Vells, J. S. MnNan; j. Muhenn, and R. \V. E. Burnaby. .AIS‘I Mr. Sam Jarvis and Mr. Ugmernn, Tormltn, and T. F. McMahon. Mr. Jarvis and Mr. Cameron were specially invited. as thvy meexports un high jumping horses, and the Society hnpe tu udd high jumpng to their attractions at the next Fair. The classes will include light. middle and heavy weight hunters and jumpqu The voung men were tendered at vatv of thanks fur the, information and use- ful points given the members uf the Executive. Thu. Executive of [I Agricultural Smithy of Mr. Robert Th m Plesident, Ins! Fridl vise the prize list for on the 2m: of May. certain changes. 1 Francis was in the ch present wexe \V. H. J W. \Vqlls, J. 8. Mn! On Monday ('vening next, the members of the Le’lgue nf the Methodist Church are to visit the Young People's Society and engage in a friendly spelling match. and Geography contest. The meeting will he open to the public and everybody is inviLed. Owing to the unfavorable condition of the Weather and the roads, the drive arranged by the Young people of the Presbyterian Church for Monday night had to he called off. The members went instead. to the home of their Vice-PresidentnMiss Batty, when they spent. 1 most enjoyable evening in music and games. A feature of the programme was the'presenbation of". [natty boudoir L'me to Miss Agnes Sims. who has been a. very active member of the Society. The address was read by the President. Allan MacNah, and the gift presented by Miss Madeleine Cooper and Miss ROse Robinson. on motion the By-an (‘mnmiitPP Was instructed to obtain full iufmo mation u to procedure and repm-L at an early date. Mr. Lawrence also asked the Council to again consider the sub. ject of draining on Ruggles Avenue, Baker Avenue and Markham Streeis, which the Council promised it woud do. Funeral frnm his son's residence, Tul'unto, to Mount Pleasant Uemv- tery. Meeting of Executive Young People’s Society :nges. t’residcnb in the clnir. and m DEATHS SAVE, Because y Ill-'L at :h A mpson, Fin! d W evuning (Ix-[11+- Amum and tn 5L Riuiwlrrnd “i†--L a! :h A hunw I sllgges )9 sub of [he OF CANADA BRAN SHORT CRACKED CORN COR a ELLIOW A Full NOTICE is hereby given that Hugh Allan MacDonald. of the City of Toronto. in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, salrasman. Will uppr to the Parliament of Canada, at the next session thereof. fora Bill of Divorce from his Wife. Emily Agnel MacDonald. of the said City of Toronto. on the mound of adultely. n u nwnn OWN... v. .u....:.,. ‘DATED at the City of Toronto. in the County of York, and in the Province of Ontario this Sixteenth day of January A. D. 1924. STANLEY GEORGE HARRIS.- per his Solicitor HENRY STRAOHAN MULLOWNEY,‘ 2453 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ontario. 80-34 Notice of Application tor Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that sunny George Harris. of the City of Toronto, in the County of York. and the Province of Outaiiu, Chauffeur, resid- ing at 30 Hamilton Street, Toronto, wi I apply to the Parliament of Canada. at, the next Session thereof for a Billol Divorce from his wife Celia Hanis. ro- siding at 265 Rhodes Avenue. Toronto. Ontal‘iO. 0!) the ground of adultery. nATlTh .‘L LL; nu .. n. . Start Now to Equip Yourself for (1 Position at Trust! 18 well known throughout. Canada for Superior Training for positions as Private Secre- taries, Stenographere. Typists, Accountants. Commercial Tcaehcrs. etc. Graduates in keen demand. W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL! Full Supply of PU RITY AND MAPLE FLOUR Yonge & Charles Stu, Toronto Write for handsome Catalogue G LUTEX FEED SCOTCH FEED and OIL CAKE MEAL NUT, STOVE, EGG and PEA COAL Always on Hand Our Goal is All Screened Before Delivery. AT THE ELEVATOR Notica ELLIOTT Enter any time [Single copies, 3 cts â€"- ALSO â€" . Ramer No. 32 gamma Protein, N-MEAI. LEAK: 30-34