give it [HUILKGEL . I AND WHEREAS the Slte chusen by Trustees n I: been i-uLiï¬r-d hy the rate- payers at H. special niceliug (‘illlt’tl fur that pui pube: |, AND WHEREAS it is exppdient tn luakv the principal of the said debt 1'?- puyahle in yearly sums during the periug of thirty years. such HIHKHIDIS, respectiver mm the :iggiegute u- DIOUIH- payable fur principal and in- terest in any year. shall be equal as nearly as may he to the aniuuut so payable for principal and interest, in each uf the “mar years ; AND WHEREAS it, is necessary to mise annually tlu- sum of $550.44 dur- ing tï¬e relind of thirty years to pay ‘ l- †:H .‘....l ' nv-rl Infuluast '1') “V r V' > . yearly sums of puim-ipal us \hey become duo. THEREFORE THE BOA] TEES OF THE LANSING 1n qllvu. Vv »..- attached for the payment. of interest, and. if necessary, there he given as collateral security m LII Debentures n lllOI‘tlzugo «n part nl’ but 16. CnnL'l-s- sion 1. Township of North York. lint, uf Yonge Stu-cl. and mom particu- lau‘ly described in [)Pod No. 2661. for the said sum (:f $8,000.00. n .,___ .LA mnuev and {n issue give it mmtgage; us Int: \1\ \.\l||-\ “u. , THEREFORE THE BOARD OF TRUS- TEES OF THE LANSING ROMAN CATHO- LIC SEPARATE SCHOOL SECTION EN- LIIU ran: an... v. Vâ€, .«_.,, (2) The debentures shall bear the snme date. and shall be payable within thirty years of the date of issuv. and shall bear interest, at the rate of 5; per cent per ammm. paynble half-yearly in semi-annual instalments during the thirty years next, after the date at issue. and the respective amouan in each of such years shall be set out in schedule attached. - .L 1.,:. AL Ia no run...†.. (1) For the purposes hereinafter nwntinned thI-lc shall he honowed the said sum 0f $8,000.00. and debenâ€" tures shall he issued lhexefor (in me instalment plan in sums not. less than $100.00 each, which shall have coupons :._A..»-A,.s ï¬vllhul . - v . . v v ‘ . . . . _ _ , (3) The debentures, as to both prin- cipal sni interest. shall he expressed in Canadian currency and be payable at the Sterling Bunk of Canada. Lans- ing, Ont, win. . m. . I A , , . _ . _ -nA :nrn..-ot "15‘ v"... r. (4) The debentures and interest coupons shall be signed and issued by the Chairman of the Bonn! nf Trus- tees. and shall be signed by the Secre- tary-Treasmer. and $he debentures shall be sealed with the corporate seal of the Board. ,5 LL- J-LL WHEREAS it is expedient that the School Board of Lansing Roman Unthnlic Svpzuute Schonl Section, in (he Town-hip of North Yolk, in the Uounty of York, bun-ow the sum of $8,000 00 for Llw pmuhusv of :I schmd 'siLe and the erection of a school build. ing 1n lhv 'l‘nwmhip uf N‘ch Youk. in the County of Ymk, and that is [he inlendt-d L0 be amount of HIV debt, crentvd by lhis hy-lanj; AND WHEREAS It. Is necessary and expedieuL lu iSsU? doheutuws for the safid amount, (If $8_UUU.UU, hearing in. ï¬eresl u the rule “‘51) per uvnt. per BDDUIH; n.“ “m; AND WHEREAS it expedient lhul, l-ha nulbmiz‘ed to give u lands and buildings for Lhe sum of $3,0( security to [he said (1 UL III-I. “VI-nu. 6) During the currency of the debt there shall he mined in ench year the amount. of the instalment of principal and interest, payable in that year as set forth in schedule attached. 5,,A ACTS AS FOI.L()\\’S 2 Lansing. DATED at. Lansing this 10th day 0; jagunry. 1921. , n.--) r---:.._ Huh. Bvâ€"wa to author ul' $9,0UU.00 fur the ] hnd the building of a Lut 16. Concession North Ymk, fur School. "(6') This By-L‘ the day of [he [IEAL] Are you a suburiber Advertise in the Liboml. Jun-nu}. .., PASSED by the Board. Lansing, this 10th day of January. 1924. DANIEL HARRINGTON. Uhnil-nmn. SCHEDULE T0 BY-LAW No. ‘2 Year Interest Principal 31 â€"â€" OF THE â€"- Lansing Roman Catholic Separate Schooi Board BY-LAW NUMBER 2 $440 00 433 92 427 51 420 75 413 62 406 10 398 16 "9 78 I71 62 351 ‘1 3‘0 40 I28 92 I16 78 303 88 290 8‘2 228 19 210 47 191 77 I72 06 151 24 129 28 106 ll 2'76 01 260 92 I44 99 to authorize the borrowing 0 fm- Lbe purchase of a. lite Hiding of a school on pmt nf )onCessinn 1. Township of ‘xk. fur Lansing Separate H. J. M. SMITH, Secretary-Treasurer nuw Iv . issue Gelâ€")eutmes fér the of $8,000.00, hearing in- rule ut'jn} pr-r cent. per r-Lxuv shall take Pï¬ect on the passing thereof at '79 it, is necessary to sum of $550.44 dur- Lhirly years to pay im-ipal and intervst $3.000 00 sno 4+ 116 52 122 93 129 69 136 82 14‘ 34 152 28 160 66 169 50 178 82 188 65 199 03 209 98 221 52 288 71 246 66 261: 12 274 43 289 52 303 45 322 25 839 HT 858 U? 378 39 399 20 (21 16 444 33 468 7†494 55 521 TC) ‘550 44 550 41 550 44 550 4‘ 550 44 550 44 550 44 550 44 550 ‘i 550 ‘$ _ 550 l‘ 550 4‘ 550 44 550 ‘4 55†‘$ 550 44 550 44 550 44 551) 41 :15“ 551 b 550 550 Totnl 35!) ‘50 Under the hendmg of “Pcrsnnal Liberty†the L‘aunt‘rv Gentleman new<pnper has an article bearing on the results (If what, is known as the "ight ofmen indulging in intoxicating iquor. Figuves furnished by the oroner of the Stale, show that at 'easc 875 persons made the suprume aacrlflce in the cause in Philadelphia in the year 1923. Tran number th0 refused to have their rights restricted by the 18511 amendment died from drinking poison liquor. Personal Liberty, British Liberty Personal Mummy, 1mm.- MW.†md Personal Freedom are. phrases that may look well in.prlnt, but: in mo many cases “the end thereof is death." uuuuuu. ID Sluvvnâ€". .v 0 from time to time by men of wealth. Out of the four appropriations, aggregating $2,725,000. recently announced by the Rockefeller Foundation, two come to Canada. A gift of $1,000,000 comes to the medical schonl of the University of Toronto, and $500,000 is given for the endowment of the medical school of the University of Alberta. Now, please, do not person say “Coal Oil price†after such ml‘ The giving away of‘l make, it; any easier to of oil. \Ir. Ediior: (’Hvlflyina to Mr. Ratepuver who wmmul ashamed of his name and fur lwhmwï¬t of a†lhose who did not ILLend 1h» matting. at. 6 pm‘. I rang ~1p Mr. McLean. Vice-Px-esident, and Asked him if he would see lhat there was a gec-d ï¬re in the council “humhm‘s at, 630. He rang me up ~Itatimz LhaL there had been In) ï¬r? in hall :1“ day and as in was 8 below zem that it wvnld be impossible to heat the that it \vmild be impossible to heat the h I“ in time- for the meeting. I asked him to have u. lat-29 card naile-d (Hit/119 dum- calling the meeting In the school room, which he. did. and [ \vunld get permission from thea schnnl hnarsl which was granted. I might say in cunclusinn that if Mr. R~itvpnyer WIS interested to have the ()fli H's uppninted he Would have lwpn intermted enough to gr) as far as Ilw door and see if the meeting ‘wm held any place else, or if postponed to all-uh 1- date. nu nu . u..-\. You can lendily see. Mr. Editor, that, «vrrything was dune that was possible in the interest of the rate- Dayer. and the comfort of those who attended the meeting. Thanking you space. Thurnhill Juniur Lean: Panl lainod Hiuhmnnd Hill fast. Junior team uu Thurslrly night of last WdEK, Thurm bill winning 96. The score wus a tie at 4:1". 5 all. and 6 all. when the local boys put on an exlm rnle t-f speed and hurriedly run in 3 extra counters. Both bums are home grown boys, and teams worthy of praise. Special mention are probably due lo F. Gruinger, Clarence Mylks and A. Armstrong nn Richmond Hill team. while Sliner. Hooper, Johnson and the two McDomld boys of 'l‘hornhill. un- wquhy of special note. , _.:: _. ,4 A; evidence of deep sympathy with the neighboring nation at this time. the flags on all buildings in Ottawa, the Canadian Capital. were at; half- maat until after the obsequies in Washington yesterday, Lhus showing that Canada mourns with the United States over the death of Woodrow Wilson. aren’t mail“ ihas been nmnifvated in this olden of winter sports here [Ills winter. m’fk‘xvéï¬udies have organiled a e'uh and have Ihown good prowess in the ant . A. GREENE, J. MCLEAN. President. In Vice-President RONCHITIS MIXTURE “SAVED Mu Lifé Rand this true Itntonaent ’“l. Mn. Clayton. luv. suEered from Bronchitis for yenn and found relief only in Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture. I consider thin to be a wonderful remedy and wouldn't be without it in the house. and I am ï¬rmly conâ€" vinced that it saved my life." Mn. \V. Clayton. 90 Uxbridge Ave.. Toronto. Buckley's is guaranteed to relieve with the very ï¬rst dose. coughs, colds and bronchitis. Get a bottle at your druggist’s today. Fer Sale at Sloan’s Drug Store W. K. BUCKLEY, LIMITED 142 MUTUAL s11. TORONTO Reply (o Ratepayer use, do not; let us hear any “Coal 011 will go up in :r such munificent gifts. f away of manev does Lot nv easier to false the prhe TIIURNHILL your valuable (lulâ€˜ï¬ with RIVATE SALEâ€"A quantity of household turniture. stoves etc.. will be sold privately at th» home nf CHARLES MrMAHON, Yunge SL. , Rich- mond Hill. Intending purchasers may call until Thursday of next, week. 0R SALEâ€"One kitchen range, 2 large rugs. sewing machine. and a secretaryâ€".cbeap for cash. Pbonc 99 J. and Richmond Hill Agriculturnl Suck-lies, $50; Amm‘n, Agincnurb Riuhmnnd Ilill, \Vt-slm), Mdlkhum Village. \\'nodhxidgo, 'l'hm-nhill. New TUI'HDU). Mimivo, New ’I‘orontn jIIV» (mile Horticultmnl Societies, $25; \Vumen’s Institute, East. West, anu Nanh York. $35: Lmside Flmver and Fruit, $35; Onlurin Vegetahlo Growers. Associuliml. 325; N0th Ymk, Aurora, Uakwuud. T-dmmden, Mount Dennis. Mimico and Lung Brunch Poultry and Pen Stock A~sncialions, $25. The fullowing public libraries were granted $25 each; New Tux-ontol Newmzu'ket. Mount Alhm-t, \Veston, \‘carbum, Islington, Aux-om, Mark- ham. Queensville. Sutton \Vesb, \‘touffville, Dun. Highland’Ureek. Uninnvill». \Vnodhridge, Runnymede, Richnmnd Hill. Mimicn. Maple. Agin- uourt. Swansea, Birchcliffa. Thnrnhill, Sghomhex‘g and Long Blanch. STRAYEDâ€" On the 2nd of January, 11 Beagle Houndâ€"black. white and tan, with a [an head. Answers to the mum! of "jerry." Reward. H. CHAPMAN, Phone 1035 Maple, or write A local link, A. M. Ric», skip. Gen. Fuller, Elmore Hooper and W. Ynung- men challenged them for the cupun Saturday. Feb. 2. and after the game was over; wondvred why M. Pegg had A byâ€"law to grant aid :Imuunting to $1920. tn agricultural and honti- cultural socxeliws. women’s instio tntos and public lihnu'ics in the cnunty was pussud us fullmvs: \Vnndlm‘xdge, Markham and Nuw- box 20. ulu u." . ._, ...- , The sport, of the local season is the cup found nttached to the brooms of the following rink upon its return from Baurie Bonspiei. M. Pegg (skip). Fred Echiin. Morgan Boyle, D. \Vniker (known a: Happy). The daily papers scone sheet of this rink while Barrie Bonspiel was on. did not show that “Matthew†Won 8. cup and Dame Rumor has it that "Happy" has a cousin (a tinsmith) in Barrie nevertheless a. cup they brought home. ET; {132' 's'cKEE a; M. Pegg 15, A. M Rice 8. \Vondhridge, Markham Hnu nun- market Agricultnml Sm-ivth-Q, $10!) each; Schumhelz, Scarlmrmlgh. Queeni- ville, Suttun \Vest. \Vvst'a). Aurora :Ind Richmund Hill Agricultuml Sucieties, $50; Aumrn, Agincom-L RL-hmmul Hill, \Veslnn. Mmkham undvr the guidance of Mrs. S Findlay, and Miss Lillian Francis, Ikips. There are twenty merpbprs: I r__..:, 4L» nun \-v»|y ...... ,, not won a cup in Barrie of mum mvtal Ir A I! OR SALEâ€"T\\o young Holstein cows. MRS. 0. GRAHAM. Maple. ANTED â€"â€"\Vl eat and buck wheat. ~Enquine aL mill. 1. F. BURR. 32-33 Grants from York County 2111 l? Sxem Leone Gambia India Ceylon Bumn Saraizs Settlements Federated Mal-y Sula Bria'sh Borneo British Samoa Mauritius and Reunio- Ncwiouudlqnd Ford ofCanada la Ingram!- ed by Sales and Snake Stations in (he fouowmom- Jun lenilariu. S. W.Afric1n Pmucwnte Zanzibar Rhodesia Union of Soth Allin: Kenya Colony 'KrJgandayu‘ angan I Gold Coast Fiji New Caledonia BritishrNcw Guinea Ads. TENDERSâ€"Sealed Tenders will he received up to \Vednesdny, Feb. 13. 1924. by the Lansing Roman Catholic Separate school bonrd for the erection of a two momed frame temporary school building at. Lansing. Plans and specifications may be seen hi: the residence of the chairman Mr. Daniel Harrington, Lansing, m- at St. Mary’s Presbytery, Richlnrml Hill. The lowest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. D. HARRIVGTUN. Chairman. H. J. M. SMITH Secrets-r33 Box 646 Lnnsing, ()nt. 52 SIZE SUV Onl ALED STRA\V AND HAYâ€"No.1 b4 led out straw, 50 cen’ 5 pm‘ hundred at, the burn, 60 cents de- livered. Balpd buy 75 cents per hundred. I. WALDER, Richmond Hill. FOR, SALEwCrlonv chickpn house, 10 x 8 ft. height 8 x 7, with a lenn to :nme 6 It. square and a win- run. $35; ulcu a pen of Mamoth Pekin ducks, 3 duka and a. dlukv, aml l Barred Rock Cooke-1e], O. A. 0. strain. Apply Mr. J. DREW. Bl'nok- side Road. Elgin Mills, Stop 29 Nfotrnnnlitun. OR SALEâ€"Radio set Complete. singlu I-vgenemcive with phones. henr up to 1500 miles. will sell I-Pasun- able. putting in larger set. Apply box 210 Richmond Hill, or Phone 121 w. ELP WANTEDâ€"Middieugpd woman wanted tn do ligh' huuse “'nrk, Apply MR8. WHATMOUGH, Stop 20, Yonga Street. seloot vnri different c for $2.0“. are pnizu Unionvillv 1 Apply T. H. HA SUPPLIES, Limited, Phone m:0utter in first class ordpr, cheap. Apply J. Draws- BURY. Richmond _Hi1l. or WILMOT m vnd Hill Metropolitan. BRUMVVELL, Victoria. Square. â€" on SALEâ€"Poultry fence. Steet, high; Also 1 hen house, and 1 Daniel InCubator, 250 eggs. GEORGE KOZAK, Box 217, Richmond Hill. 29â€"82 L71 niom‘il DAVISOS LUMBINGâ€"Heatmg and sheet metul wmk. PEARSE & MILLS, Richmond Hill. Phony 84] 32-35 1OR SALEâ€"‘3 very nice while Leg- horn pulluts. dollar fifty each. T. PHILPOT’I‘. Stop 21 Yonge St. 31 PRUNINGâ€"Get your-m-chavdpmnod. Nuw is the time to do it. 1. ESPEY, Elgiu Mills. Phone 128â€"8 Ri‘ h- 0R SALE â€" Engineering ‘0 HON The Empire Builders in OUSE FOR SALEâ€"Enqune 0f GEOJ‘SJSXMS, Richmond Hm. Ow H SP From time immemorial,Britons have gone forth and pioneered the remote comers of the earth. In the face of seemingly insuperable diï¬iculties they have built up a world-wide tradeâ€"trade that grew and flourished in spite of the limitations of those primitive burden-bearers, the native carriers, the mule train and the camel caravan. Ford carries the burdens of Empire trade on the hill-trails of India, on the Airican veldt, on the sheep-stations of Australia and New Zealm¢ on the plantations of Ceylon and Burma. on the rubber estates of Malaya and on the jungle-paths of Borneo. Universal usage under all these conditions has stamped the Ford as dependable transportation. Made in Canada for the Empire ks, skate-s all Baby cnrringe Ynnge Street mg In I] {ï¬nd l'it’tit's colon CARS ‘ TRUCKS . TRACTORS rupum 1! winnvrs. The Ford car is completely made in Canada with the exception of parts to the value of $15.07. GLADIOLIN VI, to large i-‘crea e u .1dn-ndi<play collect/n its as follow 3: G bu“) an all r: nrvcllv In} Ont 'l‘hnm r0nm wte tn IN. T. H. HARDWARE & mixed. PhOne 33 ThUI'nhill. See Any Authorized Ford Dealer md hor 1|] "ll/15y Foal Predominates M u BRUCE joN the best 32-tf Th +- 31-32 32â€"35 32 H Grinding and 1" llinp; as usual, flour at, lower prices. A1 fekds freshly ground. IGl'ound nats, barley and mixed 2min. Alfalfa meal cmn meal nnd rolled outs on hand. Just, receiu'tl a: car 01 finit- class \Vé-s‘u‘rlr mls, splendid seed. Ruled h'y and straw. Dclivex-iei 'l‘uculny un'l Saturday's. IIIIII|HlllllllllIIlllllllllllllllllllIflllIllllllHlllIlllIIHHIIHIIIlllllfl[Ill]"II-lllllllllllllllllllflflflflfll Will you get a bigger share of business in 1924? Many more people learn- ed how to get the most out of their Local and Long Distance in 1923 than ever before. Our study of their business enabled one concern to increase its sales by teleâ€" phone f r o m $200 a month to over $8,000. Will you not give this subject of properly organized and properly manned telephone equip- ment serious consideraâ€" tion? Ask us to help. Your share in 1924 THE MILL J. F. BURR Every Bell Telephone :11 a Long Distance Station Phone 82 W 30.32