Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Feb 1924, p. 1

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China, Cut Glass, Groceries and Confections Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL ESTATES Managed COLLECTIONS Made I NSURA NCE Effected CONVEYANCIN G Done LOANS Executed A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept M; the above places WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE SIMEON JOYCE, L.C.A.M. â€" AT THE â€" RICHMOND HILL-ARENA Wednesday and Saturday Evenings Band in Attendance ADMISSION PRICES: Wednesday Eveningsâ€"Adults 25c.; Children 15c. Saturday Evenings â€" 25 Cents for everybody. J. McLEAN, Chairman Richmond Hill Arena. 3041'. Now accepting pupils. Studio at the home of Miss Heise. The oldest Real Estate Agency in the Vicinity Artistic Piano Playing In All Its Branches Studio: Over Mr. E. R. Fortner’s Tailor Store. PHONE 95 “Royal Grafton Willow” pattern, in cups and saucers, plates, sugar and creams, etc. An assortment of novelties suitable for card parties; Our stock of Groceries always fresh, and prices right. Bruce's High-Class Chocolates and Candies. Have just received a crate of "Royal Grafton China" in latest colours, “Primrose and "Plum" in solid colours. Primrose, Apple Green and Pale Blue in a broad band with black scroll round top and bottom of band. VOL. XLVI. PELHAM CIIAFFEY CHOIR-LEADER AND ORGANIST PRESBYTERXAN CHURCH The Real Estate Man TENOR TEACHER 0F SINGING , A. Nicholls PlANlST_and TEACHER Yonge and Centre Sts. SKATING .50 per annum, in advance.) . STEIN NOTICE is hereby given that Alyce Wilson, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, married woman. will apply to the Parliament; of Canada, at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce fmm her husband. Charles Jumps Wilson, of the City of Toronto, Agent. on the grounds of adnlleiy and deâ€" sermon. DATED at annntn. this 28th day of November, A. D. 1923. ALYCE WILSON by her Solicitors. MURPHY & DONALD, 302 Ray Sheet. Toronto. 31-35 rruvince of Ontuxio. salesman. will apply to the Paxh’auwnt’, of Canada, at the next, session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from his \tifn. Emily Agnes MacDmmld. vi the said City of Toronto. on thsI ground of adultexy. “Amhn Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that Hugh Allan MacDonald. 0f the City nf Toronto. in tho Uunnty of York. in the Province of Ontulio. saksman. will apply tn the Paxh’auwnt’, of Canada, at the next session thereof, for a Bill of Notice of Application tor Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that Stanley George Harris, ofzthe City of Toronto, in the County of York. and the Province of Ontario, Chauffeur, resid- ing at 80 Hamilton Street. Toronto, will apply to the Parliament of Canada. at, the next Session thereof for a Blll of Divorce from his wife Celia Harris, re- siding at 265 Rhodes Avenue. Torenm. Ontario. on the ground of adultery. hA'nun AL LL , I“. - ... i , 1,7“..- .,. “nun”. DATED at the City of Toronto. in the County of York, and in the Province of Ontario this Sixteenth day of January A. D. 1926. STANLEY GEORGE HARRIS. -.._.___ NBS? his Solicitor HENRY STRAEBKK'MG'IZLOWNEY 2458 Yonge Street, Torontu. Ontario. 80-3-1 (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All clams of animals treated. Day and night calls prompt- ly attended. Office and residonLe north side Elem-0nd Street. iRichmond Hill. Telephdiié 15,"1ii}§{g 24 Notice of Application for Divorce DENTIST Office Trench Block. two‘ RICHMOND STREET Representing Th? Mutual Life Insurance Company of NW York INQUIRIES SOLICITED R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc AMBROSE L. PHIPPS RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. D. L. R. BELL Stande Bank. Hour59n.m. to 5.30 p.m Telephone 32 Richmond Hill '. two doors north of “In Essentials, Unity; RxcmmND HILL 80-34 l Friendly greetings were excbungcd by l l‘epreuenutivu of both organizational, who voiced tho general feolmg that lie evening had been of unusual intereut and prefit to all. Non Monday night I the chief feature of the programme ic Ito b. a Debate on the topicâ€"“Tb:| I Richmond Hill in a more desirable I place nf rali ience Ihnn ‘l‘m-ontu.” Are you s subscriber Monday Pveniug MW in juint meeting of [he meunheis of the Methodist League- and of the Young People’s Suciety in lhu'Schlml Homn of tho- Pi-eshyLeI-iau Church. l)».~pite a strong cnumex attraction [here was I fine attendance of nwmhers and “goodly number interested tiiends. Mr. Allan MuNMb. president uf the Y.P.S., pre- sidvd nnd after conducting the opening exercises wolculued [he visiwra and asked Principal “’ation to act. as referee in the two contests arranged for the evrning. The first, of these was a spelling match bued on word: in St. Luke's Gospel and Wu won after a longthv contest of tho visitorl. It. was followed by u Geography C( ntest, equal] grilling. in which the honors fell to they hmnu Iemn. Mlsa Comilky und Mrs. Ginsu cmltiibuted to the on- joyment of the evening bv rendering an instrumental and I vocal solo. The boys drill, though strvnuous was well executed. but. prubnhly the most. amusing feature of the Pvening was “Tom Thumh’s Weddimz," in which a number nf little lmys and girls took part. Befme closing. Mr. \Vnnen, ex- pressed the thanks nf the League to Mrs. Finch whn spared neither lime nnr efimt in training thv children. Also to Mr. Mnrds-n. Miss Rhoda Barker, Miss L. Plowman. and all \\ ho so ably assisted. , -_. r u, in the best of humm; and this happy spirit, lasted to the end of a fan] in'erestingentertainmrnt. The ch'nusev, duels and solos Wele well rendered, the recitatiqu shmw d careful training. and “Grandmother’s Dllll, tnsay the lust, was “Killing.” TheI Schuol Room 0fthe NIPthl)di§t Church was packed \Vednesduy awning when the members of Ihe Junior League gave their concert, con- sisting of songs. dinlugues, drills and other featuie-u The pas‘lnr. Rev, H. \Veu'ren, presided. and introduced lhe numbers with pleasant remarks. The opening address of WPlcnme by little Eileen Patch seemed to put evervbody u. 51”. L...“ -c n, , .. -nwuv "unqucu will be held in the School Room of the Methodist. Church, \‘Vudnesduy oven- ing, Feiuluu-v 20. The Ladies Aid of the Church will prepuru the hnnquet. which will cm! “1:171 at 70'clnck. Do not miss thsa he"! of hearing Sir Adam Beck. the pinincipal spr‘akm'. Secuie your tickets nt The Liberal Office, 01- at olher sun-ts in the Village. There will be a grand musical skating fete in the Richmbnd Hill Arena, Tuesday evening. February 19. undvr thenuspices of the York Rangers Rich- mond Hill Band. Special prizes will he givan for best lady, gent. and couple Ikaters. Skating will start at 7.45. Admission, skaters 25 cents; spectators lb cents. Cash prizes $3 ench for lst prizes. Application Entry Forms are being sent to Vin-inns cluhl for the Richmond Hill Hockey Tournamont to be held in the Arena, commencing Monday the 25th of February. The prize for the winnerl will he [0 gold watches. The rules haye been printed and sent to 44,1, . each club. must be given. cents. ,,_.., . W. Thu-e ml! he song instrumental music monk marriage. A Tha Richmond Hill Junior Epwm‘th League who pleased their large audience In much last week are to re- peat their programme in the Richvale church Friday evening of nextwpek. “FLA... __:|- I - ~- Mrs. I. Gravel, of Scarborough Junction, will give a talk "Observa- tinns of a. Plain \Vnman in Her Garden." in the Thornhill public schonlnn Tuesday. February 19th. at 8 o'clock. Everyone welcome. The next Board Thornhill Horticultural Society Y~ ung People’s Society . or». nenlal music, dialogues and a marriage. Admission 25 and 10 Bond of Trade Banquet Junz'or League Concell an Year Carnival Hockey Tournament Concert at Richvale in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity songs, Brills, readingé; names of the players THURSDAY FEBRUARY 14. 1924 0f T_rt_1}ie Banguret, I SAMPLES FREE I PAINTING. DECORATING HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. Phone 306, King W. HEWISON Her weary diys. her hours of pain And troubled nights have passed. I should nut grime She found sweet Irst at last. Daughlvr Frant‘cs. Modern Dancing TnughL by BANDSâ€"In Mr. Trench. Mr. Greene. uni 0 took part in \he discusaiun The meeting clused without resolution being passed. In reply to a queS'ion hy Hlll. Dr. Langstnl’f (Mid debentules would raise the $8,000 assessment a little year for 30 years. Principal Stewart, of the High School, spoke of the lurk nf accum- mndntion, and mid it, would |m im~ possible to many nn :lnothr year under present conditions. ' Mr. Pugstéy7I'."»ii£1.'£wl'.lir P School was npglected nu mrcum our High Schm-l. He favored sep boiu'ds for each school, ""r'l “" Trustee Gée th()l1ghty't'£:”Bo;1rd were justified in building so as to retain the outside students from the county. '1‘ ..... a»-.. 1.!»n‘h .. _ A _.... Vux \vullh . Trustee Mééfiklle considered that a High School increased the value of every umn’s property. If we do not build. annlher H. 8. would lie built eililler porlh or south. Mr. Lumm f;l§oi"£;(-il':1 p)stpv-nvmvm. That was why he circulated a petitwr. We might be in u better pasiiiun next. year. I Mr. D. Hill would he will ahead if the enllnty wuuld the debentures fur 3‘) June need, howevvr, mule nwn \v the soil and do manual humr h, H. . vlylx a “If upl)"lUU- . ~- 2 The ratepayers after the by-law was advertised,voted to build the Sf‘lIOO'. the cuunty has guaranteed the delwn- tures, tonders have been asked for, and if satisfactory. the Bulrd hope to push the Work along and have the school ready for noxt September. A saving would he made by htving one room which would be nsed for a gym- nasium and Assembly Hall. Under the circumstances it would not be wise to act on a petition asking that the work be delayed even one year. m...._‘_A "L ' ‘ ...‘ ’ufll . Trustee Du'néh; 'a'aid a new school was absolutely necessary. but it should be built as cheaply as possible. "‘7 77 ‘ ,. .. . Dr. I;l\llg\‘[’lif, Chairman of the Board, was the first. to speak. “9 said that liki‘ the Public Schonl. the High School was Important. to many. In his own profession when gm») apply for admission in a hunpitul to train for nurses one of the filst. ques- tions asked is “Have yuu :1 High Schmvl Education ?" The same appli s to stenographers. ofl‘ice work, etc. As we are so favomhly situated with Aux-(mi. 9 miles north; Markham 12 miles east; \Veston 15 miles west, and North Toronto 12 miles sou! b. we are drawing 76 per cent. of our pupils fmm the county. For these the (‘ounly Grant this year will he ahuur, $l(l.ll00. The law calls for new High Schools 3; acres. We have purchased a splendid new site of 4.3 acres fur $6.000. 'l‘l. “ " ' . A..-___,H Wall Hafngings - O â€" Artistic Charm MmL. Teetze], Presidr-nt of the Rate- pnyers Aswcialinn, presided. H" first culle-d upon the members of {119 Board of Education present to present their views. Bills were printed and distributed in the village calling the rule-payers to a meeting Tuesday evening fur ch:- pur- pone of discussing the propmed now High SChUUl. Mrs. Eliza VRéllldSZ-Vg‘hz)‘ U. 1928. Studio: Centre St. W. STAN. WOODHEAD DANCING memory of my chair mm hm Get-together Mating IN MEMORIAM Tr! ms on Application n ?" The same appli s s. ofl‘ice Work, etc. As untth situated with north; Markham 12 (on 15 miles west, and W'mld gum-unwr- 3') yWU‘i. \‘Yr‘ IKE Willing tn ht nut Public ‘ nu mrcuunt (f favored separate idr-nt of the Rate- presidvd. H" members of {hp bums on In over $10 a \th “ill liH n n} others Mr, P. C the H. S. any of BRAN SHORTS CRACK ED CORN CORN Ofl‘ice hours 8 to 10 mm. 1 to 2 to 8 p.11). Office and residenceâ€"Centre )hurcb Streets Richmond Hill P NO. 21. Start Now to Equip Yourself for a Position ot Trust! NORTH Yonam San, RICHMOND Bum. DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF.‘.’ Office hours 8 :10 mm. and 6 28pm” DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF: (diseases of women and children.) Office hours If :3 p. m. Phone 100. IS a ()nxmdizm Institution. and is the pl‘npelty of the Policy Holders them- selveq. This fact enables you to secure Lift» Insurance at, Gust. There is No Substitute for Life In- surance. Ennnirinu mug“: 22-61" (22 3m) .7512 Mutual £z’fe company PIANIST Tencber of Piano Pupil of J. E. Newtt: Carmnn. Pupils successfully pre; servaer Exnlninnrinn MISS VERDELLA DONER umnmswmns. SOLICITORS. ETC. Toronto Office : 2498 Yonge St. Phone Hudson 3408. Richmond Hill Office : Wesley Boyn- tun's Real Estate Oflflce. Yonge St A member of the firm will be in Richmond Hill every 'I‘uenday. 20-603! MULHOLLA ND & SMYTH Yonge as. Obarlel Sts., Toronto 18 well known throughout Canada for Superior Tnining for positiom as hivm locu- taries. Steuognphon. Typiutl, Account-nu. Commercial Tuehou. etc. Graduates in koon delund. DR. M. B. WELLWOOD / I‘URITY AND MAPLE LEAF FLOUR Write for handsvme Catalogue W, j. liLLlU'l'T - l‘lilt-Lll'Al GLUTEN FEED, 25:, P Full Supply of ‘upils successfully prepared (or Con~ ratory Examination. Studio, Centre St. W., ‘%m) Richmond Hill. PhuneBli SCOTCH FEED nml OIL CAKE MEAL NU’I‘, STOVE, EGG anJ PEA COAL Always on Hand Our Coal is All Screened Before Delivery. AT THE ELEVATOR Oflicezâ€"Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Ofiice Hours: 10-12; 6-8. ICC‘. EnquifiEsâ€"é'élfgiizdtl'- H. BYAM. Agent, Maple, Out. I Phone 282 Notice DRS. LANGSTAFF . D. Ramer [Single copies, 3 cts But-r any time .J. P. WILSON LLIOTT â€"- ALSO â€" of Pinno Playing E. Newton and B. H‘ No. 33 .71 ssurance Plume 8.: rotcin 'AlI'JA I: e and Phone m. d

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