H09 \Valtm- S. Jon kins Egpression, Reading, atm and Humourous Sketcnes, Dialect lioerps. Burristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 ' 85 Richmond 5L, \Vest. Ofï¬ces { Toronto. Naughtcn Block. Aurora. Solicntor for : Aumra and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King. \Vhitchurch and Mm khan). Ulalbvv - '-- Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Stucio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. {nudic ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thomhill. Ont 30 tf or and Choir Leader Parkdule Mvthudisl red to receive pupils Hill on Thumdnye. Studio, Mrs. N. Bauy's. Arnold St. .Pax-Liculm-s can he nbminekl by call. ' "LA-A.- oq Din" H. 2!). Canadian Ten Soloist, Nurth Church, is prepu in Richmnnd I’m-Licï¬lm-s can he nu ing. Phone 22 Ring 11. F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY E'rc Toronto Ofï¬ce, 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. West. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal 0mce). every Thursday forenoon. Marple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridae. Saturday fox-enoon. Money to Loan at, Current Rate Burhten. Solicitors. Etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite 51] McKinnnn Bldg.. (Tor. Jordon and Melinda Sts.. Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL iill Mr. Campbell will he at, The Libera' Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. every Tuesday nfternonn. Danton, Macdonala a: Denlon Barristers. Solictors. &c. MANNING ARCADE. 21 KING 81‘. WEST. TORONTO, CA TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: "Dado, Aulhm A. Macdonnld F.-a.nk Demon Laura Dentun. B. (‘OM MISSION ER, CON VEYANCER. ETC All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship Prompt Service Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand, Yonge St. Oonnnissinner. U Insurance and PLUMBING AND TINSMI’I‘HING HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS Boot and Shoe Repairer snlu The Muph' Sand. Gravel and Brick Company, Lc’d. have on hand for sule. Oemem. drain Lile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and R in. Culvert, tile 12. 15. 18 and :0 im-h (30 inches in length) ' Also Cement, Brick Ssnd nl‘ Gravel sold by the loud m in on lots. . Coda: pm‘s and telephone pnlus fnr Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Macnaughton & Campbell J. EDWARD mum; NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. ï¬KflGHTON "& JENKINS NOTARY PUBLIC RICHNIOND HILL Plume 504$ GEO. KIDD WILLIAM COOK EDWARD FRANCIS THORNHILL. ONT. HENDERSON NICHOLLS T. COUSINS. C. Ruttan Oonveyuncer, Etc nd Real Estate j. Harry Nanghton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44,4 ‘NTO, CANA ms. Minager Protection has been nonnuuuw u, the Connorvative perry in England, but a plan for Imperial Preference has been retained. Stanley Baldwin has been re-elected leader of the Conservatives. After he had made I Ihort statement of the policy of the party a’reeolution of confidence in him was proposed by Lord Balfour and supported by Austen Chamber- lain. Mr. Baldwin said in the course of his statement that the idea of: protective tariff had been dropped from the Conservative policies in favor of imperial preflrence and n: mullahs of the tariff to safr-guard 'x cniions of the c we lndum'ies act. it is to be hoped th-it the troopers of to Royal Canadian Dragoons at Stan ey Barracks who severely Whipped one of their number one night last week will not go un- punished. The complaint against the victim was that at a church meet- ing he referred to the difficulty of living a Christian life amid the drinking and gambling (if barrackâ€" room surroundings. lvvlu u... . For this he was taken from his quarters, tied up. his body bnred, and whipped with the army whips unnil he fainted, and had to be conveyed to the hoapitai. It is understood the Military authorities are investigating the case, but the Attorney General Smiuld see that even men who “fought for their country†must reapect the law of the land, and not mete out corporal and degrading punishment to those who choose to express their opinions. This is no case for white- wash. Stan ey Barracks wno so; whipped one of their numbe night lust week win not; g punished. The complaint a the victim was that at a church Colemtn. Doris (Jul-bis. JR. IVâ€"Victor \Vellman, [In-01d Clark. SR. IIIâ€"Wesley Clark, Donafd The homv of Mr. and Mus. W’. Huilrs was invaded last Friday night by about ï¬fty of their friends. Th. vVI-nillg wns spent in progressive gnlle, Imd nll had u very enjoyable ‘Imv. A handsome upholstered rock- ing chair was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Hoilos during the evening and an address read. Mr. Hoiles replied in a milahla mlnner on behalf of his wife and himlelf. On Saturday evening Mrs. J. Rout- ley's clan of girl«, and a number uf their friends held a. palty in the Vestry n! the Methodist, church, and a very plouunt_avening wan spo-nt. ‘1‘, m. . .1 Vâ€, .-.. , Thor funeral of the late Mu. Fred Dibb took piace from her home at Teuton on Salur By afternoon tn Oak Ridge. cemetu Much ympathy is felt for the fa r,in in their bet-envo- u ent. Rev. Hugh Mnlhiemn. of Toronto. :nlached at the communion IPI'ViCP in ft. An lvew'a Church un Sunday. A large sleigh‘load of young people m: nded the skating rink at Richmond Hill on Saturday evening. At the regular meeting of llw Qunrtorly Ofï¬cial Board of Maple Methodist Circuit. hrld 1t. Maple. \lundny evening the nth lnsl. A unnnimoun Invitation was extendld tn Rev. B. K. Lambert to remain as their pnlm- for a. fourth year. Then wan . gloom cast over Gurmltj‘ hat “eok, when we heard of the dad!) uf Mr._ Jou_oph Cherry. u Sulrrnuctioueor. whu recently took unto himself an hrlp- mfer, hill at} qp housekeeping. VlQnimrgnr r Reigt. of NMQ Hnmhm g. Ont-.. in spending part of his honeymuon nn-nnd Ggrmley._ SR. IVâ€"Malcolm VSpencley, Ame-IL “Fe-ii; 7 FKIV'VmVe'rV in keeping his flCNH‘, humm ng, tu supply the school childlen of Clnada with ruler; dur station agent's daughter has gone to Toronto, to ho operated on for uppondichis, aid in dying niqelyi‘ A. up 'uuu‘nlv, an“ I- nu..." “HA-1. uv deputy Run. h“ 11191: with the County Council in Toronto fur two weeks. and repnrts good work dune- on Suth new issues. BADLY Wuw It is to be hoped [111 Vt: Royal Canadian an ev Barracks “ tn Advertise In the Liberal. Hoadford School Report DLY WHIPI’ED “w kl nut but weak ) GORMLEY in England. 1 Preference ley BaldWin Ader of the Japan ‘OR SALEâ€"Trio of Bronze tul»kvysâ€"â€"-1 Tom and 2 hens. JOS. GEE. Gnrlnley, Phone 1145. OVVâ€"Ordor your wire fence. gates. barb wire, hrnce wire, sLaplr-s, Now. Our terms me cash with the ordev . Put you! nrder in early, hefnre the spring lush starts. jUHN ESPEY. E'gin Mills. Phtne 128â€"3 Richmond Hill. 375$? Llcensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest, notice. and It reasonable rates. 415 Bailiol St., Toronto. Phone Hudlon 1347 w LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales ot every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsales at tended to on shortest notice. and conâ€" ducted by the most approved methods. Patronage solicited. Jnnadm is fmjtunate in the origins of Are 3‘ J. H. Prentice at our Doors In Splendid Pageanl Want Adï¬n J. 'L'. SAIGEOIV M aple Patronage Iolicitod 1 3 Subscribe The Ford is the product of a self-made mstitunon which, over: a period of years, has provided dependable transportation for all peoples. Recognizing the value of Ford transportation, these peoples have purchased Ford products in such volume that the sale of Ford cars and trucks equals the sales of all other makes combined. As a result, the resources of Ford of Canada are now over $20,- 000,000. These resources mean 21 MLREI. Richmond St.. on Wednesday, Feb. 20. 1924. Phone 107 w. 75 cents for hulfâ€"hourlessuno. l vAup-leâ€"y HARDWARE & SUPPLIES, Limited. Phone 33 Thm'nhill. Ont. 32_lf Owing to large increme t-f stock [shrill sell guide" display cu lecLinus of select varieties as fullmvs: 6 Lulhs of 0' diï¬'ment colms all currvclly~ luhelled for $2.00, prvpaid in Canada. hese an: prize winnuls Get lhu best. Unionville, Ont. MRS. G. A. M. DAVISON. 32-bf P RUNING-Get your nrchud pruned, Nuw is the time tn do it. J. ESPEY, Elgin Mills. Ph0m‘128-8 Rir-h- mund Hill. 32-35 1)LUMB|NGâ€"Hentmg and sheet metal wmk. [’EARSE & MILLS, Kichmnnd Hill, Phone 84 .l. 32 35 @715, Ford predominates Ford Resources CARS ~ TRUCKS ~ TRACTORS ‘EACH ER Elliott. 105‘ FOR SALEâ€"Eve pix“. months uld. GEO. KUZAK. l '. Richluol d Hill. See Any Authorized Ford Dealer HOIOE ’G LADIOLUS BULBST ANTEDâ€"Wight and buck whent Enquine uL mill.. J. F. BURR. 00 0( UUSE (“so riffâ€"Three roan) suite to leg. Auction Sale Register FOR SALEâ€"Enquue of S. SIMS, Richmnnd Hill. OF PIANO ~Beulnh (2. A. M.. will heat ability to buy the best material at a minimum price. They mean the ability to organ- 1ze each process of production, from the purchase of materials to the completion of the ï¬nished car, on such a basis that every non- essential operation is eliminated. The economies thus accomplished are reflected in Ford prices which, always consistently low, are now the lowest in history. This is what Ford resources mean to you. 32-38 a M. I Aucls. . THURSDAY, MARCH 6â€"Oxednt saln- of . on ‘one farm stock. implvments. etc. lot. 21, mm. mm. 3, Scarhurn, the prupm Ly (,f Ed, -â€"- .‘ Hex-on. Sale at l u’cluck. I months , 5! ext-(H. Prentice & Prentice. Auctl. hox' FRIDAY, MARCH 7â€"â€" Uredit sale of furm slork. impleuwncs. etc. 1- t 10, â€"â€"l ('on. 4. Mul'khnm. the plumanv (‘4' ent.’ W. Rollinge. Sale at l u’clmk. 8 'RR. monlhs credit“ Prentice It Pn-nlicv, 2-33 Aunts. SATURDAY, .‘lARt‘ll 8â€"(‘rwlit Rhlfl nf of farm stock. implemenlm q-Lu. Int 30. iiâ€. con. 3. Scarhom. the mupunv of â€" Chas. Watson. Sale at, 1 o'clock. let. 8months cledit. l’renLice & Preu-, & tice. Auctl. hill. MONDAY. MARCH lOâ€"Credit sale of If , fpu‘m stuck, ilnpleumnts, mu, Int, 10, con. 2, East York. the prrperly nf n9d~ Goo. Luckym'. $2110 at I n’rrlnck. . J- 8mnnths credit. l’ruutiue & I’reu- "'h- tice, Auets. 2-35 TUESDAY, MARCH 11â€"01mm sale of f’ erm stuck, implmnunls. 941;, int, 21' “Wt con. 4, St-arhm'n, Hm pm-wvty M Alch Bennett. S!“9 at l «v'clnck. ; 8 months crsdit. Prr‘nlicu & PICK!â€" ;s_ flee. Alltfl“. tack TUEHDAY. MARCH llâ€"Fnrm stuck. implenvnt etc†Int 6. con. 6. IQ of Jus. Penny. Snlv at one o'clock. 8 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Aucls. THURSDAY. MARCH laâ€"Credib sale of pure-bred holstein cntLle, farm stock, implements. lot, 27. con. 2. Markham. the pmpel-ty 0f Sherrick Bron. Sale atl o'clock. 8 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. FHIDAY. MARCH Hâ€"Gredit sale of fawn stur‘k. implements. New lot. 7, mm, .:. East, Ymk. the property 0! H, ( Ivey. Sale at, l n'nlock. 8 Ilwly’lm unlit."Pile-Tnï¬ï¬Ã©â€™gzmplï¬lftiï¬-QL v. 'Luu'n lSlâ€"Farm stock and implements, lot; 5. amt. B. Vaughan. (Edgeley), the property of 'l‘hm. Poole & Sun. Sale at, 12.30. 'l‘e-I ms 8 months. J. T.S:1igvnn, Auvt. THURSDAY, March 20â€" Credit snle of I'm-m stur‘k, implements. elc.. lot 6. con. 2. Vaughan. the prupmty of W. G. Fowler. Sale at 1 o’clock. Smonlhs cnndit. Prentice 8r, Pren- tice. Aucts. SATURDAY. MARCH 22â€"Fax-m mock. implemenu etc., lot 10. mm. 7, Markham, the property of W. A. Buymglun. Sale at 12 o‘clock. Terms 8 monthl. Prentice & Prentice. Aucts. WEDNESDAY. MARCH ZGâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc. Int, 8. con. 6, Markham. the property of Fred Rattle. Sale at. 1 o’clock. 8 months ciedit. Prentice & Prentice. Auctu. THURSDAY, MARCH 27â€"Thirty head of fresh milk cown, calves by side. and lpringers, lot 2. con. 7. Mai-khnm, the pi_-opei_~ty oil-1‘. S. Honney. Sale at, TUEHDAY. MARCH llâ€"Fnrm stuck. implement etc.. Int 6. con. 6. Vaughan. the property of K. A. Stevenson. Sale at, l. TermsSmonlhs. ] '1‘. Saigeon, Auct. VS EDNEST)A Y. MARCH l2â€"Fnrm stock. implvmrntfl etc.. Int, 14. con. 7, u Vaughan. the pl'npprty bf Roy E. Rnwnllov. Sale at l. Tex-ms 8 nmnths. J. T. Snigeon, Auct. \VEDFESDAY. MMu'H I'dâ€"Credit, gulp of farm stock. implements, elc . Inc 34, con. 4. Scmbom, the pr'opelty of months credit (o'clvock: Terms 8’ months. Prentice & Pmntice. Aucts. Pwutice & Prentice.