Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Feb 1924, p. 5

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Mrfund Mrs. jauws Robb. at )Inpfe Announce the engugemmt of their daughter Annie Wmunl’rvd, to Mr. Leslie Baker. son of Mr. and Mia. john Baker of Richmond Hiil. Llw marriage t0 take pluce the latter part uf Fobrunry. Tmnigbt. “Valantine Box Social” will he lll‘ld in the School mom of the Presbylei inn Uhurch. Anyone welcome to come. Bring a box with you or come and "buy" a box. Guod musical pro- gramme, boxes will he sold M. 7 o'clock. if you bring a box. please leL ymir name inside. The judging was done by Prof. Squirrel of the Ontario Agriculturnl College. In his address which follow“! the judging be congratulated the Inciety, stating that it. was one of the best him he attended this seasun. He npoka of the importance 01' good. pure seed in the different crops. Buy your magazines at S!o;m‘s Drug Store. If meetings me culled fur the Coun- cil Uhuluher it is generally safe to hen they will be held in the Public Schunl m- the Masonic Hull, and if called fur the Masonic Hall ynn m iy put up yum- monvy that may will be held in the Council Chamber or sumo nthvr place. The truly sufe wuy is to “l'ulluw tha- crowd.” In reply to questionsfProf. Squirrel dnuhled the advisability of sowing Western oats as there was a danger of being touched with frost. He recom- Read Sloan‘s Dxug Store aid this week? It will pay you. Sloan’s Drug Store. n free sample tn every customer, Friday and Saturday this week. The regular monthly meeting of tlw litrticulmral Suciety will be held Tuesday ewning. Feb. 19in the High Schonl, uL8 o’clock. AfLEr the business meeting. rvpm-Ls of the I)e|t‘gul,es to the Gunvemiun of the Ontario Horticultural Assucintiun, held FM). 7 and 8 in Toronto. will he received. Members are urged to attend. 1924 fees due. At .the annual meeting of the Ontario Associdtion of Fain and Exhibitions held in 'l‘nrnntn, Wednes- day of last week the fulluwing were elected officers for the current year: Pres.. A. R. G. Smith, New llamhuxg: First. Vice-Pres.. Jas. McLean, Rich- mond Hill: Second Vice Prawn A. '1‘. Murrow. Maxville; Spurn-Lari”. l‘ockie \Vilsun. Toronto; Treasurer, J. E. Pearl, Humiltun. Thé annual Seed Fair, under the auspices of the Richnmnd Hill Agricultural Society. held in the Masonic Hall last Saturday was wall attended by farmers from surrounding sections. The cxhibits were well unarmed IU thnt, everybody could examine for himself. Most of the classes were filled. There were 4 Muriel in alfalfa. Bin barley. and8in white on ts. By making special arrangements with a Toronto firm, we are enabled to offer the people of Richmond Hill and vicinity, some genuine cut-rate offerings. To every purchaser Friday and Saturday, we will give a sample free. Week-End Specials FRIDAY & SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK ONLY AT ‘ SLOAN’S DRUG STORE Aspirin Tablets Bottle of 40 tablets Reg. 50c. 29c. Toilet Soép 4 1-2 oz cake Reg. 150 value 9c. Barber’s Shaving Soap Reg. 15c. cakes ' 10c. PHONE 33 Seed Fair Orchmds pay well if they are properly 100de after, hut, they must. be pinned and spruyvd if we expect good clean fruit. Mr. Maclennan stand that some years ngu they bud ut, the 0. A. 0. scores of various kinds of Apples, hut. that they had cut them down to 8 lending varieties. He recom- mended the Macintosh Rod, Northern Spy. FumellSP. Scarlet Pippin. Greening. Baldwin and some others. mended Banner oats (vn good soil. In speaking nf Saturday’s exhibits he said thnc the 5 1013 of lmrley were all good, WP“ graded. the ulliku, heuns, and potntoes were creditable. and the pens and wheat fuir. Mr. J. E. Francis, President, whn was in the chair. thunde the Professor for the pains hp had Lukm). and Him mulled on on me. Mar'lemmn who spoke principally alnng the, lines of Horticulture. A hearty Vote of thanks on motion of MI. James McLean, and secondrd by Mr. J. b‘. McNair Wufl tendered the speakels for 1h? information imparted which Was most helpful. The following me the prize winm‘rs: FALL “'HEAT j. Robinson. T. Frishy. SPRING WHEAT J. Rnhinsun. ’1‘. Fridry. HARLEY THURSDAY. FEB. 21â€"Fnrm stock. implements, hly. grain and furniture, It 108 ll, Yonge St” Elgin Mills. the proparty of John Smith. Sal. at 1 o'clock. Terms 9 monthl. J. T. Saigeon. Auctioneer. The Minister will conduct the sorvlcea at 11 and 7 o'clock. Subject of morning sermon "Americas Greatest Man"â€"â€"a special message for young people. Everybody invited. nimity." 2.45â€"8. S. and Bible Classes. 7 p. m.â€"“Mnking n Homo of My Own." G. R. Crank. N. Brodie. N. Brodie, 'i‘. Frishy. SMALL PEAS T. Frisby. Tooth Brushes Reg. 35c. value 19c. 10 I. Innâ€"Morning Olusl. ll n.r m.â€"“The Muter's Magnu- Come: We need you and you need us. Gin Pills for the kidneys Reg. 50c. Genuine Gillette Razors with 1 blade RED CLOVER Frisby, G. R. Crook. ALSIKE R. Crook. T. Friaby. SWEET CLOVER ALFALFA R. Crook. J. Fisher. POTATOES. EARLY R. Crank, 0. Iunes. POTATOES. LATE Orr. G. R. Crook. Frishy. Pepsodent Tooth Paste Reg. SOC. 27c. METHODIST CHURCH Urnnk. Presbyterian Services 49c. each AUCTION SALE TIMOTHY SEED “'HITE BEANS BUCK\\'HEAT 38c. RICHIOND HILL Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil Reg. SOC. Friday& Saturday 29c. A father going into his stuhlu one day found his little Inn, with nslule and pencil in his hand. astride nne 0f the horses. "Why. Harry," he exclaimed, "whut are ya doing?" "Writing n compusiliun." was the reply. "\Vell, why don't you wrile it in the hOIISr?” asked the father. “Because.” answered Lhe little fellow. "the masts-I- mid me to write it composition on a horse." DmBâ€"At her late rrsidencp. Out. on 'l‘huradav. FulL Fannie, wife of the late . D bb. Camphorated Oil Reg. 25c. 19c. Under nnd by virtue (\f the Power of Sula ennmined in aceltain Mortg'ige there will he nl’fmed fur sule hy public udctiun at. the Queen’s Huh I. in the Villnge of Uninnville, at the hour nf 2 o'clock in [he afternoon on Monday the third day of March. 1924. thnt valuable property in the Township of Mtrkhnm situated on the easterly side of the Cnncessinn Line at, the Sfilllh and of the Village of Uninnville, and being compose-d nf Vi Inge Lot Number Three (3), accordin to plan 445 registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division Of the eastand wpr riding of [he Cnuntv of York. Upon the said propurtv is erected a detached frame. shingle ruof, two storey dwelling mvnmining six moms and summer kitclwn. TERMS: 10‘}; of Lhe purchase monpy shall he [mid at th? Lime nf the sale and the remainder within thirty days thels-eufter. Further tel-ms and conditions will be m «lo known at; the time nf sale. Ind n the- meantime may be obtained upon applicatiun to t_he undersigned. 'DATED at Toronto Lhi§ twelfth day of Februaly, 1924. Mortgage Sale of Valuable Residential Property in the To“ nship of Markham Near the Village of Unionville bid. All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Leave Orders nt Sloan's Drug Store, Richmond Hill. Brilliantine 2 oz. bottle Reg. 50c. value 34c. Funeral to St. juhu's Cemetery ()uk Ridges. Sllhscl‘ihe fur The Liberal. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE I_‘ho sale will be subject to n resorve GREGORY & GREGORY. Continental Llfe Building, 871 Bay Street. Toronto. Solicitors for the Mortgagee. 33-35 JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Obeying His Telcher DEATHS 'l'vstun. 7. 1924. WI ed: ick NOWOWWWWW W. G. BEDFORD, HHIIIIIIHH Ready Money I am prepared to’meet your spring demand for suits and overcoats with the latest spring goads, either in ready-to-wear or tai‘ored to yOuI' measure. Wght ‘Here, No Factory Work. All ready-to-wca'r suits or trousers altered to fit you free of charge. . Odd trousers irom $3 .50 up. Ladies blue serge skirts made to order from $7.50 New Spring Suits Up' Richmond Hill Getting out of a warm bed, to go downstairs and answer a telephone has its drawbacks. An ex- tension telephone along- side the bed saves many a man or woman that unpleasant necessity. Extension telephones cost only $1.24 a month! The charge for install- ing is only $1.00! They are a wonderful con- venience. Save your “better half” m an y fatiguing steps. Business and profes- sional men find them in- dispensable in h o m e s and offices. Let us talk it over! . A Wonderful Convenience C. N . COOPER Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station Ladies suits of blue serge made-to-order $35.00. CLEANING AND PRESSING SATISFACTORY DONE Illlllll lllll[llllllllilllIllllllllllllllllllIllllilllillillllllllllllIlllllllllllllllmlh Skates, Hockey Sticks Pucks and everything for the skater Come in and look them over IF all your surplus funds are invested, you may be embarrassed for ready money in an im- mediate emergency. Money in a Savings Account in this Bank, is always available to meet the unexpected need. STANDARD BANK BARSVAINS GR ANITEWARE RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, C. N. COOPER . R. F ORTNER Ladies and Gents’ Clothicr and Tailor; PHONE 93 OF CANADA I NOTICE is herohy given that, Wilhelmine Umistinn Slater. of the i'fity of Tumult“, in [be PmVince of Ontario. Married \Vnmnn, willupply to the Parliament. of Canada. at the lnexb sessiun thl'enf, fur a Bill of JDivon-e from hm- husband. Hal-old ' George Slater. nl Ihe City of 'I‘uronm, in the Ununty wt York, Musician, on Ith guilt”! rffldllltvl‘y and dcsertiun. THE Agent for the PELHAM NURSER COMPANY â€" Richmond Hill, West Vaughan and King Townships All Varieties of Fruit and Ornament" TIT-‘65. Roses, Shrubs. and Bulbs. Sinndzuti Stock. I will take care of yuur interests and give yuu ii Squaw Deal. DS'I‘EU Ml Tun-mm}. in lhv Ptovince :us Ontmiu, [his .).h d .y uf Fehrumy, Notice of Applicatmn for Divorce We will sell at. especially reduced prices the follOWing materials which have been left or. our hands, and which we do not wish to carry over. l92t 0va Storm Sash, 2 feet 11} inches x 4 fem. 10 Inches four lights each, 2 Storm Sash ‘2 feel. 6 inches x 5 feet. 53; inches, four lights each. JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 1 Button storm door made of V. Joint 2 feet8 inches; 6 feet 8 inches. I Combination storm and screen door 3 feet x 7 feet 1 inch. These will be sold as real ban gains. If they are the size you want. it will pay you to see them. 2! 8m Phone 232, MAPLE. ONT FLETCHER. KERR. 35” Bay St. Tun-nu! Sullcilor l'ur Appliwnnl. C. II. BX’ARI .J or. Richmond Hill Arnold 8: Yonge. Phone 95 Manager. I" 3238

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