SLOAN’S DRUG STORE 25c. Hydrogen Peroxide 13C. 400. Hydrogen Peroxide 25C. 15c. Top Notch Hand Cleaner 9c. 25C. A. B. S. & C. Tablets 14C- 25C. Laxative Bromide Quinine 16C. The story x‘f Threo Yamku Hunt?“ who oamu up from New Y: rk to have lome hunting in New Bruuuviok in “cl described by Charles E. \Villiunn Encouraged by the hearty public response to our sale last Friday and Saturday, we have decided to offer our customers a few additional bargains this week-end. To all purchasers Friday and Saturday we will give, free, a penholder. Fuï¬eml from above address, Sun- day. Feb. 17. YOUNGâ€"At her late resident-e. AUIO'B. v on Fehrumy lth, 1921. J m:â€" Grainger, widow of the late Juwph Yo_uug. MAYNARDâ€"In Richmond Hill. \Ved., February 20. 1924, Nelson Maynard. YULEâ€"On February 15. 1924. at his home in Aurum, Andrew Yule in his 85L!) year. < Hear Professor Greaves in “The Art of Public Speaking" in the Presbyter- ilu Church next Monday night. Of [his lecture the Globe recently said: “The speaker outlined the essentials of oratory. giving a number of highly amusing illustrations. . . From beginâ€" ning to and he held his audience on- thralled with his clever and humorous imitations." Silver collectian. Trinity Young Peuplo’s Club, in aid of the Lawrence Memulial Puriuh Hall. Supper served 6 to 7.80 p. ml Concert at 8 n'c30ck p. m. Drincing at 9.80 o'clock p. m. Admission 35 entl. WEEK-END SPECIALS A Pnncnke Socigl will be held in Victoria. Hall, Thornhill, Tuesday, March 4. under the auspices of :he 1:1-in_it.y Young Peuplo’s Club. in aid of The March Picturial Review is now on [ale at. The Liberal Stun-P. The magazine is attractive throughout. The cover design is strikingly bunti- ful, and there me no disappointments inside. The March number is replete wiLh fiction and fashions. At the Blnd Carnival Tuesduy evening. Miss Olive Mormon WI)“ fil'st prize tor best lady skater; Mr. Bert Grunt first for twst, gent, skate-r; and Mr. Hurry Charles and Mn. Charles Graham first for host couple skater. Tho York Radish and Ric-Tammi Hill Seniors plly a. DISH‘opolitnn [enu- lnutch in me Arenu this Thursday. owning. Puck facnd at. 8.30. Admission 25 cents and tax. Aurora hockey [elm defeated Yoxk Rudmls in the Rivhzunud HillArenI, Monday night by 9 4. and Willuwdala J‘s. defeated Rlchmond Hill Jrs. at \Villuwdnle 4-3. Gillette Blades Every Record Guaranteed A public Meeting of the Hydro usb-ra. and those interested in Hydro. will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore. at 2 p. "1.. Friduy, February 29. Mr. T. E. Elliott. of VVeutnn, a former Principaluf our High School, called on a. number 01' old friendq here lust Friday. FurToral nu \Vednesduy, Febru-uy 20th. to Aurum Cumelely. The date of the next. meeting of Vaughan Council has been set fur Tuesday. the 4th of March. â€"_. uu-a-uuunuu, u: Vuuunllgu'u. u u been alfppuinled Teller in the Standard Bank here. Division Cum-l will be held here next. Tuesday, February 26, commenc- ing at, 10 O'Ciuck. Rememht-r the concert in Richvnle church, Fliduy evening of this week. Report of Board of dee Banquet next illuo. Hear Prpfeswr Greaves in Apex Records Reg. 65C. 49c. 3 - $135 Mr. XWegtheyill, _of Canning Reg. $1.00 76c. Phone 33 12 to package Rod And Gun DEATH! ztnn Scott’s Emulsion Reg. 65c. 49c. Mou of Mr. Sinchix-‘s t-r'ticiln wn directed to the absence of reference in the Speech from the Throne to lazil- The Liberal leadoriu his address to t e llunse gave no intimation of maintaining an uanasunahle and un- rouoning opposition to the Troaamy bunchus. [Instead he (lwlll‘l’d the attitude of hi. group [hi-nughcut tho session would ha one 1:! halpl’ulueu where It was deamed thn issue merit.- rd help. of cnnstructive criticism when such was deemed in the but intexests of the Province, but of strong avppositi-vn m the Gnvernmont'u advis- Ory c nuncil on highways move if it in~ vulved paymentuf handsome salaries to nmmhem of the Home for lervivel in cunnoctiun with that counail’s wnrk, ‘ ,The Liberals remained internth spectators of the major row ovu- Progru-ivo recognition. Although the insue is regarded at one involving the Progrelslvu and the Government, Mr. Sinclair has the opportunity of commenting upon tho Iltuation. afforded by amendment Ind amud- mum. to the pummelâ€"em. auhavquonl: to hit addieas in the debut. on the Ad- dress. He mny. during tho coming week. ha" Inmothing to my about it, nlthough he has already publicly nu- tod u OlhIWA thu Libernl recogniv tion a: an ofï¬cial opposition in not. till roult of any ndvulcu made by him or his followers to the Prim. Minister of Ontario. Mr. Sinclair'l moderately toned Ind reasoning argument u to the rights of the electors to have some light shednna matter which the prohibi- tion clam-ht in the Legislature blame Premier Fu'gunnn for maintainin' a shrnudcd mystery met with some luccul. For. replying directly to thu Lihenl' Leader's questluning on the subject. tho Premier. in hll reply madcaï¬rlt partial announcement III to tha meaning of the "fox-9an in the speech from the Throne, that It heralded the bringing down of a. bill to enable the Government to talk. I. referendum whm in its cnIcoptiol public opinion demanded it. Italian Balm Reg. 40c. value Although overshndnwrd perhaps in immediate interest by (he Dohvrty- l’orgusnn squabble M to recognition in the Legislaturo for the Progressive group. the calculated effmt of the Libornl Lender.W. E. N. bi lthlil’, K.C , to draw out the Government no to just. Whit it hill in mind for the people in the way of an Ontario Temperance Act referendum was one of the most important item: of last week'l sitting of the Home. "Pan-son, ye aren’t by nny chums a I wish to notify t] Baptist, bo ye?" muud Hill and di: “No.uotnocosmrily. \Vhy ?" taken ovm- the '. "W11, I was just a-goin'to any we lately conducted l have to btul our water thlve miln.†I findfvill giye s-very The day of church" "Hyo .d denominations†is here, and we give hm'ewith another example of pressing on the good work: The mayor of n fur inland town was about to engage a preacher for the new church. of New York. nne of the» party. in the March iuuc of Red And Gun in Unudr and all sportsmen will enjny this narrutlvo. For those who have new :- vuited Jasper National Park, or for those who wish to renew their re- membrances of this beauty spor, (7. E. ’l‘l'nwbx-idge’s well illustmted article on Jasper Park will he of particular interest. The March iuuo contains something to interest nll lovers of hunting, fishing, shunting. and kennel interests, while there are articles deni- Weekly Le tor Feb. 16th, 1924 with many phases of 24c. RICHMOND HILL 10c- Rigs Nipples 3-25c. 15c. Boracic Acid 10c. SOC. Emulsified Cocoanul Oil 29C. 25C. Aspirin Tablets 16C. 15C. Writing Pad 9c, $1.00 Russian Oil 59 C. by any chance a I wish to nntify the citizens of Rich- nmud Hill and dist-icr, that. I have . \Vhy ?" taken over the Trucking Busines.‘ -goin'toa.y we lately conducted by Edward Sliney. r .muivu mu... N “ha mm ~:.... .. Sloan’s Liniment Reg. 35c. 24c. Hot Water Bottles Reg. $2.00 value 89c. Further tax-ms andECOnditions will be "1de! known at; the time of sale. and in [he vnenntinm may he Ohfnined upon ilpDiit':LliUn tn the undusigned. DATED at Toronto this Lwelfth day of February, 1924. GREGORY & GREGORY (‘nnhinontul Life Building, 371 Bay Street, Torontn, Solicitors for the Mortgages. 33-35 Upon the said property is erected n detached frame. shingle roof. two storey dwelling cnntuining six rooms and summer kitclwn. TERMS: 102' of tho purchase mnan shall be paid at the time of the sale and the ernlnder wiLhin thirty days. thereafter. The sale will be subject to a. reserva bid. Under and by virtue of the Power of S lo contained in aceitaln Mortgage tlwre will he offered for sale by public aniotion at the Queen’s Hotel. in the Village of Unionville. at the hour of2 o’clock in the afternoon on Monday Lhe third doy of March. 1924. that valuable property in the Township of Markham situated on the easterly side of the Concession Line at the South and of the Village of Unionville, and being composed of Village Lot. Number Three (3), according to plan 445 regiltered in the Registry Ofï¬ce for the Registry Diviaion of the east and wgsb riding of the County of York. and W1†give every attention pussibié to those wishing careful handling of In...“â€" "an"..- n - .. _ Mortgage Sale of Valuable Residential Property in the Township of Markham Near the Village of Unionville ..--u. unuuu their effects. Sgrv'ico unexcelled M. J. BURKE, Phone 99 J. Ontario. and heldV-t‘hlnt mnmhers could beat rep Vn-ious cons men :Jeo. job for one of its specml under secre lation heralding pulicies of ï¬nancial retrenchment. nf u eonnprehenlivo scheme of refm'vsu‘ution. and of social legiï¬lnlinn. all matters \vhiuh he be~ lievedof vital importance to the well being of the PlOVllliie‘. He took the glonnd also that the Government was ill-advised m ill creation of n Mm“ ROLFE BRAND DUBBIN It beats the O. T. A. 32$ to a frazzel. It absolutely keeps out the wet element. ï¬g: It is made and sold only at The Rolfe Shoe Repair 25c. per tin. Guaranteed One Year TRUCKING From Have you tried The The Liberal Otflce. Parliament Buildings HI creation nf its follower-I {L'I‘é fgtzujy for Northern hat the elected represent, sheir 000 Pupils successfully prepurs‘d fur Cun- servuhorv Exmninatiun. Studio, Centre St. W., (22 3m) Richmond Hill. t’hune 88 MISS VER DELLA DONER IS a Canadian Institutiim. and is the property uf the Policy Holders them- selves. This fact enables you to secure Life Insurance at Cast. There is No Substitute for Life In- surance. Enquiries solicited. C. H. BYAM. Agent, Maple, Ont. 22â€"6m Phone 232 BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC. Toronto Ofliee : 2498 Yong. St. Phone Hudson 8408. Richmond Hill Office : Weslvy Bnyn- ton'a Real Estate Ofï¬ce. Yonge St. A member of the ï¬rm will he in Richmond Hill every Tuesday. 20-Om W‘WWWWI gï¬e Mutual £1'fe ï¬ssurance Company ‘66..“ WW MULHOLLAND & SMYTH Leave Orders at Richmond Hill. All mail orders will receive prompt attention. PIANIST Teacher of Piano Playing Pupil of J. E. Newton and B. H human. Richmond Hill All ready-to-wcar suits or trousers altered to ï¬t you free of charge. Odd trousers from $3 .50 up. Ladies blue serge skirts made to order ltom 87.50 I am prepared to meet your spring demand for suits and overcoats with the latest spring goods, either in ready-to-wear or tailored to you measure, Right Here, No Factory \Vork. 378 Berresfm-d Ave†\Vesf ‘ Phone Junction 0072 New Spring Suits Are you a Subscriber ? w. c. BEDFORD, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE Small Remittances JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER C. N . COOPER Ladies suits of blue serge made-to-ordcr 835.00; CLEANING AND PBESSING SATISFACTORY DON! E. R. FORTNER J. ,I'. SAIGEOIV Skates, Hockey Sticks Puck_s and gverything for the skater Come in and look them over I ,V, v--._--...~.‘- mu.- unuoL aauszactory medium ? Bank Money Orders are inexpensive, protect you against loss and relieve you of worry. These orders are obtainable at all our branches and sub-branches. WHEN you remit small amounts do you use the safest, most economical and most satisfactory medium 7 BARGAINS. IN GR ANITEWARE STANDAED BANK OF CANADA C. N. COOPER RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, Ladies and thts’ Clotlicr ud Tlilor: Drug Store, Toronu PHONE~ 93 NOTICE is hireliy given that; \Vilhelmine Christina Slalom of thn City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario. Married Woman, willnpply to the Parliament of Canada. at; the lnext, session Lherenf. fvr a. Bill of [Divorce from her husband. Hon-old ' George Slater, of the City of Toronto, {in the County uf York, Mllilniull. on I the ground of ï¬dultery and desertion. These will be sold as real har< gains. If they are the size you want it will pay you to see them. I Combination storm and screen door 3 feet x 7 feet 1 inch. We will sell at especially reduced prieel the following materials which have been left or. our hands, and which we do not wish to. carry over. One Storm Sash, 2 feet 11} inches x 4 feet 10 Inches four lights each, 2 Storm Sash ‘2 feel. 6 inches x 5 feel 5% inches, four lights each. 1 Batten storm door made Vof V. Joint 2 feet 8 inchesx 6 feet 8 inches. JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 DSTED ut Torohtd. Ellâ€"e- nf Ontario. this 5th day of February, 1924. Notice of Applicauon for Divorce THE CANADA Cor. Arnold & Yonge, 21.6m Phone 232. MAPLE. ONT FLETCHER KERR. 394 Bay St., Toronto, Solicitor for Applicant. . H. 13XC4XDI Richmond Hill M95 Manager.