Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Feb 1924, p. 8

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See Our All-Wool Odd Trousers, in good Heavleweed, at from $4.00 to $5.00. Sweaters, in Pull~0ver and-Coat: Style, priced at from $2 50 to $7.00. Heavy Rubbers, from $3.65 to $5.50â€"the very best.‘ All-Wool Ribbed Underwear, per suit, $3.70. All-Wool Ribbed Underwear, Combination 3.50. We also have Fleece-Linedyand Penman’s. 95c. F awnes High-Class Glovesteck Scarfs, etc. TheRIBHMflNB mu FURNISHING swam“ unu smu on commissmn. Allsnles at- tended to on shortest. notice. and con- ducted by the must approved methods. Patronage suliciled. Special attention given to sales or every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought und_ sold on commissiun. Allsnles ut- 415 Balliol 8L. Torontn. Phone Hudson 1347 w LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Dandruff and Itching,r scalp suc cessfully treated. Barber (LATE OF MAPLE) Has purchased a property at lfilgin Mills, where he has‘ opened a busi- ness. [Ye will be Lleased to see any of the old friends who may be pass- ing that way, and especially solicits she neighboring pacrons. JNO.STALLIBRAS Telephone 91 J. To any onc- pl-opnsmg u nuild, I will give enlimulesfnnd hereby solicit their patronage. Ha ving spent (he greater partuf my life in the building lrade. I feel l am fully competent to give satisfaction. The "undersigned purposes to en- gage in the building and contracting business in Ricbmund Hill and vicin- ity. J. SHEAREGWN SLABS. cut into 12-inch lengths, delivered, $10.75. Hardwood, $12. Best Hard Coalâ€"Shove, Egg and Nunâ€"at the C. N. R. Station. Oxford Street Phone 128- r 12 SAM. SHEPHERD m W; A. CAMP WWOWWWme: Attention Householders ! COAL II. I’ren t ion “WWOWOOOMGNOO MWOOWMOMOOMO Bespect‘ull y Yours, W. A CAMP PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Robinson Block RICHMOND HILL Blouses Rainbow Specialty ; Shoppe g $15.75 Norman J. Glass. 31-38 I)resses Call by phone or otherwise promptly JOHN R. CAMPBELL General Agents for Farm Machin- ery. Pumps, Etc. We can a!so supply your wants on Furnace repairs and pipes. TEETZEL BROS. If you are considering the furnace question come in and let us show you our lines. No House too large. No House too small We have a size and model for (very oneâ€"and the prices are right. VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘hornhill. Grinding Flour and F’ved The Out R rller working heltar than ever. Bran, Shorts. Poullry Feed. \thle Grain and Mash. All the- matsrinli fur mixing home-made nmshes. Alfalfa Men]. Grits and Meat Men]. The best of \Vrzstern 0M5 fur Seed. Band hay and Ilrnw. Drlivery Tuesday and Snlurdhy. Phone 8‘.’ w. Tinsmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 W 4-36 FURNACES School Books The Liberal AND REPAIRS THE MILL Supplies Office J. F.BURR and Skirts I The public will wrlcome the new isme :f "5000 Facts About Cnnndn' fur 1924~Thnt mmmkuhle cycIOpedia ‘nf bh' [)mniniun compiled by Frank Yeigh, u! Toronto. the wall-known (’nnadian writer and lecturer. Over fifty chapters deal term-1y withavuy phase of our IMLionnl‘pxosperity and[)l‘l'glCll. and in not nnly u mine of valuable- infnxumtion, but, u curring story if uurdewbpment. Tbiliuue izzcluilos much new "miter. and con- tains many otherimprovemente. “’2’ I\ e not surmised that [his bunklet hows u cuntinent. empile and “‘0 lduidq c'rculntiun, or that it is widely used by g- vermnents, railways, ‘and financid' and industlial bounce. Copies may to had ut 30 cents Puch from the Uanadinn ‘ Facts Puhfishing (7a., 588 Huron SL, 'I‘uruntv, m- Imm lending newsdeulors; Mur.10â€"Newnmrket at York Rad- iall (Richmond Hill Areul). Mnr. lZâ€"Newmnrket nt Aurnm. MM. 3â€"Y0lk Rudluls at Newmn-l et Mar. Gâ€"Ricnmond Hill at. Newâ€" mII'krfi. Feb Hi”. Sn! c :19 for The Liberal fang of the back-biter has been felt by him on more than one occasion. Pm tioneo has ceased to be a virtue with him and he NOW ceases all active par- ! cipntion in any enduvor, be it sports or otherwile‘ He now retire: from the r nks of the boo ters, but will nut join that of the knockers, back-bitvrs. or whisperers. He e ‘rnestly wishes auc- ceea to the ’town, the ne‘v Arena. and h every sporting aggregation in the to ' n, be they men or women. boys or girlsâ€"sm‘wm T0 YOUALL‘but beware of the and whisper". ROBERT JOHNSTON. The above three verses, composed by yours truly. expresses the Truth. the whole 'l‘mth. and nvthing but, th» Truth. 'lhe wzller mites from an ox~ puience of some months back. The Fe!» Idiu Fob. Revised Schedule Mclrogolitln League Senior Series Thero'a the sfi'ng ovf Eoi‘rnW : There’s the sti )g of dewth Which may come to-mo rowâ€"~ But the worst of all ltings, (Clused I7 h Inger), Is thc buck-biting Ring Of the ac :ndJ-monger. Sporting Notes There's the sting of a snake: Thar-’- the sting of deceit ; '1 horo'l the sting nf :1 bee: Thoro's tho sting of defeat: Tlg'glre’l ‘the_ sting of jjy; ls- (Richmond Hill Arena). .Zfiâ€"Am-mu n! R‘irhnwnd Hi I. . 2iâ€"Ymk Rudmls at Aurora. 2Dâ€"Newmlrket nt Richmond 5000 Facts About Canada Richmnnd Hill CF-34C 41°? of I" Genuine Ford Pun In: told for 15 cents or lea. 35% of all Genuine Ford Pam we sold for IO cent: or legs. The blue and white sign identifies the Authorized Ford Service Stationn. THE STING CAN nlk 5" amt» Glacier - r _ - 3.25 Acadia - - 1.50 Demon - - 1.25 Hand Sleighs from SOC. to $2.50 Dear Sirsâ€"IféI can prove to you I stock that; you own, without extra cost. to products of this kind on the market, woul our representative, [Iill awafportin-g Goods ; SKATES .‘3‘ C. C. M. Tubes Mens Auto Ladies Auto Falcon - Yukon - Klondyke Bobskates - Mr. Stock Owner: HOCKEY STICKS : Spaldings Autograph - ea- $1.50 Spaldings N0 0 - - [-00 Hespeler, Handmade - 1.50 Other Lines from 20c. to .90 'I‘. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 (Thornhill, Ontario STAR R SKA TES : Phone 3;), 5 n. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited mu that: I guarantee"every head of st. to you, by using one of the best would you be interested ? If so, see Thornhill, Ontario 3<da MichaeL who will sell you 1y. and a guarantee markea he market value of all your $550 4.00 3.50 2.50 1.50 .90 .50 at Richmond als. This

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