Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Feb 1924, p. 1

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â€"â€" AT THE â€" ' RICHMOND HILL ARENA Wednesday and Saturday Evenings Band in Attendance ADMISSION PRICES: Wednesday Evenings -â€" Adults 250.; (‘hildrvn 15c. SIMEON JOYCE, L.C .A. M. A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at, the above places WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE LOANS Executed CONVEYANCIN G Done COLLECTIONS Made INSURA NCE Effected ESTATES Managed Now accepting pupils. Studio at. the home of Miss Heise Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL :urday Evenings â€" évervbody China, Cut Glass, Groceries and Confections Artistic Piann Playing In All Its Branches , Studio: Ovm- Mr. E. R. Fortner’s 'l‘uilnr Store. PHONE 95 PE LHAM CUAFFEY H‘ A. Nicholls $1.50 per annum, in advance.] The oldest Real Estate Agency in the Vicinity CHOIR-LEADER AND ORGANIST I‘RESBYTEIUAN CHURCH TENOR TEACHER 0F SINGING SKATING PIANIST and TEACHER The Real Estate Man achEAN. Chairman Richmond Hill Arena. 30-tf. Have just received a crate of "Royal Grafton China" in latest colours, “Primrose and “Plum” in solid colours. Primrose, Apple Green and Pale Blue in a broad band with black scroll round top and bcttom of band. “Royal Grafton Willow" pattern, in cups and saucers, plates, sugar and creams, etc. An assortment of novelties suitable for card parties: Our stock of Groceries always fresh, and prices right. Bruce‘s High-Class Chocolates and Candits. XLVI Yonge and Centre 515. 25 Cents for . STEIN ‘ RICHMOND STR r. (Veterinnry Surgeon) Rernt graduate of Ontario Veteriw ary College. All clases of animals {rented _ Day and night calls prompt- 1y attended. Office and rosidencp nm-t‘h Richmond Street. Richmond Telephune 13, Ring 2. NOTICE is hereby given that Stanley Gem-g9 Harris. of the City of Turontn, in [he Cuunly of York, and the Province of Ontaliu, Chauffeur, resid- ing at 30 Hamilton Stleel. Toronto, will apply to the Parliament, of Canada. at the next Session thm-enf fur a Bill of Divorce from his wife Celia Harlis, re- siding nt, 265 Rhodes Avenue. Toronto. Ontario. on the1 ground of adultery. Notice of Application for Divorce DATED at the City of Toronto. in the Counlv of York. and in the Prnvince of Ontario this Sixteenth day of January A. D. 1924. ‘ STANLEY GEORGE HARRIS. The Mutual 'lfe Insurance Company of Now York INQUIRIES SOLICITED HENRY STRAUHAN MULLOWNEY. NOTICE is hereby given thnt Hugh Allan MacDunald. of the City of Toronto. in the County of York. in the Province of Ontul'lfl. salesman. will uppr to tho Parliamvnt of Canada. at, the next session lhen-mf. fora Bill of Divorce from his uife. Emily Agnes MacDonald. (If the said City (11' Toronto, on the giound of adultery. D ATED at Toronto, this 18th day of jnnuury, 1924. Notice of Application tor Divorce 391 Buy Street. Toronto, On'.. Solicitor fur the App‘ic Inf. 1 NOTICE is hereby given that Alyce Wilson, of the City of Toronto, in the County of ank, in (be Plow/ince of Ontario, mariied woman, will apply to the Parliament. of Canada, at the next session thereof fur a Bill of Divorce from her husband. Charles jumps Wilson, of the City nf anontn, Agent, on xhe grounds of adultely and deâ€" sen-[inn]. Notice of Application for Divorce ‘D’A'J‘ED at Toronto. this 28th day of November, A. D. 1923. R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc AMBROSE L. PHIPPS Dr. L. R. BELL RICHMOND HILL. ON'I‘..THURSDAY FEBRU \HX 2453 Yong? Street, Toronto. Ontario. MURPHY & DONALD. 302 Bay Slleel. Toronto. FLE [‘OH ER KERR, ALYUE WILSON by her Solicitors. Represp‘nling Richmond Hill his Snlicitnr In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essgntials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity.” RICHNUND HILL side Hill. 30-35 31-35 The follow 18: E 18: Empire Day, Smut-(luv, May 24; King‘s Birthday, Tuesday, June 3; Dominion Day, Tupsday, Julv. lsL; Lulmr Dav, Mend-av, Sep'emhw 15L; Thunksgivnig Duy, Mnndny, Nuv. 10: and Christmas Day, Thmsday, December 25m. following (laws: 18: Empire Day. King‘s Birthday Dominion Day, Lulmr Dav, l VV-«tun, $25,271.26: Ma'kham $5,- 596.99: Rin-hmnnd Hi1], $9,992.33: New. m'u'ket- $133331”: Aurora, $5,840.13; Scarhcru', $299.18 ; Mimic , $4,382.88 The theme of the Murning Service in the Methodist Church, nn Sunday, March 2nd, will he) "Intel-nutimmliqm and the Christian IdaaL". ’l‘he thvme of Ihv evening, “The Wages nf sin." The League of the- Methodist Chm-Lb (attends cnngl-nlulatiuns tn lhvil‘hw» deliulers, Mr. th'don Sloan and MI'. Newnll Prim», who so successfully up- held the Affirmative in tho debate with Broadway Lvagne, the subject of whir'h was, “Resolved thnta Protective Tariff is bvtmr for Canaduf’ To he able to make u, “tie” with Broadway de- baters, whn fur tho past two ymu‘s have won the- lulrrh frnm nil other cuntestanls, reflects great credit upon our Richlnnnd Hill lmys. Success in future contests. The regular monthly meeting of the \V. M. h“, of the Pl'eshytvl‘lian church was hvld on Thursday' Kb. 21. in the schm l l‘omu of [In church. An vxx-Pllent, papal on “Thu Claims of India" was Written hv Mrs. \V. Snedden, and read by Mrs. J. \V. Molntush. v Mus. iSm-ddvn in her paper impress- ed on nlll‘ minds the threefold shadow that rests nu the Gillhnnd nf India, “Child lmuxingu"“Child-mntherhund” “Child-widnwhood.” A triple problem whivh all members of the \Vomen’s Missiunmy Suciety \viil have to think of and deal with \w-Iy seliuusly. A numhernf culius used in Hindu \vm-ship were shown, A sulo was sung by Mrs. Juhn Notwithstanding thP disuppdnt. mth in Sir Adam Beck not being able- to get. to Richumnd Hill \Vodnesâ€" dny evening oi last week, the Board of Trade banquet was a vet y pleasant and successfulfum-th-n. The school mum of the Mvtlmdist church where the banquet was hr-ld was tastefully (lrn‘ nmted. thP tables wen- well urrunged. and the hwnutit'ul rnsvs (innutet by Mr, Arm-1d uf the BdeuI'd Park G109!)- hnuses. added much to the beauty uf the other devontimls in red and white. Little wondm- was it; that in the sppeches which followed. the Ladies Aid were Cnmplimented on their suppel and general nriangement‘ Palmer Mn]. Ml-Lean, President, after ex~ plessing his regret. that. the chief spenkel-fur the en-ning was unable L0 be present, and thanking thew pre- sent for turning out. in such Luge numbers, he handed the prugmmme over L0 Mr. \V_ H. Pugsley who acted a] mast-muster. After "The King" was duly hunmud. he referred to the .laysnfvld when we had no PIFCLIiU Ham and other conveniences which wv now enjoy. ‘ . um , Musical selections by the Orchestra, Misc Aileen Atkgnson, Mr. L. Glasn, Cupfi. Mordon and Mrs. N. J, Glass add- ed mqu to the enjoyment of the evgnipg. .. . ,,,‘J . _ . A - A-) Cvxnnui. Before closing, Mr. Arnold. seconded by Reeve Trench. mnvod a vote of thanks to the Ladies Aid and the en- tmminex-s. which was unanimously cu lied. hnlidnvg METHODIST CHURCH Presbyterian W. M. S. High Fc'nool Crants The Holidays Banquet No. 2. in 1924 full on Gold Fridnv. ‘ ‘lho hrgiI-ning of the address LhaL lhe spmkm- has mnsvered the :wt of which hu spwkv. and has lPfll'lll'kl hum‘ tn run- VPV mqu lunL tx nthx' in nu imp: («5le and engaging mun-net Yang: and ‘nld were “like 1 nthmllr-d and [he vulv of thanks so humm'uuslv prupos‘wl by Bl’ll Giant, and SH'UlIlIPd by R‘ lfr . represynted [hw hearty sentimvnb n! the Whole nudier‘ch Presidvnb A. Matthhh wccupied the chair and cut-- x-Ied the [nee-bug through in n vvrv Salisfaetnry munon ’l‘lw Y. P. S. have earned a eruLnti'm fur wxveml ing llwir promises in the prugmmu 0- they pl'Psklâ€"lb and those behind tbs: snvnes affirm Illat this rrpulatmu “Ill be Well susluined in llm Drunnatiu Pvening all-angnd fur “'ednmd-V, March 5, "The M nislel’s Bridw” is Ike title of th9 Play tn he pnesented. \\ :- \VUIIld advisv those who wish to see it to purchaa‘e tickets in udwnce us the uccunnnodutinn is limiu‘d. E W ian (.1 niuhl Thnu’ ' \\ hu nl unusual treat, any the r9: lity unm ipnlil-ns, the lit-ginning SANDERSONâ€"TO Mr and Mrs. Claus Snndurmn, on Naturdny, th.16Lh, 1924, the gift of a. daughter. (Mildled Blanche.) The Chmtvl Mortgage: Sale of Mr. Edgar Mallny h-vs Ewen p-Istpnned from Fehruarv 26, 1924 to Vluy :16, 1924. SKEANS & HOOPER Solicitors for Lillian Gloss, the present hnlder of the Morrgnge. 35 NORTH YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILL DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF. Office hours 810102Lm. l to 2 and to 8 p.111. Office and residenceâ€"Gentle and Church SLreets Rkhmond Hill Phone N0. 21. J‘l (me Nude! n Dancing Tungle hy HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. ()t‘fire hows 8: 10mm. and 6 :8 pm $3300 buys 6 romuml housn furnace, vlecuiclnglnr. ‘ $5.000 buys 6 rnouled hlick hmISP, all convenience-s. $2 800 buys 4 mmde comb-mp, and St'lhlf’. one half ncrc uf land, just, out side Riuhnmud Hill. $6300 buys one of the finest huan iu the Village, also a number of fine largo homes from $8.500 up {0 $7.500. (lull and see me before buying? I can save you hundreds of dollars. (diseases of women and children.) Ofl’ico hr‘urs l :3 p. m. Phune 100. DR. M. B. WELLWOOD PHONE 121 J. RICHMOND HILL 313? Studio : Cmtre St. W. STAN. WOODHEAD NOTICE DRS. LANGSTAFF Office Hours: h'ht llfh wile DR. J. ?_ WILSON Yuung People Ofiicezâ€"Centre St. West RXCHMOND HILL DANCING .- HEWISON Properties For Sale WESLEY BQYNTON HIV“! It j of the {nun BIRTHS Phone 83 ~ity, l0 SIM- 9d anlivip'nlu it, is quite s: L far heyund Was ev dan ’J (-11:15 on Application Apply ill [ho Sodety 10-12; 6-8. ll) ushytm Mullds.‘ nhli ll eir fl l'lll ‘ lhe 1924 his Phone 17W SAMPLES FR EE PAINTING, DECORATING Phone 306, King. G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. A car each of the 18 and 25% PROTEIN GLUTEN FEED; also a. Heavy Shipment of NUT, STOVE and EGG D. L. & W. COAL (the Best Coal mined) arrived at; I am pleased to offer'this to the Public delivered on a«he basis of Toronto Prices for Coal of the Bell Quality and Screened. Wall Hafngings .. O - Artistic Charm g tLLIU W He'stappingoffthe selvagefrom a roll of STAUNTON SEMI- TRIMMED WALLPAPER and the reason he's happy is that he will do his work in far less time and his customer will be completely satisfied with the room when it is finished. Here’s the H a Paperhanger! ppy The patterns of these papers are all in the newest vogue and the colourings are superb. Whether your fancy lights on a wallpaper that is the very self of an embroidered brocade. a hand-wrought tapestry, or a Start Now to Equip Yourself for 5 Position at Trust! gay Chintz. across the room, you will not be able to tell if it is really wallpaper. 50 perfect. so veritable is the likeness to the fabric it simulates. Let us show you our New Samples. T0 the Public Yonge & Chat-let Stem, Toronto Is Well known throughout Canada for Superior Trhining for positions us Private Secre- taries, Stenograpbers. Typista, Accountants. Commoreinl Tuehen. etc. Graduate: in keen demnnd. [Single copies, 3 cts. STANTON SEMI-IRIHMED ' WALLPAPER SAVES. m4: Write for handsome Catalogue \V. J. ELLIOTT - ancwu MURPHY & BEYNON I. D. Ramer General Merchants THE ELEVATOR ELLIOTT Enter any time RICHMOND H ILL No. 35

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