Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Mar 1924, p. 3

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72 Years OEd, But Actively On Jab Railroad Man Attributes Good Health and Strength to Tanlac. Seventy-two years of age, but still in possession of the priceless boon of good health and actively on the job with the Central Vermont Railroad, where he has worked for 40 years, is the remarkable record of H. H. Moore, 24 Messenger St., Albans, Vt., who at- tributes his present health and strength to the use of TANLAC: New Record Set by Sun Life of Canada. Evidence of widespread presperity is afforded by the statement published by the Sun Life Aswrance Company of Canada covering its transactions for the year 1923. This Company, which is international in its character, oper- ating in over fifty countries, reports substantial advances in all departâ€" ments. or particular public interest is the fact that no fewer than 318,443 policy- holders are assured under ordinary contracts issued by the Company, while in addition 22,731 employees of a great diversity of industries are proâ€" tected under Group Insurance policies. “I have never in my life seén the equal of TANLAC." said Mr. Moore recently. “After spending a lot of > The business in force at December 311% last reached the tremendous total of $703,765,243. showing an increase for the year of $72,360,373. The new business written during the year amounted to $119,804,657. the policies actually issued and paid for being 35,- 975, for a total of $107,391,255. Dur- ing the year the payments to policy- holders and their beneficiaries in re- spect to Death Claims, Matured En- dowments, Profits, etc., amounted to $22,145,979, bringing the total so paid since the organization of the Company to $151,916,489. This amount exceeds the total business in force with the Company fourteen years ago, and at- fords stirring testimony to the degree in which its function is being fulfilled. Profits paid or allotted to policy- holders reached the amount ot $4,417,- 068. After setting aside $3,500,000 for unforeseen contingencies, the net Sur- plus -over all liabilities and capital stock advanced by $3,603,447 to $17,- 872.868. The record is one in which the Direct- ofs of the Campany express their own satisfactionâ€"a sentiment which will be widely shared. It is interesting to note that the Company, in order to facilitate the constant quest for new business, and to maintain the high standard of service to which they have accustomed their policyholders, have established a number of new divisions during the past year, and have further developments of a similar character in contemplation. Why ‘the JoneSes Bought the Can- They Did. Because the salesman: Laughed at Mr. Jones' jokes, Told Mrs. Jones she couldn't have a daughter that old. Told Susie she looked like Mary Pickford. Told Willie Jones he had a build like Qempsey. Said the Jones baby took after both parents. And only smiled when the Jones pup Mother! Give Sick Child “California Fig Syrup” nipped him ing gist 1 Syrup Harmless Laxative for a Bilious, Consflpated Baby or Child. Constipated. bib 10115, feverish, or sick, colic Babies and Children love to take genuine “California Fig the tender lltt1< bowels so nicer It sweetens the st ver and Young Men and Women Who may be afflicted with pimples and blackheads or any other facial blemish or skin trouble. are invited to write us. For 32 years we have been successfully treating Skin, Scalp, Hair and Complexional Trou- bles. including Superfluous Hair, Moles, Warts, etc. We manufacture the Princess Toilet Preparations. Booklet "K" mailed free. HISCOTT INSTITUTE LIMITED 610 College St., Toronto 3D upo Conta st an whi reg )wels RC llate 3V 810 5 directions money on things that proved worth- less for stomach trouble of the most obstinate kind. TANLAC made me feel like an entirely different man. For nearly two years I had been gradually getting worse, and my strength and vitality had got so low it was hard for TANLAC is for sale by all gond drug- gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. me to attend to my duties. Indiges- tlon, constipation, and nervousness made life miserable before I found TANLAC, but now my health 15 nor- mal and I feel happy as I work. I shall always be grateful to TANLAC." Good-bye to Englandâ€"land of little towns And a great history. Good-bye, sweet lanes Full of bright angel children, and old ‘ men, Buddy and gentle; and the oaks and beeches, Elms that engulf a hamlet In the sky, Majestic, beautiful, benignly towering Over a tiny green and grassy villâ€" Thatched and depressed with lvy and the beehivesâ€" And Infant shops with Lilliputlan toys, Odd nothings sold for a penny with a smile, From clean bowed windows out of wonderland. These are her jewels, these small sacred towns, Unique in the universe! These mlnla- tures, . Initials on a medlaeval text, Brilliant as Chaucer’s death-defying Page, Enrich the map of England. Such she. was, Is, and shall be, whatever else the fates, Conspiring in their gloomy cavern, threaten, Or the dark ski-es forecast, or foes at homeâ€"â€" Enemies, or the Avengers of the worldâ€" Wreak on her distant real-ms through peace or war. From the Canon's Mouth! One ambition of Canon Hay Aitken, Vice-Dean of Nbrwich Cathedral, is to beat John Wesley’s record of preach- ing 27,000 sermons. But Father Time may intervene. The Canon Is eighty- two; and, starting when he was seven- teen, he has now delivered 22,000 ser- mons. STOMACH MISERY, ' GAS, INDlGESTlON On sleepy streets the fills, : But thoughtful ev‘er_of 8. And foolish-fond of l hills. Seatolk are given so to telling tales, I think the moon, when she puts in at last, . May spin a story where she reefs her sails; th 13 all of More lonesome than a lonesome ship at sea, The sailing moon rides beautifully by. Blou‘n from such purple harbors as may be In unimagined corners of the sky, She Is not careless where she gazes down He has never preached from a writ- ten one, and as It is stated that Wes- ley made one sermon serve many times it is possible that the Canon has already delivered more original dis- courses than the founder of Method- “Papa's Diapepsin" is the quickest, surest relief for Indigestion, gases. flatulence, heartburn. sourness or stomach distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief. Correct your Stomach and digestion now for a few cents. Druggists sell millions of packages of Papa's Diapepsln. Ask for Mlnard’s and take no other. Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills. Good-Bye to Oxfordshire. And there still, leepy tow: little hill. at she passed glimmering r Harbor Talk. â€"John Jay Chapman poorest from Germany & circumstance: ors in §Berlin David Morton , littl_e ittle, of shortlan é? loneso of little town wooded qu ilence Unless you see the name "Beyer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer As- pirin proved safe by millions and pre- scribed by physicians over twenty- tbree years for ' Colds ' Headache Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” only. Each unbroken package con- tains proven directions. Handy boxes 01 twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell botti_e_s,_ot 24 and 100. Because tea deteriorates very rapid- ly if exposed to air many tests and ex- periments have been‘ made to find an efficient means of packing it so as to preserve the flavor. The “SALADA” Tea Company first used lead packages but some years ago adopted aluminum foil, aluminum being more durable and lighter than lead, besides, of course, being absolutely sanitary and air-tight. This method of packing is admitted to be the most effective known to pre- serve the flavor of tea. All “SALADA” is sold in air-tight aluminum pack- ages. Avoid loss when sending money by mailâ€"Use Dominion Express Money Ordersâ€"the safe, convenient, inexpen- sive way. The number of living organisms in one single gram of soil exceeds 40,â€" 000,000. Aspirin is the trade' mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticahldestet of Salicylioacid. W'hile it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tab. lets of Bayer Company will be stamp- ed with their general trade mark, the One should never touch an electric switch while he has one hand in con- tact with a sink or other damp place. Beware of Imitations! “Bayer Cross.” Keep Mlnard’s Llnlment In the house. A good stunt is to tell a spectaâ€" tor that it he will clasp his hands according to your directions and will utter certain magical words he will be unable to leave the room without» unclasping his hands. This is done by causing the victim to clasp his hands around a piano leg. Another stunt is to ask a spec- tator to select any card he like: from the pack. Make the selec- tion or it as complicated as pos- sible and add all of the details possible. Put the victim to a lot of trouble, making notes, c‘ounting cards, etc. When the victim has paid for exposing your pet trick. say to him. "What card did you select?" He will give the name of the card and you will say, solemnly: "That is correct." Then go on with another trick hoping that the victim will not resent the practical joke too much. (Clip this out and paste it. with other of the series. in a scrapbook.) THE REASON FOR ALUMINUM. EASY TRICKS No. 329 False Magic Twins for Both. Everything is divided equally. The rich man has his twin six and the poor man his six twins. Try every day to consider a masterâ€" pieceâ€"«a picture, a musical composi- tion, a poem or some bit of good prose literature. Constant association with masterpieces makes for intellectual elevation and leaves little room for cheapnesseither of thought or of speech. LUMBAGO luplo finch tree}: mu. Address: ‘ my. an,“ Pug: a 1, w.. 199mg; “My trouble started with plmples breaking out all Over my face and , shoulders. The pimples were large and red and fes- tered,andilchedandburned so badly that I could not sleep. They were very sore \ ' andmy clothingaggravatcd _ ‘ ghem. ‘ ' “ I read an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent {or a free sample which helped me. I purchased more, and after using four cakes of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed.” (Signed) William C. Sheen, 39 Peabody St., Buffalo, N. Y. And Shoulders. Burned Badly. Cuticura Heals. ju're. Span 5c Rub the stiff parts with Mln- ard’s. It eases pain, relieves stiffness. Use Cuticura for all toilet puzposea. ITBHY PIMPLES All OVER FACE No remedy can cure all ail- ' ments of the hu- man body, but an immense number of peo- le nufl' er from ac es, pains and dis- easesymptomswhen their real trouble is lack of iron In the blood. It is the iron in your blood that enables you to get the nourishment out of your food. Without Iron your food merely passes through you with- out doing you any good;you don’t et the strength out of it. here is one univers- ally known tonic that has helped thousands because It contains iron like the iron in fresh vegetables and like the iron in your blood. NUXATED IRON is an eminent physician’s best blood rescription, standardize It is recom- mended for all anaemic and tun-down conditions. It has helped thousands of ‘others’isétfshould help on. or it at an, J drug store. cap 8?. Uihhnént flinhci 5'0: iaiéum 52. Luticura Sclprlhlves without mug. Selalled. Papka ge TheTobacco 0! Quality which keeps the tobszco In its original condition, Iso in tins Smoke Money has wings; but, alas, it is not a homing pigeon! WOOLGROWERS, YOUR OWN wool manufactured or exchangu ed for yarn or blankets. Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. Pure organic‘phosphate. known to most druggists as Bitroâ€"Phosphate, Is what nerve-exhausted, tired-out people must have to regain nerve force and energy. That's why it’s guaranteed. Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical 00., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. éegesmmmmmmmcmmméi Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- etable Compound Relieved Her of Inflammation and Great Weakness West St. John, N. B.â€"“I was in a general run-down condition following the birth of my twin boys. I had a great deal of inflammation, with pains and weakness. Finall my doctor recom- mended Lydia E. ginkham’s Vegetable Com ound. He said that your medicine wo d be the only thin to build me up. I am sure he is right, or I am feeling much better and am gaining in weight, having one down to ninety-three ounds. was in bed for over amonth, ut am up a ain now. I have recom- mended the egetable Compound tomy friends and give you permission to use my letter.”â€"Mrs. ELMER A. RITCHIE, 82 Rodney St., West St. John, N. B. There are many women who find their household duties almost unbearable ow- The trouble may be slig] such anno 'ng symptoms pains, wea mess andarun- Lydia. E. Pinkham’s Ve pound ia-a splendid medi‘ Strong Nerves I' 'EYESfi??? Wholesomefimflefresmn Classified Advertisements M.D. advises: “Persons who suffer from severe indigestion and constipation should take af- ter each meal and at bedtime, fif- teen to thirty drops of the Ex- tract of Roots known to the Drug Trade as “Mother Seigel’s Cura- tive Syrup.” Get the Genuine at your druggist. Relieves ISS FOR SALE TWIN BQYS Dyspepsia j foâ€"R Km R by {eméving i mediane for a many case 01] sons who 1digestion :1 take af- adtime, M- ‘f the Ex- ) the Drug |el’s Cura- ienuine at 333% 0 mmx. $Y’: ‘. ’1‘? ‘ fia'dra ging [own elimr. rien read .e is

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