Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Mar 1924, p. 1

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China, Cut Glass, Grocerles and 1»- Confections Office A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL ANII UNIONVILLE SIMEON JOYCE, L.C Start Now to Equip Yourself for 11 Position at Trust! Wednesday Efierlings~ Children 15c Saturday Evenings â€" ‘- s â€"- AT THE ~â€" RICHMOND HILL ARENA 1 Wednesday and Saturday ’ Evenings Band in Attendance ADMISSION PRICES: Yongé' & ‘Uluu'les Sts., Tut-(mu: Is Well known throughout Unnnda for Superim‘ Training for positions us Private Secre- taries, Stenographers. Typistu, Accountants. Commercial Teachers. etc, Gn-uduutvs in keen dmndnd. \V Write for lmndsmno Now accepting pupils. Studio at; the home of Miss Heise “Royal Grafton Willow” pattern, in cups and saucers, plates, sugar and creams, etc. An assortment of novelties suitable for card parties; Our stock of Groceries always fresh, and prices right. Bruce’s High-Class Chocolates and Candies. Pupil uf Josef Lhevinne Ind Frank S. Wolsman Studio: Over Mr. E. R. Formal-’5 Tailor Store. PHONE 95 Dr. L. R. BELL Have just received a crate of "Royal Grafton China” in latest colours, “Primrose and “Plum” in solid colours. Primrose, Apple Green and Pale Blue in a broad band with black scroll round top and b: ttcm of band . '. J. ELLIOTT - mecwu VOL. XLVI. PELHAM CHAFFEY CHOIR; DENTWST Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours9n.m. to 5.30 p.m. Telephone 32 Q J. MOLE TENOR TEACHER OF SINGING Yonge and Centre Sts. CIR-LEADER AND ORGANIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIANO and TH EORY ELLIOTT SKATING Enter any time .50 per annum, in advance all skaters CAN,‘ Chairman Jiiéhmond Iii” Arena ' 304x" Catalogue 25;('ents for Adults . STEIN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhnt Faauk A'be l Arm-brong, of the City of anontn. in the- Uuuuly of Yolk, L'Ithm'. will apply to the Parliament of Cunadu, at the: prawn! sat-ssh)” then-hf, fur a Bill of [)ivune flum his wife, Lillie E Armstrung. ut‘ the said City of ’l‘urunh‘, (m the mnunds of adulter and desvrliun. DATED AF TORONTO. this 5th day of Mulch, A. D‘, 19:34, b‘liANK‘AHBEfi'lj_ARMSTRONG Leghorns J. W. BOWMAN Yorkshires STOP 29 YONGE St. 330m: 44 1'11 R R., RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Notice of Application for Divorce $10.00 [191106 7 100?; Fertility Gmnantced SPECIAL PRICES 0N LARGE ORDERS (ALL EXPRESS CHARGES PREI’AJD) OUR CAPACITY IS 5,280 EGGS EVERY THREE \VEEKS EGGS HATCHING BABY CHICKS Custom Hatching $5 00 per 100 eggs .l . V uux/xl nu addrnss herp, but owing to weather cnnditinns few were advantaged by it. This time we hope everyone who makes a garden may make an effort. to came. The older buys of public sch0ul and boys nf high school are specially invited to Ibis meeting. Following the addrvss the Society hope to award special prizPs for grafting at the Annual Fall Flown Show in Sent. Single Comb White Leghorns senth by Prof, Neilson. Two agv, Prof. Neilson gave Ell! addrpss hers», but owing to Wt cnnditinns few were advantaged This time W9 hem-v avnrvmm mlm Next, Tuesday. March in store for the nmnhers the Horticultural Society A. Neilsnn, uf Vineland,( n domanstmtvd addn‘ss Fruit. Trees." This addn fitructire and most attr "L, . n r York County Com all the county cm appointf‘d the follnwi ment to Lake plnm George Stuaxt, Willi George. Thnmpsnn, \Villiam Myers and \l BROOKLANDS Village Council, 18L Board of Educatinu Bnard of Trade, 3m Horticultural Sneie TRADE MARK RRGISTFRED by his snueiit’uéfi" MURPHY & DONALD 3U2»Ba_v Srwet. RICHMOND an Richmond Hill $25.00 per 100 an end of Apr in $26.00 per 100 rest of seusnn 1007o Live Arrival Guaranteed New Regufar Meetings Ton-bum Horticultural HEREBYGIVEN lhnt Arm- trong, of the City the Ufnley 0f Yolk, :dmrm'timrl, ISL County Constables mde, 3rd. Monda§mv 11 Society, 3rd Tuesd y. march 18, a Heat is mpmhers and friends of :1 Society. Prof Jus. inpland, Ont, will give addn‘ss 0n “Grafting ‘his address is most in- March 19 ‘ouncil hasdismisse cgnstnhleg and r: ’ing. then-appoint- (:9 from April ): lium Bx-imscmnlw, ‘ V'l‘homas Kirk. \V. E. Martindulv. “In Essentials, Uuity; i Mend HCUVe as pre- in‘ Sept. Mfmdav “'0 years such an 41 luau I'inn' when they preseuned the amusing play "The Minister’s Bride.” The School Rum-m was crowded to the ducts, and lhe large =udience must have been un inspiration to the yuung l actors. wba fillud their varied roles in a must, crulitublu manner. Wh-‘re all did so well. it, would be unfair to make special mention at any in particular. ‘ The cast uf charactmn was as fol- lows : The Minister-Allan MncNahlx The Brideâ€"~Misa M‘deliue Ooomr,’ Mrs. Charityâ€"Ruby Forrester. Mu. ' Sharpeâ€"Zilpnl) Toppm'. Mrs. Crabbe-â€" Frances Batty. Mrs. Swegoodâ€"Frimces ; Dim-y. Mrs. Bacterdaysâ€"Obi-isde Stein. Molly Charityâ€"Rose Robiumr~ Miranda Meekâ€"Ann» 3 Sims. Penfilvpfi Pntienceâ€"Murgare-t Leland. Janet Heatherâ€"Margaret Stirling. Eliza. Homespunâ€"oGladys Grant. Miss lune: r Alberta H-wisnn, Min Smileyâ€"â€" Audrey Tuck. Juc Crab O~Jack Inues. Robert Spencoâ€"Jlm ('owie. Amos Ramâ€"Jim McLenn. Jim Curtisâ€" Ruhert Mush. Elnpln-nim Suelgroveâ€" Fart» Grant. The vuuna neonle m The Young Peuple‘s Society of the Presbyterian Church prnvidvu A most enjoyable entertainment far the Cum- munitynn \Veduesddy of last. wmlk, when they presented the amusing Many of our citizens ca the aftermmu and evening, congratulations. Rvmmm and '1‘. F, Martin responded, expressing an he~ half of his wife and hiunsvlf, his Ihnnks im- the kind expu-ssiuns and gund wishes. v, ....\. .um-ua uuln Mn p19, anunlv and Richmond H 1] Besides n. wvll fill-d pln'=e of gnld from tht‘il eight sons uud dnnghlers, the px'vsvuts (‘unsixttd nf beautiful fl\-\VPI'3 from Fidelis Bible Class, The \V, M 8'. Lung Di~tauce Telephhnv girls. Mri Simpson, Toronto, and other friend in Richmm:d Hill. Ailrr a. splendid fowl dinm-x- cunguuulutury speecle were made by Revs. N. Wellwoud and H. Wane”. (:‘L , .7..- Inn...“- uunuusL ls uemg held in the High and Public Schools of our village this week for which prizes are being offered by the \V.C.T.U. The subjects in the High School are. 1 “Total Abstinence and Modern In~ dnsuial Organization." 2 “Smoking and High School Scholarship," for- which the prizes me lst $5, 2nd $3, 3rd $2. The subjects in the Public Schnol meâ€"â€"â€"I "Film i-easnns whv one gains by Total Abstinence." 2 “A hstinence from Tnhav'co as a Help Ln Fitness for School Athletics," fur whivh the prizes are for 4(h hookâ€"Isl; $3, 2nd $2, 31d 81. For third bunkâ€"lst $2, 2nd SI, 3rd 50 01.n‘1- cents um 49m annual statement of the Standard Bank. which appears on an inside page of this paper. must, he very encouraging: tn the shareholders. Aft" Paying all charges of manage. mam. and n...l.:..... ~1....- - - ,,_ ‘ ...., q-l(.|CllUlu(' After paying all charges of ment and making ‘firnfisiun had or doubtful debts, the p1 the year are shown as $695,094 the statement. The 49th annual {Staâ€"{anrd Bank. w! vvvanesday evening. March Tickets 25 cents. Proceeds in a the Methodist choir, Tickets f0 at Sloan's Drug Store. unurch, Toronto, will giveaconcsrv, consisting of sulns. duets and anthems in Lhe Methodist Church. have Wodnesdav pvanno M.._.J~ m The choir of St. Paul's P Chill‘Ch. Tm‘nmn. win m.“ Thé Sinii‘fir‘iI-gtll'nii, seénnd prize, \va ruptured hy L. Dnner, (L V. \Vright J‘ K. Agnew, G. Cowio, skip. by F. Hurry setvxces. sermon sthe “the cost nfsnlvau'onâ€" to pay the pricv?" 7 who Crucifv (finish. Church man An Essay and poster contest i J: :7 AI "- - ’ ’ Thu SIR The Minister will . ONT” THURSDAY MARCH 13, 1924 Essay and Poster Contest 3h: Minister‘s Bride Slatpr Cup, first prize,‘waa wan Clark. Gen. Drury, W. Jnnvs. Thumpsnn. skip. Smith Medal, second nrizp mac Golden Wedding Preshylerlan Services Annual Statement _, Trophies Won Choir Concert in Non-Essentials, Lizons cane-.1 dining evening, and ofleled did fowl dinm-x- «hes were made by and H. Wane”. (i, P, McMahon. Mr. expressing an he~ im Suelgrove- mg people Is lg. March 19. ‘mceeds in aid of Tickets for sale éecnnd prize, was friexruds fruit. preach a: both if‘ctsqll a. m, Halon 101‘ any Hm prnfifs for +111: we Willing p. In. "People Cuiuphnsâ€"(he I'F‘Sbytorian is being Read Yonge SL, RICHMOND HILL! ESTATES Managed INSURA NCE Effected CON VEYANCING Done COLLECTIONS Made LOANS Executed QLABS, out into delivered, $10.75). Best; Hard Coalâ€"Stove, E; Nabâ€"at the C. N. Ii. Station, PEARSE & MILLS Plumbing, Heating and $heet Metal Work Richmond HM, Phone 84 J. .1. ..nd tn” fair play is nur business reputation. It mmt strike you that, (baL's a preHy gund cnmhination upun which to haw all “ppm-I fnl‘ your pntronagn. \Ve want you to investi- gate u Had {hen emplyy us. Liberty ; in all things, Charity OLKS say .md thu Cedm' 953‘s and u»! sale. (30 inc'hPâ€"sui'n Also Cement Brit‘k Sand or Gravel snld in car lots. The Maple Sand Onmpanv, Lt'd, ha' Cement. drain tile, Culvert, tile 12. 1‘ The oldest Real Estate Agency in the Vicinity . SHEARDOWN ("'QN TIME'S OUR mono AND "FAIR PLAY'J- ; ’gTHAT'S HOW we MAKE THE} :fiUS'NESiBAYM pPHl‘ed thp day and ML H. A. N IUHULLS 7_ NOTARY PUBLIC PLUMBING AND TINSMITHI H01: \VATER HEATQNG AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. COAL The Real Estate Man )mn missinm-l Insurance RICHMOND HILL $15.75 . HENDERSON u play at Thornhill on 'l‘huls- " Mapleun Tuesday eveningl. ,' and tefephone poles for T. COUSINS, \Vv're alwn)‘. on time Band. Grach and Brie . have on hand f(-r sale. tile. 3, 4. 5, 6 and 8 in. 0 u. 15. l_8 and 20 inch Nicholls , Unnveymucer, E and Hl'ill Esmte l‘2~inch lengths, Hardwood, $12. TINSMITHING by the load 0. ngtb) 37 AU Manager a nd ll: A few tons of PL Credit and Cardinal Glucin Feed on hand, also a good supply of Bran and Shorts. A special price by the ton. acwt. Purity, Maple Leaf, and Royal Household F tour, Polar Bear Pantry in 24 1h. @ 80c. Cut Slabs, Cut Hardwood. Best Grade. Pocohontas Egg Coal @ $12.00 by i the Ton delivered. 1 {Western Oars, Scratch Feed, $2.50 4 I I). L,&W. Scranton Coal in Ex: Stove and Nut sizes, screened before delivery. SAMPLES FREE PAINTING, DECORATING Phone 306. King. SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 128- r 12 (hull and see me hefnre buy save you hundreds of dollars H. WESLEY BOYNTON PHONE 121 J. RICHMOND HILL 34-37 $2.800 buys 4 ronmed stable. one half acre uf side Richmond Hill. ' I NURTH YONGE ST.. RIC ’ LDR. ROLPH L. LANGS [\m - $6300 buys one of the finest homesi n Lhe Village, also a number of fine latgc homes from $6.500 up to $7,500. (hull and see me hefnre buying? I can j , . .. euro DAI- nun)“- $3.700 buys 6 roomed nous}, elect: ic lights. $5.000 buys 6 inqmed brie all conveniences. Oflice hours 8 to 101nm. 1 to: to 8 p. m. Office a nd residenceâ€"Centre Church Streets Richmond Hill I No. 24. . HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. Wall Hingings - 0 _ Artistic Charm DH. LILLIAN C. L; (diseases of women Officv hours 1 :3 p. Phone 100. Public Notice 0. LARUDDELL, D.C. PILC Office hours 8 AT THE ELEVATOR OFFICE : Hours : Oflice:-â€"â€"Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Oflice Hours: 10-12; 68 )‘onsultal ion Free PALMER CHIRbPRACTOR Properties For Sale D88. LANGSTAFF [Single copies rs: 2t05and7tn8p.m Except Wednesday PHONE 117 . Ramer J- P. WILL. SON _._< v -vmch, run half Acre uf land, just out “.1 I12" ABOVE DA vu Apply 10 mm. LANGSTAFF. n and children RICHMOND HILL JGSTAF‘F.‘ at the Office Cogtme. and brick house ES STORE ; 6~8. lt02 and ', furnaceg ) 3 Cts. e and Phone p.m

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