.__.__ ___._.._ W. __._. an . _.7 »___r_ HERE’S W AT SAY A'BOllT TANLAG “If it had not been for Tania couraged woman, for n any good," All the advertising In the world and all the sales efforts combined could not have made the great success for TANLAC that has been attained, un- less this reconstructive tonic possess- ed merit of the greatest degree. Over 40 Million Bottles of Tanlac have been sold and the demand to-day Is greater than ever before. That TANLAC possesses merit and has brought relief to hundreds of thousands of persons Is attested by the great number of testimonials that have been received by the company from people in every state of the Union and every province of Canada. There are over 100,000 such statements on tile with the company, all ringing with sin- cere praise for TANLAC and what it has accomplished. V Here are cxuerpts from a few of the 100,000 statements on ï¬le: Mrs. Edward Gibbs, Lancaster, Pa.â€" “For 2 years indigestion deprived me Olf nearly all the pleasure of living. If it had not been for TANLAC I would still be a sick and discouraged woman, for nothing else seemed to do me any good." Mrs. Mary A. Benson, Seattle, Wash.: "Foil-owing an operatiï¬â€˜n my stomach and nerves seemed to give way and I became almost helpless. As a last re- sort I tried TANLAC. I began to im- says Mrs. Edward Gibbs. PEOPLE-J c I would still be a sick, dis- othing else seemed to do me prove from the very ï¬rst, gained 29 lbs., and toâ€"day am feeling ï¬ne.†0. E. Moore, Kansas City, Mo.: “My stomach seemed to pain me constant- ly, Io-od seemed to do me no good, I would bloat up with gas, lost my strength, and could not sleep or rest. I was on the down-grade all the time. Tanlac corrected my troubles and put me in excellent shape." Thomas Lucas, Peterboro, Ontario: “Well, sir, buying TANLAC was the best investment I ever made. for it built up my health and strength to where I haven’t a complaint in the world.†Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kaake, De- troit, Mich.: "For more than a year our three children, age 2, 4 and 6. had been so peaked and lifeless that we were worried about them. Their stomachs were upset, appetites poor. the color had left their cheeks, their nights were restless and during the day they would just mope around, tak- ing no interest In play or anything else. They began to Improve with the ï¬rst dose of TANLAC, and to-day there are no more healthy children in Detroit." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Over 40 million bottles sold. Accept no substitute. Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills. A Poor Husband. Hubertâ€"“l am wedded to my art.†Shubertâ€""Your wife seems to be a great sufferer.†__..__9_____ Too Shy to Say “No.†"How on earth did young Robin get married?†asked the fat women. “Why, -I always thought he was so terribly shy.†“He is," said the acidfaced woman. “He was probably too shy to say ‘No’ ". Elderly People " Shelley's “Ozymandias of Egypt.†The name of Percy Bysshe Shelley is one of the greatest in English literaâ€" ture. His ï¬nest works are “The Cen- ci†and "Prometheus Unbound," but the best-known are his “Ode to a Sky- lark†and “Ode to the West Wind." Shelley was drowned while yachting In the Gulf of Spezia. His body was washed ashore a fortnight later, and, in accordance with the quarantine laws of Italy, burnt on a pyre in the presence of ByrongLeigh Hunt, and Trelawny. Thefollowing is one of the ï¬nest sonnets in the language, and to-day has peculiar interest: I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: “Twovvast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. sand, Near them on the whose frown And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, No. 330 Selectivity This is an easy and very effect- ive trick and requires no skill and very little practice. Ask half a dozen snctators to loan you half a dozen coins. Put them in a hat. Ask that one of the coins be selected and that each spectator examine It carefully and that it then be placed in the hat. Note may be taken of the date or it may be marked. When the coin has been placed In the hat, you will put your hand In the hat and take out the coin selected. The secret is this: When you borrowed the coins you placed them on a mantlepiece, a stone topped table or somewhere where they will get a chance to be very slightly chilled. The coin ex- amined by the spectators becomes wa’rm from so much handling and you will have little (llillculty in picking it out of the others in the hat. (Clip this out and paste it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) Mother ! “fl Give Sick Baby “California Fig Syrup’,’ Harmless . Laxative to Clean and Bowels of Baby or Child. Even constipat- ed, bilious, fever- ish, or sick, colic " ‘ rm.“ 6' Babies and Child- 4 {<an' K. ren love to take '. Ci genuine "Califor- â€" ‘Z, .. 9:: nia Fig Syrup.†No other laxative regulates the ten- der little bowels/ . so nicely. It It. sweetens the stomach an d I starts the liver and bowels acting Without grip- Contains no narcotics or sooth- Ing. lng drugs. Say "California" to your druggist and avoid counterfeits! sist upon genuine Syrup†which contains directions. â€"_â€"â€"Aâ€"â€" A Drawback to Matrimony. EASY‘TRICKS Liver In- "California. Fig Marin Eve llamch Cons East oniosuccwllicauc stand. ered. They condemn who do not under-l Ask for Minard'a and take no other. He that parlcys has half surrend- You Cannoth 5“ IN ï¬iflï¬._\£ New Eyes But you can Promote l ‘9 clean. Healthy Condition ., a - on n E: astigmatism?†Keep your Eyes Clean, Clear and Healthy. Write for Free Eye Care Book. -___â€" The best prophet of the future in the past. Classiï¬ed Advertisements OOLGROWERSâ€"COTTS AND Rejects accepted for limited time only. Apply Georgetown Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. ‘ O N D E R F U L DISCOVERY. Charges batteries in 10 minutes. Gallon free to Agents. Radiolite 00., St. Paul, Minn. -_â€"_â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"=â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"_'= G RI PPE! Apply Minard’s'to throat and chest. Also inhale. quick relief. d command A little girl in Ayrshire had beenl ee Ten that its sculptor wen those p83 punished for not being able to recite ‘ 51,0115 read her geography lesson. Her mother went to the lady teacher to reprimand her. ‘ “Was it you who punished our wee Jeanie for her geography?" she de- manded. “Yes, I punished her," was the reply. Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words ap- Iron inthe Bio To Give Added . Strength, Vitality, and Greater Pow- d Banished down. . pear: er of Reï¬nance "My name is Ormandias kin of “Weel,†continued the mother an» H A drugglst says: "For nearly Again-st Disease. kings. ) ' g grily, “her Auntie Leczie had nae gco- unless you 55° the name Bayer, thirty Years I have recommended ‘ I ’ l . Cross" 01! 9801(35’6 01‘ 0n tablets YOU‘ the Extract of Roots, known as . â€" Look on my works ve might and des_ graphy, an she got a man. I had use 2 l , . N - 1. . . tr. ' ' 3" geography, anv I got a man. all. there's are not getting the genuine Bayer As-i Mother Selgel s Curative Syrup, R0 .18 constant? ~ _. V _ pa ‘ You “.1, ax .01â€. 90 “L h, . , ,pirin proved safe by millions and pro- , for. arresting and _ permanently lenvmg the body, . . hothing beside remains. Round the - 3 g g p y' ‘1‘“ 30“ m d b h 510mm we, twenty.‘ relieving constipation and Indi- especiagy toward the period offmidclillg decay havena got a man yet! I don't want Eï¬ieeeyear: {gr}, ‘ i gestion. It is an old reliable a c an you must make u or t ' mv lassiet et e0 ra h l†. t rf ils to do the ï¬n deï¬cigncy if you Wflntpto escape of thaï¬aiil°ssal week’ boundless and ' 3:54}: p y 001d: h gem?“ {£3 SSS/:5 :hrice daily. "case ant be strong and well. When ' ‘ - V Toot ac e um 2180 Get the ermine at your dru gist, the iron in your blood runs low, signs The 10119 and 19"“ sands BUNCH 184‘ f Infanggle mortoahty has gone. do,“n Neuritis Rheumatism g a : Eng 2 la “a; , of old age creep into your system. away." mm 1 per 1’ 00 at the begmmng Neuralgla Pain, Pain W m ï¬there is not enough iron circulating â€"VVâ€".:.â€".. 0f the century to 80 Per 1,000 to-duy. Accept «Bayer Tablets 0: Aspirin», -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"-~â€"â€"- 0 > e blood-stream becomes thin pale a - - ' . I - . on]. Each unbroken package con- ‘ ‘ and watery, the body weak on run- GOd 8 Little Thlngs' small mmds M0 captlvated by (an; proven directions. Handy boxes \‘ In such cascs ordinary iron- oonininlng foods seldom supply a. sufï¬cient quantity of this important element to make up for the waste so thnt many hyslcinns now rcscribe n concentrated form 0 organic ironâ€" uxnted Ironâ€"which contains iron like the iron in your blood. Actual blood tests show that a trclnendousl luï¬e number of people who are weak and i lac iron in thcir blood. If ypu are not. sure of {our own condition. go to your doctor and have ‘m take your blood-count and see where you “and or a so make the following test yourself: See how long you can work or how for on can walk without becoming tircd' next. t 8 two live- rnin tablets of Nuxsted Iron three times per uy after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. By euricbin the blood and creating new red blood cells IYuxoted lron strengthen the nerves. rebuilds the weakened tissues an helps to instill renewed energy and power into the whole s tern. Unlike t a older inorganic iron products, Nuxntcd Iron is easily assimilated, does not injure the tooth, mnke them black nor upset the stomach. The munuincturnrs guarantee suc- cossful and entirely sntisiertory results to over purchaser or they will rclund your money. is dispensed by all floodg‘qgists. ' 0' CATARRHAL DEAFNESS :â€" Many have had surprising rcllei from £4 Camrrhal Deafness Heed Noises. “ -V.' Rinxma in the Ears and Head Colds E by using ' Leonard Ear Oil ‘7 Asoothingmenetrating oil that is 1 very eï¬ecttva. Just rub it. back of :5 For sale everywhere 8125 Interesting descriptive . litibllle' 7"Pa. I :1 love the little things of Godâ€"â€" jThe loamy scent of fresh-turned sod. ‘ The fleecy white clouds in the sky, jThe passing of the south winds by, 'The darting flash of bluebird‘s wing, tAnd all the sights and sounds of spring. I love the days when summer fades, The scarlet tinge In forest glades, The wild grapes. purple on the vine, The crisp air, heady as old wine, The hint of snow in graying slry, To warn us that old winter’s nigh. â€"â€"ilazel Blair. ._.____°___ Payment for articles advertised in this column should be made with Do- minion Express Money Ordersâ€":1 safe way of sending money by mail. â€"-â€"ov Plumber's Harvest. Teacherâ€"“Now, Bobbie. tell us when is the harvest season 1‘" Debbie ~~ "From Noveiiiher to ,llurch.†Teacher "Why. lobbie. 1 am sur- Tprised that you should name such bar- !ren months. \Vho told you they were the harvest season?" He's a plumber. ____\-.____ N triï¬es. CZEMA of the skin and scalp is In min» Lion that we have been sucoossmlb‘ hunting by mail and in our ofï¬ce. here for over 80 years. I! Afflicted, write “I u- phlninn your case fully. We also treat at home I’lmnles. Blomhes, Blackheads nnd other non contagious skin troubles. Buporfluuus Hair. Moles. Warts, eta, permanently erstilcnud by Lbs only methodâ€"Electrolysis. Write for Booklet “F†Hiscott Institute Limited Hlscott Bldg. 61D College St. Toronto GIRLS! HAIR GROWS THICK AND BEAUTIFUL 35-Cent "Danderine" Does Wonders for Lifeless, Hair. Neglected of luxuriant hair full of gloss, lus~ ly follows a genu- ;ine toning up of early Educated. 'f neglected scalps , l: was licnnetli's first day at School with depentlab.’ [anl " ..E n all the pupiis were seated he “Dandcrdine.†:raise his hand and said: ' Falling h a l r l "i ran spell cat and count up to \ / itching scalp and ,seven '. ‘ write my own name. so you ‘ z the daDGI‘UE is iwon‘t l‘.'.l\:“ zt- lM~‘-.'::2r to teach me corrected Immediately. Thin, dry. imuc‘n." wispy or fading hair is quickly Invig- _ ._â€" -oâ€".~~â€"- orated, taking on new strength, c.;1 E\(‘l"\' lililiic face l< illL‘ ledger Ofinnd youthful beauty, "Danlerina“ is his lI'WLl Nil 05 his rvt'ii :mca'i'RIZYS. delightful on the hair“, a refreshing. Keep Minard's Llnlment In the house. stimulating tonic * not sticky greasy! Any drugstore. 01' A gleany 112.153 , tre and life short- ‘ of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100.l Aspirin is the trade mark (registered“ in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of" Monoaccticacidestcr of Salicy‘licacid.‘, While It is well known that Aspirin‘ means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tab lets of Bayer Company will be stamp- ‘ed with their general trade mark, the, “Bayer Cross." l ._â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€"______â€" lI I For Lashng fragrance Use tuhcsra Iaicusl There is nothing better than Cuticura Talcum for powder- ing and perfuming the skin. It appeals to the most fastidious because of its ï¬ne, smooth tex- ture and delicate fragrance. Sasp25c 23 . Ointment L t m , kept me from my work (I he] lï¬llllli WflllEll Mrs. Holmberg Tells How Lydia E.Pinkbam’sVegetable Compound Helped Her ‘ Viking, Alta.â€"“Fr0m the time I was" 15 years old I would get such sick feel- ' s in the lower part of my abdomen, f0 lowed by cramps and vomiting. This f) my par- ents on the farm) as I usua ly had to go to bed for the rest of the day. Or at times I would have to walk the floor. I suffered in this way until a friend in. duced me to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. I have had very satisfactory results so far and am recc ommenrling the Vegetable Compoundto my friends. I surely am glad I tried it for l fat-l like a different person now that I don ‘t have these troubles.â€â€"â€" OnaLlA H 01.31 IIIZRG,BOX {>3.‘.'iking, Alta.‘ Letters like this establish the merits inkham's Vegetable Coma poun .. .101; it‘ll of the relief frontsqu pains and alllmlr ts after taking it. 4 Lydia E. l’inlzham’s Vegetable Comâ€" pinzmixnatlv fr!mnutiyerw-tsandherbs, ‘ ' mtic or harmful drugs, the record of being the 11 remedy fur female ills and thousands of vole .inls prove this fact, ri- ubt that Lydia EPInkham'B lound will hem m. E. Pinlzhan‘.‘ Myeodi